HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1924/09/30
file Board met pursuant to adjourmnent in the Council Chamber ot the City Hall,
on the abon date, with President Peters in the chair, who oalled the meeting to
order at 7130 p.m. Preeent. !rustees Petere, Bent, Shaw, ~ons, Wentworth.
Attornq J. C. Hizer was acting City Attornq, in the absence of Cit;r Attorne;r
Andr.s, on vacation.
PAVING lIIA.TIOIUL AVElIIUE, A letter frOJ the California Construction O°Jllll8Zl¥,
the contracting compaQy for paving lIIationa1 Avenue, requesting another eztension of
s1zt;r ~. from September 23, 1924. on the contract for the work, 1I'a. read. _.
)lathia., of the oolllp&Zl¡y. was pre.ent. 8Dd .tated that the e:z:tenøion ".. nece.sar;r
due to the fact that hie oOlDpaIll' .... unable to obtain the nece..ar;r maohiner;r to 00II-
p1ete the work during the last eztenaion ot time that... ¡rEtad. !he request 11'88
granted upon moUon b;r Mr. Shaw, .econded by Mr. Wentworth, Whioh oarried b;r,the to1-
1011'ing vote. t01itl AYESt !rust..s Shaw, ~ons, Wentworth, Bent, Peter.. !IOBSt
Wone. ABSENTt Ilona.
SIDBnLKB 0111 B SDBMt A petition. .iped b;r s."en propert;r owner. on B
Streets. in Malta Square. protesting against sidewalka and curbs along the front of
their propert;r, was read. A paper _s attached to the petition "ttine forth the tact
that the protest 11'88 against l&;ring ø1d8n1Ia1 at th1a time. and asking for a de1a;r ot
one ;rear. S."era1 residents spoke on the .ubject, for and against sid_alka. One
of the signer. of the petition. T. S. loster, stated that he had 81gned the petition,
against ø1d8lJ&1k8, but that he had 81gned a. a matter of oourte.;r to the oirou1ator
of the petition, when a. a matter of faot, he i. in favor of .idelra1Ia1 being laid
nO1l'. Letters from J. B. !00lll&;r and G. H. P. Shaw. both protesting against sid_lka
on t he south side of ]I Street, were read. Both the.. letters 1I'81'e to the ettect
that the sidwa^.!k8 _re being laid for the benefit of a f- real ..tate dealers,
their reasons for so stating not being apparent. The entire matter .... held over
until a 1Ieaolution of Intention ie iuued on sid8lJ&1ka, at 1I'hioh time it will be
considered in conneotion with the Resolution. tn tha I1188ntime, the olerk is in-
structed to oheck the petition presented as to tront footage repr,~8!1.~t4,. !h1l
action was tlllten upon motion b;V Mr. Wentworth, s ecomed b;r Mr. ~, 1I'hioh
carried b;r the follcwing vote, AYESI Trustees Wentworth, Bent, Peters, 8h8, ~ons.
JQESt Ilona. ABSB1I!t None.
made complaint about the danEllroua condition of the interseoUon of Second md ]I
Street, which 11 reMered da18eroUi b;r the grcnrth of tr..s and shrubber;r tronting
the propert)' of ]I. .e1ville and B. B. Leach. Mr. Leach being ¡resent, protested against
the removal ot the ahrubbe17. and it was decided to let the matter r..t until the
81d8nlIal are laid at that oorner, when the shrubber;r and tre.. will be removed to
make w&;r for the si48lJ&lka. The clerk wa. instructed to instruct the tree 1I'81'den
to trim the foliaga and shrubbe17 on the tron of the Melville propert)' in suoh
I18m1er that the dangar flasher, looated there can be s..n trom a d1atanoe.
GRADING 'OR SI1JIiW.&I.YRt The question of the disposition of earth fl'om outs
made for sid..,.lk grades was brOught up,- the c1t;r attornq reoited the law to the
effect that auoh earth, being removed under a private oontraot. i. subject to the
orders of the oit;y engineer, who ~ have it placed where he .... fit, but that it
IIUIt be placed on the street and not on private propert;y, unle.. b;r muttl&l acree-
'lRUPIC OPPICBBS ACCUSBD 0' BlmTALI!Yt ","0 pett)' of noel's of the nav;y and
the owner of an oil .tation on lIational Avenue, accued the cit;r traffic offioer.
of brutalit;r in arresting an intoxicated violator ot the IIOtor vehio1e act. reoentl;r.
UteI' hearing the ottioers' aide ot the question, it appeared that no aotion was
neoessar;r b;r the Board. The matter.... referred teo the polioe oo_iUe. to handle.
COU1ITY R1UT.'l'!I DBPAH'rIII!:I!A't Cit;y Health Otfioer AehCroft reported on the
subject of the establishment of a oount;y health d18triot, Whioh it is nO1l' oonsidered
as.ured will be established b;r the oount;y .upervisors. ÁIJl' incorporated oit;r ....
become a unit of this diatriot, the coat of maintenance to be aapplied b;r a 18Y;y
of taxes b;r the oount;r. This soh..e p1aoes the matter ot health control in the
hand. of the cotlZlty otficial., throughout the distriot, instead of in the hands of
100a1 authoriUe.. It established, all matter. of maintenance will be paid by the
count1, inetead ot traD cit)' funds. To aapport this projeot the count1881 as.esa
a tax of not to ezoeed 15 oents on each .100 of valuation, and it appe1p'8 that the
oounty .çervisor. have decided on a 10 cent tax tor the coming ;rear. A letter trom
Dr. Alez. X. Le..., county health offioer, stating that he will be glad to present
the matter to the board of trust.es, waa read, aD4 the clerk waa direoted to repl;r
Ilinu1:es of .e1:11,-,1' of SnBlllber 30. 19~. oon1:1!1'D8d.
advising Dr. LeeBIII that the matter 11'111 be taJten 'lip later.
BXPD'SI!:S OJ' RlliPRR8EII'P1!I'IVIII 'PO BOm.11'n IWI ASsocrUUOJr 001lVBJilJltQI, 'P1'UItee
Wentworth having been designated al a representative of this.o it;,- at the oezrrentiOn
of the Boulder Dam .A...ooiation, held in LoJld Beach. sOlIe two months ago, it was decided
to reimburse him for hi. ezpene.. in malting the trip, upon motioJa b;r 1Ir. 1IT0ne,
seconded b;r Mr. SbÞ, Whioh oarried, hcnr."er, over the protest of Kr. Wentworth.
L.A.FOLL18"!B-_T.'RR POLI'PIC.&I. JOImmGSt .A.. .1ett81'trOlll the ~ollette-'lhøeler
Club in San DiegO. requesting permi'don to hold a aerie. of political meeting on
a .treet in the cit;y to be name4 b;r the Board, .... read. !hese meeting will be held
in the evenings, and the reque8t .... to the effect that authorit;y be groanted to use
a .treet near the oenter of the business section. Upon motion b;r ]Ir. SbaIr, .eoonded
b;r JIr. Wentworth, the request was granted to ue the nortblre.t corner ot Jradrona Street
and Third .A.venue, Whioh oarried b;r the fo11O11'ing vote, to....,it. AYBSt !ruste.. Shaw,
lITons, Wentworth, Peter.. !lOBS. Trustee Bent. ABSD'! lIons.
DIIIO01lrTImWmB OJ' S'I'RDi'P anSt Mr. J..H. IIoCulloch reported a conference he
had had with Judge Sloan, ..,ho 18 repre.enting the cit;y in this matter in a hearing
to be held before the Statela11rOad Comadssion, in 1I'hioh Judge Sloan agreed to ap-
pear before the Board, detailing his actions to date. Katter held over until nezt meetinc.
'ID HYDRAm AT lU.TIOIUL A1ID J, '!'he tire Chief reported that the Water CO8I-
p&IJl' will install a fire hydrant at lIational Avenue and J. Street, without oo.t
to the oit;,-, but that the cit;r will be required to pa;r the U81:1&1 IIOnthl;r metal
oharge. 'ire Chief instructed to have installed, upon motion b;r Mr. Wentworth, sec-
oJlded b;r Mr. Shaw, 1I'hioh carried. .
~ STREII'l' LIGHTI1IrGcrOftRlCi'1 The clerk was instructed to adverti.e f'or a -
street lighting contract, the advertisement to call for alternate bids, one to turnish
light trOll d'Uk to da;yl1ght, the other from duk to 1.00 a.m.. upon motion by Mr.
lITons, seconded by Mr. SbaIr, which carried 1I;y the following vot.. AUS. 'Prustee.
~one, Wentworth, Bent, Peter.. Shaw. !IOEfh None. ABSDT. None.
COJIPLIAlIICE WITH LICBNBB ORDINANCE, !he clerk was directed to write a letter
to the oit;y marshal, direoting that offioer to oheok up on all violators of Ordinanoe .
No. 110, known a. the Lioenee Ordinance, and to require all violator. to take out
the pre.oribed license at once.
PORC1LlSE OF GROmm BOR BALL P.A.l!X, Trustee Wentworth reported a proposal made
to him b;y Warner Edmonde, in which the city is reque.ted to parcbaae the 10-acre tract
of land l;ying ea.t of the cit;y gravel pit, for U8e as a ball park. The proposition is
to the effeot that the ground w111 properl;y fenced and equipped b;r publio subsoripticn.
the ooat ot the land 18 P500.00. 1110 action was taken.
SIDBI'ALK IlIISPECTOR. The street superintendent having appointed R. J. Wharton
as his deput;y, as inapeotor of sidewalks, at a salary of $75.00 per month, upon motion
b;r Mr. Shaw, seconded b;r Mr. ~one, the appointment was confirmed, b;r the follO1l'ing
vot"e; AIBlII !rustee. Shaw, ~ons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. lIOBSt JlTone. ABSBNi'. None.
fIlis appointment to be effective until Jrovember 8, 1924.
!I1ITT.t1lG OLD J'ID FIGHTI1IG BO.UIPME1!ITI The fire ohiet was authorized to sell
the old chemical hand tanlt,for the best price obtainable, sJld the funds received,
to be applied to the puroha.e of a modern small taIlk that can be attached to a light
truck. JI'otion covering th18 action 117 Mr. 1IT0ne, seconded b;y Mr. Shaw, carried.
BILLS PAIDt Upon motion by. Mr. Bent, -.It...... seooJlded b;r Mr. SbIr,
ins bills, .. ezsmined b)' the finame o~lttee, were ordered paid.
4681 C. S. 'PimmeDS, City Clerk, Ino., September. 1924,
4634 Paul S. Timmons. Acting Cit;y Clerk, do.
4635 R. J. Wharton, Inspecting permits and sid.alk Insp.
4686 Jemes JaoDoD. Cit;r Recorder, September, 1924,
4637 F. :I. J.shcrott, Cit;r Health Offioer, do.
4618 Jld4ie S. Dunlop, Com. lIIur.., do.
4619 JIoB.Kell;r, Fireman. do.
4640 Charles B. Smith, Fire Chief, Ino. do.
4641 B. Xelville Co. Pr..i1tlD on Fire Ineurame
4642 Peoples State Bank Subscription to franlcript.
4643 F. B. J.nð.r.s, Clit;r J.1;torne;y, September, 1924,
4644. John J. Byen, Tra;ffio Offioer, do.
4645 Ivan J. Smith, do. do.
4646 Ro;y Hill. lI1ghtwatohman. do.
4647 Chula Vista Star, PriDgint and Publishing, do.
the fo11ow-
46Ø S. L Cqne, Cit7 Jfal'8ha1 and Imp. :rees, Mileaga, Sept., 1924.
4649 Yalter' J. Jones, Jlngineer'. Helper, do.
46150 1" ]I. Caprell, JiDgineer York, do.
4651 C. Ya71- Caprell, JiDg1neer's SeIpel', do.
JJ)Jnt1R1nßI1IIII, Upon motion bJ' Mr. ~one, seoonded b;r Mr. .JI.P8. the BoaÑ adjourned to
7,80 p.m., October 2, 1924.
City Clerk.
:LICBIIBB ORDII!WIIDh A letter from the St;y1e Center !alloring C~ of Cin-
olnnati, Ohio, .... read. fIlis letter, which -. mimeographed. called athntion to the
the Interatate Cc-eroe ~, and to the faot that the oi1;J: 001l1d not interfere with their
sale.en in .e1ling clothing in thh oit;rt UDder the above I..,. '!he oit;r attol"A" held
that it or\\ers were taken tor clothing in th1a o1t;y, to, be delivered later, anei no deposit.
required, then the ci~ weuld have 110 authorit;r to 1108l18e the saleaman; but, if a depo.lt:..
of "en one oInt, is made at the time t he order is taRn, then the transaction h con-
sidered a sale, ÜIA the ..le- is subjeot to 11oen...