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CJ.LIi'OB!1'U, BBLD OCTOBER 21, 1924
the Board met purauant to lId~oW'mllent in the Oounc11 Chamber of the 01tJ Hall,
On the abon dati, w1th hlddent rlterl 1n the oha1r. .lIting called to ordlr at
7.30 p.m. Prelent I T1'U8teel Peters, Bent, Shaw, Wentworth. T1'U8tee 1.7ona abIent.
Attorne7 H. A. Sa1mderl _I acting oi tJ attorne;v, in the absence of the. rega.lar
oitJ attornq.
RlDEllPTION OJ' LOTS 9 and 10. BJ.Y VILLA. TBJ.CT. Upon motion b7 Jrr. Sbaw, 880011484
1IF Mr. Bent, the Preaident of the Board was authori.ed to exeoute a deed for LotI
9 aDd 10, Blook A, Bq Villa Traot, Which had 'been ordered 801d for tu.., and Whioh
had been redeemed bJ tbe owner, Thl motion carried b7 the follow1ng vote, t041t.
ADS. T1'U8teea Shaw, Wentwerth, Bent, Petere. NOES. None. ABSJ:l'i'!. !Grema.
P.iVING l'I.iTIOBJ.L .iVBBlJ1h Jrr. C.B.Offe!'llllU1 proteated againat the 8O0eptanoe of
the paving on Nat10na1 .ivenue, whioh he underatood _8 oomp1eted and r~ for
aooeptanoe or re~ect10n. H1ø rea80na were to the effect that in h1ø u:per1enoe
8heet a8pha11; l~d on an old 8urfaoe will not 8tiok, but "ill roll up am come off.
JIr. Kath1a8, of the contracting compa~, a8ked for illllediate aooeptance of the work,
and for a fina1in8pection al1d certificate of inspection. He stated that sheet alpha1t
had been 1a1d from one-half to one and a quarter 1ncb in th1ckne88; that the surface
was Imootb al1d perfect. JIr. E. Ke1ville asked that he be placed on record as enter-
ing a 8trong protest against the accept8nee of the work at 8lIY time.. for the reason
that the base, or fouJldation, was fault7 aDd would not hold tip under heavt traffic.
The matter was referred to the Board aa a whole to oonsider, before 8lIY steps are
taken, aDd the legal question in connection with accepting and open1ng the etre8t
to traffic was referred to the acting cit7 attorne;vl Motion covering this action
was made b7 Mr. Bent, secol1ded b7 Mr. Shaw, Which carried b7 the following vote:
AYES: Truehe8 Bent, Peters, Shaw, Wentworth. NOES, None. J.BSBNT. 1.7ons.
lIün!OO HEDGE BETWEI!:JI! PROPERTY. Jlr8. JlUsa Wooden. complained to the board
against a bamboo hedge maintained b;v a neighbor, JIr. Jerry Bennington. the dil-
ouI110n developed the faot that the hedge il ent1re17 on the Benn1ngton propert7,
but that it shut off the Bun and a1r from the Woodend propert7' Referred to the
cit7 attorne;v to i:aveetigate ae to whether or not a nu1øanoe _18tl, and it 10 to
take ltep8 to abate it.
SIDBlVJ.LIœ. JIr. p.V.Morgan, of E Street, protelted ""inat the removal of
eome pepper treel in front of hie propert7. to make room for eid.,,811l:8. He Itated
that le,y1l1g the 81d8ll'alk to grade would nece8B1tate remov1ng the earth from around
the trees, end asked that the lid8ll'alk be not laid to grade, but that 1t follow the
contour of the grotmd. It W88 decided that the trees might remain, 1f JIr. JIorgan
cared to undertake their prelervation end care, but that the lidElB'a11l:8 _It go 1n
to the eltabUehed grade. The Board made it clear that 1t 18 ite intention to pre-
eerve all of the trees that are po8B1ble to eave, but that it Dodd not perm1t
a deviation of the 11d_lk Une or grade to preeerve the tree8. JIr. E. Jlelville
alBo, agreed with JIr. Morgan on the preservation of the trees.
PUNTING OIft BUILDINGS, Randell .iuøtin offered to Ipra7 the outbuilding
at the o1t¡J propert7, knoWn ... cit1 barne, he to furn1eh the mach1nery and labor,
for $2.00 per hour, the c1t1 to furn1eh the material. leferred to the Itreet oom-
mittee with authorit1 to act, upon motion b7 JIr. Shaw, lecol1ded b7 Jrr. Wentworth, wh1ch
STlJl!llr4T.f1'R, The queltion of the Ulpolal of the earth from a out to be made
for e1dewala, W88 d18cu..ed, and upon adv10e from the 01t1 attorn81, 1t"... dec11ed
that luoh earth IllUBt be placed on the ItreetB, Where indioated b;v the reprelentaUve
of the c11;7. Th11 to app17 where the work 18 being performed b;v private contraot
but that the dilpol1t10n of luoh earth where a pmb11c contract .xiltl, 11el Wboll1
1n the handB of the contractor.
tllTRtml.!I1t OF .i ftJ.OTOR, .i reprelentative of the Holt Jrauafaotur1ng OomplllQ'
prelented catalogue cute of a Holt Traotor, JIodel 'r-29, and a deloripti.,e talk on
the lubJect. Xe offered to lell the c1t¡ thil meohine, deU.,ered here, for the
lum of f37&'7.00, end. a luitable loraper, al per out, at $1715.00, døU.,ered here.
J.ttør d.110U88 ion,. 1 t w... deoided to perm1 t the Hel t people to place one of the1r
tractorl on th, gro1U1d, the C1t7 to give 110 a thorough tr1al, alld it Batilfaotory,
the ci1:1 to accept it; pe,yment to be mllde with1n 11st1 da78. Speo1f10at10na of
thiB _chine were aooepted al1d filed, aDd the oit7 olerk .1 i:astruotød to edverUle
for a tractor, in accordance with Bpecifioationa. Th1B action covered b;v motion b;v
Jrr. Wentworth, leool1ded b1 JIr. Bent, wh10h oarr1.. 'bJ the following vote, t04it,
.iDS. 'fBUMDS Wentworth, Bent, Petere, Shaw. lOllS, None. J.BSD'l', 'I!rt18. Ivonl.
.Ad.Journed Jleetlng of Ootober 21, 1924, Continued.
BILLS p.im, Upon motion b;v Jrr. Bent, eecoDded b7 JIr. Shaw, the follow1ng billB, ae
_ined b;v the finBnoe 00181 tt.., were ordered pa1d,
4689 Fred J..ell, Laborer, October, 1924, 10.80
4690 R..i.Bryant. do. 58.00
a- RBPJ.IBS BY GiS CODJ.1I1T, ~e olerk was inetruoted to wr1te the San
»1e8O Gal and Electrio OompaDf, call1ng the1r attent1on to a defect in repa1rø madl
b¡r that IIOlllpallF, at the Corner of Seool1d .ivenue and B Street, 1n th8t the evfào. of
the pav..ent, where repaired due to ezoayationB b;v the c°lIJI8DI', ie lower than the
other parte of the p&v..ent. fb.e 001llp8lJy to be requeeted to br1ng the low plaoee
to the grade of the other parte of the pavement.
J.n.TnTI1I_. Upon motion b;v Mr. Shaw, eeool1ded bJ JIr. Wentworth, the Board
~ourned to 1,30 p.m., October 23, 1924.
Cit7 Clerk.