HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1949-398
II :
13 ions of this Ordinance, in so f'c,r as tlley are substantially the same
14 existing ordinances relating to the same subject matter, shall be !
15 construed as restato.Jents and conti-nuations and not as new enactments.:
16 SECTION 2: PURPOSE. The [,urpose of this Ordim',.nce is to desig-
17 !Inate, regulate and reé:trict tile location and use of buildings, struc-
18 :tures and land for resj_dence, commerce, trade, industry or other pur-
19 ¡;poses; to regul,-"te and limit tne heitþt, ml1nber of stories, and size
20 'of buildings and other strTwtures, nereafter erected aT' altered, and i
. ,
21 ¡~'or said purposes to divide tIe City of Chula Vista into zones of suc9
22 ::¡1umber, shape and area as may be deemed best suited to carry out these:
23 ;1~egUlations and I,rovide for tileir èni'orcement. Further, such regul- i
24 Iftions are dee:ned necessary in order to encourage the most appropriate!
25 I~se of land; conserve and stabiltze tlle value of propertYjto
26 I. rovide adequate open spaces f'or li[;ht and air and to prevent and figh~
I :
27 fires; to prevent undue concentr'itjon of population; to lessen con- ¡
i :
28Þ;estion on streets; to facE itate adenuate m'ovj-sions for community I
r ~ . :
, :
29 ~. ltil. i t.ies SUCh. as tra. 1.1sportat. ion, water., s e'.Ner age.... , SChO. ols, parks and
30 ~ther public rec¡uirelBnts; e,nd to prolnote healt~', safety, and the
31 welféœe, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan.
32 SECTION 3: DEFINITIONS. For tbe purpose of this Ordinance, cer-
33 tain words and terms used herein aI'S deí'ined as follows: ACCESßORY
.l ,~~--~,,---,--- ._-~,._.,,--,
1 BUTLDIITG: iJortion tie main building or a detached subordinate
2! building,ocated on sune lot, the use of nl1ich i-s customal'ily
3 incident cO ,jf' -tain ÎJuì1_dilC, or' to the L1SJ the land.
4 I Where a substantÜll ,-)art of the wall of an accessery building is a
5 part of the main building or where an accessory building is attached
6 to the buildinG in a substC'ntial manner by a roof, such access-
7 ory bu:Llcling shall be CountJQ as part of the nain building.
8 ALLEY: A pub] tc or pri_vC'te Hay prcrrwnent¡y reserved as a secondary !
9 means of access to abutting property.
10 APARTJ\jJENT ROUSE: Same Multiple."
11 BOARDInG HOUSE: A building in ;-¡'tich t:)ere 1're not more than five
12 (5) guest rooms nbcre lodging or witLout meals is provided for
13 compensati on.
14 BUILDING: Any structure iJiWÜlg a roof sup¡iorted by columns or walls
15 for the housing or enclos'ure persons, anj>n8.ls or chattels. ì{h-Jre
16 a dví81ling is separated by a div:ision wall wjt'out openings, each
17 portion of such dwelling sLal1 be deemed a separate building.
18 BUIWING, HEIGHT OF: The vertical distance ~leasured from the adjoin-
19 ing curb level, to the highc;st peint er ceiling of the top story in
20 the case of a flat roof; to the decli line of a mansard roof; and t~
21 the Clean heif:ht level bet¡¡een and ridge or a cable, hip or
22 gambrel roof; provided, however, that whore buildings are set bacle
23 rrom the street line, tr:e height of' the bui.ld:Lng may be measured
24 from the ".verage elevation of the finished lot grade at the front of
25 the building.
26 BUILDING LIJ\1E: A line shown on tLe "Building Line Map" indicating
27 the minimum. depth of a rront yard 01' the rnininum. depth of a side
28 yard alonG the street side of a corner lot.
29 COTJRT: An open unoccupied space, other than a yard, on the same lot
30 with a building and bounded on two (2) or more sides by such building!.
31 COURT APARTEENT: One, two or three multiple dwellings arranged
32 around two (2) or three (3) sides of a court whicl~pens onto a street~
33 CURB LEVEL; The level or the established curb in front or the build-!
Û£':L7:JLr:f .-------. --.-------..
1 ing measured at the center cf snch front. Wrnre no curb level hé'.S
2 been established, the C:ity shall estr.blish such curb level
3 or its equival(~nt .;.orthe purpose of this Ord:Lnance.
4 DWELLING: A buiL:inc or' portion tc:ereof designed exclusively for
5 residential OCC"lFJancy, including one-family, two-family and multiple
6 dwellings, but not including hotels or boarding houses.
7 D'I"íELLIl'TG UNIT: Tow or 'uore rooms 1.n il dwelling or apartment hotel
8 designed for OCCUTJriDCY by one family for 11.ving or sleeping purposes
9 and havi.ng only one (1) kitchen.
10 DWELUnG, ONE-FAlJIILY: detached building designed exclus1.vely for
11 occupancy by one (1) fanÜly.
12 DWELIING, TVTO-FAHILY: Ii building designed exclusively for occupancy
13 by two (2) fa[11.lies, liv1.ng independently of each other.
14 DWELLING, HULTIPLE: A buildinG or portion thereof, designed for
15 occupancy by three (3) or ê10re fa':1111es living !.ndeDendently of each
16 other, including row dwellings.
17 DVi'ELLIHG, GROUP: One or ore buildings, not more than two and one-
18 half (2t) stories in height, contuining dwelling units and arranged
19 around two (2) or three (3) sides of a court which opens onto a
20 street, including one-family, two-family, multiple dwellings and cour~
21 apartments.
22 FANITLY: An indivìcbal or two (2) or more persons related by blood
23 or ~c1arriage, or a group of not lore than five (5) persons (excluding
24 servants) wbo need '"lot be Tela.ted by blood or ';arriage, living to-
25 gether as a s:I.ngle houselœepine; unit in a dwelling unit.
26 GARAGE, PRIVATE: A detached accessory building or portion of a main
27 building for the parking or te.ê¡pOrary storage of automobiles of the
28 occupants of the premises.
29 G.'\..1iAGE, PUBLIC: A buildint: other tjmn a private garage used for the
30 care, repair, or equipment of automobiles, or where such vehicles are
31 parked 01" stored 1'01' remuneration, hire or sale.
32 HOUSE: Living ,.;uartel"s within a detached accessory building
33 located on t!:e same premises with the main building, for use by tem-
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I porary guests of the occupants thercwf; such quarters hewing no
2 kitchen facili tj.es and not rented or other'iiise used as a separate
3 dwellj.ng.
4 HOTEL: A. b\.Ülding deslgned for occupancy as thß norß or less tempor-
5 ary ablding place of individuals who are lodged jI.¡ith or without meals,
6 in w:Üch there are six (6) or more guest rooms, and in which no prov-
7 ision is made for cool::ing in any individual room or suite.
8 LOT: Land held under separate owners¡'ip and occupied or to be
9 occupied by b.ilding or unit group of buildlngs, together with suCh:
10 yards, opßn spaces, lot width and lot area as are rec,uired by this
II OrdinclDce, and having lts principal frontage on a public streßt or an
12 easement approved by the Commission.
13 LOT LINE: The lines bounding a lot as i,erein defined.
14 LOT VITDTE: The horizontal distance between the side lot lines,
15 :neasured at right angles to the lot depth at à point midway between
16 the front and rear lot lines.
17 LOT DEPTH: The horizontal distance between the front and rear lot
18 lines, measured in the mean direction of the side lot lines.
19 LOT, CORNER: lot not great'3r than seventy-five (75) feet in width an~
20 situated at the intersection of two (2) or more streets having an angte
21 of intersection of not more than one hundred thirty-five (135) degroo$.
22 LOT, REVERSED CORNER: A corner lot I the side street line of which
23 is substantÜÜly a continuation of the front lot line of the lots to :
24 its rear.
25 LOT, INTERIOR: A lot other than a corner lot.
26 LOT, KEY: The first lot to the rear of a reversed corner lot and not
27 separated by an alley.
28 LOT, Th'ROUGli: lot having frontage on two (2) parallel or approxim-
29 ately parallel streets.
30 NON-COIJFOmUNG BUILDIIIG: building or structure or portion thereof
31 lawfully; existing at the time this Ordi.mwce became effective, which
32 designed, erected or structurally altered, for 11 llSe that does
33 not colliorm to the use ::.ons district which it is
I loce.ted, chat does
2 height or area regulations of the district in which it is located.
3 ;;O¡;-COI;FORMIJJG USE: A use which lawfully oocupied a building or land
4 at the time tJÜs Ordinance becane effective which does con-
5 form 'Nith t[~e use l'e,'~ulations the district in which it is located.
6 F ARKIIIG SPACE, i\liTŒ.1OBILE: Space thin a buiLHng or public
7 2.rea for the temporary coraCe; one (1) automobile.
8 sr~RV AN'J'S '¡UARTSRS: l,i vine quarters nJ- tL:Ln an accus,wx'Y building
9 10c6ted or, tIle; sune prc;:Jises en the onUdÜlg, for the sole
10 of I',;ons enployec1 tJ;ereon; su Cll .;uarters . ¡avini'; no lÜtchen Ùwil-
II it:Les and not rented or ot!<:rwise llsed a s 3parate dVlelling.
12 STORY: That ,.ortioI: of a building j,ncluded between tho sU1'faco of
I3 any floor ~.li3 surface 1'1001' next above it, or if tnere
14 be no floor' above 1 t, tIlen the space oetVieEnl such floor and the ce11-
15 int next above it. Any portion of story exceeding fourteen (14)
16 feet in he1ght sl1all be consi.'lere<l as an adÚ1 tional story for each
17 fourteen (14) feet orfraction c.¡ereof.
18 STORY, HALF: A story with at least t,'!O (2) of its opposite sides
19 situated in a sloping roof, t~le floor area of' which does not exceed
20 two-tlÜrds (2/3) of tile floor area 1ru;¡ediately below it.
21 STRE"'~T: 11 pub11c or private thorou¡:;hfare which alToI'ds princip,Ü
22 ¡;Jeans of access to a.butting property.
23 STRUCTURAL ALTER1,TIONS: Any change wlÜch would prolong the life of
24 the supporting members of a building, such as bearing TraIls, columns
25 beams or girders.
2ó TOURIST COURT: A group of attached or detaclJed buildings containing
27 indiv1dual sleeping or living units, designed for or used temporarill
28 by automobile tourists or 'Cransients, with garage attached 01' parkin~
29 space conveniently located to each unit, including auto courts, mote~s,
30 or motor lodgea.
31 TRAILER, AUTOMOBILE: vehj_cle without motive power, designed to be !
32 drawn by a motor veh1cle and to be used for human habitat1on or for
33 carrying pe:;.osons and property, includ1ng a tra11er coach or house
{)Ú 3-Cl'¡/. -5- ----,-------'--_.....
, ----
I trailer.
2 USE; The purpose for which land or a building is arranged, . I
3 or intended, or for which either land or building is or may be
4 occupied or 'n[,int~ined.
5 Yf1RD: A.n open snace other tlmn a court, on a lot, unoccupied and
6 unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided
7 in this Ordinance.
8 YlLl1D. FRONT: A yard extending across tile full width af the lot,
9 the dec,th ai' which is the minimum horizontal distance between the
10 front lot line and a line parallel thereto on the lot as shown on
II the "Building Line Map".
12 YARD, REAR: yard extending across the full width of the lot be-
B tween the main building and the rear lot line; the depth of' the
14 recJuired rear yard shall be measured ÌlOrizontally from the nearest
15 part of a main building toward the nearest point ai' the rear lot liwp.
16 YARD, SIDE: A yard, between a main building and the side lot line,
17 extending from the front Y8.rd to tile rear yard; the width of the
18 required side Yard shall be r:¡easured horizontally from the nearest
19 part of a main building toward the nearest point of the side lot
20 unless otherwise shown on the ~Building Line Map".
21 Words used in the present tense include the future; words in
22 the singular number include the plural; and those in the plural
23 number include the singular. The word "Building" includes the word
24 "Structure", and the word "shall" is mandatory and not directory.
25 The term "Council" when used shall mean the City Council of the City
26 of' Chula Vlsta and the "Commission" shall 111ea11 the City Planning
27 Commission of the City of' Chula Vista. The word "City" when used
28 shall meàn the incorporated City of' Chula Vista.
30 A. ZONES. In order to carry out the purpose and provisions
31 of this ordimmce of' the City is hereby divided into seven (7) zones
32 known as:
0O7)~ r -6- ----------- ._--
I "Rl" One-family Zone
2 "R2" Multiple Dwelling Zone
3 "R3" Multiple Dwelling zone
4 "Cln Commercial Zone
5 "ca" Commercial Zone
6 "Ml" Limited Industrial zone
7 "ME" Light Industrial Zone
8 B. ZONE BOUNDARIES. Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries
9 of any zone shown on said "Zoning Map," the following rules shall apply:
10 1. 5'J'REET, JlLŒY OR LOT LINES--Where indicated zone boundäries
11 are approximately street, alley or lot lines. such lines shall be
12 construed to be the boundaries, otherwise such boundaries shall be
13 determined by use of thescele appearing on the zoning map unlllss
14 specifically indicated by dimensions.
15 2. DETERMINATION BY cm!Y!ISSION. Where uncertainty exists. the
16 commission shall, by written decision dete1'!l1ine the location of the
17 zone boundary, which decision shell be a final determination thereof.
18 3. VAeATED 5'J'RßT. OR ALLEY. Where a street or alley is o1'fic-
19 ially vacated the property formerly in said street or alley shall be
20 included within the zone of adjoining property on either side thereof.
21 In the event said street or alley was a bcrondary between two or more
22 different zones, the new ZOne boundary shall be the former center
23 line of such vacated street or alley.
24 C. BUILDING LINES. The front yards of all lots and side yards along
25 the street side of a reversed corner lot are shown upon a map attached
26 hereto and made a part of this ordinanae, baing designated as the
27 "Building Lins Map" and said map and all the notations, references and
28 other information shown thereon shall be as much a part of this Ordinance
29 as if the matters and information set forth by said map were all fully
30 described herein.
31 SECTION 5: OONFORMANCE TO ZONE REGULATIONS. Except as.hereafter provided:
32 A. USE. No building shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed,
33 altered, enlarged, moved, or maintained, nor shall any building or land
ÆJ...c,.-.=£l.SJL ...'2-- . ----.----.-----.------------ -. .L-
1 be used, designed or intended to be used for any purpose other than is
2 permitted in the zone in which such building or land is located, and then
3 only after applying for and securing all permits and licenses reC[uired by
4 law and ordinance.
5 B. HEIGHT. No building shall be hereafter erected. nor shall any
6 existing building be moved, reconstructed, altered,enlarged, or main-
7 tained to exceed the height limit established for the zone in which such
8 building is loc"ted.
9 C. AREA. No building shall be hereafter erected, nor shall any
10 existing building be moved, reconstructed,-altered, enlarged, or matn-
11 tained, except in conformity with the area regulations of tha zone in
12 whi ch it is located.
13 No lot area shall be so reduced, diminished o~ maintained, that
14 the yards, other oPen spaces, or total lot area shall be $maIler than
15 prescribed by this ordinance, nor shall the density of population be in-
16 creased in any manner except in conformity with the area regulations of
17 the zone in which it is located.
18 No reC[uired yard or other open Space provided around any build-
19 ing for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this ordinance
20 shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other build-
21 ing; nor shall any required yard or other open space on an adjoining lot
22 be considered as providing a yard or open space on a lot whereen a build-
23 ing is to be erected.
24 Every building hereafter erected shall be located on a lot as
25 herein defined. In no case shall there be more than one (1) main resi-
26 dential building an,d its accessory buildings/one (1) lot. Group dwellings,
27 court apartments, and a unit group of dwellings may be considered as one
28 (1) main residentiel building.
29 No building permit shall be issued for a building on a corner
30 lot when such building is to be oriented in such a manner as to reduce the
31 front yard requirement on the street on which such corner lot has its
32 II frontage at the time this Ordinance became effective.
II /\ r-. r:> A f'y' -8-
2 1. One family dwellings.
3 2. Parks, playgrounds, community centers, the civic center, or
4 governmental buildings owned or operated by a governmental
5 agency.
6 3. Schools, elementary and high, and churches (except reScue
7 mission or temporary revival), with open spaces as required
8 in Section 13-A-3, may be permitted if their location is
9 first approved by the Commission.
10 4. Farming and truck gardening, including the keeping of poultry,
11 rabbits, cows and goats. provided (a) that farming, truck
12 gardening and the keeping of poultry or rabbits shall not in-
13 volve the sale of products or commodities raised on the pre-
14 mises, except on a lot having an area of more than thirty
15 thousand (30,000) square feet, in which case such use shall
16 be incident to the residential use of property, and nO retail
17 s'tand or other commercial structure shall be located thereon;
18 and (b) that cows or goats shall not be kept for commercial
19 purposes.
20 5. Transitional uses shall be permitted as follows:
21 (a) A two family dwelling on a lot in the "Rl" zone where
22 the side of such lot abuts upon a lot in the "R3", com-
23 mercial or industrial zone. Further, the area require-
24 ments for such two family dwelling shall be the same as
25 in the "R2" zone.
26 (b) A home occupation or the office of a physician or dentist,
27 on a lot in the "RI" zone where the side of such lot abuts
28 upon a lot in a commercia! or industrial zone, þ!'ô)O'ided
29 such use is conducted within a one-family dwelling and
30 the residential character of such dwelling is not ch!>nged.
31 (0) Provided that no transitional use shell extend ~ore than
32 fifty (50) feet from the boundary of the less restricted
13 zone which it adjoins.
0 ó,C[ 6 -9-
-H__~~- --~--
1 6. Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses, including
2 the office of a physician, dentist, minister of religion, or
3 other person authorized by law to practice medicine or heal-
4 ing provided (a) that such office sball not be used for the
5 general practice of medicine, surgery, dentistry, or healing
6 other than as a religious vocation, but may be used for con-
7 sultation and emergency treatment as an adjunct to a principal
8 office; (b) that such office is situated in the same dwell-
9 ing unit as the home of the occupant; and (c) that there
10 shall be no assistants employed.
11 7. Accessory buildings and uses, including a private garage, re-
12 creation room, guest house, servants quarters, or private
13 stable, provided that no guest house or servants quarters is
14 located on a lot having an area. of.less than eight thousand
15 (8,000) square feet, and provided further, that a detached
16 accessory building shall be located not less than seventy (70)
17 feet from the front lot line nor less than five (5) feet from
18 any other street line, servants quarters, guest house, recrea-
19 tion room. and a private garage or any combination of such
20 uses may be included in One building of one or two stories in
21 height.
22 8. Name plates and signs as follows: one name plate for each
23 dwelling unit, not exceeding one and one-half (li) square
24 feet in area, indicating the name of the occupant, or the
25 occupation in the case of those specified in Paragraphs 5
2ó and 6 of this subsection; one unlighted identification sign
27 not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area for buildings
28 other than dwellings; one church bulletin board, not exceeding
29 twelve (12) square feet in area; an unlighted sign or signs
30 not exceeding a total area of twelve (12) square feet, apper-
31 taining to the prospective rental or sale of the property on
32 which they are located. No other name plate, advertising
33 sign, or bill-board shall be permitted.
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1 ",I
' I
.I :
.J I
,I :
I !I ,
I 'I B. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT: Two and one-half (2~) stories anol not
2 I, exceeding thirty-five (35) feet, except as otherwise provided in Section
.I 3:] 14-A.
, I
! 5: 1. FRONT YARD. A front yard having a depth of not less than that
. !I
6 ! specified on the "Building Line Map", shall be provided and
'I 7 II maintained.
Jj :!
II 8 Ii 2. SIDE YARDS. A side yard shall be provided and maintained on
â .1
Ii 9 !] each side of a main building. Such side yard shall be not
d 10 I
II 'I less than ten (10) per cent of the width of the lot, but need
'I !
I II 'I not exceed five (5) feet and shall not be less than three (3)
I 12]'
1:' feet in width, except as otherwise specified on the "Building
1 13 Line Map" on the street side of a corner lot.
I 14 3. REAR YARD. There shall be a rear yard of not less than twenty-
15 fi ve (25) per cent of the depth of the lot but such rear yard
" 16 need not exceed twenty-five (25) .feet.
, 17 4. LOT AREA. Every lot shall have a minimum average width of
J' A.Lu.u.V 1
! 18 fifty (50) feet and a minimum area of 1!H thousand ('6., 000)
, 19 square feet. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall
,I 20 also be ~thousand (¡ 000) square feet. except for a tran-
21 sitional dwelling use. Where a lot has an average width of
22 less than fifty (50) feet or an area of less tha~thousand
23 (~,OOO) square feet and was held under separate ownership or
~ 24 WaS of record at the time this ordinance became effective,
:1 25 said lot may be occupied by any use permitted in thi s section.
26 For Area exceptions refer to Section 14-B.
II 29 1. All uses permitted in the "Rl" Zone.
I 30 2. Two-family dwellings.
!' JI e. ",. ,.~,-". dw 11 1n".
I 32 4. Transitional uses shall be permitted as follows:
~ 33 . (a) A multiple dwelling on a lot in an "R2" zOne where the
l D 0-3 c¡r¡ -11- n~_~___------~---_-L_-
I ' side of such lot abuts upon a lot in a commercial or
I 2 il industrial zone. Further, the area requirements for
, 3 ,I such multiple dwelling shall be the same as in "R3"
4 :1 zone.
5 ,I (b) A home occupation or the office of a physician or
1 .
" 6 'I dentist, on a lot in the "R2" zone where the side of
7 :i such lot abuts upon a lot in a commercial Or indus-
I 8 :i trial zone, provided such use is condb.'ctêdwithin a
I ,
.1 9 Ii one-family dwelling and the residential character of
J[ 'i
" 10', such dwelling is not changed.
, :1
I 11 (c) Provided that no transitional use shall extend more
'I 12 than fi fty (50) feet from the boundary of the lees
I! 13 restricted zone which it adjoins.
I, 14 5. Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses; aCCBS-
, 15 sory buildings; and name plates and signs-same as provided
, 16 for in "Rl" zone, Section 6-A-!!.
II 17 B. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT. Two and one-half (2~) stories and not
¡ 18 exceeding thirty-five (35) feet, except as otherwise provided in Section
¡, 19 14-A.
21 1. FRONT YARD. A front yard having a depth of not less than that
22 specified on the "Building Line Map", shall be provided and
23 maintained.
i 24 2. SIDE YARDS. Same as required in the "RI" Zone-Section 6-0,2.
Ii 25 3. REAR YARD. Same as required in the "RI" ZOne-Section 6-0,3.
¡I 26 4. LOT AREA. Every lot shall have a minimum average width of
¡ 27 fifty (50) feet and a minimum area of six thousand (6,000)
:1 28 square feet. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall
W 29 be three thousand (3,000) square feet, exeept for a transi-
t 30 tional dwelling use.
I 31 1'Ihere a lot has a width of less than fifty (50) feet or
II 32 an area of less than six thousand (6,000) square feet and was
I 33 00)1~' held under separa::2:wnerShiP or was of record at the time ~, ---
.¡I, ------~------------_.----~'
1 this ordinance became effective, said lot may be oøcupied by
2 any use permitted in this section.
3 For Area exceptions refer to Section 14-B.
6 1. All USes permitted in the "HI" and "R2" Zones.
7 2. Court Arartments.
8 3. Hotels)iJi'" Apartment hotels" ~ ~~.
9 4. Boarding houses.
10 5. Fraternity or sorority houses.
11 6. Pri vate non-prof! t clubs or lodges.
12 7. Museums or libraries owned and o~rated by a govermœntal
I3 agency, wi th open spaces as required in Secti on 13-1<, 3.
14 8. Hospitals or sanitariuITß (except animal hospitals, clinics,
15 and hospitals or sanitariums for contagious, mental, or
16 drug or liquor-addi ct cases), with open spaces as required
17 in Section 13-A, 3.
18 9. Transitional use shall be pe!'!1iitted as follows:
19 (a) A home occupstion Or the office of a physician or dentist,
20 on a lot i" the "R3" Zone mere the side of such lot
21 abuts upon a lot in a commercial or industrial zone,
22 provided such use is conduc ted wi thin a one-family dwel-
23 ling and the residential character of such dwelling is not
24 changed.
25 10. Uses cùstomarily incident to any of the above uses.
26 11. Accessory buildings-same as provided for in "HI" Zone, Section
27 6-A, 7.
28 12. Name plates and signs-same as provid ed for in "Rl" zone.
29 Section 6-A, 8, except that two lighted identification signs
30 may be displayed for multiple dwellings, hotels and for
31 buildings other than dwellings.
32 il B. BUIWING HEIGHT LIHI'l'. Three (3) storie s and not exceeding forty-
3J II five (45) feet, except as otherwise provided in Section l4-A.
¡r¡n?,qy'r;. Jl..REA RE(iUIRU'ENTS.
1 1. :i'Rm:<r v."'q]}. front yard having a depth of not less than
2 t'1ct specified on the "BuildiDf' Lir~e "ap" , shÚl be pro-
3 vided &1:,d ~'aintained.
4 2. 31m', Yi8DS. Same required in the "Rl" Zone-E,ection 6-0,
5 2, except thIJt for three (3) story buildings, one (1) foot
6 shall be added to the width of eoch required side yard.
7 ~ TiEi,", YiPD. Same required in the "RI" 7,one-Section 6-0,3.
8 ^.. WT J\RK". Every lot shall have a average ,.'illth of
9 fifty (50) feet and a minimun area of six thousand (6,000)
10 II sgue re feet. The ninimun lot area per dvlelling unit shall
111 be one thouSE,lld (l,ClOO) square feet.
12 "ihere " lot h",s a width of less than fifty (50) feet or
13 areB of less then: six thousand (6,000) squt\re feet 8JJ.d was
14 held under separate ownership or was 0: record at the time
15 this Ordinance be cae,e effective, said lot Fay be occupied by
16 any use IJel'l'l1tted in this section. '?rovided, however. that
17 none of the "bove "rea regulations stall apply to hotels when
18 no cool;ing is doLe in en)' individual room or sui te.
19 For Erea exceotions refer to Section 14-3
20 S3C'l'1OF 9: "Cl" LI"IT'T' CO:'\"C'cCLI" CŒCuLi\TIOl'S.
22 1. ;,11 uses perrÜtted in tte "Rl" , "1':2", "R3" Zones.
23 "' ;\"pli3nce or Furr,i ture Store (New I'erchendise only) and bona
24 fide i~'ltique store (not used furrÜ ture store).
25 3. Autonobile parkinG lot, storage [(ars, e, or autonobile àisplay
26 roo",.
27 4. Bakery.
28 ~ Bank.
29 6. Barber shop or beEuty parlor.
30 7. Book 01' stationery store.
31 'I e. Clotbes clearing a~eDcy or pressin~ est,.blishment.
32 Confectionery store.
33 l", 121li9~O' Jressrcskinc or ,",Ulinery shop.
,..L:I..,.""", ." ,-
1 11. Dru", tob'icco or liquor (on or off sale) store.
2 12. Dry goods or notions store.
3 13. l:'lorLst or gift sho,"
4 14. r;rocery, fruit, or vegetable store.
5 15. Harrl'.JE,re, paint, or sportin~ goods store.
6 16. ce.,.':elry store.
7 17. Laundry ECgency.
8 18. . eat f1.T"lcet 01' delicatessen store.
9 19. "otiDn picture theatre.
10 ;'" Offices, business Dr professional, includin{,; wholesale office
11 ,¡here no J:ercl1andise is stocked.
12 21. ëtotO€r~9her or ~hotographie su~plies, blJe print and phDto-
13 stbt l1usiness.
14 22. Restaure.nt Or cafe (excluding dancinß).
15 83. .':h08 store or shoe repair shop.
16 24. T.silor, clothing or vlearing apparel shop.
17 25. Other uses uhi ch in the juÖ['ment of' the Condssion, as evi-
18 èeneed by a resolution in wri tine, are similar to and no
19 Dare objectionable than any of those enumerated above. 1.11
20 stores, sho~s or businesses apecified in this subsection,
21 or herenfter Qutborized by tbe CO1""'tission, sball be retail
22 establi shnents only.
23 2,6. -Jses customarily incident to 'my of the above uses, and ac-
24 cessory buildings.
25 B. BUII,DLm :":EIC;;CC LFIT. Three (3) stories and not exceeding
26 rorty-fi ve (45) feet, e:ccect as ot11erwise provided in Section 14-b.
27 c. "'",'.UIEi"'¡;:NTS.
28 1. FRm'T vi.PJ). front yerd havinG a depth of not less than
29 that sDecifieò on the M~uilding Line :. 'ap " , shell be provided
30 and maintained.
31 2. SIDE YA?DS. '.11ere the side of a lot in the "Gl" zone abuts
32 upon the side of' lot in all "RIM, "R2", or "R3" zone, there
33 shall be si de yard of' not less thar, ten llO) per cent of
D()3~î =. .-------.---.--
1 the width of the lot, but such side yard need not exceed five
2 (5) feet and shall not be less than three (3) feet in width,
3 except as other\iise specified on the "Building ::.ine "ap" on
4 the street side of a corner lot. In all other cases, s side
5 yard for a corJ1TIercial buildj~n¡; shall not be required.
6 BuildiIlf,S iereafter erected end used exclusi vely for resi-
7 dential purposes shall comply with the side yard regulations
8 of the "Pl" :District Section 6-C,2.
9 3. "iEA'è YA?D. There shall be a rear yard of not leas than t;'ienty
10 (20) per cent of the deuth of the lot. but such rear yard need
11 not exceed Þ!enty (20) feet.
12 4. LOT Þ_PEA. Bui ldin,'s hereafter erected and used exclusively
13 for dwelling Durposes shall conply with the lot area require-
14 r;ents Df the "R3" Zone. 3ection 8-C, 4.
15 For are" exceptions refer tD Section l4-B.
16 SECTIOn 10: "C2" CO"'cERGIAL ZOfl'", REG'JL..,TIOI:S.
18 1. p~l uses permi tted in the "PI", "E2", "R3", und "Gl" zones.
19 2. Retail stores or businesses.
20 3. ""~nuserJent enterprises, includinG El baseball park, ~'ool hall,
21 bowling alley, boxing arena, dance hall, and the like.
22 ,1. Automobile service station.
23 5. Cle8.niDg ez.tablishment, using cleaning fluid which is nDn-
24 explosi ve, a::è. non-inflmCIlable at temperatures below 138.5
25 òegreeB fEihrellheit.
26 6. Feed or fuel store.
27 7. Hospitals or sanitariumS (except æ1Ìpal hospi tal s) .
28 8. Ice storage house. not ,core than five \5} tons capLcity.
29 9. .'edical or dentbl clinic oEd lebor"tories.
30 10. :'ortuary or c."nðertBking establishment.
31 11. rÜrsery.
32 12. "'lure.bine shop.
33 13. DrintÜ1g, Ii thogra)hlng or lJublishing.
OQ3CZt ~~-16-. ...~u~.__..
._~ .~..~-
I 14. ?libHe Garage. i"cluèi",.. E-utorlobile rep,Üring, aD'] Ü:ci6ental
2 ';ody :end fender work, painting or upholRterinß.
3 15. Public Servi ces, including electric distributiDß substation,
4 fire or :)olice st¿tion, telephone exch311£:e, éiIld the like.
5 lb. .~ign Df\Ír.tin,: shop.
6 17. ,studios (excent motion "icture).
7 13. Tourist court or motel (not incluài.nc treiler parks or carll's).
8 19. ;'pholstering shop and used furniture stores.
9 20. Other uses, which, in the judgment of the Cornmis si on as 8vi-
10 denceò by 8 :resolutior, in wri tinFS are sin:ilar to and no TIore
)) objectionable than any of those mentioned above.
12 21. uses custorcarily incident to any of the above uses eDc ~ccessory
13 buildinfs vlhen located on the sane lot. '"rovided that there
14 shall be no rlunufacturinc, assemblin,g, cQJJ:pounding, Drocessing
15 or treatnent of products other than that which is clearly inci-
16, dental anQ essential to retail store or business and <.',here
17 E-ll such Droducts lire sold at retail on the premises.
18 ". EUEÐFG 'iEI::C:¡T L::-:rT. Four (4) stories and not exceeding sixty-
19 five (65) feet, exce"t as other'Hi se ,orovided ineJe ction 14-;a
20 c. ?I':':,\'IFE: ¡;TTS.
21 1. --'?OJ.T -L..],lJ. .. front yerd havin" a de:- th of not less th81: that
22 specified on the "Building Line ::ap". shall be provided and
23 'TIaintained.
24 2. SIDE :U,."DS. Sœoe as required in the "01" Zone-Section 9-0, 2.
25 3. ""::L? Vj,T'D. There shull be :rem' ynrd of not less thL!O tVlenty
26 (20) Der cent of the depth of the lot. but such rear yal"d need
27 !Oot exceed Þ,enty \20) feet. < <roviòeò th<Jt :chere the rear of a
28 lot in the "02" 7:one abuts upon the side or rear of a lot in
29 the "CJ","02","Fl",or ":52" Zone there shall be a rear ynd of
30 not less than ten (10) feet. nuilciIligs hereafter erect"d and
31 used exclusively for residontial "hall comply rri th the
32 I rear yúrd re¡;uletions of the "Hl" Zoné-Section 6-0, 3.
33 4. LOT ,"miþ_. 3uildin,':s hereafter er"ctec1 used exclusi vely for
OOì:>1Z cv¡"lliIiC purposes shall CO)""ly with the lot area requirer:ents
I II of the ~R3~ Zone-Section 8-C, 4.
2 ,I For Area exceptions refer to section 14-B.
5 1. All uses permitted in the ~Rln, ~R2", "R3~, "Cl" and "C2" zones.
6 Ii 2. Advertising signs or structures and bill bands.
7 i 3. Animal Hospital.
8 .i 4. Automobile painting, rebuilding, reconditioning, body and
911 fender works; truck repairing or over-hauling.
10 II 5. Bakery, wholesale.
11 .1 5. Bottling plant.
12 Ii 7. Carpet or rug cleaning plant.
1311 8. Cleaning and dyeing plant.
14 ii 9. Creamery.
1511 10. Distributing plant (except petroleum products).
16 il ll. Feed and Fuel yard.
17 12. Food products manufacture. except fish and meat products,
1811 sauerkraut, vinegar, yeast and the rendering or refining of
19 II fats and oils.
20 ii 13. Froi t or V'egetable packing plant.
21 II 14. Ice and cold storage plant.
22 .. 15. Laboratory, experimental and the like.
23 i 15. Laundry.
24 il 17. Lumber yard, building material storage yard, contractors
25 i storage yard or plant.
26 i 18. Machine shop or blackSl!li th shop.
27 19. Public utility service yard, ele ctri c recei ving or trans-
28 forming station.
29 20. Sheet metal shop.
30 21. Warehouse or storage building.
31 22. Wholesale business.
32 23. Trailer parks, subject to the requirements of Ordinance no.
33 q 't 342 of the City of Chula Vis ta.
0 Ò'3 -18-
I 24. Trucking yard or terminal.
2 25. Other uses which in the judgment of the Commission as evi-
3 denced by a resolution in writing are similar to and no
4 more objectionable than those enumerated above.
5 26. Uses customarily incident to the above uses, and accessory
6 build ings.
7 B. BUILDING RltIGHT LIMIT. Four (4) stories and not exceeding sixty-
8 five (65) feet, except as otherwise provided in Section 14-A.
10 1. FRONT Y MID. A front yard having a depth of not less than
II that specified on the "Building Line Map", shall be provided
12 and maintained.
13 2. SIDE YARDS. Same as required in the "Cl", Zone-Sect! on 9-C, 2.
14 3. REAR YARD. Same as required in the .02" Zone-Section 10-c, 3.
15 4. LOT AREA. Buildings hereafter erected and used exclusively
16 for dwelling purposes shall comply with the lot area require-
17 ments of the "R3" Zone-Section 8-C, 4.
18 For Area exceptions refer to Section 14-B.
21 1. All uses permitted in the "Rl", "R2" , "R3" , "Cl", "C2", and
22 "Ml" zones.
23 2. Any other use, except those uses which are or may becœne ob-
24 noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, dust,
25 smoke, noise, gas fumes, cinders, vibration, refuse matter,
26 or water carried waste, as determined by the Commission.
27 3. Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses, and ac-
28 cessory buildings.
29 B. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT. Four (4) stories and not exceeding sixty-
30 five (65) feet, except as otherwise provided in Section 14-A.
32 1. FRO]l'T YARD. A front yard having a depth of not less than that
33 DOlCt 'j/ specified on the "Building Line Map", shall be provided and
1 2. SIDE YARD. Same as required in the "01" ZOne-Section 9-0, 2.
2 3. REAR YARD. Same as required in the "02" Zone-Section 10-0,3.
3 4. LOT AREA. Buildings hereafter erected and used exclusively for
4 dwelling purposes shall cO!D]Jly with the lot area requiremn ts
5 of the "R3" Zone-Section 8-C, 4.
6 For Area exceptions refer to Section 14-B.
8 A. AREA.
9 1. BUILDING LINES. The distance at which a building line is
10 established fr<:>m a stree,t line as sp.f3oified 011 thf3 "B\olHding
11 Line Map" shall df3tf3rmine the minimum depth of thf3 front yards
12 along a frontage or the minill11.llll depth of a sidf3 yard along
13 the street side of a corner lot as the oaSf3 IlUl.Y be.
15 arrangf3d to rear upon s ide yards or have their service en-
16 trances opening thereon, provided the following rf3g¡,¡lations
17 are complied with:
18 (a) In the case of group dwellings or co¡,¡rt apartments, the
19 req\olired side yards shall be increased by six (6) inches
20 for each dwelling unit or portion thereof abutting such
21 side yard, but such side yard need not exceed seven (7)
22 feet. The average width of the court shall not be less
23 than three (3) times the width of the side yard required
24 in this provision.
25 (b) In the case of a unit group of dwellings (inoluding one-
26 family, two-family or multiple dwellings not more than
27 two and one-half (2t) stories in height arranged so as
28 to rear upon one side yard and front upon the other. the
29 width of each side yard shall be not less than twenty
30 (20) per cent of the width of the lot.
31 (c) In the grouping of dwellings as permitted in this para-
32 graph, the minimum distance betwf3en detached dwellings
33 [JÚ5c¡t shall not be less than ten (10) feet, and the front and
-~------------ - --
1 'I rear yard requirements for lots in the district in which
I' such dwellings are located, shall be complied with.
2 I,
4 "R3" Zones no building shall be hereafter erected, enlarged,
5 or used for a church, hospital, sanitarium, institution,
6 library, museum, or other similar use permitted under the use
7 regulations of this Ordinance unless such church, library, or
8 IllUseum is located at least ten (10) feet from the lot or bound-
9 ary line of adjoining property in an "Rl", "R2" or "R3" Zone,
10 SJ1ld such !lospital, sanitarium or other similar institution is
11 located at least twenty-five (25) feet from said lot or bound-
12 ary line. Provided, further, t!lat no required front yard, hor
13 any side yard as required above, shall be used for the parking
14 of automobiles.
15 4. LOOATION OF ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. Where servants quarters,
16 gnest house, reoreationroom, and a private garage or any Ocln-
17 bination of suoh uses are included in one building, t!lat por-
18 tion thereof' designed for servants quarters, gùest !louse or
19 recreation room shall not be located nearer than five (5) feet
20 to any lot line.
21 No accessory building on a reversed corner lot shall pro-
22 jeot beyond the front yard line required on the key lot in the
23 rear. nor be located nearet> than five (5) feet to the side lot
24 line of such key loti provided, however, that such accessory
25 building need not be located more than twenty (20) feet from
26 the side street line of a reversed corner lot.
27 5. THROUGH DOT-FRONT YARD. At each end of a through lot there
28 shall be a front yard of the depth specified on the "Building
29 Line Map"; provided, ho~ever, th at one of such front yards may
30 serve as a required rear yard.
33 for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar
hn3fl'1__. -21-
1 equipment required to operate and maintain the building, and fire or
2 parapet walls, skylights, towers, steeples, roof signs, flagpoles, chimneys,
3 smokestacks, wireless masts, water tanks, silos, or similar structures may
4 be erected above the height limits herein prescribed, but no penthouse or
5 roof structure, or any space above the height 11mi t shall be allowed for
6 the purpose of providing usable floor space.
7 B. AREA.
8 1. FRONT YÞ~-KEY. LOT- Irrespective of the front yard specified
9 on the "building Line Map" for a key lot, the minimum front
10 yard on such key lot may be the average of the required front
11 yard for the adjoining interior lot and the required side yard
12 along the street side of a reversed corner lot.
14 uated between two lots, one or both of which has a main build-
15 ing (within twenty-five (25) feet of its side lot lines) pro-
16 jecting beyond the front yard line specified on the "Building
17 Line Map" at the time this Ordinance became effective, the
18 front yard requireJœnt on such lot may be the average of the
19 front yard of said main building on one side and the required
20 front yard, or may be the average of the front yards of said
21 main buildings on either side, as the case may be.
22 3. FRONT AND SIDE YARDS WAIVED. The front and side yard require-
23 ments shall be waived where dwellings, hotels or boarding
24 houses are erected above the ground floor of a building when
25 said ground floor is designed exclusively for commercial or
26 industrial purposes.
27 4. REAR YARD-1iNCLUDES ONE-HALF ALLEY. In computing the depth of
28 a rear yard where such yard opens onto an alley, one-half (t)
29 the width of such alley may be assumed to bea portion of the
30 required rear yard.
32 not exceeding one (1) story nor fourteen (14) feet in height
33 may occupy not more than fifty (50) per cent of the area of a
oo3~1 -22-
I required rear yard, provided that (EI) in the "Rl" and "R2"
2 Zones, where a porti on of such accessory building is located
3 in the rear of a ~in building, it shall be at least fifteen
4 (15) feet therefrom; (b) in the "R3" Zone, where a portion
5 of such accessory building is looated directly in the rear of
6 a main building, it shall be at least ten (10) feet therefrom;
7 (cj in the "Rl" , "R2" and "R:3" Zones, wher!> such accessory
8 building is so located in the rear yard that no portion there-
9 of is directly in the rear of a main building it shall be at
10 least five (5) feet therefrom; and (d) in the "Rl" and "R2"
11 Zones, such accessory building or portion thereof ~y be 10-
12 cated in a side yard if situated at least seventy (70) feet
I3 from the front lot line and at least five (5) feet from hoth
14 the main building and the side lot line.
15 In no ease, however, shall a two (2) story accessory
16 building occupy any part of a required rear yard nor be 10-
17 cated nearer than five (5) feet to any lot line.
18 6. LOT AREA-INCLUDES ONE-HALF ALLEY. In computing the lot area
19 of a lot which abuts upon one or more alleys, one-half (t)
20 the width of such alley or alleys may be assumed to be a por-
21 tion of the lot.
22 7. THROUGH LOT-ACCESSORY BUILDING. An accessory building not
23 exceeding one (1) story nor fourteen (14) feet in height ~y
24 be located in one of the required front yards of a through
25 lot, if such building is set back from the front lot line a
26 distance of not less than ten (10) per cent of tÀe depth of the
27 lot and at least five (5) feet from any silie, 1-ot line.
29 (a) Cornices, eaves, belt courses. sills, canopies. or other
30 similar architectural features (not including bay windows)
31 may extend or project into a required side yard not more
32 than two (2) inches for each one (1) foot of width of
33 such side yard and may extend or project into a required
/)6-39"1 -23-
1 front, side or rear yard not more than one (r) foot
2 provided the width of such side yard is not reduced to
3 less than three (3) feet.
4 (b) Fire escapes may extend or project into any front, side
5 or rear yard not more than four (4) feet.
6 (c) Open, unenclosed stairways or balconies, not covered by
7 a roof or aanopy, may extend or project into a required
8 rear yard not more than four (4) feet, and such balconies
9 may extend into a required front yard not more than thirty
10 (30) inches.
11 (d) Open, unenclosed porches, platforms or landing places,
12 not covered by a roof or canopy, which do not extend a-
13 bove the level of the first floor of the building, may
14 extend or project into any front, side or rear yard, or
15 into a court, not more than six (6) feet.
16 (e) Ope'nwork ornamental fences, hedges, landscape architectural
17 features, may be located in any front, side or rear yard
18 if maintained at a height of not more than three and one-
19 half (3t) feet above the average ground level adjacent
20 thereto. Provided, further, that an open-work type rail-
21 ing not more than three and one-half (3~) feet in height
22 may be installed or constructed on any balcony, stairway,
23 porch, platform or landing place mentioned above in sub-
24 paragraph (c) and (d).
25 (f) A fence, lattice work screen, or wall, not more than six
26 (6) feet in height, or a hedge or thick growth of shrubs
27 or trees, maintained so as not to exceed six (6) feet in
28 height, may be located along the side or rear lot line,
29 provided they do not extend into the side yard required
30 along the side street on a corner lot, which in this case
31 shall also include that portion of the rear yard abutting
32 the intersecting street wherein accessory buildings are
33 prohibited.
J)Q3Ct ~/ -24-
,I (g)
1 'I None of the above structures or features shall be so
d located and maintained as to preclude comple te access
II Gates or other
3 ' at all times about a main building.
4 'i suitable openings at least two and one-half (2~) feet
5 11 in width shall be considered as providing such access.
8 I 1. MAIN'I'F'..NANCE PERMITTED. A non-conforming build ing may be
9 ., maintained, except as otherwise provided in this section.
10 !I 2. REPAI RS- ALTERATIONS. Repairs and al terati onsmay be made
11 I to a non-conforming building provided that in a building or
:: II structure Which is non-conforming as to use regulations, no
structural alterations shall be made except those required by
14 II law or ordinances.
1611 (a) A~ilding non-conforming as to use regulations shall
17 II not be added to or enlarged in any manner unless such
, II
18 .' building, including such additions and enlargements,
19 11 are made to conform to all the regulations of the zone
, 20 [! in which it is located.
" "
21 ¡i (b) A building non-conforming as to height or area regula-
22 II tions, shall not be added to or enlarged in any manner
23 !I unless such addition or enlargeJœnt conforms to all the
24 regulations of the zone in which it is located.
25 (c) No non-conforming building shall be moved in whole or in
26 part. to any other loc ation on the lot unle ss every por-
n 27 tion of such building is made to conform to all the re-
I: 28
!i gulations of the zone in which it is located.
I 29 4. RESTORATI ON DAMAGED BUILDINGS. A non-conforming building
30 which is damaged or partially destroyed by fire, flood. wind,
11 31 earthquake, or other celamity or act of God or the public
¡ 32 enemy, to the extent of not more than fifty (50) per cent of
I 33 0039 S its value at that time, may be restored, provided the total
! -25-
........-..-.-. .-.--..
I cost of such rsstoration does not exceed fifty (50) per cant
2 of the value of the building at the time of such damage. In
3 the event such damage or destruction exceeds fifty (50) per
4 cent of the value of such non-conforming building or struc-
5 ture, no repairs or reconstruction shall be made unless every
Ó portion of such building is made to conform to all regulations
7 for new buildings in the zone in which it is located.
9 1. CONTINUATION M1D CHANGE OF USE. Except as otherwise provided
10 in this subsection; (a) the non-conforming use of a build-
11 ing, existing at the time this Ordinance became effective, may
12 be continue d; (b) the use of a non-conforming builó ing may
13 be changed to a use of the same or more restricted classifica-
14 tion. Where the use of a non-conforming building is hereafter
15 changed to a use of a more restricted calssification, it shall
16 not thereafter be changed to a use of a less restricted class-
17 ification; and (c) a vacant non-conforming building may be
18 occupied by a use for whi ch the building was designed or in-
19 tended if so occupied within a period of one (1) year after
20 the effective date of this Ordinance, and the use of a non-
21 conforming building which becomes vacant after the effective
22 date of this Ordinance. may also be occupied by a use for
23 which the building was designed or intended if so occupied
24 within a period of one (1) year after the building becomes
25 vacant.
26 2. EXPANSI ON PROHIBIT'ED. A non-conforming use of a building
27 conforming to the use regulations, shall not be expanded or
28 extended into any other portion of such building nor changed
29 except to a conforming use. If such a non-conforming use or
30 portion thereof is discontinueò or changed to a conforming
31 use, any future use of such building or portion thereof shall
32 be in conformity with the regulations of the zone in which such
33 Do ',> 9 ;)ì"i building is located.
) -26-
.--.-- --.-.u.
1 c. NON-COD'ORI'JTG 'JS'~ 0]' LAFD.
2 1. COl'Tn;U,~TION OF USE. The Non-conforming use of land (where no
3 building is involved). existing at the time the Ordinance be-
4 CaJ'le effective, may be continued, provided: (a) That no such
5 ' use of land shall in any way be expanded or extended either on
6 the saC's or adjoining property. (b) That if such non-conform-
7 i11g use of land Or any portion thereof is discontinued or changed,
8 any future use of such land shall be in conformity with the pro-
9 visions of this Ordinance.
10 D. Any exception from the terms of this Ordinance provided for in this
II Sectiol1 shall not apply to non-conforming buildings. the non-conforming use
12 of buildings, Or the non-conforming use of land where the non-conformance is
13 in violation of any LeI'! or Ordin&nce of the City of Chula Vis ta in effect on
14 the first day prior to the effective date of this Ordinance or where the non-
15 conformance is pursuant to a varie-nce "ranted by the PlaIll1ing Commission or
16 the City Council of the City of Chulr. Vista pursuant to any such Ordinance in
17 effect prior to the effective date of this Ordinance in which case the terms
18 and conditions of such Variance shall determine the extent of such non- conform nce.
20 A. :,L'T'TCRITY OF CC'r:ISSIOF. "'¡; ere practical difficulties. unnecessary
21 ha"dships, or results inconsistent with the f;eneral IJurposes of this Ordinance
22 may result from the strict and literal internretation "N' enforcement of the
23 provisions thereof, the Comrnission, upon the verified application of any pro-
24 perty owner Or lessee of the property affected, shall have authority to ,grant
25 upon such terins anõ. conditi ons as it deen-s necessary, such varÜm ces therefrom
26 BS ,",BY be in lwrmony .d th their General purpose and intent. so that the spirit
27 of this Ordinance shall be observed, Qublic se.fety and welfare secured and
28 substantial justice done.
29 B. VX¡;T"j.CE ".;:".UIFE'.¡hT,S. VEœience shall be granted unless the ap-
30 :'lic8nt can "roduce facts to show that practical difficulties and unnecessary
31 hards?lips, ",1 thin the rr,eæJing of the provisions of this Ordinance, would re-
32 sult fro:;) the c;trict conpliance 'elit!: the provisions thel'80f and, further no
33 variance shall be p".H,ted unless it appears. and the Commission specifies in
Ilil~2J- .--.--...-..---..----- -----...-..
I its written findings the facts which establish beyond a reasonable doubt:
2 (8) That there are exception,',l circumstances or con,Ji ti ons applicsble to the
3 property invo Iveõ or to the intended use thereof. thc.t do not apply generally
4 to the pro .'erty or claas of u,:es in the se~",e zone; (b) Thc:t such variance is
5 c'ecessary for ,he "reservation of a substantial property ric¡ht of the appli cant;
6 (cj That t'1e py¡:nting of such v,J.l'iance will not b'3 p'Bterially detrinental to
7 the :,ubliG welfare or injuriau" to theproDerty or inprovenmts in the zone or
8 ('istrict in y!lÜch the property is located.
9 C. TTL"::LYCE f,""'?LICA.TIONS-[.'l'" OO¡l'I'F}'T'S. Applications for variances
10 shEll be fileG with the ,3ecretEry of the Commission ir: du'clicate upon forms and
11 eccomDanied by such be pre';cribeèc by the Commission so es to aSsure
12 the fullest lJl"actic&ble yl'E:sentation of facts for the oermanent record, to{"etlle
13 cci th a fi Un!' fee 0:' ten dollars ()10.00) and the cost of publication of' notice
14 ':ereiD rerp1Íred.
15 D. "?:lCI:T Dlir=:. ¡'otice u)1or the f'ilIu:; of such application, the CO1~-
16 ,-j ssi on shall cst éJ date fell' hearin¡' the Sere ch date shall be not less than
17 ten (10) nor more than fifty (50) days after the fIling of said tlpplicEtio .
18 Fot less t;'cn tell (lO) ('eye prior to the "ete of such public hearing, publiíí
19 notice of ti,"e, ;rlnee '..I1d DUJTOS8 tnerAof shall be Ci ven by both of tl:e
20 follo,Ünc rcethods:
21 1. pub1ication 01' noti De ÍIJ ne,.,spaDer heving a p¡enerE:l circula-
22 tion in the City; if end
23 2. -'y rlailie,c postal cGrd or Jetter notice to the o\^mers of all 91'0-
24 perty 1d thin fi ve huLl] red (500) feot of the exterior boundaries of
25 the .)ropert)' involved, USiL\:' for this Dm'pose the lEst known noma
26 am] address of such ov,ners shown upon the records of' the City
27 Clerk. ""'rovièed, t!wt no ¡Jost card or letter notice ¡:eed be mai led
28 to 2ny sueh ovmer .,.ilio sii111s a petition in favor of the requested
29 verinnee. Provided, further, that nublic heal'incs need not be held
30 aT, apDli cations for variance from the hei"ht or area reßUlations un-
31 l' le38 deered necessary by the OommiHsi on.
32 {XJ 39 E. DE'r=R'I1 ';:>;1(;Y If from the facts presented vIi th the ap
33 :,Ucction, c,t t",e ')ublic 11sarin€:, or by investicati on or at tile jr;stúnce of
the Comrdssion, seo.id Conmir,sion EJekes the fil'dings set forth in subsection B -..---
I whole or in pert, upon such terms and conditions as it may deem necessary
2 to conform with the general intent and purpose of this Ordinance. If the
3 Commission fails to make said findings, it shall deny the application.
4 Each decision by the Commission authorizing a variance from the ragula-
5 tions herein established must be by resolution adopted by a majori ty of its
6 membership, setting forth the written finding of facts required by sub-
7 secti on B of thi s secti on. The Conmission shall make its findings and
8 determination wi thin forty (40) days from the date of hearing on such ap-
9 plication or the date of filing when no hearing is held, and shall forth-
10 with transmit a copy thereof to the applicant.
II F. VARIANCE EFFECTIVE-APPEAL. No variance granted or authorized by
12 the Conmission, as provided above, shall beco:rne effective until after an
13 elapsed period of ten (10) days from the date the written determination
14 is made, during which time written appeal therefrom may be taken to the
15 Council by any person aggrieved or affected by any determination by the
16 COImnission in connection with any application for variance or upon the
17 failure of the Cormnission to make its determinations on any application
18 within the forty (40) day limit referred to above. Such appeal shall be
19 filed in triplicate with the City Clerk and shall state the grounds there-
20 for and wherein the Cormnission failed to conform to the requirements of
21 this Ordinance. The Ci ty Clerk shall forthwi th transmit one copy of sai d
22 appeal to the City Attorney and the other copies to the Commission. Said
23 appeal stays all proceedings in fUrtherance of the action appealed from
24 until the determination of the appeal.
25 Upon receipt of the appeal the Commission shall, within ten (10) days,
26 transmit to the Council the original application and copies Of all other
27 papers constituting the record upon which the action was taken together
28 with a written report disclosing in what respects the application for Var-
29 iance and facts offered in support thereof met or fai led to meet the Ve.r-
30 iance requirements set forth in subsection B of this section. The Council
JI ! may by resolution affirm. reverse, or modify, in whole or in part any de-
32 cision, determination or requirement of the Commission but before granting
33 any appealed petition which was denied by the Commission or before changing
M3?Li -29-
I any of the conditions imposed by the Commission in a variance grant,ed by
2 the Commission, the Council must set the matter for hearing giVing the
3 same notice as that provided in paragraph 2, subsection D of this section
4 and must make a written finding of fact setting forth wherein the Commis-
5 sion'S findings were in error and wherein the property of particular use
6 involved meets the requirements set forth in subsection B of this section.
7 A four-fifths (4/5) vote of the ,~ole of the Council shall be re-
8 qui red to grant, in whole or in part, any appealed application denied by
9 the Commission.
II A. PROCEDURE FOR CHANG'E. Whenever the public necessity, convenience,
12 general welfare, or good zoning practice require, the Council may by
13 ordinance, after report thereon by the Cotllrliesion and subject to the pro-
14 cedure provided in this section, emend, supplement or change the regulations, !
15 zone boundaries, or classifications of property, now or hereafter estab~
16 lished by this Ordinance. An amendment, supplement, reclassification
17 or change may be initiated by a resolution o~ intention by the commission
18 or the City Councilor by a verii'ied application of one or more of the
19 o~~ers or lessees of the property within the area proposed to be changed.
21 change of zone boundaries or reclassification of zonas, shall be filed
22 with the Oi ty. Clerk, accompanied by SUM data and information so as to as-
23 sure the fullest practicable presentation of facts for the permanent record.
24 II Each such application snaIl be verified by at least one of the owners
25 or lessees of property vn thin the area proposed to be changed, attasting
2ó under oath to the truth and corre'ctness of all facts and information 'pre-
27 sentedwith the application.
28 O. HEARING DATE NCirICE. Upon the filing of such application or the
29 adoption of such resolution by the Council, the matter shall be referred
30 to the 001mnission for report and recommendation and snall be set for public
31 hearing before the Commission. Notices of the time, place and purpose of
32 such hearing shall be given by the following method,~
33 1. By at least one publication in a newspaper of general circulation
£Jfì~ -30-
----------- -----------
1 :1 in the City, designated for that purpose by the Council and
2 II not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of hearing;
3 ' and such other notice as may be required by any Law of the
4 II State of California.
5 D. DECISION BY CŒ&USSION AND COUNCIL. If, from the facts presentllld,.
6 II the Commission finds that public necessity, convenience, general welfare,
7 'I or good zoning practice, require the change or reclassification involved
8 II or any portion thereof, the Commission may recommend such change to the
9 : Council, and otherwise it shall deny the application. The commission shall
10 Ii make its findings and determination in writing within forty (40) days from
11 Ii the date of filing of any such application and shall forthwith transmit a
12 II copy thereof to the applicant. If the application is approved, the Com-
13 II mission shall transmit the application, together with its report and re-
141 commendations relative thereto to the City Council. The City Council,
15 after conducting a public hearing, with published notice as provided in
16 :11 paragraph 1 subsection C of this section, may by ordinance effect such
17 II amendment, supplement, change or reclassification or any porti on thereof.
18 I: E. DENTAL-APPEAL. If an application for change or reclassificati on
1911 is denied by the Commission as provided above, the applicant may, within
20 : twenty (20) days frOm the date the notification of denial was mailed to
21 II said applicant, appeal to the Council by written notice Of appeal filed
221" with the City Clerk. Said appeal shall be filed in duplicate and shall
23 I set forth specifically wherein the Commission's findings were in error and
24 j: wherein the publi c necessity, convenience, welfare or good zoning practice
2511 require such change or reclassification. Said appeal must be. referred to
26 I, the Commission, and thereupon the Commission shall make a repcn:'t to the
27 1 Council disclosing in what respect it failed to find that the public neces-
28 I aity, convenience, general welfare, or good zoning practice requires the
291 change or reclassification involved. The Council may by a four-fifths
30 " (4/5) vote of the whole of said Council, grant any appealed application,
31 II but before meJcing any change in the recommendation of the Commission, the
32 II Council must set the matter for public hearing, giving the same notice as
331'1 "'rl".d in paragraphs 1 and 2, subsection C of this section, and must make
I f'\h 7.. Q ,/ -31-
I a =i tten finding of fact setting forth wherein the Connnission t s findings
2 were in error.
3 The procedure of the Council in effecting a change or a reclassifica-
4 tion of property initiated by resolution of intention, rather than by ap-
5 plication of property owners, or for an amendment or supplement to the
6 text which has been disapproved or partially disapproved by the Commission,
7 shall be the same as that outlined above in this subsection for the grant-
8 ing of an appealed application, except that the published notice of hear-
9 ing, as provided above, shall suffice on any matter involving only an
10 amendment or supplement to the text of this Ordinance.
II F. CHANGE IN BUILDING LINE MAP. A building line shown on the "Build-
12 ing Line Map" may be changed, or new building lines may be established
13 thereon, by following the same procedure set forth in this section for
14 changes and amendments.
15 Where property is in acreage at the time this Ordinance became af-
16 fective but is subsequently divided into lots and blocks by recording a
17 subdi visi on map, the Commission shall thereafter recommend to the Council
18 the establishment of appropriate building lines on the "Building Line Map"
19 along streets within the subdivided area. In those cases where acreage
20 property is in the "Rl", "R2", or "R3" zones and no building line is
21 shown on the "Building Line Map" a minimum front yard of twenty-five (25)
22 feet shall be provided and maintained pending the establishment of an
23 appropriate building line as herein provided.
25 A. FEE FOB APPLICATIONS. Before accepting for filing any applica-
26 tion hereafter mentioned, the Conmission shall charge and oollect suoh
27 fees as are prescribed by Ordinanoe whioh shall be pswable to the City
28 Clerk.
30 A. COMPLIANCE. All Departments, Officials, or Public Employees,
31 vested with the duty or authority to isSue licenses, permits, or certi-
n ficates of occupancy where required by law, shall conform to the provi-
33 sions of this Ordinance. No such permit or license for buildings, uses,
- IJfl?1lY. -:52-
1 or purposes where the same would be in conflict with the provisions of
2 this Ordinance shall be issued. Any such permit or license, if issued
3 in conflict with the provisions hereof, shall be null and void, and tae
4 City of Chula Vista shall in no way be liable for damages for the issuance
5 thereof.
6 B. COMPLIANCE BY CITY. The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply
7 to all buildings, improvements, lots and premises, owned, leased, operated
8 or controlled by the City or any department thereof, or by any other muni-
9 cipal or quasi-municipal corporation or governmental agency.
10 SECTION 20: PLATS. Each application for a building,permit shall be made
11 on a printed form to be furnished by the Building Inspector and shall con-
12 tain accurate information and dimensions as to the size and the location
13 of the lot; the size and location of the bui;ldin",s on the lot; the di-
14 mensions of all yards and open spaces; and such other information as may
15 be necessary for the enforcement of these regulati ons. 1Vhare complete and
16 accurate information is not readily available from existing records, the
17 Building Inspector may require the applicant to furnish a survey of the
18 lot prepared by a licensed surveyor. A careful record of the original of
19 such applications shall be kept in the office of the Building Inspector.
20 SECTI ON 21: INTERPRETATION-PURPOSE-CONFLICT. In interpreting and apply-
21 ing the provisi ens of this Ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum
22 require~ents for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, con-
23 venience and general welfare. It is not intended by this Ordinance to
24 interfere with or abrogate or annul any easement, covenant or other agree-
25 ment between parties. Vfuere this Ordinance imposes a greater restriction
26 upon the use of buildings or land, or upon the height of buildings, or
27 requires larger open spaces than are imposed or required by other ordin-
28 ances, rules, regulatione, or by easements, covenants, or agreements, the
29 provisions of this Ord1nance shall control.
30 Whenever there is any question regarding the interpre,tat1aa of tbe
31 visions of this Ordinan/Je or their application to any specU'ic case or
32 situation. the Commission shall interpret the intent of thia, Ordinance by
33 written decision end such interpretation shall be followed in applying
(lQ'3 y -33-
, ~-~ - --,
I said provisions.
2 SECTION 22: E~70ROEMENT - PE~~LTIES. It shall be the duty of the Build-
3 ing Inspector to enforce the provisiO!lS of this Ordinance pertaining to
4 the erecting, construction, reconstruction, moving, conversion, alteration
5 of, or addition to, any building.
6 It shall be the duty of the Police Department of the City and all
7 officers of said City otherwise charged with the enforceænt of the law,
8 to enforce this Ordinance.
9 Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of
10 this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction
II thereof, shall be punishable by a fine Of not more than five hundred
12 dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment, of not to exceed three (3) months,
13 or by both such fine and impri sonment. Such persons, firm or corporation
14 shall be deemed guilty for each day during any portion of which any viola-
15 t ion is commit ted, continued or permi tted and shall be punishable as here-
16 in provided.
17 The city Attorney, upon request of the Council, shall institute any
18 necessary legal proceedings to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance;
19 and he may be so authorized, in addition to the remedy herein provided,
20 to institute an action for an injunction to restrain, or any other appro-
21 priate action, or proceedings to enforce such provisions.
22 SEOTION 23: VALIDITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or
23 phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid
24 or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdictions,
25 such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of
26 this Ordinance. The Counc il hereby declares that it would have adopt ed
27 this Ordinance and each section, subsection. sentence, clause, phrase or
28 portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections,
29 subsections, clauses, phrases or portions be declared invalid or unconsti-
JO tutional. q Sé~rl",rI1~ 1fe>."Z:U
,1 ') :
31 SECTION 24: REPEAL. Ordinance Nos. 129, 16'fJ'~1220, 260, 262, and :1l3of !
32 the City of Chula Vista, and all ordinances amendatory thereof or thereto, I
33 and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance,
I are hereby repealed.
2 SECTION 25: PUBLICATION. This Ordinan ce shall be effecti ve and enforced
3 thirty-one days after the final passage thereof, and the ssme shall be
4 published once in the Chula Vista Star, a newspaper of general circulation,
5 printed and published in the City of Chula Vista, California.
6 PASSED, ADOPTED MID APPROVED this 22nd day of MARCH , 19.9,
7 by the following vote, to-wit:
8 AYES: COUNCILMEN Riesland. Nashold, Dyson, Kidder, Koester.
16 A'ITEsr:
Ó e ~9 i -35
I, Beatrice Peck, Secretary of the Planning Commission
of the City of Chula Vista, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY
that Ule attached copy of a proposed comprehensive zoning
and building line ordinance entitled," AN ORDINANCE OF THE
HEREWITH," is a true and correct copy of a proposed comprehen-
sive zoning ordinance which was duly approved by the Pla=ing
Commission of the City of Chula Vista, at a regular adjourned
meeting held January 17th, 1949 and recownended to the City
Council of the City of Chula Vista for adoption by the follow-
ing votes:
AYES: Members Davis, Guest, Fisher, Irey, Welton, Cloyed
NOES: Members None
ABSENT: Members None
I further CERTIFY that the following is a true and correct
copy of the Report of Findings, Summary of Hearings and Recommend-
ation of the eaid P1=1"" CO_iea~ //
C ~~
Secretary of the Pla=ing Co- ission
I!JO39t of the City of Chula Vista.
- ----" ----_._---~-"-"- "-"
The Pla=ing Conli;lission of the City of Chula Vista,
finds that the adoption of the proposed comprehensive zoning
and building line ordinance, attached hereto, is in the best
interest of the City of Chula Vista and in accord with the
orderly development thereof. The commission finds that en-
actment to the attached proposed ordinance is necessary to
encourage the most appropriate use of land, conserve and
stabilize the value of property, prevent undue concentration
of population, street congestion and overly crowded buildip~
condi tions, and generally to promote the general safety,
health and welfare.
The commission further finds that existing zoning and
building line ordinances are antiquated and largely ineffect-
ual in preventing the overcrowding of, and the encroachment
on residential areas by unhealthful and undesirable land uses.
In addition, the commission finds that the establishment
of minimum lot sizes, set back, side yard and height regulations
envisaged by the proposed ordinance will maintain and improve
present residential neighborhoods.
It should be urged that the attached proposed ordinance
has not been hastily arrived at, but represents the result of
over one years work and study by the Co~mission.
In the consideration of the attached proposed ordinance
the following notices and hearings were given and held in
accordance witþ the provisions of the Conservation and Planning
Act of 1947 of the State of California:
December 10th,
1948: Notice of Public hearing to be held on
December 21st, 1948 at 7:30 P.M. published
in the Chula Vista star, a newspaper of
()() 3 c¡ f general circulation, printed and published
in the City of Chula Vista.
-:1--:- - ----------- ----.----- ----
December 21st,
1948: A public hearing held to consider the
proposed comprehensive zoning and build-
ing line ordinance. Messrs. William
Drew, J. E. Bacon, Herman S. Delano, and
Mark Money discussed various phases of
the ordinance and offered suggestions
which were taken under advisement by the
Commission and later either adopted or
rejected as in the opinion of the Commiss-
ion seemed in the general welfare and in
accord with good planning.
December 24th,
1948: Notice of a Second Public Hearing to be
held on January 3rd, 1949 at 7:30 P.M.
published in the Chula Vista Star, a news-
paper of general circulation, printed and
published in the City of Chula Vista.
January 3rd,
1949: A second public hearing held to consider
the proposed Ordinance. Mrs. G.P. Olsen,
Cdr. W. H. Farrell, and Messrs. Dean Moffatt,
Z. Dwight Kidder and William Drew discussed
the Ordinance. Cdr. Farrell recommended
its passage, Yœs. Olsen read and filed with
the commission a letter embodying her ob-
jections. General discussion and sugges-
tions were offered by the other speakers,
all of which were taken under advisement
by the commission and acted upon item by
item. For more detailed report of the
hearings reference is made to the Minutes
of the Planning Commission for December
21st, 1948 and January 3rd, 1949, and to
a stenogr~phic report of each hearing filed
with the record of the proceedings.
The Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista unanimously
recormnends the attached proposed ordinance for adoption, ai'ter a
public hearing by the City Council. The commission notes that
this proposed ordinance has not been hastily compiled, bu t represents
the result of over one year's work and study.
DATED: January 17th, 1949.
By !}d4}()~ -if) ¡PalM
._. -- ----- .-------- --.---------.-----