HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC AGENDA PK 2001/01/29
Mitigated Negative Declaration
PROJECT NAME: Moss Street Townhomes
ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 619-051-21 & 22
PROJECT APPLICANT: Jorge Sanchez & Daniel Contreras
CASE NO.: IS-01-09
DATE: January 29, 2001
A. Proi ect Setting
The proposed project is located at 345 Moss Street, situated south of Moss Street, between
Fourth and Third Avenue in the Montgomery Specific Planning Area (Exhibit A), The
subject site consists of two developed lots for a total of 0,83 acres, A 0,5 acre lot fTonts on
Moss Street and a second 0,33 acre lot is land-locked behind to the rear. A single-family
residence is constructed on the lot fTonting on Moss Street and a storage shed/workshop
currently occupies the second parcel. The site is relatively flat and is located in a fully
urbanized area of the City, Surrounding properties are zoned R-3 - Multiple Family
Residential to the north, south, and west, and CCP - Commercial to the east. The adjacent
commercial site is developed with retail commercial (K-Mart), Residential properties to the
north are developed with apartments and single family residential; and properties to the south
and west are developed with apartments.
B. Proi ect Description
The applicant proposes to construct a 14-unit townhome project, The two-story project
includes seven (7) two-unit buildings, twenty-eight (28) enclosed garage parking spaces, six
(6) guest parking spaces, and a 2,120 square foot outdoor common use area, Each unit is a
two-level, three bedroom, three bath unit with an attached two-car garage, The applicant
would be required to install curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Moss Street fTontage per City
Engineering Standards, A central driveway provides access to the proposed project. The
project will require the consolidation of the two subject lots into one legal parcel. Individual
units will be equipped with sprinklers for fire protection, The project landscape includes a
mixture of trees, shrubs, and turf throughout the complex and will be subject to review and
approval of the City's landscape planner.
C, Compliance with Zoning and Plans
The subject property is zoned R3 - Apartment Residential and designated RH - Residential
High (18-27 dwelling units/acre) on the City's General Plan. The project is also located in
the Montgomery Specific Planning Area, which also designates the site as RH - Residential
High, The 14-unit project is consistent with the current zoning and General Plan
designations that would allow for a maximum of25 units (I unit per 1,430 square feet), The
site plan includes 11,630 square feet of open space (922 square feet per unit) which exceeds
the Municipal Code requirement of 400 square feet per unit. The proposed project exceeds
the Municipal Code parking requirement by six (6) parking spaces,
D, Public Comments
On December 7,2000 a Notice ofInitial Study was circulated to property owners within 500-
foot radius of the proposed project site, The public comment period ended December 18,
2000, No comments were received,
E, Identification of Environmental Effects
An Initial Study conducted by the City of Chula Vista (including an attached Environmental
Checklist form) determined that the proposed project will not have a significant
environmental effect, and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report will not be
required, This Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with Section 15070 of
the State CEQA Guidelines.
I. Air Quality & Hazards
Potential Impacts Associated with Aesbestos
The proposed project includes the demolition of a single-family residence and accessory
building. The demolition of these buildings may result in the release of hazardous
materials such as asbestos, In order to mitigate potential impacts to a level below
significance the existing structures will be examined for the presence of asbestos prior to
demolition, The applicant will be required to contract with a consultant certified by the
State of California to conduct asbestos assessments and supervise the proper removal of
this element if it is found on-site. The applicant will adhere to all State and local
regulations, These regulations require that a permit be obtained and the proper protocols
followed in the removal of asbestos,
2, Noise
Title 19 of the Chula Vista Municipal Zoning Code specifies Exterior Noise Limits
(Environmental Noise - LEQ in any hour and Nusiance Noise - not to be exceeded any time) of
50 dB for multiple family residential at night (10 pm t07 am weekdays & 10 pm to 7 am
weekends) and 60 dB during the day (7 am to 10 pm weedays & 8 am to 10 pm weekends),
The standard for multiple family interior noise limits are 45 dB at night (10 pm to 7 am) and 55
dB during the day (7 am to 10 pm),
On-site noise is dominated by street traffic noise from nearby 3" A venue and Moss Street with
some contribution from parking lot traffic and service delivery truck traffic from the adjacent
commercial use (K-Mart), The parking lot and delivery truck noise from the K-Mart site may
result in the exposure of future occupants of the proposed project to severe noise levels, Due to
this potential noise impact, an Acoustical Analysis was prepared by Douglas Eliar &
Associates. (January 10, 2001),
The Acoustical Analysis evaluated impacts to future sensitive receivers in relation to the noise
level standard discussed above, A noise metering device was placed on the subject site adjacent
to the loading area behind K-Mart. This monitor was used to record a series of hourly average
noise levels (LEQ) recorded between the hours of 4 pm January 2nd and II am January 5~ 2001,
The Acoustical analysis concluded that the outdoor use area will be subject to noise levels
below 60dB(A) CNEL. This is considered normally acceptable for outdoor residential use by
the City of Chula Vista, However, five daytime hourly average noise levels above 60 dB(A)
LEQ were recorded, The loudest of these hourly excess noise levels was 66,0 dB(A)LEQ, This
noise generated by the adjacent K-Mart shipping and receiving area exceeds the hourly average
noise levels and requires mitigation,
Mitigation of potential exterior noise impacts can be achieved through the construction of a
sound attenuation wall along the eastern property boundary. from the southern property
boundary north to the front yard setback boundary, The sound attenuation wall shall be
constructed as specified below in Section F,
In accordance with California Administrative Code. Title 24. Standard construction techniques
will provide a minimum reduction in noise of 15dB (A) CNEL of exterior noise levels to an
interior receiver. Therefore, no further analysis is required for residential units located in an
area of less than 60 dB(A) CNEL and the proposed project is in compliance with the Municipal
F. Mitigation Necessary to Avoid Significant Impacts
Specific project mitigation measures are required to reduce potential environmental impacts identified
in the Initial Study to a level below significance, The mitigation measures will be made a condition
of approval and shall be incorporated in the approved Mitigation Monitoring Program (Attachment
Aesbestos Related Impacts
1. Prior to demolition of the eXlstmg buildings, the applicant shall contract with an
environmental consultant certified by the State of California to conduct testing for the
presence of asbestos and for the proper removal and disposal of this element, if detected,
The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining all the required pennits fÌ'om all affected
state and local regulatory agencies including the Air Pollution Control District and shall
provide proof of having obtained approval to proceed with this process to the Planning
and Building Department prior to obtaining a building pennit.
Exterior Noise Impacts
1. A sound attenuation wall shall be constructed along the eastern property line from its southern
end to the front setback (or 20 feet from the northern property line) prior to occupancy of the
proposed project. The sound attenuation wall shall be of solid construction design with the use
of either masonry, wood, plastic, fiberglass, or a combination of these materials, It shall be
constructed with no cracks or gaps through or below the wall, It must be of tongue and groove
design or have all gaps and cracks filled with a caulking compund, Any gates must be designed
with overlapping closures, If wood is used, it must use at least 7/8 of an inch thick material or
have a density of at least 3 1/2 pounds per square foot. Plexiglass, lexan or plastic can be used
in place of wood to preserve the surrounding view, Typically, this construction is a 3 Ih foot
wall of masonry with plexiglass lexan up to the specified height. If lexan or plastic is used, it
must be at least \4 inch thick material.
G. Consultation
1. City ofChula Vista:
Edalia Olivo-Gomez, Planning Division
Steve Power, Planning Division
Gary Williams, Planning Division
Cliff Swanson, Engineering Division
Frank Rivera, Engineering Division
Ralph Leyva, Traffic Engineering
Majed AI-Ghafy, Traffic Engineering
Bill Ullrich, Public Works
Chief Plans Examiner, Building Division
Justin Gipson, Fire Department
Sweetwater Authority: Russell Collins
Applicant's Agent: Jorge Sanchez
2, Documents
Title 19, Chula Vista'Municipal Code
Chula Vista General Plan
Montgomery Specific Plan
Acoustical Analysis for Moss Street Townhomes, Dougla Eilar & Associates,
January 10,2001 (Revised January 29, 2001),
3, Initial Study
This environmental determination is based on the attached Initial Study, any comments
received on the Initial Study and any comments received during the public review period
for this Mitigated Negative Declaration, The report reflects the independent judgement
of the City of Chula Vista, Further information regarding the environmental review of
this project is available rrom the Chula Vista Planning Department, 276 Fourth Avenue,
Chula Vista, CA 91910.
1t~4'/~?~ ¿Q' Date: Jþlf/ò/
( (
aril , F, Ponseggi )
Environmental Review Coordinator
PROJECT 345 Moss Street
ADDRESS: Request: Proposed construction of (8) 2-story single family
- residential townhomes (16 units) built on 0.828 acres
= LOCATOR FILE NUMBER: with 40 total parking spaces provided, 32 spaces
No Scale DRC - 01-09 enclosed garage and 8 compact parking spaces,
C:\myfilesllocators\DRC0109,cdr 09/14/00
Case No.IS-Ol-09
1. Name of Proponent: Jorge Sanchez & Daniel Contreras
2, Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Chula Vista
276 Fourth Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
3. Address and Phone Nnmber of Proponent: 515 4th Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
(619) 420-8690
4. Name of Proposal: Moss Street Townhomes
5. Date of Checklist: January 29. 2001
Potentially Significant Lesstban
Significant Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Conflict with general plan designation or 0 0 0 0
b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or 0 0 0 0
policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction
over the project?
c) Affect agricultural resources or operations 0 0 0 0
(e.g" impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts
from incompatible land uses)?
d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of 0 0 0 0
an established community (including a low-
income or minority community)?
The proposed project consists of the construction of a 14-unit townhome complex on a developed
O,83-acre site, The subject property is zoned R3 -Apartment Residential Zone and designated RH-
Residential High on the City's General Plan, The project is also located in Montgomery Specific
Planning Area, The Montgomery Specific Plan conforms to the General Plan designation, The
proposal is consistent with the Zoning, General Plan, and Specific Plan designations, No mitigation
is required,
No mitigation measures are required
(M:\hornclplannmglkeJlhltemp!ate\ckIISt. tern) pagel
Potentially Significant Less than
Significant Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local 0 0 0 ~
population projections?
b) Induce substantial growth in an area either 0 0 0 ~
directly or indirectly (e,g" through projects in
an undeveloped area or extension of major
c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable 0 0 0 ~
Comments: The proposal is an infill project located on a developed site zoned and designated on
the City's general plan for multiple-family residential. The development of this site with an
apartment complex will not result in the inducement of substantial growth in this area or in the
displacement of existing housing, Additional housing opportunities will be created as a result of the
proposed development.
No mitigation measures are required
Ill. GEOPHYSICAL. Would the proposal result in or
expose people to potential impacts involving:
a) Unstable earth conditions or changes in 0 0 0 ~
geologic substructures?
b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or 0 0 0 ~
overcovering of the soil?
c) Change in topography or ground surface relief 0 0 0 ~
d) The destruction, covering or modification of 0 0 0 ~
any unique geologic or physical features?
e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils. 0 0 0 ~
either on or off the site?
t) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach 0 0 0 ~
sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or
erosion which may modify the channel of a
river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any
bay inlet or lake?
g) Exposure of people or property to geologic 0 0 0 ~
hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mud
slides, ground failure, or similar hazards?
Comments: There are no known geophysical conditions present that expose people to geologic or
earth hazards, The project site is relatively flat and includes minimal grading,
No mitigation measures are required,
(M:\homelplannmglkelth\template\ckllst.tem) page2
Potentially Significant Less tban
Significant Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
IV. WATER. Would the proposal result in:
a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, D D D 181
or the rate and amount of surface runoff?
b) Exposure of people or property to water D D D 181
related hazards such as flooding or tidal
c) Discharge into surface waters or other D D D 181
alteration of surface water quality (e,g"
temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)?
d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any D D D 181
water body?
e) Changes in currents, or the course of direction D D D 181
of water movements, in either marine or fresh
f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either D D D 181
through direct additions or withdrawals, or
through interception of an aquifer by cuts or
g) Altered direction or rate of flow of D D D 181
h) Impacts to groundwater quality? D D D 181
i) Alterations to the course or flow of flood D D D 181
j) Substantial reduction in the amount of water D D D 181
otherwise available for public water supplies?
Comments: The project is located on an improved property developed with a single family
residence and metal storage shed, The site is near flat and requires minimal grading, The site
currently drains to Moss Street. A change in drainage pattern is not proposed. Development of the
site with a I4-unit townhome complex will result in a negligible increase in surface water run-off.
As a standard Engineering Department condition of approval, drainage improvements are required to
be included on the first submittal of grading/improvement plans,
No mitigation measures are required,
V. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal:
a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to D D D 181
an existing or projected air quality violation?
b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? D 181 D D
c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, D D D 181
(M:\home\planning\keith\template\cklist tern) page3
Potentially Significant Less than
Significant Unless Significanl No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
or cause any change in climate, either locally
or regionally?
d) Create objectionable odors? 0 0 0 I!I
e) Create a substantial increase in stationary or 0 0 0 I!I
non-stationary sources of air emissions or the
deterioration of ambient air quality?
Comments: The project is consistent with the City's General Plan, The project would generate an
additional 102 average daily trips, which does not substantially affect regional air quality, The
project would not alter air movements, humidity, or climatic temperature, The residential project
would not create objectionable odors or expose sensitive receptors to pollutants,
The proposed project includes the demolition of a single-family residence and accessory building. The
demolition of these buildings may result in the release of hazardous materials such as asbestos. In order
to mitigate potential impacts to a level below significance, the existing structures will be examined for
the presence of asbestos prior to demolition, The applicant will be required to contract with a consultant
certified by the State of California to conduct asbestos assessments and supervise the proper removal of
this element if it is found on-site, The applicant will adhere to all State and local regulations, These
regulations require that a permit be obtained and the proper protocols followed in the removal of
Prior to demolition of the eXlstmg buildings, the applicant shall contract with an environmental
consultant certified by the State of California to conduct testing for the presence of asbestos and for the
proper removal and disposal of this element, if detected, The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining
all the required permits from all affected state and local regulatory agencies including the Air Pollution
Control District and shall provide proof of having obtained approval to proceed with this process to the
Planning and Building Department prior to obtaining a building permit.
the proposal result in:
a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? 0 I!I 0 0
b) Hazards to safety from design features (e,g" 0 0 0 I!I
sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or
incompatible uses (e,g" farm equipment)?
c) Inadequate emergency access or access to 0 I!I 0 0
nearby uses?
d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? 0 0 0 I!I
e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or 0 0 0 I!I
f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting 0 0 0 I!I
alternative transportation (e,g, bus turnouts.
bicycle racks)?
g) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? 0 0 0 I!I
0 0 0 I!I
(M:\home\plannmglkelth\tempJate\ckhsttem) page4
Potentially Significant Less than
SigniRcant Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
h) A "large project" under the Congestion
Management Program? (An equivalent of 2400
or more average daily vehicle trips or 200 or
more peak-hour vehicle trips,)
The proposed 14-unit townhome project would have a minimal effect on traffic patterns and volumes
on the adjacent streets, Moss Street and Third and Fourth A venues provide primary access to the
project. The trip generation rate per unit is eight (8) average daily trips (ADT) per day for a total of
102 additional (ADT), The existing trip generation associated with the single family residence is 10
(ADT), The Engineering Department has determined that the additional ADT volumes on Moss
Street. Fourth Avenue, and Third Avenue would not exceed the City's Level-of-Service design ADT
The project prop!,ment would be required to install curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the Moss Street
frontage per City Engineering Standards, Thirty-four (34) on-site parking spaces are proposed,
Twenty-eight (28) spaces are enclosed in a garage and six (6) will be designated for guest.
Proposed on-site parking exceeds the Municipal Code parking requirement of two (2) spaces per
unit. No hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists would be created by the proposed
townhome project. No traffic related impacts would result,
No mitigation measures would be required,
proposal result in impacts to:
a) Endangered, sensitive species, species of 0 0 0 181
concern or species that are candidates for
b) Locally designated species (e,g,. heritage 0 0 0 181
c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g, 0 0 0 181
oak forest, coastal habitat, etc,)?
d) Wetland habitat (e,g" marsh, riparian and 0 0 0 181
vernal pool)?
e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? 0 0 0 181
t) Affect regional habitat preservation planning 0 0 0 181
The site is currently developed and located in an urbanized area, There are no sensitive plan or
animal species on-site, No biological impacts would result from the proposed use of the site,
No mitigation measures would be required,
(M:\home\planmng\kelth\template\ckllsttcm) page~
Potentially Significant Less tban
Significant Unku Signilicant N.
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
Would the proposal:
a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation 0 0 0 ¡;¡
b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and 0 0 0 ¡;¡
inefficient manner?
c) If the site is designated for mineral resource 0 0 0 ¡;¡
protection, will this project impact this
The proposed project does not conflict with the recently adopted C02 Reduction Plan, The CO2
Reduction Plan encourages infill housing and increased housing density near mass transit. The infill
project will provide 14 housing opportunities for large families, The current use of the land only
provides for one and a maximum of 2 housing opportunities, Residents of the proposed project will
be served by an existing transit line (Route 704) that stops at 4'" A venue and Moss Street. The
project proponent will provide curb, gutter. and sidewalk along the Moss Street frontage, These
improvements will aid pedestrian circulation in the project area, The project is also located near
commercial uses on 3,d and 4th A venues that could potentially result in less reliance on the
The proposed project is subject to compliance with Energy Requirements of the Uniform Building
Code and therefore, should not result in the use of non-renewable resources in a wasteful and
inefficient manner, The project is not located in an area designated for mineral resource protection
as defined in the City's General Plan,
No mitigation measures are required.
IX. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve:
a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of 0 0 0 ¡;¡
hazardous substances (including. but not
limited to: petroleum products. pesticides,
chemicals or radiation)?
b) Possible interference with an emergency 0 0 0 ¡;¡
response plan or emergency evacuation plan?
c) The creation of any health hazard or potential 0 0 0 ¡;¡
health hazard?
d) Exposure of people to existing sources of 0 0 0 ¡;¡
potential health hazards?
e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable 0 0 0 ¡;¡
brush, grass, or trees?
(M:\home\planmnglkeilh\templatelckIISUem) page6
Potentially Significant Less thaD
Significant Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
The use of the site for a proposed townhome project does not include the use or storage of hazardous
materials, The surrounding area is developed with residential and commercial uses that do not
include the use or storage of hazardous materials,
The proposed project includes the demolition of a single- family residence and accessory
building, The demolition of these buildings may result in the release of hazardous materials
such as asbestos. Potential impacts and mitigation to reduce these impacts to a level below
significance has been addressed in Section X Air Quality, of the Checklist.
See Section X Air Quality,
X. NOISE. " Would the proposal result in:
a) Increases in existing noise levels? 0 0 0 181
b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? 0 181 0 0
Title 19 of the Chula Vista Municipal Zoning Code specifies Exterior Noise Limits (Environmental
Noise - LEQ in any hour and Nuisance Noise - not to be exceeded any time) of 50 dB for multiple
family residential at night (10 pm to 7 am weekdays & 10 pm to 7 am weekends) and 60 dB during
the day (7 am to 10 pm weekdays & 8 am to 10 pm weekends), The standard for multiple family
interior noise limits are 45 dB at night (10 pm to 7 am) and 55 dB during the day (7 am to 10 pm),
On-site noise is dominated by street traffic noise from nearby 3" A venue and Moss Street with some
contribution from parking lot traffic and service delivery truck traffic from the adjacent commercial
use (K-Mart), The parking lot and delivery truck noise from the K-Mart site may result in the
exposure of future occupants of the proposed project to severe noise levels, Due to this potential
noise impact. an Acoustical Analysis was prepared by Douglas Eliar & Associates, (January 10,
The Acoustical Analysis evaluated impacts to future sensitive receivers in relation to the noise level
standard discussed above. A noise-metering device was placed on the subject site adjacent to the
loading area behind K-Mart. This monitor was used to record a series of hourly average noise levels
(LEQ) recorded between the hours of 4 pm January 20d and II am January 5'h 2001,
The Acoustical analysis concluded that the outdoor use area will be subject to noise levels below
60dB(A) CNEL. This is considered normally acceptable for outdoor residential use by the City of
Chula Vista, However, five daytime hourly average noise levels above 60 dB(A) LEQ were
recorded, The loudest of these hourly excess noise levels was 66,0 dB(A)LEQ, This noise generated
by the adjacent K-Mart shipping and receiving area exceeds the hourly average noise levels and
requires mitigation,
Mitigation of potential exterior noise impacts can be achieved through the construction of a sound
attenuation wall along the eastern property boundary. from the southern property boundary north to
the front yard setback boundary, The sound attenuation wall shall be constructed as specified in the
mitigation section below,
(M:\homelplanmng\kcithltemplate\ckhsttem) page?
Potentially Significant Lessthaß
Significant Un1~ SignuJCaßt N.
Impact Mitigated Im..ct Impact
In accordance with California Administrative Code, Title 24. Standard construction techniques will
provide a minimum reduction in noise of 15dB (A) CNEL of exterior noise levels to an interior
receiver, Therefore, no further analysis is required for residential units located in an area of less
than 60 dB(A) CNEL and the proposed project is in compliance with the Municipal Code,
1, The sound attenuation wall shall be of solid construction design with the use of either masonry.
wood, plastic, fiberglass, or a combination of these materials. It shall be constructed with no cracks
or gaps through or below the wall. It must be of tongue and groove design or have all gaps and
cracks filled with a caulking compound, Any gates must be designed with overlapping closures, If
wood is used, it must use at least 7/8 of an inch thick material or have a density of at least 3 1/2
pounds per square foot. Plexiglass, lexan or plastic can be used in place of wood to preserve the
surrounding view, Typically, this construction is a 3 112 foot wall of masonry with plexiglass lexan
up to the specified height. If lexan or plastic is used, it must be at least II> inch thick material.
XI. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have
an effect upon, or result in a need for new or
altered government services in any of the following
a) Fire protection? 0 0 0 cg
b) Police protection? 0 0 0 cg
c) Schools? 0 0 0 cg
d) Maintenance of public facilities, including 0 0 0 cg
e) Other governmental services? 0 0 0 cg
The Police and Fire Departments reported that the project would not result in an impact to services,
School fees would be paid at the building permit stage in accordance with provisions of State Law,
The Chula Vista Elementary School District recommended annexation of the project site to a
community facilities district. However, under State Law the payment of school fees minimizes
impacts to school facilities to a level below significance,
No mitigation measures are required,
XII. Thresholds. Will the proposal adversely impact 0 0 0 cg
the City's Threshold Standards?
As described below, the proposed project does not adversely impact any of the seen
Threshold Standards,
(M:lhome\plannmg\kelthltemplate\ckhst.tem) pagel!
Potentially Si~ificant Lesstban
Si~ificant Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
a) Fire/EMS 0 0 0 181
The Threshold Standards requires that fire and medical units must be able to respond to
calls within 7 minutes or less in 85 % of the cases and within 5 minutes or less in 75 % of
the cases,
The proposed project consists of the redevelopment of an existing developed site located in an
urbanized area of the City, The nearest fire station is Station #5, located at 391 Oxford Street. The
projected response time for fire/EMS services is approximately 4 to 6 minutes, As such, the
proposed project is not anticipated to significantly impact the Fire/EMS Threshold Standard.
No mitigation measures are required,
b) Police 0 0 0 181
The Threshold Standards require that police units must respond to 84 % of Priority 1 calls
within 7 minutes or less and maintain an average response time to all Priority 1 calls of
4,5 minutes or less, Police units must respond to 62,10% of Priority 2 calls within 7
minutes or less and maintain an average response time to all Priority 2 calls of 7 minutes
or less,
The proposed project consists of the redevelopment of an existing developed site located in an
urbanized area of the City, The Police Department reports that the proposed project is not
anticipated to result in a significant impact to the Police Threshold Standard,
No mitigation measures are required,
c) Traffic 0 0 0 181
I. City-wide: Maintain LOS "C" or better as measured by observed average travel
speed on all signalized arterial segments except that during peak hours a LOS of "D"
can occur for no more than any two hours of the day,
2, West of 1-805: Those signalized intersections which do not meet the standard above
may continue to operate at their current 1991 LOS, but shall not worsen,
According to the Engineering Department, the proposed project does not generate a significant
increase in traffic, The proposed project complies with this Threshold Standard,
No mitigation measures are required,
0 0 0 181
d) Parks/Recreation
The Threshold Standard for Parks and Recreation is 3 acres/I,OOO population east of 1-
(M:\home\plannmglkelth\tcrnplate\ckhsl. tern) page9
PotentiaDy Significant Less than
Significant Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
The proposed project is located west of 1-805, therefore the Parks and Recreation Threshold
Standard does not apply,
No mitigation measures are required,
e) Drainage 0 0 0 II
The Threshold Standards require that storm water flows and volumes not
exceed City Engineering Standards, Individual projects will provide necessary
improvements consistent with the Drainage Master Plan(s) and City
Engineering Standards,
The Engineering Department has indicated that the off-site drainage capacities will not be affected.
The subject site is graded to drain towards Moss Street. There are curb inlets at the southeast and
northeast corners of 4th A venue and Moss Street that are connected to a 21" reinforced concrete pipe
flowing in a northerly direction, The existing facilities should be adequate to serve the project. As a
standard Engineering condition of approval, a drainage system shall be incorporated in the design
with the first submittal of grading and improvement plans, The applicant is required to implement
Best Management Practices to prevent pollution of storm drainage system during and after
No mitigation measures are required,
t) Sewer 0 0 0 II
The Threshold Standards require that sewage flows and volumes not exceed
City Engineering Standards, Individual projects will provide necessary
improvements consistent with Sewer Master Plan(s) and City Engineering
The City Engineering Department has determined that an existing 8" sewer main under Moss Street
is adequate to serve the proposed project.
No mitigation measures are required,
g) Water 0 0 0 II
The Threshold Standards require that adequate storage, treatment, and transmission
facilities are constructed concurrently with planned growth and that water quality
standards are not jeopardized during growth and construction,
Applicants may also be required to participate in whatever water conservation or fee off-
set program the City of Chula Vista has in effect at the time of building permit issuance,
(M:\homelplanmnglkeJth\templatelckILst.tern) pagelO
PotentiaUy Significant Less than
SignIricant Unless Significant No
Impact Mitigated Impact Impact
The Sweetwater Authority has determined that an existing twelve-inch water main located on the
south side of Moss Street, adjacent to the project site is adequate to serve the proposed project.
No mitigation measures are required.
the proposal result in a need for new systems, or
substantial alterations to the following utilities:
a) Power or natural gas? 0 0 0 ~
b) Communications systems? 0 0 0 ~
c) Local or regional water treatment or 0 0 0 ~
distribution facilities?
d) Sewer or septic tanks? 0 0 0 ~
e) Storm water drainage? 0 0 0 ~
t) Solid waste disposal? 0 0 0 IIi
The proposed project is located in an urbanized area with existing ntility and service facilities,
These existing facilities are adequate to serve the proposed development.
No mitigation measures are required,
XIV. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal:
a) Obstruct any scenic vista or view open to the 0 0 0 ~
public or will the proposal result in the creation
of an aesthetically offensive site open to public
b) Cause the destruction or modification of a 0 0 0 IIi
scenic route?
c) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? 0 0 0 ~
d) Create added light or glare sources that could 0 0 0 ~
increase the level of sky glow in an area or
cause this project to fail to comply with Section
19,66,100 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code,
Title 19?
e) Reduce an additional amount of spill light? 0 0 0 ~
(M:\horne\p!anmng\keJth\ternplate1ckhst tern) pagel 1
Potentially Signllzcant Less than
Significanl Uol", Significanl No
1m.." Mitigaled Impact 1m.."
No adverse aesthetic impacts are anticipated because development of the site would not obstruct a
scenic vista or view and is not located on or near a scenic route, The project requires review and
approval by the City's Design Review Committee,
No mitigation measures are required,
a) Will the proposal result in the alteration of or 0 0 0 CiII
the destruction or a prehistoric or historic
archaeological site?
b) Will the proposal result in adverse physical or 0 0 0 CiII
aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic
building, structure or object?
c) Does the proposal have the potential to cause a 0 0 0 CiII
physical change which would affect unique
ethnic cultural values?
d) Will the proposal restrict existing religious or 0 0 0 CiII
sacred uses within the potential impact area?
0 0 0 CiII
e) Is the area identified on the City's General Plan
EIR as an area of high potential for
archeological resources?
The conservation and Open Space Element of the General Plan does not identify the subject site or
surrounding vicinity as an area of potential cultural resources, The project does not include any grading,
Therefore, there would be no significant impacts to cultural resources on the project site,
No mitigation measures are required,
proposal result in the alteration of or the
destruction of paleontological resources?
The conservation and Open Space Element of the General Plan does not identify the subject site or
surrounding vicinity as an area of potential paleontological resources, The project site is relatively flat
with minimal grading required, There would be no significant impacts because there are no known
paleontological resources on the project site,
No mitigation measures are required,
XVII. RECREATION. Would the proposal:
(M:\home\plannmg\Kellhltemplate\ckhst.tem) pagel2
PotentiaUy Significant Less than
Significanl Unless Significant No
ImpaCI Mitigated Impact Impacl
a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or
regional parks or other recreational facilities? 0 0 0 t;
b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? 0 0 0 t;
c) Interfere with recreation parks & recreation 0 0 0 t;
plans or programs?
The proposed project is consistent with the City's General Plan Parks and Recreation Element.
Impacts to recreational facilities would be less than significant.
No mitigation measures are required.
SIGNIFICANCE: See Negative Declaration for
mandatory findings of significance. If an EIR is
needed, this section should be completed,
a) Does the project have the potential to degrade 0 0 0 t;
the quality of the environment, substantially
reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species,
cause a fish or wildlife population to drop
below self-sustaining levels, threaten to
eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce
the number or restrict the range of a rare or
endangered plant or animal or eliminate
important examples of the major periods or
California history or prehistory?
The site is located in an urbanized area and is partially developed with a single-family residence and
accessory structure, No sensitive plant or animal resources or historical/archeological resources are
No mitigation measures are required,
b) Does the project have the potential to achieve 0 0 0 t;
short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term,
environmental goals?
Construction of townhomes on the proposed site is consistent with the City's General Plan and would
not affect long-term environmental goals of the City,
No mitigation measures are required,
c) Does the project have impacts that are 0 0 0 t;
individually limited, but cumulatively
(M:\home\planmng\ketthltemplate\ckhst.tem) pagel3
Potentially Significant Less than
SignirIcanf Unl~ Significant N"
Impact Mitigated Imp''' Impact
considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable"
means that the incremental effects of a project
are considerable when viewed in connection
with the effects of past projects, the effects of
other current projects, and the effects of
probable future projects,)
The project site is in a fully developed urbanized area and redevelopment of the site would not result
in cumulative environmental effects,
No mitigation measures are required
d) Does the project have environmental effect 0 0 0 181
which will cause substantial adverse effects on
human beings, either directly or indirectly?
No adverse effects on human beings are anticipated from redeveloping the site with townhomes,
No mitigation measures are required
The following project revisions or mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project and will be
implemented during the design. construction or operation of the project:
1. Prior to demolition of the existing buildings. the applicant shall contract with an environmental
consultant certified by the State of California to conduct testing for the presence of asbestos and for the
proper removal and disposal of this element, if detected, The applicant shall be responsible for
obtaining all the required permits from all affected state and local regulatory agencies including the Air
Pollution Control District and shall provide proof of having obtained approval to proceed with this
process to the Planning and Building Department prior to obtaining a building permit.
1, A sound attenuation wall shall be constructed along the eastern property line from its southern end
to the front setback (or 20 feet from the northern property line) prior to occupancy of the proposed
project. The sound attenuation wall shall be of solid construction design with the use of either
masonry, wood, plastic, fiberglass, or a combination of these materials, It shall be constructed with
no cracks or gaps through or below the wall, It must be of tongue and groove design or have all
gaps and cracks filled with a caulking compound, Any gates must be designed with overlapping
closures, If wood is used, it must use at least 7/8 of an inch thick material or have a density of at
least 3 1/2 pounds per square foot. Plexiglass. lexan or plastic can be used in place of wood to
preserve the surrounding view, Typically, this construction is a 3 'h foot wall of masonry with
plexiglass lexan up to the specified height. If lexan or plastic is used, it must be at least \<\ inch thick
(M:\home\plallnmg\kcllhltemplate\ekhst.tem) page14
By signing the line(s) provided below, the Applicant(s) and/or Operator(s) stipulate that they have each
read, understood and have their respective company's authority to and do agree to the mitigation measures
contained herein, and will implement same to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Coordinator,
Failure to sign the line(s) provided below prior to posting of this [Mitigated] Negative Declaration with the
County Clerk shall indicate the Applicants' and/or Operator's desire that the Project be held in abeyance
without approval and that Applicant(s) and/or Operator(s) shall apply for an Environmental Impact Report,
resentative of
Signature of Authorize\! Representative Date o~l"" \~ I
[Property Owner's Name]
Printed Name and Title of
[Operator if different from Property Owner]
Signature of Authorized Representative of Date
[Operator if different from Property Owner]
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least
one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" or "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated." as
indicated by the checklist on the following pages,
OLand Use and Planning o Transportation/Circulation o Public Services
o Population and Housing o Biological Resources o Utilities and Service
o Geophysical o Energy and Mineral Resources o Aesthetics
o Water . Hazards o Cultural Resources
. Air Quality . Noise o Recreation
o Mandatory Findings of Significance
(M:\home\plannmg\keith\template\ckhst.tem) pagel::'
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the D
environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared,
I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the .
environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation
measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A
I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and D
I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but D
at least one effect: I) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to
applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on
the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a "potentially
significant impacts" or "potentially significant unless mitigated," An
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. but it must analyze only the effects
that remain to be addressed,
I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the D
environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially
significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to
applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR,
including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project.
An addendum has been prepared to provide a record of this determination,
~J t?~r¡; c:2P4/0/
arilyn ,F. ponseggi J Date
Environmental Review Coordinator
City of Chula Vista
(M:\homelptannmg\kelthltemplate\ckllsl.tem) pagel6
Moss Street Townhomes, /S-01-09
This Mitigation Monitoring Program is prepared for the City of Chula Vista in conjunction with
the proposed Moss Street Townhomes (IS-01-09) project. The proposed project has been
evaluated in an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (ISIMND) prepared in accordance
with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and City/State CEQA guidelines, The
legislation requires public agencies to ensure that adequate mitigation measures are implemented
and monitored on Mitigated Negative Declarations, such as IS-OI-09,
AB 3180 requires monitoring of potentially significant and/or significant environmental impacts,
The Mitigation Monitoring Program for this project ensures adequate implementation of
mitigation for the following potential impacts(s):
1. Air Quality & Hazards
2, Noise
Due to the nature of the environmental issues identified, the Mitigation Compliance Coordinator
shall be the Environmental Review Coordinator for the City of Chula Vista, It shall be the
responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the conditions of the Mitigation Monitoring
Reporting Program are met to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Coordinator,
Evidence in written fonn confinning compliance with the mitigation measures specified in
MND/IS-OI-09 shall be provided by the applicant to the Environmental Review Coordinator.
The Environmental Review Coordinator will thus provide the ultimate verification that the
mitigation measures have been accomplished,
Table I, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist, lists the mitigation measures listed in
Section E, Mitigation Necessary to Avoid Significant Effects, of the Mitigated Negative
Declaration, which will be implemented as part of the project. In order to detennine if the
applicant has implemented the measure, the method and timing of verification are identified,
along with the City department or agency responsible for monitoring/verifying that the applicant
has completed each mitigation measure. Space for the signature of the verifying person and the
date of inspection is provided in the last column,
I I:\HOME\PLANNING\EDA UA \ISchecklist\IS-O 1-09MM RP text.doc
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