HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1924/11/05
BBLD Jro....."JII 6, 19M.
~. '!'he Board. ..t pun1l&nt to poatpon..nt, in the Cou:aail Chaa1l.r of the Cit, Rall,
oJ. the &1IOY. dat., with"i4ent P.t.ra prea14ing, who oall.d the .e.ting to or4er
" at 7100 p... Pr...nt I '!nate.a P.tera, Shaw, Bent, .na, ....ntworth.
¡ _AntJIIG OJ' 1lI1Im'1tS1 2he iltautee'':01' the last regular .e.ting 01' Ootob.r 7, 19M,
, and the &4.101l1'l1ed r.gular m..tinge 01' the 14th, 218t an4 23rd 01' October, 1924, wer.
i 1'.&4, and approYed aa read.
COUNTY ,"UT~ mrP.t.1I'I'1n'R1'JIII: Mra. Barron, Of the Chula Viata Union Grllllll&r Sohool
Board 01' ~rueteea, preaent.d a prot.at from the School '!nateea, ~t.ating againat
the oity ent.ring the County Health Department, as a unit thereot. Sh. atated that
the preaent arrangement 01' Co_it, and School Nur.. had proyed yery eatia1'aotory,
, and ahe ha4 doubt a .a to the e1'1'ioiency 01' the County Unit. Upon motion 117 Mr.
, Lyona, a.conded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried, the Board decided to carry out the
provisions 01' the contract wi th the present community aDd achoo1 nurse. Mr. Wentworth
then lIIOYed, aeooDded by Mr. Shaw, that the City 01' Chula Vista will not enter into
the County Health Department, as a unit thereof. JIotion carried, the olerk to ao
notify the County Board ot Supervisors.
'PI1R1m Hne OF J.]f JITTOJroBILE FOR THE COWIITNITY Nt11!81I:I Upon the motion of Mr.
Shaw, seconded 117 Mr. Wentworth, the bid of Helm Brothera, of Sept.ber 29,1924,
for f1I1'I1hhing an øtomoblle, and service for one year, was accepted as follOWllI
One SUperior JIodel Chevrolet Untllty Ooupe, $828.00, One 3Ox3f Goocluear S.S.Cord fire,
tube SlId ooyer, .16.101 One year's atorage ot car, PO.OO; Crankcaee servioe with
Pennsoil, at 30 cents p.r quart; all i:aeepection, adjusting and repairing atter
the first three month'a period of guarante., at the rate of $1.00 per hour.
The motion carried by the following vote, to......itl .&.DSI Trueteea Shaw, Lyons,
Wentworth, Bent, Petera. JIIOES 1 None. .&.BSEN'J'I None.
SUBDIVISIOJII .&.T N.&.TIOI\UT. .&.VEBUE Am> DIMr. R. M. Pray presented a aketoh of a
aubdiwidon of 20 acres ot land at the southeast oorner ot JIIational .&.venue and
D Stre.t, whioh he said he intends to subdivide. He requested that the city take
over the work ot grading and graveling all the streets and one alley therein, he to
pç for the work. The tuestion of accepting half of Flow.r Street, on the south 01'
thia subdiviaion, waa disou..ed, and in order to prevent thia street from eventuallJ
becoming a halt atreet, it waa arranged. wi th Mr. Prq that he plaoe a 4eed in eaorow
~ deeding a ama11 strip Of land betwe.n the north half of Flower Street and the adjoining
prop.rty on the ao.th, to the oity, to be held in escrow, until suoh time as the
south half of the atreet is opened. With this provisio, it was decided to aooept the
aubdiYiaion when the atreeta and al1eya are graded and surfaced with granite. Upon
motion by Mr. Bent. aeoonded by Mr. Wentworth, it waa decided to take the contract of
grading and graveling the streeta above mentioned. with the city equipllent. with the
proviao that no time 11m! t for oompletion of the work would be oonaidered. The motion
oarried, with Mr. Shaw voting JIIO.
Diego Union edYised the Board that hia paper ia getting out another .&.m1ual BcU. tion
this year, and the adyertiaingwill cost 1400.00 per page therein. He urged the oity
to take a page, with the proviaion that the oopy for the page would be prepared and
a_bitted to the Board before it goea to pre..; in addition to this he presented a
written atatement tonthis efteot. .&.1'ter diaouasion, it waa decided to contribut.
POO.OO tow&1'4 the pa;¡Jlllent of the full page, the buaine.. men to oontribute the
balanc.. upon motion of JIr. Lyons, aeoonded by Mr. Wentworth, w1ioh carried by the
following vote, to......itl .&.DSI 'Prust.ea Lyom, W.ntworth, Bent, Petera, Shaw. JIIOBS 1
JIIone. .&.BSEN'J' I Non..
0._. ,~.
.. ---
JlJl:BTING or IrOVDBER 5. 19M, OontiJlU8d.
, FS_ 1!:IWII1nnIr IiATI01lTn ,urn UT, JIr. W. H. Parkq &gain ..ked. the board to
have som. repair. iliad. to F Str..t, Betw.en 1iational ,&,yenu. aDd Bq Boulevard. He
stated that that part ot the stre.t i. in very bad condition. ftle mat ter wa. r.t.n.4
to the Str.et Ooøaitt.. with authori ty to act. The clerk... dir.ct.d to again writ.
I the water oomp~ and adv18. them that r.pairs will .oon Uart on the above mentione4
I .tre.t, and that it will be n.o...ary for the o~ to r.plao. .om. of ita lin..
I before the work otarta; the .tr..t will be graded from ourb to ourb, and it 18 the d.-
I 811'. of the Board that the work b. 0ompl.t.d b.for. the rains ..t in. Motion oo....ring
the foregoing aotion 1I'a. by Mr. LyOnB. O.cODd.d by Jrr. Shaw. which carri.d.
LICDS1f ORDIN.&.JI!CBI The city attorn., reported on the oonatitutionalit;r of the
pr.sent Lioene. Ordinano., wh.rein it i. in oontliot with the Interotate COIIIIIero. ..
'rbi. law p.rmit. articl.s manufactured on one .tat. and .old in anoth.r otat. . to b.
~ so .old ezempting the .al.eman, of .olicitor. from the ~i.ionB Of a manioipal
- lio.no.. Tbi. appli.. &Y.n though the .olioi tor acc.pta a part of the PÇIII.nt when the
ord.r h taken, and hae b..n 00 decid.d tI)' the U.S.Supr... Court. ftl. qu..Uon of
".nding the lioene. ordinanc. in oth.r partioular. was di.ouased and h.ld Oyer untjl
anoth.r m..ting.
S1!T.T·tliG CITY HORR1i!R1 Upon motion b;r Jrr. LyOnB, o.conded b;r Mr. Shaw, the Str..t
Superintendent 11'&8 authoriS.d to ..11 .b: of the hor... now owned by the oity, to the
per. on, or penon.. who will pq the high..t price.
LOC.1TION or 1t'.1HR JUtJllSl Upon motion b;r Mr. LyO!l8, ..cond.d by Jfr. Shaw. it
.... d.oid.d tut h.reaft.r 8Z1¥ n_ water main. that are lai4, or .. pre.ent water
maine that are replaced, mu.t be laid not to a:o.ed tour te.t from the curb lin.,
mea.ur.d trom the curb lin. toward the c.nter Of the Ur..t. Jrotion carried by the
fOllowing yot., tO~itl .&.DSI Lyone, 1t'entworth, Bent, P.ten. Shaw. lVODl JIIon..
.&.BSDTI 1I'0n.. I
V.1l1t'l'IOJII FOR THE PIIRIl"'~ FrR1¡!.....1II. Upon motion by Mr. Lyona, .econd.d by Jfr. ,
( Wentworth, it was decid.d to grant a yacation of ol;le w.ak to ll.E.X.lly, tb. p.rmanent,
fireman, COllllllencing about lfovember 12, 1924. Vacation to b. wi th full P..
PURCR"'R1I! OF H.&.YI Upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, s.cond.d b;r Mr. Shaw, the
i .tr..t .uperint.Dd.nt wu authorhe4 to purchase not to ezc..d ten tona of h.. for
r us. of the oity t.IIIIIO, at the lowut figur. obtainable.
S_ LIGHTIJrG COli'I'R"'OTI ftl. bid of the San Diego Consolidated Gas and Blectrio
CompaD¡V to furnhh el.otrioity aDd .quipllent for the period of fiv. ,ears. from
JIIovember 23, 1923, was accepted. at the t .1'IIIS ..t forth in the bidl the hour. of
servio. to be from duak to ~light each ~. JroUon ...P.H-IÞp-.Jte Co....ring by Jfr.
W.ntworth.uooDd.d by Mr. Sh_ oarri.d b7 the fOllowing vOt.1 "'DSI TruU... Wentworth,
Bent, Peter., Shaw, Lyons. JIIOBSI Non.. "'BSEN'1'1 lion..
SmEW..t..J,Tr nrn BUI.XInU1¡1 The .tr..t superint.ndent waa authorh.d to he....
oon.truct.d on the w..t side of Third ,&,yenu.. OPpo81 t. the one on the ...t lid.. .1u.t
south of Johneon'. S.rvic. Stationl a1.0, to haye the .idewa1k laid acro.. the all~
that .nter. Third .......nu., at thh point. . Work to b. p.rfo1'llled b;r some contractor
from ..hom the low..t figur. oan be obtained. llotion œarried.
P.lmIODICAL :FŒPOR'I'SI ftle monthly reports of the Community Nurse and Oit,
Record.r, for the month of Octob.r, 1924, ".1'. read, and ord.r.d accepted and filed.
~ NUISANCE - lnml}E FENCE CI!II!"''1'INGI Th. oity attorn.;r r.ported his findinge in
- an inYestigation h. had mad. in conn.ction with a oomplaint made .t a r.O.nt m..ting
b7 Mrs. Blha Wood.nd, againet a neighbor for maintaining a h.dge that oaUBed annoyance
to the ComplAin.r. H. found that ao the coDdi tione ezi.t. no public nui.anae OOuld b.
declar.d, and that the compal1ner could hu. aco... to damage. in a oivil oourt if
suffioient grounds app.ar for damageo.
SIDEW.&.LTrR1 Th. city engine.r. assisted by the city olerk....'" batructed to
seDd notioes to all property owner. who int.nd to 1~ .idewalk. by private oontraot
to the .ff.ct that if they will signit,y their int.ntion to ha.... the sidewalk laid
by private contract, and compl.ted by the tim. all oth.r .idewalks now und.r Consid_
.ration ll~ompl.ted,to b. in writing, th.n ouch property own.rs will be .xcluded from
the order for sidewalk» at pub1io contract.
~ J4eeting of 1IT0vember 5, 1924, Continued,
BILLS P.&.IDI Upon motion by Mr. Bent, seconded by :Ilr Wentworth, the following
bills, as examined ù,v the Finance Committee. were ordered paidl
4691 Hanci1 COrdr.,.. Carpenter Work, $ 13.50
4692 Calif. Conetruction ComplØl¥. Final p.ent on Nat'l Ave. 3322.46
4693 c.S.Timmons, City 01erk, and Inoidenta1s 152.00
4694 James Jackson. City Recorder, Oct., 1924, 100.00
4695,F. E. ~shoroft, Heal th Officer. do. 25.00
4696 Iddie S. Dunlop Communi ty Nuree, do. 75.00
4697 M.E.Xelly, Fireman, Oct.. 1924, 140.00
4698 F. B. Andrews, City Attorney. Oot., 1924, 75.00
4699 Ivan J. Smith, Traffio Offioer, do. 175.00
4700 John J. »,vere, do. 175.00
r- 4701 Roy H1l1, lITi g'htwat ehman, Oot., 1924, 100.00
- 4702 MUrray M. Oampbell, Insurance on Fire Engine, 150.00
; 4703 S,W.Water ComplØl¥, Water, Pipe Oct.. 1924, 715.40
! 4704 Lyons Implement Co. Freeno Blades, 20.80
4705 Treas., Fire Dept. Contribution on Pool Table, 200.00
4706 F. W. Lane. Rubber Stsmp .50
4707 Calif. Conatruction Co. Paving !l.'ools. 14.00
4708 Chaa. E. Smith, Fire Chief, and Fireman, Oct., 19M 74.00
4709 Cl~on Rodmore. Temnster, Oct., 1924. 64.00
Skinner Hwd. Co. 4710 Hardware, 72.16
4711 H.G.Sumner. Care of Nurse's car, and repairs 20.73
4712 C.V.~ber Yard, Lumber 186.33
4713 H.D.Smith, Drngglst Sapplie., Oot. 1924. 2.95
4714 S. E. Clyne. Marshal, Imp. Fee., end ho., do. 211.32
4715 Walter Jones, Engineer's Helper, Oct., 1924, 12.00
4716 Paul T1mmona, do. 15.60
4717 C. W.,.land Capwell do. 92.00
4718 W. E. Capwell, Enginner work on streets, Oct./24 221.00
4719 M.C.Elliott, Tree Warden, do. 17.20
4720 Lowe & Klnmore, Extending Fire Siren, 28.31
4721 M.C.B1aok. Wiring Permite, oot.. 1924, 49.50
4722 Union Oil Company Oils, Gasoline, etc. do. 107.23472
4723 C.V.Servioe Station, do. 98.95
4724 R.J.Wharton, Bldg. and Plumg. Permits, Oot/24 163,'15
4725 S.W.water corpn. Water, October, 1924, 137.99
4726 C.V.Star, Printing and. Publioation. Oct/24 87.97
4727 Whittingham Co. Sidewalk aoroe. alley, 18.50
4728 BankII & BeIlkB, Conorete Pipe 80.00
4729 Seagrave Company, 2nd P.ent Fire Engine, 1030.70
4730 L.M.Beero, Laborer-Teamster, Oct., 1924, 16.00
4831 Geo. W. Dunham. do. 24.00
4732 J..&..Lester, do. 108.00
4733 Chrie Gettrup do. 110.00
4734 Elmer H. Schraeder, Truok Driyer, Ootober, 1924. 119.50
4735 J.C.White, 'huok Driver. do. 134.38
4736 Jack M. 1IaJdna, Tractor Driver, do. 125.00
4737 H.W.Beers, Laborer-Teamster. oot., 1924. 104.50
4738 Á.B.Sherwood. do. 81.00
4739 F.H.Sohraeder, Supt. Sts., Hire of Traotor. Oot/24 156.00
4740 Thomas Fickle Meals for prioonere, Oot., 1924, 3.215474
4741 1ItD. Redmo1'8, Laborer-Teameter, oot., 1924. 8.00
r- 4742 Handall Áustin. Painting Oi ty Barn, 48.00
JDJOUlUIJIEIITTI Upon motion by JIr.Shaw, oecoDded by JIr. Wentworth, the BO&1'd
ad.1ourned to 7130 p.m., Nov.ber 17, 1924.