HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1925/03/03
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!!:BLD MARCH 3, 1925.
'!he Board .et in regular ....ion, in the OoUDoil Chamber oC the "ity Hall, on
the aboTe date, with President Peters in the chair. ]feeting oalled to orier at ",00
p.m. Present, Truatees Peten, Bent, Shaw, LJ'ons, Wentworth.
BlADING OF )(IlIU!BS, The minutes ot the last regular meeting oC J'eb1"U&r1 3, 1925,
and. an adJe1U'l1ed regular ..eting ot J'eb1'Ull1"1 1." 1925, were read, and appl'OYed as read.
SmRWAT.1lfI. PROPOSJ.LS FOR, '!he time haYing arriTed for op.ning bUs for sid_ala
and curbing, .,..-aeUe.-q-JIII..-...,.-e_.""-.,"""'-""" the sealed proposals Cor
the 1IOrk on Second. AV8l1ue, '!hird Avenue, J 8treet, H Street and Boo88nlt Street, as
described in Besolu1;1on oC Intention No. 114., passed by the Board ot !ruatees on
.1an_1"1 6, 1925, were epen84, exaained am declared, upon motion by JIr. L70118,
s.oonded by JIr. B8I1t, which carried by the following Tote, to....it, AYBS. !'ruatees
L70ns, Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Sbaw. IIIOBS. Irons. J.BSENTI Irone.
The proposals as opened all4 read, were as tollows.
Whittingbam & 'essitore, Chula Vista, tortbe 1II)rk complete, tsooo.ao
Chester O. Irebon, 14,.,0 J St., Sad1ego, do. 6UB.4,.,
Bert Noble, Sprokels Bldg., do. do. 6S/55.9'
V. A. 01s8l1, 4,020 )(ississipp' st. do. do. "01B.96
.. V. Hutchilon, no address, do. 6306.93
.JIr. Shaw steered Resolutioa !ro. 11." which is a Bes.lution ot J.wariðof
Contraot, aocepting the proposal ot Chester O. Nelson, as the lowest bidder. '!he
resolution was paned aM adopted by the tollowing vote, to....itl JIotion made by
JIr. Shaw, seconded by JIr. Wentworth; ArBSI !'rustees Shaw, L70Jl8, Wentworth,
Bent, Peters. NO.. None. J.B~. Irone.
The olerk was instructed to return the certified checke and bond.s of the
UDsueoessfnl bi44ers to the owners.
BftJ.IJrI1rG WJ.LL FROn OJ' La'!! 54.. ROSBBJ.mt. JIr. ChaIt Goldman as~p~raissioa to
oonsturet a retaining wall oa the ourb lias, ia front of Lot 54., Rosebank J.dditioa.
Upon IIOtion by JIr. L7ons, seconded by JIr. Shaw, which carried, the matter was referred
to the street collllllittee to inTestigate and report.
'J!B1II '!!RIJßlING. LADDER FOR. The tr88 warien asked p_inion to pI11'chase a
tree extension ladder, to oost approximately $10.00. Upon motion by JIr. L7ons, eec-
oll4ed by JIr. Shaw, the clerk was authorised to make the purchaae. JIotion carried.
PJlRIODICAL RBPOR'!!S. !he monthly reports of the co_ity nurse and. city re-
corder, for the month of J'ebrua1"1, 1925, were read, and. upon motion by )fr. Wentworth,
secoll4ed by JIr. Shaw, thBJ were accepted aM oriered tiled.
TBLJIPHOlIB I'RABCHISBI The clerk read a letter from the Pacific felephone and.
'!!elegreph C~,in connection with the rejection of an application for a franchise
made by the compalll', and in which the COlllpaDJ' agre.. to abide by the ruling of the
Board of '!!rustees te the effect that no more extensions will be made to their lines
until further orders.
CITY PABX, A letter from a committee appointed by the Woman's Club was reed,
in which it was requested that a member of the Board lie appointed to meet with that
committee in the matter of the city acquiring a 01t7 park. '!he President of the Board
appointed Mr. Bent for the place requested.
sua J.!iD TRUCX P1WICHISIS ON HIGHWAYSI A resolution p8Saed by the Board ot hus-
tees of the oity of Imperial, Calitornia, protesting against the State Bailroad
ComBission granting franohises to stage aDd trucking companies to use the public high-
ways in their busine..es, without properl)' compensating for the uee of such highwaY8,
was read. Clerk directed to acknowledge receipt, expre..ing the s7JllP&thy of this
board in the movement, and. to hold the matter over until another meeting.
. I1rCUlSING RATES OF PUBLIC UTILI'J!Y COJIPAB'IES. A re801ution by the oity
cOUDcll of Lo8 Angeles, -, read, in which complaint is made against the State
Bailroad Commislioa for inoreasing the rates ot all public utilities, and asking
united action of all8UDicipalities to as8ist in curbing the power of the oommissi.n.
Clerk to acknowledge receipt and say that this board will co-operate in any action
that 18 brought.
Jleeting of Jlarch 3, 1925, Continued.
ORDmü'CI Iro. 1221 Upoa motion by JIr. L7ons, seconded by JIr. Lyons, seconded
lIy JIr. Shaw, Ordinance Iro. 122 was placed on its second and. fi_l reading. !he
ordinance was read,' and. W88 paned, !doped and approved, as read, upon motion by )fr.
L7Ðns, seconded by JIr. Wentworth, which oarried by the following Tote, to....itl
J.YBSI '!l'uøtees Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw. NOESI Irone. J.1ISD'J!1 Ircne.
ORDIlWICI ]{O. 1231 Upon motion by JIr. Sha', seconded by JIr. Wentworth, whioh
carried, Ol'd1nanoe Iro. 123 was placed on its first reading. '!h18 18 an ordinance
proTiding fcr a planning commission, speoif1ing the powers thereof, etc.
ORDIlWICI Jio. 124.1 Upon motion by JIr. Wentworth, seconded by Jlr. L7.ons, which
carried, Ol'dinanoe Iro. 124. was placed on its tirst reading. '!his 18 an ol'd1nønce
requiring propertJ owners, agents, or others haTing charge of proper\)', to keep the
same clean, tree from weeds and rubbish.
'J!RDS IN THE RBmtm 0' CURBS OR CURB LI!lBSI JIr. Wentworth brought up the
subject of trees planted in the par..." at the return of curbs, or curb lines,
at the corners of intersections of streets, and.hewed that stich trees are a
menace to traffio on the streets, in that they obstruct the view of 8JII' traffic
approaohing an intersection. Upon motion by JIr. Wentworth, secoJlded by JIr. L7Ðns,
it was decibd to take out ~ such trees so planted in the city, the clerk to nctif1
the tree wal'den. !he motion carried by the tollowing vote, tc....itl J.Y1ISI !'ru8tees
Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw, L7ons. NOJISI Ncne. J.1ISDTI None.
SB'IBR SYB'I!BII. The matter of a s...er system was again brought up, and. upon
motion by JIr. Lyons, second.ed by ]ho. Wentworth, it was decided to haTe the board of
heal th take up" the proposition and. make reoollllllendation. the motion canted by the
following Tote, to....it. J.DSI !'rustees L70118, Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw.
NOISI Irone. J.BflBJllTl lfone.
SIDBWALXSI '!!he street superintBnd.ent adT18ed that he was haT,ing trouble in
enforcing the requirement of the sidtlW&lk apecifioations, wherein it 18 proT1d.ed that
where a fill 18 made by a property owner, in a private ocnt:ract for sidtlW&la, the
fill must be properly wet down and. tamped, as the fill 18 made. !he street superin-
tendent was instruoted to iatcra all such propertJ O_81"S that where the till is not
prope1"11 made, no oertificate of inspection and acceptance of thw wcrk will be made.
BILLS PAID. Upon motion by )fr. Bent, second.ed by JIr. Wentworth,
bale, as 8X8IIIined by the f1_noe oollllllittee, were ol'dered paidl
4,94,2 WIectrio LaundrJ, Laundering cell blankets,
ttU Ii Or1181e & Co. Street Improvement 'orma,
4,94.8 Pao. 'J!elephone and 'J!eleg.Co. Phones, Ji'eb1"U8rr, 1925,
4950 Irelson & Sloan, Pea Gravel
4,956 Banoroft'Whitn87 Co. Legal BookS,
4958 League of Manic1palities Dues for 1925,
4,959 Union 011 Comp8ll¥ Qasolines and. cUe, 'eb., 1925,
4,960 F. B. J.nd1"ows, City J.ttorney, reby, 1925,
4961 Per. SerYioe ~roll, Street Imployes, do.
4962 do. Kiso'l" do.
4,963 C. V. Star, Printing and. publishing,
4,914. C. V. Garage, Care Nurse's oar,
4,965 Skinner Hcbr. Co. Hardware,
4966 C.V.LŒlber Co. LŒlber,
4,96., Western Ketal Sup. 00. Steel and iron,
496B Irwin & 00. reed, grain,
4,969 Bryant J.uto Bleo. 00. -epeirs street maohinerJ.
4,9.,0 C.B.Smith, Incidentals,
49'Tl H. )I. Cordua, Fin Sirens,
49.,2 H. D. Smith, !furse's supplies,
49.,3 C.V.8ervioe Station, Gasoline and. oils,
4974 Hcmeland. Bldg. Co. Blasting supplies,
4,9.,5 L7ons Implement Co. Grader Blues,
4976 H.G.Sumner, Repairs street machinerr,
J'eb., 1925,
the following
ADJOTTRWIIRW'I'I uþon motion by JIr. Bent, s.eooJlded by JIr. LJ'ons, the board ad-
JO1U'l1ed to "130 p.m., Jfarch IS, 1925.
Oity Clerk.