HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/06/22 IUlIUTBS OJ' Al'f .m.T0tJIUDID RBGtJI.AR JIBB'l'Il'IG OJ!' THE BO.u!D" OJ!' TRUSTDS, C1ft1U VIS'U, cALII!'OmrIJ., HBLD JUNE 22, 1926. The Board met parauant to adjourument in the Council Chamber of the ci~ Hall, on the above date, with Preaident Petera preaidiD8. Keeting oalled to order at 7,00 p.m. Pr..ent, Tr'U8tees Peters, LyODB, Wentworth, Barnes. TrU8tee Soott absent. LJIIR~RY IIOUD, the olerk haviD8 announced that the terma of Harriet Cuahman aDd Blbridge H. Sabin, as lIIembera of the Libr&l7 Board, haviD8 ezpired, President Petera nominated both of them to succeed th81118elyes for another term. 1'Iomination of the President oonfirmed upon IIIOtion 117 JIr. Barnes, aecoDded 117 JIr. Lyons, which carried. /~ SJ:WBB. SYSTJ:I[, It...s decided that the bonda for the installation of the sewer ayate w111 be ten ¡ear bonde, upon motiou b, Jrr. Barn.., aeoonded by Jrr. Lyona, whioh oar- ried 117 the followiD8 yote, to....itl AUS, Tr'U8teea Barnea, Peters, LyODB, Wentworth. NOBS, 1'Ioue. ABSEN!, TrU8tee Soott. Clerk direoted to collllllU1ioate with the engtueera for the a..er eyattlll, relaUye to adyertising for bide for the work of inatallatiou, obtain plana aud apeoifioatioua, eta. G£SOLID 'UlIKB ~ PmIPS 11'1 TIm STRDTS, On the requ..t of J'oater &: Son to iDBtall a paoline paIIp at the ourb In font of their place of bueln..a OD II Street, and UpoD 1II0tion b, JIr. ......" aeoouded by 1Ir. Lyona, a permit waa granted, aaid permit to be reYokable at thé option ot the Bo81'd of Trustees. Thomaa Howe requeated permission to inatall a saaoline and paIIp OD G Street, between the 81dewa1k and curb. Perml8810D granted upon motiou by Kr. lIanea, aeconded by 1Ir. Wentworth, which carried. ~is perm18siou 18 reYokable at the option ot the Board. of Trustees. "George G. JohDBon, owuer ot the Super Service statiou, &eked permiuiou to place an eztenaion line frOlll h18 pumpa to the curb, to be ueed in fl111D8 hea." truca, which in driying into h18 atation, are so heayy that the break doe the sidewalk. A permit, reYokable at the option of the Board of Tr'U8tees, waa granted upon motiou by Mr. Barnea, aeconded by 1Ir. Lyona, which carried. LBAVB Oli' ABSJmC1I J!'OR TRUS!P.IIh A request for a leaye of abaenee for a period of ODe month, ten daya of which w111 be outside the State, from Trustee Scott, was read; 1eaye to cOlllDence July 19, 1926. Granted Upon motion by 1Ir. Lyona, ..oonded by 1Ir. Wentworth, which carried. ~. RRUnVt1'lG I!'ßOK STBEBT, 'red W. Staftord, aubmitted a request inwritiug, aakiD8 perm18Bion to reIIIOYe 10 a1lllonð. tre.. and 15 palm tre.. from the street parkiD8 tronting Lot S, -!-Sectton 148, the ".at halt thereof, waa submitted. The clerk adYiaed that Jrr. Stafford had left a deposit of onl, .25.00, inatead of .1215.00, as requred b, ordin- anee. 1Ir. Wentworth ezplained that as aolll8 ot these treea were nothiD8 lIIore than atUlllpa, and entirely too close top'her, nearly all dead, the PlallDing COIIIIII1881on had authorbed a depo81t ot .26.00, onl,. the permisBion ....a granted upon motion b, JIr. Wentworth, sec- oDded b, Jrr. Samea, the trees to be replaoed within 90 dqa after the atreet OD which the treea are staDliD8, 18 graded.'1!IIM'~led. Jrr. Jfarray HawkiDB, a811:ed in writing, to remoye two eucl8¥Ptue trees trom the parking fronting his property on 1st Aye_e, Bet. I aDd J Streets. Clerk adyi..d that Jrr. Hawll:iD8 had made a deposit of .10.00. Request referred to the Planning CO!IIIIi88ion, withou motion. _r- SAJIPLI: ORDINAlroBSI The olerk presented two aample ordinances which he had recehed from the Secretary of the State League of Jlanicipalitiea, one of which 18 a IIIOdel p11lllbiDC ordinanoe, the other an ordinance on location ot bul1dinge, regu1.ationb bul1din ll, eto. The former waa referred to the City Health Officer; the Jetter to the Planniug Commisaion. .mmm, The following transfer in the budget" for the current year, 11'88 made upon motion by JIr. Banea, seconded by JIr. Wentworth 1 Transfer .162.315 frolll the Contingent I'and of the General GoYerøœent, to the Police Badget, in the fUnd for pay" Of extra officers. Rotion carried by the following vote,to....itl ADS, ~tees Barnes, Petere, Lyons, Wentworth. NOEs, lIIone. ABSBlIITI IoaU. , ORDIIWImI 1'10. 1451 O'pon motion by JIr. Wentworth, seconded by JIr. Barnes, OrdinalXle 1'10. 145 was placed on its aecoDd and tinal reading. !he ordlnanoe was read, and upon motion by JIr. Wentworth, aeconded by Mr. Iqone, it waa pa..ed,adoptad and apprOYed, aa read, b, the followiD8 yote, 1;o-witl AYBS, !rrustees Wentworth, Damea, Petara, Lyona. NO]!:~h lIIone. ABSD'1', Scott. Keeting of June 22, 1926, Continued. ORDInJmR l'Io. 14.61 Upon motion 117 Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, Ordinance 1'10. 146 was placed on its .1¡...st'.readiD8. This ie an ord1aance establiehing the ofticia1 gradee of yarious etreete in the city. CITY WT.1fl'.TRUJI) Upon the application of A. !I. Proctor for the poet tion of Cit)' :1180- trioian, to become effeotive at the time of Blectrician Blaok'e reslgnation, Preeldent Petare l1OIIIinated Mr. Proctor tor the pOSition. the nomination.was confirmed upon 1II0tion by Kr. Barnes, eeconded by Mr. Wentworth, whioh carried. WJŒD CUTTING, Bdward Ze1Ber oOlllplained about a bill tor cleeniD8 eOllle of hie yacant Iota haying beeneent to him, while the lots adjoining his property has not been oleaned. JIr. Ze1Ber was iDBtruoted to see Jrr. Wharton, who 18 in charge of the weed cutting, and he would ezplain the matter. ~ TBUJ!'IC OI!'li'IC.IIh Jlarehal Clyne recolIIDended that J!'ir8IJI4D Kelly, ot the lire Depart- lIIent be transterred to thelOlioe Department ae a tratfio otfioer, to reli8Ye Traftic Offioer ban J. Smith reBigned. This tranafer to take effeot frOlll aDd after JUDe 16, 1926. 2he reoOlll8mUUon granted upon IIoUon by Mr.LyoDe, eecoDded by JIr. Barnee, which oarried. J'IRB DJlPJ.RTJIIrD, Oharles B' Smith, formerly fire chief, on part ~ime . at a sal&Z7 of .75.00 per month, -s appointed Chiet Jlngineer of the I'i1'8 De:¡artm8Df';Á~l'c\"" poeition oombines the position of tire ohief and flret enø1Deer. the latter poeltloD haylng been noated 117 the traJllfer of L :B. .Kell, to the Polioe Department, at a eal&l7 of $216.00 per month, etteothe June 15, 1926, upon motion 117 JIr. Lyons, seconded 117 Mr. Wentworth, which carried UD&Dimouely. Smith to pay for the serYic88 of another IIBn a~ time he 18 Off dut)'. RlSOLUTI01'l 1'10. 162, Mr. Wentworth offered reeolution 1'10. 152, which is a reeoluUon accepting an ,,*ilento~"'tþvcha.. ot eOllle laud trom The H .. B Lande, Ino., by the oUT, to be used as a location for the e.er treatment plant and outfall pipe line. The reeo- lution was read, and UpoD motion by )fr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. LyoDe, it was paned, adopted and app:toyed 117 the follOWing YOte, to....it, At." !rusteee Wentworth, Barnee, Peters, ~one. 1'ICfIS, lJoue. ABSDT, Boo.'1;. . lIBSOLUTI01'l 1'10. 163, Mr. Wentworth oftered Resolution 1110. 1153, whioh is a reeolution to the eftect that the city w111 oo-operate with the J'ederal Goyernmnt in the IIBtter of dredgiD8 in the10cal harbor. 2he resolution was read, and upon 1II0tion by Mr. Wentworth, eecouded by Mr. Barnes, it ...e pa88ed. adopted and apprOyed by the following YOte, to....U, ADS 1 Truetees Wentworth, Barnes, Petere, LyODB. 1'10118, 1'Ione. ABSEN'J'I Boo.llt. R:ISOLUTIO1'l 1'10. 1154, )fr. Lyons offered resolution 1'10. 154, whioh 18 a resolution acceptiD8 an e....ent for s..er line across the laDd of TraOf Briok aDd Art Stone COIIIpaDy. the resolution was read, and upon motion by Mr. Lyons, "OOÜed 117 JIr. Wentworth, U wae paned, adopted am apprOYed by the follOlr.ing vote, to....itl ADS, Trustees Lyona, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOBfh 1'I0ne. ABSDTI Scott. ~I Cl~ Health Oft1oer .bhoroft aeked for a leaye of abeenoe frOIll Jul, 2, to July 22,1m, both datu inoluein. Upon motion by)fr. _OI18i, seconded 117 Mr. Went- worth, the leaye ....e granted, butonly two weeD of the time will be with pq. .m.TO'lJl!JlW1lp l, Upon 1II0tion by Kr. Banes, seconded by JIr. LyODB, the Board adjOUl'J1ed Bine die. ,~ Attest 1 &~ City Clerk.