HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1924/11/17
The Board met pursuant to adjournment in the Counoil Oh8lllber of the Ci t;v Hall, -
on the above date, with Preaident Patera in the ohair, who called the meeting to
order at 7.30 p.m. Preaent. !rruahes Petera, Bent, Shaw, !vons, Wentworth.
PRIVATE WORK WITH CITY BQUIPIIEN'I'I A letter from the Cit;v Attorne;v was read,
in which he stated that in hia opinion the oit;v had no legal authority to tau con-
tracts for doing private work of grading atreeta in subdivisions, or otherwise, be-
fore such streets are deed to and aocepted by the CHI" In conaequence Mr. Went-
worth moved, seconded by Mr. !¡yona, that the aotion taken at the meeting of !rovember
5, 1924, in which the city agreed to grade certain streets in a subdivision at D
Street and National Avenue, be rescinded. Motion carried.
DYER SID-nil" ACCEP'l'1I!'Q. Mr. J. H. I(cCulloch advised the Board that the sid8ll'alk
and curb fronting the D;yer Property on Third Avenue, 18 Completed, and presented a
bill for the work amounting to $920. 80. AccOrding to agreement previously arranged
and in consideration of the D;yera having deed to the city, 10 feet of land on which
this 81d8ll'alk is laid, the city is to pa;v one half of this amount. Clerk authorhed
to voucher the account.
AUTOJlOBILB. TRADING FOR Al'IO'1'HEI!. The automobile, FOrd, fOrmerl;y used by the
ColllllUDi ty Nurse, having been turned over to the Fire Department, for- use in car17ing
a chemical tank, Fire Chief 8mi th advised the board that he had an Opportuni t;y to
trade this machine for a used Buick. The latter will give more room and power, he
stated. The trade to be on even terms. Upon motion by Mr. !¡yons, seconded by Mr.
Wentworth, the Fire Chief was authoriled to make the trade. Motion carried by the
fOllowing vote. AYES. Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw. NOBS. Irons.
PUNTING STREET ~. The Suith Nurse17 advised that they will make a house
to house canvass of the city, in an effort to heve trees of one variety planted on
each street, the Board to decide on the trees tc be planted.
CITY JA~L The marshal informed the board that one of the loCks on the cell
doors of the city jail, has become of nc use. In the discussion it was found that
the locks as originally installed, were of an inferior character. The city clerk
was instructed to have new locks placed on bcth cell doors, upon motion by Mr. Shaw,
seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried.
SIDEWA~. The city engineer stated that in laying sidewalks under the 1911
Act, the matter of making the assessments, particularly øor grading, is one for
the servioes of an expert in that line of work. He was authorized to employ
Murray Loop, of San .Diego, to assht him in making up the assessments on the side-
walk work now under progress, this work of Mr. Loop to consist of auistanee in
making up the cross section work. MOtion covering b;y Mr. Wentworth, seconded by
Mr. !vons, which carried by the following vote, to-wi t AYES. Trustees Wentworth,
Bent, Peters, Shaw, !vons. NOEl!! None. ABSENT. None.
The matter of sidewalks crossing openings where streets are proposed to be
opened in the future, but not opened at this time, was brought up by the city engineer,
with request for information as to whether or not the sidewalk and curb w111 be
omitted at such places. No action taken by the Board, but the oity engineer to con-
ault with the assessment expert as to what effect this '1'111 have on making the
.lrAmCJ.TO STREET. The Board was informed that Mr. Hulcy Phelps is desirous of
deeding the south half of MBñkato Street, througb Lot 26, i-Section 13~ to the city
for street purposes. It developed that this thorougbfare is graded and graveled
and re~ for travel. It was decided to accept the dead, the city attornay to prepare
two deeds, one conveying 29§- feet for street purposes, and the other to convey 6
inches for street purposes, but to be held in escrow until the north half of the
street 18 oonve;ved to the city for atreet purposes.
AND FLOWI!, It having been proposed and accepted in the meeting of November 5, 1924,
that aimilar action as in last item above be taken with Flower street, ezoept that
a franoiton of an inch is to be deeded and held in esorow, ~n motion by Mr. Shaw,
aeconded by Mr. Wentworth, that actton is rescinded, substituting in plaoe of the
fraction of an inch, a1:l: inches, to be deeded and held in escrow. Motion carried. by
the following vote, to-wit. AYES, 1Imstees Shaw, !vona, Wentworth, Bent. Peters.
NOES. None. ABBBNT. IIone.
DIRT PROM SIDEWALK aR.l.1mR1 Street superintendent brougbt up the subject of
making a fill on G Street, just east of Third Avenue, and said that he could use the
dirt from the grade on Third Avenue, at G Street, where 8id8ll'alkl are to be laid.
The subject brouhgt up a dl8cu88ion in which it was developed that if the oity moved
thl8 dirt from a sidewalk grade, it would not be fair to others who have been re-
quired to move the dirt from sidewalk grades, at their own expense. Xo action taken.
BILLS PAIDI Upon motion by Mr. Bent, seconded by Jlr. !vons, the following billa
as examined by the finance oollllli ttee, were ordered paidl
4743 Western Metal Supply 00. Pipe and Iron,
4745 C. V. Garage, Chevrolet Coupe, equipped
4747 A. T. Petter Transoript of Str. Car Hearing
4748 Alec Fortner Refund of 'Jues,
4750 S. D. Blectrio & Gas Co. Gas and Electrioity, Oct. 1924,
4751 do. Street Ligbh, Oct., 1924,
4752 Lyons Implement Co. Traotor Attaohment
4753 ~ Beers, Laborer, Hov., 1924,
4754 C.V.Paint Store, Paints, etc., Sept.,Oot., & Nov., 24
4755 Kerle T. Batcliffe, Checker on Street Cars, Nov., 1924,
4756 C. J. Brackett, do.
JTURSB'S AUTOJIOBILB, The city attorne;v presented an agreement ctverÐIS
the P&Jemnts to be made 'by C.V,Grammar School on the Chevrolet Automobile
recentl;y purchased by the oitr; when purchased it being understood that the
school would P&J one-half of the cost thereof, at the rate of .10.35 per month
during sohool months, until one-half 'of the machine is paid for. Upon motion
by JIr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. !¡yons, the Preø1dent of the Board of Trustees waa
authorised to execute the agreement on the part of the oity. )lotion carried by the
following roll call, AYJl:SI 1Iruatees Shaw, !vons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NOes I
None. ABSENT I Hone.
PUlIt1'Iume OF HOLT TB.A.CTORI The bid of Williard E. Shepherd, Southern California
Distributor for the Holt Kanutacturing Company, for the supply of one Holt T-29
Caterpll1ar Traotor, was accepted as follow.. For the Tractor, as specified above,
delivered in Ohula Vista, $3767.00; for a Re;vnolds Scraper, f.o.b., Chula Vista,
.150.00. The clerk was inatructed to v oucher the account in pqment for both the
items above, advertisement having been legally made. The bid was accepted on the
motion of Mr. Bent, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which oarried by the following vOtel
AYES I 1Imstees Bent, Peters, Shaw, Lyon., Wentworth. NOES I None. ABSDTI None.
IJTSUBJ.NCBI The city clerk was authorized to take oare of having all oity prop-
erty inaured, in the future, without referenoe to the bcard. Insuranoe that 18
now running, when policiea expire, will pe placed so that the inaurance is equallf
divi'ed among the insurance agents of the citr, those that pay texas in t he city
being oonsidered firat. JIotion covering, by Jlr. Sh8w, seconded by Mr. Ivona, which
PAIETIHG NURS'R'S AUTOJltJBILBI The clerk was directed to have the WOrdSI
"Chula Vl8ta Health Dept." painted on each door of the automobile _sed br the
community nurse, in letters about 2 inches in height.
ADJOURNJolBNTI Upon motion by Kr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the
Board adjourned to 7130 p.m., Hovember 28, 1924.
City Clerk.