HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1924/10/07
the Board met in regular se..ion, in the Oo1Uloil Chamber of the Oi ty Hall, on
the aboye date, with President Peters in the ohair. "eting called to order .t 7100
p.m. Present I rruatees Peters, Bent, Sbaw, Lyons, Wentworth.
mUnIJiG o:r IIIIIIUTBSI !he minutes of the last regular meeting of September 2,
1924, special meeting of September 5th, and &4Journed rego.lar meetinge of Septem-
ber 11th, 30th, and Ootober 2, 1924, were re.d, and approved as read.
INDUSD.IES OJ! 1!HE BAY FROftl :!fr. Vincent L. Howe, was giyen the 1'1001' and he
stated that he had reoently talked wi th representatiyes 01' the D. J. Sully interests
in ooDnection with the establishment of yarious industries, especially the ootton
industry, on the bay tront of !fational City and Chula Vista; that there 18 a prob-
ab11ity 01' a cotton mill bling eo pl~ed. thiB is probable trom the proximity 01'
thiB 100al1t7 to Imperial Val187' Where cotton oan bl ra18ed, w1tho,ø hindranoe
trom the boil weevil, whioh ie so deetructiye in other parts of the CO1Ultry. Xe
then introduced llr. Burr JlI¡eller, a protes8ional cit;y planner, who talked on the
subjeot 01' planning tor the 18proyement 01' the entire bay front, trom San ])iego
to the south bay regions. !he Board prom1sed to giye the project its support and
in a~wq possible, assist in bring the Boheme to a successful termination.
Kr. .eller stated that hi had round trom hie experience in other cHi.., that the
matter 01' loning a oi ty suooe..1'ully, 18 almost þDpo..ible, tor the reason that
the hiBbest oourts in the land haYS deolared it to be unconstitutional, and that it
is impossible to lone out 8!I;Y industry, unl..s it oan be declared a nubaDCe.
JlADROlU. FRO. J'O1JR!H AVDUE TO BLJI AVDUEI Kr. A. F. Pratt asked the Board to
grade and grayel 1IadrQna Street, trom Fourth to 11m Ayenues. The city engineer
intormed tha board that no grade had eYer been established on this part 01' Ka4rona
street, Matter reterred to the Street Committee.
G STRZB'l mmrBIm :rIRST AND THUiD AVE1IUESI Kr. G. J. Paulson asked that G
Street, betwlen 1st and 3rd Ayenues, be brought to grade and suftacad w1th granitl'
'lru8tee Bent stated that the street oOlll8i ttee had this work 1n Yi..., and would do
1t in its turn; that the street colllllittee had been working on the streetl that moat
needed repairs, giving prlferlnce to streets that are of adobe soil, rather than
streets that haye a BaDdy surfaoe.
SID_lprn Olf B S'l'l!EI!iTI Kr. Frank ~ asked the Board what action 1t had t
taken on having s1d...alks laid on the north side 01' B Str..t, between let and
!fational Ayenues. Upon being 1nformed that the Board had dec1ded to adhere to its
original progr8lll, he advbed that hi would put in his s1d...lll:8 111 priYate oontract.
VIJ:W'S OF THE OITYI A. F. Pratt asked the Board 11' 1 t had8!I;Y p&no1'8lll& yi....
of the cit7 that he miBbt borrow to exhibit at a oonvention of .eal18tate Board.
to be held in l'as&4ena. Upon the informat ion that the y1... would be needed on
the morn1ng following thie meeting, for transportation to Pa.&4ena, the Board de-
oided that it was too late to take 8!I;Y action, or securl 8!I;Y Yi....
HYMWIT AT lU.TIOlU.L AVDUE AND GI JIr. G. J. Paulson asked thet the location
of a f1re ~rant at _at10nal Ayenue and G Street be placed at a difterest Jto.éion.
Reterrld tc the Fire OOlll8itt.. and the proper looation cf a ~rant at latioD&l and
J Streit 11'111 al.o bl oonsidered 111 the co~ittel.
S'l'l!EI!iT IlACHI:mmy BQUII'IIEDTI Street superintendent informed the board that hi
oould 1no' loml .tlll taokle blook from Jillson &: Sloan, for USI with the tractor at
the graYll pit. Betlrred to the etrelt oolllllittee With authority to aot.
PIn J'OR CULVBRTS '8II1IR1I! :rILLS J1IB JW)BI Thl matter 01' aking fills for aid...ala
where the elope of the till _tendl on priyatl ground, and there i. pipe culYert at
that point, was brouBbt up b7 the street superintendent, as to whether or not the
proplrt7 owner lhOuld furnish the add1 tional pipe necl..ary tor the slope. Reflrred
to the street oommittee to decide, atter obtaining an opinion trom the cit7 attorn87,
upon motion by JIr. Lyons, .econdedb7 JIr. Sbaw, wh1ch carried.
~ reponed that 11'* some 01' the Sutherland stagea .toppedat the cheoking
.tation, on lI'ational Ayenue, .ometime. .ome 01' the pasleugeN, be1ng unable to to
gain accesl to the to11et at the station, prooeed to the rear of the .tation and
-er a call or nature there., this point is in siBbt 01' Kr, JIarpbr's reei4enoe,
and he w1shed to prohat .gainst the practioe, lererred to the Jlarahal to DOtU')'
the Sutherl8Dd stage office that 11' all palseugere _t use the toilet, the com-
P8!I¥ _t ereot a fence in the rear of the1r ohecking .tation\ and proYide toilet
fac111tie. there.
Ke.ting of Octobe.. 7, 1924, Continued,
GIW>I 01 DlLIIAR AVDUI FRO)[ J TO Inu~1II1IV ST1!EI!I Kr. R. J. Wharton asked
that a grade be established on Del Mar Avenue, from J to Kearne;v Street, in order
that he mi@bt ConstÞOt sid...alkl in tront of hi. propert7 there. The Cit7 IDgineer
was direoted to prooeed with the work when hi. time will permit, upon motion 117 JIr.
Shaw, seoonded 111 JIr, Wentworth, Which carried.
jJ.V1unn COURT. WIDTH 0.1 Truatee Wentworth broUibt up the subject of the
width 01' Al"ara4o Court, with the statement that the west end of the street 11 50
teet in width, while the east end thereof, is 52 feet in width, ma1dng a Jog of
two teet in the street. Jio action was taken, but it was decided tbat when the ques-
tion of l87ing sid8Walkl on this thorou@bfare com.. up, then an en4eøor will be
mede to haYS the street mede of one width throu8bout. It was decided, however, that
the width of curbs on this .treet will be 32 teet, upon motion 117 Kr. Wentworth,
seconded by JIr. Shaw, 'llhich carried by the tollowing yote, to....itl AIBSI Truatees
Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw, Lyons. lIOBSI lone. ABSBJiTI Jlone.
BUILDIIfGS PBRJrITSI The matter of detemining Just wheu the work ooyered 1t7 a
building permit 11 aoha1l7 completed 11'&8 disoussed, and it was deoided to haye the
n.ilding in.pector asoertain how the matter is handled in nei@bboring citie., 'llhen
the building ordinance will be mended to coyer the point rai.ed.
smm FOR STHBM IlACHINBRYI Upou motion 117 JIr. ~ons, seoonded by JIr. Sbaw,
the Itreet superintendent was authorised to haye. Ihed erected at the grlyel pit,
to house the tractor and machinery in use at that point.
SIGBS OJi STBBBTSI Superintendent of street was instructed to ramoye all
a4yertising signs found placed on the etreets of the City. He to infom the owners
thereot, who may recover the signa .0 remoyed.
LICDSJI ORDIJiAlfCB. ICB TRUCKSI !he Jordan Transfer Comp8!I;Y, 01' National City,
throu@b the 01er1l:, requested -emption tram the proy1lions of the lioenee ordinance,
tor his ioe delivery trucks, for the reason that the owner of the oompaJly, A.V.Jordan,
i. a relident of thie 01t7, and maintains a branch ott1ce 01' h1l business, at hil
reB1denoe. Clerk direoted to inform JIr. Jordan that 11' h1l a4yertisementB lbOII' that
hemaintaina a branch offioe at his residenoe, he will be oonsidered as maintaining
a place of n.sineu in thh oity, and no liCense will be required.
BEDS FOR POLICE DBPARTJID'l'I !he clerk was instructed to purchase two beds,
with springe and mattreues, similar to those now in use by the fire department, for
use of two police of tic ers , who will sleep in the city hall building, upon motion
by JIr. Shaw, seoonded 117 Mr. Lyons, which oarried.
R!JRAL nIL BOXES. LOCAT10Ji 01'1 trustee Shaw asked the question of location of
rural mail boxes, as followsl When a rural mail box is properly located on the streets
01' the cit7, and the city employee. moyes it, or takes it down, in the prosecution
01' theil'work on the streets, who ehall replace the bo:d After a lengt~ dhcussion
in which it was brought out that III8!I;Y of these boxee are located in the street gutters
and their removal iB necessary when cleaning gutters, and when so located they are
not properly looated, JIr. Wentworth, seconded by JIr. Shaw, lIIade the tollowing motionl
11' the residents of a~ block, or blocks, in the oity, care to group thatI' rural mail
boxes for an entire block, in one group, the oity will maintain a driY8W87 to suoh
group of boxes. Individnals DOt caring to enter into the group system, will be re-
quired to lI&intain a suitable driv...ay to their boxes. )(Otion carried by the follow-
ing vote, to-witl AY1i1SI Truatees Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw, Lyons. 1f0JlS1 !fone.
ABSBJiTI !fone.
STREBT OAR DISOOJiTIJiUAJl/CJh ftu-.e Bent reported a oonference he had had wi th
JudgeSLoane, attornay tor the cit7 in the hearing to ~ held on the disoontinuance 01'
street oars to this oit7' Judge Sloan s,uggests that the Board ot Truat.es get together
with a group 01' citissna of the city who are interested, &lid try to tormulate tome
plan of defense to pr..ent to the State :Railroad Colllll1lsion, at the hearing. Xe
suggest lio-operation with the street railway compaJly, sucþ as obtaining signatures
of those reeident. who will agree to take out weekly pa..ee on the road for a stip-
ulated period; he also sugge.ted that a meeting be called to include all oitisens
interested, at whioh he would be glad to appear and talk oyer the lubJeot.
PJlRIODICAL RBPORTSI 'lbe monthly rtpOrts of the Recorder and COIIIIIUDity Jiur8e,
and the quarterly reports of the Treasurer, Marshal and Clerk, were 1'884 and upon
motion b7 JIr. Shaw, seconded 111 JIr. Wantworth, th87 were accepted and ordered filed.
"eting of October 7, 1924, Continued.
I1IStJJWJCB 011: FIRE DGDDh Upon the propo.al 01' JIr. JlI¡rrq .. Cømpbell to insure
the fire engine, it was decided to haYs the engine inaure4 ae follO11", with Kr.
Ourpbell I LiabiUt;v, ten to twenty th0u8and dollars, pr_iulll .94.80, Propert;v Daap,
.3000.00, premium 55.20, Collllion, t1,oo deductible method, pr_i18 .'6,00. JIotion
coering th1B action 111 JIr. Iqons, seconded 117 JIr. Sbaw, carried 111 the tollowing yotel
AYES I Trustee. ~ons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw. BOBs. .one. ABSIJI'J.'. Irone.
:r1RE AYBJI SIo.IIIAUI. !he I118tter of diYiding the ci ty in~o di.triot. where1l1 oer-
tain blaets 01' the .irenwill represent oertain di.tricts, ~ introduced 111 JIr.
JlI¡rray ClIIIIPbell, who proposed to haYs attiracUye oards, lIho1fing t~e di.triots, a:a4
the bla.t 01' the .iren repre.enUng the di.triot, printed B¥ di.tributed. Reterred
to the tire cOlll8ittee. - - .
BILLS PAIDI Upon motion 111 JIr. Bent, seconded 111 Jrr. ~-, the following bills
as _mined 111 the tinance oolllllittee, were ordert. paid. r-
4652 H. G. 81mmer, JIotor supplies and s torage, Se~. 1924,
46515 C. V. SerYice Station GasoUne and Oils, September, l~24,
46540 S.W.Water O~ Water, Sept.. 1924, I
4655 c.V.Garage, Repairs motor equipment, Sept., ,1924,
4656 Homeland Bldg. Co. Blasting .uppUes
1657 C.V.Lumber Co. Lumber
4658 Pao. !el. & Tel 00. Phones, Sept. and October, 1924,
4659 Skiuaer Ha.. Co. Harœware, September, 1924,
4660 F. W. Lane, Dog 'age and Bubb,r Stamps,
4661 Gae & Blectric Co. Gas and Electricity, September, 1924,
4662 do. Street Lighta, Sepember, 1924,
46611 Union Oil-Co. Gasoline and LUbricants, Sept., 1924,
46641" Elliott Judge, KIp of Southern California
46611 M, C. Black Wiring Permits, Sept., 1924,
4666 H. D. Smith, Office SuppUes,
4667 !homae Fickle :r..ding Prisoners, September, 1924,
4668 Blectric Laundry, Laundr;ving Bbnkets incsll.
4669 Jl. C. BIUoU, 'hilllll1ng Trees and care of Plan, Sept., 1924,
4670 Blmer Schraeder, Laborer and Truck Driyer, Sept., 1924,
46'11 T. )(. 84.1- Laborer, September, 1924,
4672 H. W. hers, do.
46715 R. A. Bryant, do.
4674 Chris Gettrup, do.
4675 J. A. Lester, do.
4676 J. ]I. Bak1ne, 'hacte""lI: Driyer, Sept., 1924,
4677 J. A. White, Truck Driyer, do.
4678 Osoar D. nentge, Laborer, September, 1924,
4679 KcCaffr87 Co. Tackle Blocks and Shuyes,
4680 H. Hottman Laborer, Sept., 1924,
4681 F. X. Schraeder, SUpt. Sts., Hire of Tractor, etc. 'ept/24
4682 Irwin &: Co. :reed, Grain, Sept., 1924,
4683 ](rs. G. H. Rhodes, Purchase 01' Laundr;v Tra7,
4684 Chae. P. lIDils Treasurer, Qr. ending Sept. 30, 1924,
. 17.34.
AD.TnTTII1IIIIRW'I'I Upon motion ~ JIr. Wentworth, s eoonded by JIr. Sbaw, the Board
adjourned to 7130 p.m., Ootober 14, 1924.
City Clerk.