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JANUARY 19, 1925.
An adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Chula Vista,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Rell, with President Peters
in the ohair, who called the meeting to order at 7130 pm. Present; Trustees Peters
Bent, Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth.
GUARD RAIL ON HIGHLAND HILL; A letter from A. A. and'll. M. Rendigs, asking
permission to remove 150 feet of the guard rail on the east side of Highla.nd Hill,
measured from the commencement of the guard rail at the top of the hill, was read.
The request was granted, provided the owners of the land grade from the curb line to
the property line, bringing the grade to official grade. MOtion covering by t~. Wentworth
seconded by Mr. Shaw, which carried.
TRI1IMING STREET TREESI Tree Warden Elliott asked for instructions covering the
trimming of street trees, Where they are found to intefere with persons walking on
sidewalks, or interfered wi th vehicles passing on streets. It was decided to ad-
here to the minutes of a meeting of April Zl, 1924, in which the tree warden was
instructed to trim such trees whereever found necessary, and that the city will
pay him for his services at the rate of 75 cents per hour.
PRAY'S SUBDIVISION AT NATIONAL AND DI R. M. Pr8¥ asked the Board to complete
the work of grading the north half of D Street, at the time he is grading the EIJ uth
half of the street. Referred to street oommi ttee, upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seo-
onded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried.
TRAFFIC BUTTON AT SECOND AVENUE AND EI Trustee Wentworth brought out the
fact that the traffic button at Second Avenue and E Street, is so located that
it confuses drivers at that point, and cited a case where a Z88Z serious accident
was na~rov1y~a~~b,dt~ecèntiv~s He pointed out that the objectionable button should
be placed farther eastward on"" E. Street. Referred to street superintendent and
marshal for correct ion.
FIRE DEPARTMENTI A letter from Mr. Greg. Rogers, commending the fire depart-
ment for its excellent work in extinguishing a fire at his residence on JamJary 2,
1925, was read. Ordered filed, after the clerk had stated that he had furnished the
fire department with a certified copy of the letter.
ORDINANCE No. 118, Upon motion by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which
carried by the following vote, AYEs, Trustees Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters.
EOES, None. ABSENT I None, Ordinance No. 118, was placed on its first reading.
This is an ordinance providing for the establishment of a "Personal Service Payroll"
on which all personal services will be paid.
ORDINANCE No. 119; Upon motion by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Wentworth,
which carried, ordinance No. 119 was placed on its first reading. This is an or-
dinance regulating the matter of sanitary plumbing in the city. During the reading
of this 0 rdinanoe , the amount of the fee for esamining matter and journeyman plumbers
was brought out, and upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Lyons, it was
decided to place the fees at $50.00 each year for master plumbers, and $5.00 for
journeyman plumbers. the motion carried by the following vote, to-wit I AYES;
Trustees Wentworth, Bent, Shaw, Lyons. EOES; Trustee Peters. Absent I None.
PERIODICAL REPORTS I The clerk presented the quarterly reports of the city
tre~surer and city clerk, for the quarter ending Deoember 31, 1924, and upon motion
by Mr. Bent, seconded by Mr. Shaw, they were referred to the finance committee.
MOtion carried.
OFFICE ROOM IN CITY HALL, The question of the condition and use of the
front office room in the city hall, occupied by the inspector, marshal and nurse,
was introduced, and it appeared that the room which is used at night by the police
is left in a dirty and unsanitary conditione This condition governs during the
day time, each d8¥. Referred to the polt oe oommi the.
OFFICE DESK AND CHAIR, It developed that the office desk and ohair used by
the building and plumbing inspector is owned by himself, and it was decided that the
city should purchase it fromhim, at the price he paid for it; it having been in use
in his office continuously sinoe purchased new. MOtion covering by Mr. Lyons, seo-
onded by Mr. Shaw, which oarried by the following vote, AYES, Trustees Lyons,
Wentoworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw. NOES, None. ABSEt:T, None.
Meeting of January 19,1925, Continued.
FIRE HYDRANT, The matter of the installation of a neov fire hydrant e:II E
Street, between National Avenue and Bay Boulevard, was referred to the fire oom-
motion by Mr. Bent, seconded by Mr. Shaw, it was decided to make the fo11owingrepairB
on E Street, between 5th aDd 6th Avenues: The street department to make g11tters
on each side of the street, six feet from the curb line; the street to be crowned
with the understanding that Charles Bolts will crown his driveway, entering E
street at this point, in such manner that the water.will drain off on his isde of the
street. MOtion carried.
PARKING ORDINANCIh The oity clerk was instructed to write a letter to the
oity marshal, directing that the marshal furnish the data necessary for a parking
ordinance, which will prohibit parking at the crosswalk in the plaza, to the city
attorney, at once.
BILLS PAID, Upon motion by Mr. Bent, Beoondtd by Mr. Shaw, the following bills
as examined by the finance committee, were ordered paid;
4872 Salton Adding Maohine Co. Adding Maohine,
4873 H. G. Sumner, Repairs to street machinery,
4874 A. T. Pettey, Transoript, street oar hearing
4875 F. S. & W. W. Hirsoh Co. Fire apparatus equipment,
4876 San Diego Union, Advertisement in S.D.Union Annual
4877 Pac. Telephone and Telegraph Co. Phones, Deo., 1924,
4878 State Compo Insuranoe Fund, Compo Insurance, to Nov 12, 1924,
4879 Angie J. Powers, Purohase of ~vel pit,
4880 S. A. Dale, Repair of stop watch,
4881 '\'011. HBhn, Po.rohase of Hay,
4882 Carpenters Office supplies,
4884 s. D. Gas and Eleotrio Co. Gas and Electrioity, Deo., 1924,
4885 C. 7. Star, Printing and publishing, January, 1925,
4886 W. W. Beers, Laborer-Teamster, January, 1925,
ADJOURN1ŒNT, Upon motion by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried,
the board adjourned sine die.
City Clerk.