HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/07/06 mETES OJ!' A REGULAR JID'l'IlfG OJ!' THEBOm OJ' TRU!JTEES OJ!' THE CITY OJ!' CIitJU VIS1'J., CALIFORNIA, HBLD JULY 6, 1926. ~ Board met in regalar se88ion, in the Counoil Chamber of the City Hall, on the above date, with President Peters in the ohair. Jleeting O8lled to order at 7,00 p.m. Present, Trustees Peters, ~ons, Wentworth, Barnes. Absent, Trustee Soott. R'RA.DIHG OF IIIIIUTBS, '!he minutes ot the last regular meeting ot June 1, and adJourned regalar meetingsotJune .21, and 22, 1926, were read, and approved as read. ~, A 1ette:¡o trOlll Caroline A Copeland; complaining and protesti11f against a charge ct $29.00 for cutting weeds along the front ot Lots 21,22, 27, and 28, í-Sec. 138, was read. Mr. A. J. Burnside entered a "erba1 protest in support of the letter. 1Ir. R. II. Prq, also, talked on the subJect. The protest was denied upon motion b;y 1Ir. Bames, seconded b;v Mr. ~ons, which O8rried. JIr. C. O. Bclts .,erball;y complained ageinst cutting the weeds along his propert;y on :rUth A.,enue and Bonita Road. He Stated that he hee received no notice to clean this property, and that he had cleaned the property' sometime in April. 1Ir. Charles Bolts, also, talked on the subJect. R. J. Wharton, the part;y in oharge of the weed cutting, not being present, the matter was held over until a%lOther meeting, when 1Ir. Wharton could be present. SUBDIVISIOlh J. map of a subdivision, known as Imperial Beach Park, located within three miles of this city, was presented for approval b;yllr. J. F. Co.,ert, engineer. It developed that the map had been approved b;y the Planning COIIIDission, and upon motion b;v 1Ir. ~ons, seccnded b;v 1Ir. Wentworth, the map was apprc"ed, and the cfficials ct the city re- quired to sign same, were authorhed tc sign for the cit;v. Jfction carried b;y the tollOll'ing vote, to-wit, ADS, Trustees Iqons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. lfOBSa Hone. ABSB1I'l', frustee Scott. SJ:\\IBB. BOlDS, JIr. Gregor;v D. 8mi th, ot the R. :&. Clllllpbell Compa~, of Los ~les, the firm that has purchased the sewer bonds, appeared before the Board and asked that it rescind ihaotion of June 21, 1926, which action decided t~at the bonds would be ten ;year' bonds, and make the bonds for a 10nll8r period. ]10 action was taken on 1Ir. Smith's request, and the action of June 21st will stand. ~ A written request from the City Becorder, asking for an increase in sa1ar;v, from $100.00 per month, to $125.00 per month, was read. 'lhe request was denied upon motion b;yllr. Wentworth, seconded b;v 1Ir. Barnes, which carried unanimous1;y. CITY DELIVERY OJ' IlAIL, J. letter trom the 100a1 Postmaster, was read, in which the Postmaster urges the Board of Trustees to ha.,e sidewalks laid, where gaps now ezist, thereb;v making city deli.,er;v possible on streets that nOlr haþ theee gaps. Clerk instructed to in- fom the Postmaster that petitions trom the porpert;y ownsrs on the streets in question, will result in having the gaps tilled. ,- 'lAm RmIJIIHG 1]1 STREM', J. written report by J. C. Da.,idson, _s read, in which he informed the Board that -tel' ~d been permi tted to run into Second Avenue and on down K street, trom Lot 9, i-section~"for two successive nights, in violation of City Ordinance Nc. 132. 'lhe report was filed. SJ:\\IBB. SYSTD, The Burns-IIcDonnell-8mlth Jlngineering Oompa:u;v, of Los Angles, now under contract with the cit;y to perform the engineering se1"l'ice in conneotion with the s..er s;ystem, to be installed here, was appointed Consulting Jlngineer ot the City, upon motion b;yllr. Barnes, seconded b;y Iqons. The motion carried by the tollowingvote, to-wit, AtBS, Trus- tees Barnes, Peters, ~ons, Wentworth. NOBS, None. ABSDT, 1'rustee Soott. Advertis1= for Bids. The clerk was authroized and directed to give aDd publish notice that sealed bids will be received by him, until 7,30 p.m., Jul;y 27, 1926, for the work ot installing a sewer s;ystem in this city. work to be in accordance with plans and speoifications now on file in the clerk' s office. '!his notice to be published three times per "ee1l: in daily publications, and and as amny times as can be permitted inweell:1y pub1ioations, betore the date for receiving and opening the bids. Clerk tc telephone the ccnsulting engineers and have that tim insert the notice in the Los Angeles publications that are deemed best tor the purpose. This action taken upon motion b;v 1Ir. ~ons, seconded b;v 1Ir. Wentworth, which carried by the following vote, to-wltl Am, 1'rustees ~ons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. 1lOES1 None. ABSDT, Trustee Scott. PUzA IN THIRD AVENUE, The clerk _s instruoted. to purohase 100 teet of hose to be used b;v the l!Iightwatchman in watering the shrubber;v in the plasa. The ]lightwatchman was authorised to keep the hose in the lire Department. lleeting ot July 6,1926, Continued. DEPU1'Y JURS1ULS. Upon recommendation of the City llarahal, the tollowing named deputy marshals, who have taken the oath ot offioe as such, 11'111 be retained as deputy marshals ot the city. C. C. DeBoyer, Howard Carroll, Jamea Quthrie, Wallaoe B. Armer, S. P. Jlurch, Hillis B. Jlaraden, Chas. N. D_en, Dollie .tes, Cuthbert R. Jlason, J'. H. Schraeder, R. J. Wharton, John J. Byers, J(. B. Kelly, C. B. Smith, Boy Hill, IIorris Lamb. ~ The follOll'ing named persona, who have heretotore been deputy marshals of this city, and who ha.,e subscribed to the oath of offioe as suoh, are hereby dismi..ed as deputy marshals, and their otfices deo1ared .,&cant, l!'renk Van Bese1, D. F. :w.chner, Harry L. Bald- win, C. A. SWrm,r, William,Gllchrist, B'ol'lllBt L. W;v1l:es, Ivan iT. .Smith, D. B. ~illibridge, Bwio1ph A. SoJmaoke, Ollie Board, C. V. Nielsen, C. ~erson, Chas. II. Burge.., B. H. Peterson, DeLongJlills,John i'oUiard, Frederick H. Schut; :I1liott i'. Hunter, Thømas G1'I¥, Albert G. Seebenler, L. A. Bolton, Alden Davidson, J... J. Schraeder, J. J. La Port, J. r. Dalton. '!he oi ty marshal is ,instructed to collect the badges ot office from the last abo.,e named persons, whereever possible. JIotion oo.,ering this aotion by )fro Wentworth, seconded b;v JIr. Barnes, which carried by the follOlring vote, to-witl ADS. Trustees Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, ~ons. 11018. ]lone. ABSBJi'r1 Trustee Scott. PJmIODICAL BJ:POR1'8, The month1 reports of the city recorder aDd city nurse, for the month ot June, 1926, and the quarterly report of the city treasurer, for the q~ter ending June 30, 1926, were read, and upon motion by 1Ir. Barnes, secoDded by 1Ir. ~ons, were ordered rece1 ved aDd tiled. J(otion carried. 1>U1\I1IIIJfG COJIIIISSIOIII JltIllJ'J'ES; The minutes ot meetings of the Planning Commi88ion, held June 7, 14, and 21, 1926, were read, but no aotion taken, none being required at this time. 'lhe recommendation of the commission to purohase the ten-acre property for an ath1etio tie1d, heretofre brought up in the meeting of this Board on June 21, 1926, was again held o.,er, pending action by A. J'redd Pratt, agent for the owner cf the land. ORDINANCE No. 146, Upon motion b;v 1Ir. ~ons, seconded. by 1Ir. Barnss, which oar- ried, Ordinance 1110. 146 was placed. on its secoDd and final reading. The ordinance was read, and upon motion b;v JIr. Iqons, seconded by JIr. Barnes, it was passed,adopted and approyed, as read, by the fOllowing vote, to-wit, AYBS, Trustees ~ons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, 11018, None. ABSEIIIT. Trusee Scott. This is an ord.inance establishing grades ot streets. VACATIONS. City Jlaraha1 Clyne was granted. a vacation, with pay, troll July 10,1926, to AuQruM, 1926, ino1usive, upon motion b;v J4r. Wentworth, seocnded by Mr. Iqons, which carried. Traffio Officer Byers was granted a vacation, with pay, from July 27, 1926, to August 10, 1926, ino1usi.,e, upon motion by 1Ir. Wentworth, seconded by JIr. Barnes, which O8rried. ORDIlUJIrOB No. 147, Upon motion by JIr. Wentworth, seconded by 1Ir. Barnea, which car- ried, Ordinance No. 147 was placed on its first reading. '!his is an ordinance establishing curb lines on National Avenue. ( STmI!IITAT.1r!'I ON 1U.TIONAL AVBIII!JB, 1'he petition presented at the meeting ot June 21, 1926, asking that sidewalks be ordered in on National Avenue, both sides, between D aDd B streets, _s again brough up, and the petition was recei.,ed upon the same tems aDd conditions as are oontained in Besolution 10. 145, and. subJect to the tems and coDditions ot said ~s- olution No. 145, and this petition made a part thereot. It was deoided that notices will be sent to all property owners etfected., giTing them 60 days from July 7, 1926, in which to haTe the sidewalks and curbs installed, after wihch time, the city will order them in. This aotion taken upon motion by JIr. Iqons, seoond.ed by JIr. Wentworth, which carried by the following vote, to-wit, AYBS, Trustees ~oris, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. 1IOIIS, None. ABSlNT, Trustee Scott. CHAliGI]lG GRADE OJ' G S!l'REET - RESOLUTION No. 155. 1Ir. ~ons offered. Resolution 10. 155, which is a resolution changing the grade ot G Street. The resolution was read, aDd upon motion b;v J4r. Iqons, secoDded. b;v 1Ir. Wentworth, it was passed., adopted' and approved, as read, by the following vote, to_it, AYBS, 'trustees ~ons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. lIOBS, None. ABSEIIIT, Trustee Scott. BILLS PAID. Upon motion by Mr. ~ons, seconded b;v Ifr. Wentworth, bills. as examined by the finance committee, were ordered paid, 5505 Pay Roll, Weed Geng. week ending June 26. 1926, 5506 d.o. II1soe11ansous Employes, June, 1926, 5507 do. Street 1mp10yees, June, 1926, 5508 F. S. Andr8IJS City Attorney, do. 5509 Helen J.!. Soott, Com. Nurse, do. 5510 Rodney Stokes Co. Blue Printing, 5511 National Iron Works, Jl'achinery Repairs, the following $384.00 2150.33 1225.45 100.00 75.00 4.50 27.38 lleeting ot July 6, 1926, Continued. r' 5512 Western Metal Supply Co. 5513 Geo. Leebrick, 5514 Jmerican-Lai'ranoe Co. 5515 S. D. Fire Equipment Co. 5516 Whittingham & Tessitore 5517 Shinner Hdw. 00. 5518 Autocar Sales and Service 00. 5519 Denrich Press, 5520 Chas. E. 8mi th, 5521 Holly StIDUler, 5522 Union Oil Company, 5523 National Cit;y Laundry, 55M Pay Boll, 5525 Chas. P. Moies, 5526 C. V. Paint Store, 5527 Dalton Adding Machine. 5528 Orohard Operating Co. 5529 S. W. Water Corpn. 5530 S. D. Gas. & E1ec. Co. 5531 do. 5532 C. V. Garage, 5533 C. V. Star, Supplies, Insurance on Plate Glass Windows, cit;y hall ¡'ire Equipment, do. Replacing curbing, on streets, Hardward and Fire Hose, Parts for Truck, Printing, Call men at fires, June, 1926, Machinery repairs, Gasoline and Lubricant, June, 1926, Laundry, Cell Blankets, Weed Gang, Week ending July 3,1926, City Treasurer, Qr. ending June 10,1926, Paints, BepBiring adding IIIBchine, 1U1e Hire, by Planning Commission, Water, June, 1926, Street Lights, June, 1926, Gas and Electricity, June, 1926, Nurse's Auto, June, 1926, Printing, 13.52 12.44 55.31 5.40 22.00 154.39 17.25 7.00 73.00 17.28 311.70 1.00 M2.00 175.00 7.85 4.50 12.00 66.15 214.05 31.49 1.85 19.40 AJ)JOUF1I11.IImT. Upon motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Iqons, the Board adJourned to 7,30 p.m., July 13, 1926. Attest, foS~ . , City Clerk. /-