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C~IFORN~, HELD. JULY 13, 1926.
'!he Board met pursuant to adjoUl'Dlllent, in the Oounoil Chslllber of the City Hall, on
the above date, with President Peters presiding. Meeting oalled to order at 7130 p.m.
Present, Trustees Peters, Iqons, Wentworth, Barnes. Trustee Soott absent.
l'¡'VING HIGRW.A.Y IN SWEENj!]!!m V&T.ToEYl ]Ir. XiDkaid, of SWeetwater Valley, advised
the Board that it is the desire of the residents of his diBtriot to have the highway
leading from the sunnyside Bridge, to the High Sohool , in National Oity, paved by the
County authorities, and asked the support of the Board of Trustees of Chula Vista. UteI'
dÅsoussion, 'lrustee Barnes moved, seoonded by Trustee Wentworth, that President Peters,
of this Board, be appointed to represent this Board in any meeting held on the above sub-
jeot, and that thiB Board is heartily in acoord with the projeot, and urges that it be
carried forward to oompletion. '!!he motion oarried by the following vote, to"",,,i tl AYES I
Trustees Barnes, Peters, Iqons, Wentworth. NOES, Wone. J.BSENTI Trustee Soott.
STREETS. FILLING OF. OR GRADIWG, 1Ir. Charlee Bolts asked the Board to not make any
more till, with earth, north of the line of telephone poles on the north side of Bonita
Road, along his land at that point. '!!he request was granted with the proviso that the
space may be filled at some later period when needed for street purposes, upon motion
by ]fr. Barnea, aeoonded by Mr. Wentworth, which oarried by the following vote, to-Witl
.A.!ES. Trusteea Barnes, Peters, Iqons, Wentworth. NOES. None. .A.BSENTI Trustee Soott.
¡'ICEIIISB ORDINAE'C1h '!he petitioners who presented a petition at the meeting of June
21,1926, asking that license of peddlers be increased, asked for aotion on their petition.
'!!he petitioners were represented by Robert Lion, who requested that the license be made
the same as that of National Oity, which is $200.00 per year. A lengthy dlloussion
ensued, in whiCh George Aife protested against any increase in the present license of
pO.OO per year, with the statement that the peddlers are a oonvenienoe to the rea1denta
of the oity who live at a distanoe from the buainen center. 1Ir. Wentworth moved that
the request of the petitioners be granted and that the lioense fee for peddling be in-
oreased to $200.00 per year, ~able quarterly, to become effeotive Ootober 1, 1926, and
that the ordinance be lIIIIended aooordingly. '!he motion was 88oonded by ]fr. Iqons, and oar.,.
ried by the following vote, to..itl ADS, Trustees Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, Iqons.
NOBSI None. .A.BSENTI Trustee Soott.
O'RDIl\TiNCE NO. 147. upon motion by ]Ir. Iqons, seoonded by 1Ir. Wentworth, whioh oar-
ried, Ordinance No. 147 was placed on i t8 8800nd and final reading. '!he ordinance was read,
and was paned, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to..itl AYB51
Trustees Iqons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOESI None. ABSENT I Trustee Scott.
ORDINJ.NCE NO. 1461 Upon motion by]lr. Barnes, aeoonded by ]Ir. Iqons, 1Ib.ich oar-
ried, Ordinance 1110. 146 was placed on ita first reading. Thll is an ordinance providing
for the iaauanoe of bonds for the installation of a sewer system.
SIDBWALKB ON G STREET, J. petition, signed by the owners of 1756 feet of frontage
on G Street, aslting that aid81181lœ and ourbs be laid on G Street, batween Seoond and Third
Avenues, on both sides, was read. Upon motion by ]fr. Barnes, seoonded by ]Ir. Wentworth,
the petition was reoeived upon the same terms and conditions as Resolution No. 145, sub-
ject to the terms and conditions of Bald Reaolution No. 145, and this petition to be made
a part thereof. '!he motion carried by the following vote, to..itl J.YBSI Trusteea Barnea,
Peters, Iqona, Wentworth. NOBSI !lone. AB$DTI .01141t.
F}mIODIOJ.L REPORTI '!he annual report of the Oi ty Olerk, setting forth the reoeipts
and II%p8nditures of the city for the fisoal year ending June 30, 1926, was presented. Upon
motion by !Ir. Barnea, seconded by )fr. Wentworth, whioh oarried, the report _s ordered
reoeived and filed, aloa, that it be pIlblished aooording to law. '!he motion oarried
by the following vote, to.....itl J.'xEs, Trusteea Barnea, Peters, Lyona, Wentworth. NOES,
"None. .A.BSBNT, Trustee Soott.
!ìU.ARD FEWOE ON HJIl!IT.~ND ",VENUE HILLa The street superintendent _s direoted to
iDmediately repair and paint the guard fenoe on the Highland Avenua Hill, on Second
HOUSE UOVER. BOn OF, J. bond of B. E. Knight &: 00., in the BUIll of $2000.00,
protecting the city' a streets against damage by house moving, by the above named firm
_s presented, and upon the reconmend8t1on of the city attorney, the bond was approved,
upon motion by 1Ir. Barnea, aeoonded by Mr. Wentw.Orth, whioh oarried.
KBETIDG OF JULY 13, 1926, Oontinued.
.1 letter of colIIDeDdation, written by H. W. Derthiok, on the good appearaMe of the
citywinoe the weeds have been oleaned therefrom, and the cheapness of the work per-
formed by the cit;y, was read, and ordered posted conspicuously.
BILLS PAIDI upon motion by IIr.Wentworth, 88oonded by Mr. Barnas,
bills, as examined by the finance committee, were ordered paidl
5534 Pay Roll, Weed Gang, Week ending July 10, 1926,
5535 Pac. ~elephone and ~elegr. Co. Phone Service, Jua" 1926,
5536 O. V. Hardware 00. Hardware,
5537 Sweetwater Water Corporation, Repairs to pipe line,
5536 James P. Laursen, fruok Tiree,
5539 Servioe Pharmaoy, Supplies,
Bodney Stokes Oompen;y, 554.0 Slue Printing,
554.1 H. B. Kindberg, Leather,
the following
1T\TOTTRNlmI'JI. Upon motion b;y ]Ir. Barnes, seconded by ]Ir. Lyons, whioh oarried, the
Board adjourned to 7130 p. m.. July 27,1926.
Attest I
CitY Olerk.
¡ .