HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1925/05/05 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF !!'RUSTEES, CHULA. VIS!I'A, CALIFORNIA, HELD MAY 5, 1925. 'rhe Board met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the above date, with President Peters in the ohair. Meeting called to order at 7100 p.m. Present 1 !!'rustees Peters, Bent, Lyons, Wentworth. 'hustees Shaw absent. READING OF MlNUTESI 'rhe minutes of the last regular meeting of April 7,1925, and adjourned regular meeting of April 21,1925, together with special meetings of April 15th and 28th, were read. 'rhey were approved as read. PERIODICAL RBPOR!!'SI 'l'he monthly report of the City Recorder, for the month of April, 1925, was read, and ordered accepted and filed. ~LU!I'ION l2îl DEED TO PAR!!' 01 MANKlTO S!!'HEE!!'I Mr. Lyons offered Resolu- tion No~2lD, whioh is a resolution acoepting a deed to part of Mankato Street, for street purposes, deeded by Huloy Phelps and wife. !!'he resolution was read, and upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seoonded by Mr. Wentworth, the resolution was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to,"",it. AYDI Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NOESI None. ABSENTI Trustee Shaw. RESOLUTION l2í - DEED TO STHEE!!'S LYING WEST OF NATIONAL AVENUEI Mr. Wentworth offered Resolution No. l2l;whioh is a resolution aooepting the streets and thor- oughfares lying west of National Avenue, as deed by the San Diego Lands, Ino. The resolution was read, and upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Lyons, it was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, towitl AYESI Trustees Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Lyons. NOESI None. ABSENT 1 Trustee Shaw. ORDINANCE No. 1251 Upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seeonded by Yr. Wentworth, which carried, Ordinance No. 125 was placed on its second and final reading. This 18 an ordinance changing the name of Alvarado Court to Alvarado Street. It was read, and upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Lyons, it was passed, adopted and approved by the following vote, to-witl AYES I !!'rustees Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Lyons. JI1ORSI None. ABSENT I Trustee Shaw. STREETS IN ~A~AH !!'RAC!!'I Clerk presnted an authorization to Louise H. Pray to close the atreets and alleys in Shanandoah Tract, for thè purposè of making' certain repairs; said authorization having been issued by bhe Street Superintendent, and provided that the the city in issuing the authorization, would not be responsi- ble for any accident that might happen as the result 01 such closing of the streets. Mr. Pray had objected to the provision that the city is not responsible. 'rhe permission was granted on the terms set forth in the written authority of the Street Superintendent, only, dated April 30, 1925, upon motion by Mr. Lyons, sec- onded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried. PLANNING COMMISSIONI The president nominated the following as members at the City Planning Commission, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 1231 Messrs. H. R. Jackson, T. C. Macaulay, wm. H. Sal lmon , Geo. E. Geyer and Trustees Wentworth. The nominations were confirmed by motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Bent, which carried by the following vote, to-witl AYES. Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NOES I None. ABSBENTI Trustee Shaw. .' ( DEED ro STREETS WEST OF NATIONAL AVENUEI The clerk was instructed to write Mr. Nat. R. Titus, os San Biego, thanking him for his services in connection with obtaining deeds for all the streets lying ..est of National Avenue, and to Bey to Mr. !!'itus that it is the desire of the Board to reimburse him for any expense he has had in this conneotion. 'rhis action covered by ~tion by Mr. Bent, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried unanimously. r ¡' PLUMBING ORDINANCEI Mr. James L. Eychaner, of the S.D.Gas and Blectric Company, presented a proposed amendment to the present Plumbing Ordinanoe, which adds the matter of gas piping to the present plumbing ordinance. Retened to the Plumbing Inspector, upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carri ed. THEE WARDENI President Peters nominated M. C. Elliott as City Tree Warden, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 120, at a salary of 75 cents per hour for such time as he 18 actually engaged in the work of caring for trees on the city streets. The nomination was confirmed upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by JIr. Wentworth, which carried by the following vote, to-wit 1 AYES 1 Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NORSI None. ABSENT I Trustee Shaw. ESTABLISHING GRADES OF ALL STREETS. fhe city engineer was directed to Regular Meeting of Jlsy 5, 1925, Continued. prepare and present profiles of all streets of the city, on which the official has not been hereto for established. This work to be performed at such times as his other work will permit, taking the streets in order of their importanoe, and was ordered upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Lwons, which carried by the fol- lowing vote, to-witl AY~SI Trustees Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Lyons. NOESI None. ABSENT I Trustee Shaw. -( PROFILES OF STREETSI The city engineer presented profiles of the grades ot the following named streets. H Street, from 4th Avenue to 6th Avenue; Sixth Avenue. from F to J. Street; I Street, from 6th Avenue to Bey Boulevard. !!'he profiles were approved and :accepted upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Lwons, which carried by the 6011owing vote, to-wit. AYES I Trustees Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Lyons. NOES. None. ABSENT, Trustee Shaw. TRAFFIC REGULATION I The city marshal introduced the subject of having four large signs printed, and placed at the four main entrances of the ci ty. such signs to warn the public that the ~tor Vehicle Laws are strictly enforced within the city limite, and that a traffic officer is on the job. The signs to be placed at the city limits. The marshal stated that the four signs completed will cost approximately $60.00, which does not include work of placing them in position. The matter of en- forcing the laws was left to the discretion of the marshal, who advised the board that he would have his officer allow a deviation Of three or four miles over the legal speed limit, to cover any discrepancies in the reading of the officer's speedometers. The action was covered by motion by ¥r. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Went- worth, which carried by the following vote, to-witl AYESI Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NOES I None. ABSENT I Trustee Shaw. RURAL MAIL BOXJ!;S. A list of =ral mail boxes needing gravel around the bases, submi tted by the looal postmistress, was read. After discussion, it was ordered filed. WAR RELICSI A list of war relics to be distributed by the War Department, to communities according to the number of men in the late war from each community, was read. No action. COJŒLAINT ON CONDITION OBSffiEIITI A complaint from B. B. Earl, on the con- di tion of 1st Avenue, at the intersection wi th J Street, was read, and ordered filed. AIRPLANE PHOTOGRAPH OF CHULA. VISTAi An airplane photograph of the city, taken by and presented to the city by Mr. T. C. Macaulay, '8Xhibited. The olerk was directed to tender the thanks of the board to Mr. Macaulay. TELBPHONE FRANCHISEI The clerk was authorized and directed to publish a notioe of sale of franchise for use of the streets for telephone and telegraph service. The notice to be acoording to law, as prescribed in the Broughton Act of the State Legislature. Motion covering by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Bent, car- ried by the following votel AYES I Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NOES I None. ABSENT I Trustee Shaw. TRUCKS. WEIGHING FOR OVERLOAD, The city marshal was directed to occasionally weigh. and chek up loaded trucks passing over the city streets, and prosecute all found to be loaded over the legal limit, upon motion by Mr. Lwons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried. r- TIDE LANDS. BOARD TO CONFER WITH GOVERNOR RICHARDSONI Upon motion by Yr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the Board of Trustees, as suoh, are authorised to arrange and attend a conference at Los Angeles, with Governor Richardson, with ret- erence to his approving the Act of the State Legislature, granting tide lands, bor- dering on the City of Chula Vista, to said city, and to have other persons so attend, who said board deems advisable. ~tion carried by the following vote, to-witl AYES I Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NOESI None. ABSENT I Trustee Shaw. TRAFFIC OFFICERS. FOLDERS BOR CITATIONS. Upon motion by JIr. Lyons, sec- onded by Mr. Wentworth, the clerk was directed to procure four folders, to be used by traffic officers oarrying citations, to replace present folders, worn out. Thes folders to cost not to exceed $~5 each. Motion carried. . BILLS PAIDI Upon motion by Mr. Bent, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the following bills, as examined by the finance committee, were ordered paidl 4944 S. W. Publishing Co. Sale of City Horses, 5013 V. Schraeder, Laborer-Teamster, April, 1925, 5024 V. Mason do. 5025 Payroll, Street Employees, April, 5026 Payroll, Miscellaneous Employes, 5027 F. B. Andrews, City Attorney, 5028 Sloane & Sloane, Attorney Fees. 5029 Chas. E. Smith, IncidentalS, Fire Dept. do. 5030 Bender-MOss Company, Legal BoOks, 5031 C. S. !!'immons, 2000 Stamped Envelopes, 5032 Standard Iron Works, Curb Irons, 5033 Western Metal Sup. Co. Iron, 5034 Union Oil Compa~, Gasoline and Lubricants, April, 1925, 5035 Rodney Stokes Company, Blue Printing, 5036 Skinner Company, Hardware, 5037 O.V.Lumber Co. Lumber, 5038 C.V.Garage, Nurse's Car and Fire Dept. repairs 5039 S.D. Gas and Elect. Co. Street Lights, April, 1925, 5040 S.W.Water Corpn. Water, do. 5041 S.D. Gas and Elect. Co. Gas and Electricity, April,1925, 5042 Lane Stamp Co. Rubber Stamps, B043 H. M. Cordua, Fire Dept. Equipment, 5044 Smith's Drug Store, Drug Supplies, 5045 Carlson <5: Simpson, Fire Dept. Repairs, 5046 Herb Bryant,' Repairs Street Machinery, 5047 Postal Telegraph Co. ~elegrams, April, 1925, 5048 C.V.Paint Store, Paints and Painters Supplies, 5049 Pac. Telephone and Telegr. Co. Phones, April, 1925, Regular Meeting of llay 5, 1925, Continued. 1925, do. do. ( # .37 20.00 3.00 772.00 1673.66 75.00 500.00 12.65 12.50 48.88. 33.77 9.14 133.93 2.90 31.59 2.00 13.43 199.85 36.15 46.00 2.15 9.75 3.75 25.51 19.50 1.25 13.67 20.80 ADJOURNMENT 1 Upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the board adjourned sine die. ~ Ci ty' Clerk. ,~ I I I I I I I ì I ! I l