HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1925/04/07 KINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, HELD April 7, 1925. The Board met in regular session on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, with President Peters in the chair. Meeting called to order at 7.00 p.m. Present. Trustees Peters, Bent, Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the last regular meeting of March 3, 1925, and an adjourned regular meeting of March 18, 1925, were read, and approved as read. STREET LIGHTS. Mr. Alex Reynolds, representing the S.D.Coneolidated Gas^and Electric Company, addressed the Board on the subject of additional street lights which have been ordered heretofore. He stated that it would cost about $1100.00 to install additional lines to install lights en National Avenue, at H, I, K and L Streets. However, he stated that if the city would take ten additional lights in various parts of the city, the four mentioned above would be installed without charge. Decided to csncelt the order for the four above mentioned lights, and to order instead one light each at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and I Street, and National Avenue and Flower Street, the clerk to place the order with the Light Company in writing. Motion covering by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried by the following vote, to~it. AYES. Trustees Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw, Lyons. NOES: None. ABSENT. None. GLEN ABBY lIIEMORIAL PARK. Mr. W. R. Shugers, representing Glen Abbey Memorial Park asked the Board for parmission to erect a direction sign for the Park, at the corner of F and Third Avenue. The sign to contain no advertising - merely directing the public to the location of the Park. Upon motion by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, Mr. Shugers was authorized to erect a sign as above described, on Third Avenue, opposite the traffic wart, just north of the city hall, on Third Avenue. Motion carried. SHENANDO.AH TRACT. A SUBDIVISION. Mr. R. M. Pre:y submitted a plan of his new subdivision, to be known as Shenandoah Tract, a:cd asked the city to accept it, although the surfacing of some of the streets therein have not been completed. He deposited a check for $250.00, as a guarantee that the streets will be completed within a reasonable time. He, also, submitted a deed for the south two feet of the subdivision, to be accepted by the city, and held in abeyance, as a bar to subdividing the land south, without deeding the 30 feet required to make a full width street. upon mction by Mr. Bent, sedonded by Yr. Wentworth, it was decided to accept the subdivision under the foregoing conditions,¿rMotion carried. by the following vote, to-wit. AYES. Trustees Bent, Peters, Sha"~ Lyons, Wentworth. NOES. None. ABSENT. None. s e.e ;1 <"I' p"^~ €^ It was also agreed that pipe culverts would be inetalled on Flower Street. in the above subdivision, where it crosses the other streets running north and south, the city to pay the cost of installing the two culverts on the two easterly streets, and Mr. Pray to pay one-half the coston the culvert crossing the westerly street, the city to pay the other half. FIRE SIREN. C. A. Sumner asked the board to purchase and install a larger fire siren on the Fire Department Building, at a oost of approximately $400.00. Re- ferred to the Fire Committee upon motion by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried. BUILDINGS IN FIRE ZONE. Yr. C. C. DeBoyer, presented a drawing of a building which he proposes to erect on his property at the corner of F and ThirA Avenue, and asked permission to construct the building not in accordanoe with the ordinan1le governing the fire zone. Request denied. TREES IN RETUlU'! OF CURBS OR CURB LINES. Mr. E. Melville asked for a modifica- tion of the order of the Board, of March 3, 1925, in which all trees now standing in the return of curbs, or curb lines, were ordered removed. He referred to a tree standing at the corner of E and 2nd Avenue. After discussion, the request was denied. ALVERADO COURT. REPAIRS REQUESTED. Dr. F, E. Ashcroft requested that some repairs be made to Alverado Court, inasll!l2ch as that street is now almost impasaable, when wet. The street superintendent advised that no repairs could lie made there until the water company replaced the water pipe, which is in bad condition. Clerk directed to inform the water company that repairs are to be made shortly, and advise the company to have the water pipes in good condition at earliest possible moment. WATER PIPES ON F. BETWEEN NATIONAL AND BAY. Clerk instructed to again take up the matter of replacing the water pipes on the above street, with the Water Com~ -*"and that all of the city officials of the city of Chula Vista, California, whose signatures are required and necessary upon the plat of Shenandoah Tract, a subdivis- ion of said city, are hereby authorized and instructed to sign such plat; and that such subdivision be and is hereby approved and accepted as such subdivision of said city of Chula Vista, California. . - Meeting of April 7,1925, Continued. by )(r. Shaw, & econded by Mr. Lyons, were ordered filed. TIDE LARDS 01 BAY FRONT. President Peters read a telecram he had received from State Senator E. P. Sample, to the effect that Mr. Sample has introduced a bill in the State Senate, looking toward the transfer of the tide lands on the bay front of the city, to the city. RECORDS AUDITED. !he clerk was e.ppã authorhed to have the a-ccounts of the clerk and treasurer audited for the period from when last audited, to date. No motion, all members expressing their approval of the matter. _! TH OFFIC INC IN S Y. The city health officer uked for an in- crease in sal&r7, from 25.00 per month, to $50.00 per month. Upon motion by Mr. Shaw, seconded by 1Ir. Lyons, the request was granted, effective ](ay 1, 1925, the motion carrying by the following vote, to-Wit. AYES. Trustees Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. !IOES. Ifcne. ABSDT. Ifone. DEI!:]) TO PART OF AUlA!! STRBET. Yr. Lyons offered resoluticn No. 122, which is a resolution accepting the deed of E. Melville for the undiTided half of Lot 51, Chula Vista Realty Compa%l¡y's Subdivision. This deed transfers six inches of land, lying along the north edge of Alma Street, and it will be held in excrow, until such time as the property owners of land abutting on the north, deed enough land to make Alma Street a full width street. The resolution was read, and upon motion by 1Ir. Lyons, seconded by Yr. Shaw, it was paned, adopted and approved, as read, tI;v the following vote, to-wit. AYES. Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw. NOES. Ifone. ABSENT. None. SOUTR:BAST CORDR OF BONITA .AJ ]) FIFTH AVE., Trustee Shaw reported that he had. obtained permission from the property owner at the abaTe location, to trim swe:y the hedge and foliage enought to remove the danger to traffic at that point, as has been reported heretofore. The street superintendent was instruct to remove the obstruction .' . 'fAil U!LO1!.a:r ~ tiep iRllie 88 i)¡s -+.-.+'. Dø"'~~e"t;N..~z, CURBS AND GUTTERS. The city engineer presented the drawinge4aDa specifications for the construction of curbs and gutters ."-~"e.e on Genter Street, between 3rd Avenue and LandiS Ave=e, heretofore ordered by Resolution No. 118. Upon motion by Yr. Shaw, seconded by Yr. Lyons, the drawinge and specification were appro"ed and accepted. JIotion carried. BILLS PAID. Upon motion by Yr. Bent, seconded by Yr. Wentworth, the following bills, u examined by the finance committee. were ordered paid. 498U. B. Sherwood, Labor, street work, 4985 Warner Edmonds, Renewing bonds of city officials 4986 Western Metal Supply Co. Cable and Iron, 4987 Alice W. Bent, Gutter Pipe 4988 Congo Church Dinner, )tun. League, 4989 Irwin & 00. Grain, Feed. Maroh, 1925, 4990 Rodney Stokes Co. Blue Printing, 4991 Union Oil Co. Gas and Lubricants, Mch. 1925, 4992 C~V.Lumber Co. L1:IIIIber, 4993 A.H.Skinner Co. Hardware, 4994 Autocar Sales 00. Repairs to Truck 4995 F.B.J.ndrews, City It":rney. March, 1925, 4996 h¥1'O1l Mis8ellanecus Jlnplcyes, 4997 Payroll Street Imployes, 4998 Homeland Bldg. Co. Blasting powder 4999 Service Pharmacy, Nurse Supplies, 5000 H.G.Sumner, Repairs, Street ](achinery, 500l0.V.Garage, Maintenance Nurse's car, Ilarch, 1925, 5002 W. S. RcCausland Professional Servioes, Prisoner in jail 5003 R. & H. Tyee, Repairs shower baths, fire hall 5004-S.W.water Corpn. Water, ](arch, 1925, 5005 S.D.Gas and Elec. Co. Gas and Electricity, ](arch, 1925, 5006 do. Street Lights, ](arch, 1925, 5007 Impire !lire & Rubber Co. Fire Hose, 5008 Charles E. Smith, Incidentals, equipping Buick Apparatus 5009 Pac. Telephone & !el.Oo. Phones, March, 1925, 5010 John Reek Yeals for prisoners in 0 i ty jail, Rch,1925, 5011 Armer's- Battery Service Battery for fire engine, 5012 Chas. P. Kohs, City Treasurer, Qr. ending Mch. 31, 1925, $ 72.00 85.00 56.56 26.00 50.00 55.30 3.50 104.85 25.28 23.52 7.93 75.00 l8Sl.02 829.63 11.68 2.50 7.74. 6.55 5.00 5.00 35.15 45.99 199.85 306.00 5.49 19.35 4.24 115.40 183.12 (Q\'E~) .ADJOURmIEN'r1 Upon motion by Kr.Shaw, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the Board adjourned to 7.30 p.m., April 21, 1925. ~ , , City Clerk. \- -', Keeting of April 7, 1925, Continued. and requeat early action, as it is the intention to start work there aeon. ALPIlIE S~. RBPAmS lUIOUJlSTBD. Yr. Jewell Connor, asked for repaira on Alpine Street, between J. and Xearn81 Streets, stating that that part of the atreet is practically impaaaable, when wet. Referred to the street committee to iDYeatisate and act.accordingly. I_~ WATER SHUT OFF WITHOUT lroTICE. Mr. Jewell Connor complained. to the effect that the water aupply, in the aoutheastern part of the city, is frequently Ihut off, without notice, sometimea for periods of s...eral daya, aD1 aak8d if something could not be done. Clerk directed to write the Water Company asking if thia con- dition oannot be remedied, without taking the matter up with the State Railroad Coumission. GASOLINE. PURCHASE OPt A representative of the Stamard Oil Company refluested a part of the oity's business in sasoline and lubricante. Informed that &a acree- ment exiata with the Union Oil C~ for their products, until ~gust, next. BUILDING IlIJIRUlmJ.œD 40 'l'EmIIY'S ORc¡:¡nn. 01' G STRDT. Yr. G. J. Paulson complained. against the cont8lllplated IIOT8IIIent of a toolhouse, in the aboTe mentioned orchard, to a location directly in front of his reeidenoe. Ordinance 1'0. 4.1 waa read, in which it was shown that a building cannot be moved from one location on a lot to another location, on the same lot, without a permit from the cit7 clerk; &ad such permit will not isaue, if there si a reasODeble protest from a neighbor. Upollmotion by Yr. ~, aeconded by Mr. ~ons, the building inspector waa instructed. to see the ownera of the orchard,' and endeavor to Ímake a aatisfaotor¡y arr8J1g8lllent. Motion carried. SEIŒR BYS!I!Blh A Yr. Brown, of the firm of Burna-JIoDonnell-Bmith, hgineera, of Los Angelea, presented a map of the city, 1rhowing a propoaed s8ll'er s7stem for the city. He propoaed an la-inch main line, the ooat of inatallation of Which to be by a regular bond illue, the expense of installing, including a diatributing plant, will be approximate17 t4.1,OOO.00. He fUrther propoaed that for laterala connecting to the main line, a district be formed, and on his plan, he had included all the ter- ritory 17ing between ]I .treet on the Norht, andG Street on the South; Seoond .iTe. on the west a:cd 4.th Ave:rxue on the :&est, to include the Fredericka Home for the Aged. The eatimate on the cost cf the above district for laterals, connecting to the main line, is $25,000.00. The entire matter was referred to the Board of Health, upon motion by Yr, Shew, seconded b7 Mr. ~onil, which carried b7 thefollOWing vote, to....it. AYES. Trusteea ShaIr, ~ons, Wentworth, Bent, Patera, NOES. None. ABSEN'l'. None. I I I I I l- ROOSEVEL'I' S'l'RDJ'. ACCEP'I'ING. Yr. Shaw offered Besolution Nc. 119, Which is a reaolution accepting a deed to property, forming part of Roos...elt Street. The Resolution was read and upon motion by Mr. Shaw, 88conded by Yr. Wentworth, it was passed, adopted aDd approved, as read., upon the followihg vote; AYES. Truatee. Shaw, ~ona, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. lro.lS. None. ABSENT, I'one. Yr. Shaw offered Resolution No. 120, which is a resolution accepting a deed to property, forming the cther part of Rooa...elt Street. The resolution was read, end upon motion by Yr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Lyons, it was pasaed,edopt8d and approved, as read, by thefollowing vote. AYES. Trusteea Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NOBS. I'one. ABSEN'l', None. ,~ HAY. PURO¡:¡A~~ OF. The street superintendent waa directed *0 purchase a car load of ha7, at market price, upon motion °7 Yr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Went- worth, which carried. CURBS AND GUT'l'ERS ON CENTER STREET. Yr. Shew offered Resolution No. 124" which is a resolution authorizing property ownera on Center Street, between the eaat line of Third ATenue and the west line of Church Avenue, to inatall curbs and guttere on both aides of that part of the street, and directing the oi~ engineer to notifi7 all such property owners that th81 will be given 60 days in which to have the work completed, after which time, if not completed, it will be ordered. in by law. The resolution was read, and upon motion by JIr. Shaw, seconded b7 Mr. Lyons, it was passed adopted and approTed, as read, by the following vote, to-wit. AYBS.!rus- tees Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NOBS. None. ABSENT. None. PERIODICAL REPORTS. Theqaartètjyreports cf the city clerk and treasurer, and the qmn~;r reporte of the recorder and communi ty nurse were read and upon motion