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IlI!lU'ßS o:r A lII!:B'l'IliG o:r MARCH 18, 1925.
!!!he Board of Trustees of the City of Chula Vista, California, met pursuant
to adjourlllllent, in the Council Chamber of the Cit:v Hall, on the above date, with
President Peters in the chair, who called the meeting to order at 7130 p.m.
Presentl 'rustees Peters, Shaw, Bent, Lyons, Wehtowrth.
.ADVERTISINGI 1Ir. Jack Foremen, representing the San Diego Sun, ab1led that
the Sun ia getting out a apecial edition ot it. paper, on April 10,1925. He
proposed that the cit:v take a page of advertising therein, to cost .200.00. '!hie
ia the regular charge tor a half page, but the above rate will govern for th1l
edition. Atter diaousaion, it waa decided upon motion b:v 1Ir. Shaw, seconded b:v 1Ir.
Wentworth, that the cit:v will take a page ot advert1ling, provided the looal Chamber
of Commerce will pa:v one-half the cost. IIOtion carried. It was stipulated that
the Board of Truatees must pa88 on the pro'f of the advertisement before it 11
LICBlS!: ORDINAIC]!:a A letter from the JlIII'el Tea COIllplUly, of Los Angeles,
protesting against the licenae required for their solicitora, waa read. '!he firm
agree that t3.00 per quarter would be a fair rate to charge tor their aenice,
instead ot .7.50 per quarter, as stipulated b:v ordinance. Atter discussion, in
which a representative of the company participated, it was decided, upon motion
by 1Ir. Shaw, aeconcied b:v 1Ir. Wentworth, which carried, that no change would be
made in the present ratea.
D.ØGBROUS CORnR. !!!he clerk adv1led that the 1I&il Carrier Autin had -de
a verbal proteat about the southeast corner of I'ifth Avenue and Bonita load, stating
that the hedge fenoe at that point obacured the vi.. and made the corner dangerous
to the traveling public. Referred to Truatee Shaw to ittrestigate and report.
SIXTH AVBIIIUEI A number of property ownera along Sixth Avenue, between
I' and I Streets, opened the question of grading and surtacing Sixth Avenue.
the city engineer presented a profile of this street from 1'100 I Streets, but no
action was taken, pending a profile of the street to extend to J Street. A cer-
tifioate from the Union Title ColllplUly, together with a -p of the territor;v
adjacent was exhibited b:v the clerk, in which it ia ahown that Sixth Avenue 11
80 feet from the southern ci ty l1mi ta to the north line of Quarter Secticn 124.
Upon motion by 1Ir. Bent, seconded by 1Ir. Lyona, it was decided to grade and aur-
tace Sixth Avenue from:r Street to J Street; the work to be commenced within four
months from date hereof, if possible so to do; such work to be pertormed by the
atreet force ot the Oit:v, and such work to be performed sooner it it can r..a-
onabl:v be done. lIotton carried b:v the fcllowing vote, to.....itl AYJlSI Truatees
Bent, Peters, Shaw, !qona, Wentworth. IOBSI Irone. ABSDTI ]Jone.
PROFILE OF SIXTH AVJIIIUB PRO. I '1'0 J S'l'RBB'l'SI The city engineer was instructed
to prepare a profile of Sixth Avenue, from I to J Streets, upon motion by 1Ir.
Shaw, seconded by 1Ir. Wentworth, which carried, all voting kTe.
PROFILE OF IBL JU.R AVBIIIUEI The cit:v engineer preaented a profile of
Del Mar Avenue, from J to K~ Streets. Atter examination the profile was ac-
cepted and approved, upon motion 'by 1Ir. Wentworth, aeocnded b:v 1Ir. Shaw, which
carried by the following vote, to.....it: AYES. Trusteea Wentworth, Bent, Peters,
Shaw, Lyona. IIOBSI ]Jone. ABSEI'l'I None.
ORDIJlTJ.NCB NO. 1231 Upon motion by 1Ir. Shaw, seconded by 1Ir. Wentworth,
which carried, Ordinance Nc. 123 was placed on i ts second and final reading.
'!h1l 11 an ordi1l8nce providing for the eatablishlllent and _intenance of a oity
plazd.ing 00_1181011.. It was read, and upon motion 'by 1Ir. Shaw, aeconded by 1Ir.
Wentworth, it waa paSled, adoped and approved, by the tollowing vote, to wit:
AYES: '!ruate.. Shaw, !qena, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. IIOESI None. ABSD'l'1 Irone.
ORDIJlTJ.NCE No. 1241 Upon motion 117 1Ir. !qone, aeconded by 1Ir. Shaw, Ordin-
ance No. 124 was placed on its second and final reading. fhia 11 all. ordinance
providing tor the r8lll0val of weeds, etc. It was read, and upon motion by 1Ir.
!qons, seconded b:v 1Ir. Shaw, it was paned, adopted and approved by the following
vote, to.....itl AnSI '!'ruate.. Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw. lOBS. None.
Meetin~ of Karch 18. 1925. Continued.
'l'IW1'FIC WART, 1Ir. J. O. Bdwards asked the Board to install a tratfic wart on
IIatio!!&l Avenue, in front of his store and market; he atated that oustomers cf h1l
place of busineaa had the habit of turning in the atreet at that poill.t, and was afraid
that an accident would occur there. It was pointed out that all traffic warts had
been rlllloved from Natio!!&l Avenue, on accont of the ~ avy traffic, and th~t one located
as requested would encourage motorists to turn there, only making the place more danger.
No action was taken.
¡nUL!;! FOR PRISOJIBRSI Marshal Cl;vne asked for a more liberal allowance for meal.
tor prisoners confined in the city jail. He has difficulty in obtaining a 25 cent
meal from the local r..taurants. ]Jo action taken.
CULVERT OJ FIFTH AVENUB. lIAR K STREET, The cit:v engineer presented a drawing
of a culvert and retaining well, to be located on 5th ATenue, near K Street, with
the e.timated cost thereof, vi., $8000.00. The oulvert, without the retaining wall
will cost about .2300.00. '!'he.e figures do not include the other work ot grading
and surfacing the street at that point. No action taken, tor lack of funds available.
PLT1VR1IIRS BONDI !!!he bond of E. L. Archambeau, master plumber was presented to the
board, and was aooepted, upon recoJmllendation of the city attorney, motion by 1Ir.
Shaw, seccnded b:v 1Ir. Iqons, which carried, all voting ~e.
CENTER STRD'1'1 The street superintendent sugge8ted that while he 18 grading
and .urtacing Center Street, west of '!'hird AT&nue, curbs and gutters ahould 1Þe put
in. It we. decided, after discusSion, to have gutter8 and curb. put in on both
sides of Center street, betwee. 3rd Avenue and Landis A..enue. 1Ir. Wentworth then
offered Resolution No. 118, which is a resolution giving property owners abutting
on the street mentioned, 60 daJs inwhioh to haTe curb. and gutters in.talled,
and 41reoting the oity engineer to aene notice on all such propert7 owners b:v
written card. The reaolution was read, and upon motion by 1Ir. Wentworth, seconded
by 1Ir. Sh8Ir, it was paned, adopted IUd approved b:v the tollowing vote, to.....itl
AYES I Trustees Wentwerth, Bent, Peter., Shaw, Lyons. 110):81 None. ABSDTI None.
PICUTIB POR CITY RiLL, Trustee Shaw suggested that the. city have an oil
painting made of the Sweetwater Dam to be used to hang in the Council Chamber of
the Cit:v Hall. A painter, now making paintinge here, had oftered to paint 8uch a
picture for the sum ot .50.00. Decided that funds could not be spared.
BILLS PAID I Upon motion 117 111'. Shaw, 8econded by 1Ir. Wentworth, which car-
ried, the following billa, as examined by the finance co_ittee, were ordered paid
by warrants,
4957 Bancroft- Whitne7 Co.
4977 Pao. !elephone and Teleg; Co.
4978 iB:v MCTaggart,
4979 S. D. Ga8 and Elec. Co.
4980 do.
4981 SWeetWater Water Corpn.
4982 C. V. Star,
4983 O. E. Palmer,
Legal Booka
Phones, Februar;v, 1925,
Cigar., League,
¡a8 end Ileotricity, leb., 1925,
Street Lights, Feb., 1925,
Water, do.
Printing end Publi8hing, Moh., 1925
.ADJOu;¡mn:NTI Upon motion by 1Ir. Shaw, seconded b:v 1Ir. Iqons, the Board
adjourned sine die.
Cit:v Clerk.