HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1924/10/23
he Board met purauantto adJo'CP'Dllent in the 001UlO11 Oh8IIber of the Oit;J Hall,
on the aboye date, with he8ident Petera preaidine, whO called the metine to order
at 7,30 p.m. - Preaent,--'l'ri8teeaPiitera, Bent, Shaw. I/'öna. -Jlr. Wentworth ábaiint.
JIr. Y. A. Jaoquea, Mting city attornq, in the abaeneeof JIr. J.ndr..a.
POOL 'I'.&RT.1I! FOB FIll_, Kr. C. A. S1IIIIner appeared before the Board 81:14
asked aaaiatance in purchasing a peol table for the firemen, to be inatalled in the
fire hall. He Bald he had obtained .24.0.50 ~ subscription from bu8inesa men aDd
others for the purpose. Upon motion by 1Ir. 14'0na, 88conded ~ JIr. Shaw, it wae
deoided to contribute .200.00 for the purpose aboye indicated. with the underatandine
that the pool table, when purchased, w111 become the property of the city. :!lotion
carried by the following vote, to-witl AYBa, i'rusteea I4'ons, Bent, Peters, Shaw.
JOBS, None. ABSE!I'l'I J81ItiYorth.
SIDEWALKS, 1Ir. J. J. Baeder aaked about a f111 that he 18 II8k1ne fronting
hie property on SaeoDd Ayenue. He w.. the opinion that it the sid_lit 18 laid on
this fill, at this time, it will settle and cauae the aid_alk to be relaid; he
wOuld rather wait unt11 next sprine to put in aid_lk. It was decided. upon motion
by 111'. Shmr, 88conded by 1Ir. Lyons. that if the apecitioaUona for malting f111e are
complied with, the aid..alk m8F be laid at onee, with ne danS8r Of it aettline,
that it the contractor for making the till fails to comply with the apaciticatione,
the superintendent of etreete will ItOP the work; that the eid_alk when 10 lai4
oYer the fill, 18 accepted by the cit1', the propert1' owner 18 relieYed of all
responeibility, but that it is underatood that in the failure of the atreet euper-
intendent to accept the fill and sid..alk, the owner is not relieYed of aIV' reaponsibi12l; 7
:!lotion carried.
PAVING JfATIONJ.L AVEIIroI:, A letter trom the California Oonatruction COIIJI8ZI¥,
the contractor for paYing National Avenue, wae read, in which the contracting oC8plUll'
asked for tinal acceptanee of the work, and the certificate of completion from the
city engineer. ina8ll/UCh as the work is now completed. A letter from JIr. R. P. Smith,
Chief Inspector of San Diego, to the effect that the had inspected the work. and in
his opinion, it is satisfactory 81:14 acceptable, was read. Both letters were ordered
filed. The ci ty engineer then presented a certificate of completion of the worlt,
to the effect that the worlt has been completed in accordance with the contract.
Upon motion by JIr. Shaw, seconded b1' 1Ir. Lyons, it was decided to accept the work
as complete, and make tinal PÇIIIen~ tc the contractor. net includine the amount
withheld under the contract, visl tiD8l p8¥mant t3322.46; amount withheld, .9607.48,
which is to be paid wi thin 35 days ~from date, it no claims appeal' in that time,
as pel' the provisions of the contract. MOtion covering this action, carried by
the following vote, to-wit; AYES, i'mstees Shaw, Lyons, Bent, Peters. 1iOBS, None.
ABSENT, Wentowrth.
TWIN O.AXS AVENtJE, The city engineer preaented a profile of a proposed
extension to 1'win Oaks Avenue, from F Street to the north line of what would be
C7)re88 Street, when it is opened between Del :liar and 4th Ayenues. The owners of
the propartF, JIary B. Crocket and GeorS8 Daechbach, want to Itnc'tr it they put through
this extension, will the city accept the street, provided it gE'aded and gE'aveled.
Upon motion by 1Ir. !qons, seconded by JIr. Bent, it was decided to accept the
street above mentioned, when grade~lu~pveled and opened, with the provisc that
111'. Daahbach deed to the city the IIYIk 30 feet cf Lct 21, i-Section 137. fcr
street purposes, with the understanding that the cit1' will net be required to
gE'ade and gE'ayel this 30 feet, so deeded, when Cn>re.. Street is opened. The
motion carried by the following vote, t:c-wit, AYES, i'1'Úateea !qona, Bent, Peters,
Shaw. JOBS, .one. J.BSElVT, i'ruatee Wentworth.
mLBPHOD POLBS IN LID OF STTI1II/&T.Ir!I the ci t7 engineer reported that there
are a number of telephone poles on Third Avenue, between B and F Strub, that are
direotl1 in the line of the Bid_llts that are to be laid there. He atated that he
had notified the telephone company to ramoYe the poles, but that no action had been
taken. Ci~ olerk wae directed to inatruct the telephone company to haye the poles
removed at once,
S!I.'BBI!I.' LIGHi'I1IfG CO~O~I A bid from the San »ie8O Consolidated'" and Blec-
tric Company 1'01' furnishing street lingthing for a period cf fiye 1881's, troa Ioy-
ember 23, 1923. waa Opened and disc1l8led. 'JIb.e bid contained a oertified check for
.1104.00 as a sauantee ot 8O0d tat tho 10 tiD8l .otion _8 taken. but the clerk
.... inatructed tc talts 1Ip the matter with the comp8JV' as to the contract that is
to coyer the bid, vis, Whether 01' net the price and time uaed m8F net be goyerned by
the l'rovi8iona cf Scedule 9, cf the COIIJI&rt'; it lighta JU¡y be ehitted in location;
and if acme lighta m8¥ be burned all night and othera from dusk to 1,00 a.m., and
the ooat cf installation of time awitchea in making diatricts ot thia kind, it the
cU, should pat in ornamental etreet lightiJIB, oen this contract be worded to coyer
such. without a n... QOntract.
...t:h'V ,,~ Oft.1I1Iar. 23. 1924. continUJId.
JlDi'IOIi PIO!I.'tJ:IDI: SHOW Ill' 1I'I1'KDnXI JUT.T., Preaident :fetera, a4Yi.ed that the owner of
the Building Jtncwn aa Witkøwski Hall. JIa4 appealed to him in an endeayor to oyerrule
the decision of the Building IDipector aDd ~e Chief, in th6ir deci.ion to the
effect that it is not sate tohe.Ye a motio~)ta'.r in the aboye mentioned hall.
After diacna81on, it was decided to support ~e Bu1ldine Inapaetor aDd lire Chief
in their action, and the clerk to ac notify the owner. of the buildine.
JMrnT1I1VIIInJIII, Upon motion of JIr. -8hø, aecoDded b;V JIr. I4'ona, the Board adjourned
aine die.
Cit1' Clerk.