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HELD JULY 27, 1926.
The Board met. pursuant to adjournment. in the Council Chamber cf the City Hall. on
the above date. with President Peters in the chair. Keeting called to order at 7130 p.m.
Present I Trustees Peters. Scott. Lyons. Wentworth. Barnes.
SEWER SYSTElh The time and hour having arrived for opening bids for the installa-
tion of a sewer out fall and treatment plant. the following bids were opened and read in
open meetingl Lee R. Weber. santa MOnica. Calif.. Total Bid. Vitrified Pipe. 139.357.66;
Concrete Pipe. .38,667.70. Lipscomb &: Dutton, San Diego, Vitrified Pipe, .39,167.40;
Concrete Piep, .38,674.28. Drainage Construction 00., Santa Ana, Vitrified Pipe,
.34.647.50; Concrete Piep. $33,996.40. W. R. Harmon, Alhambra; bid opened. but not read,
as it did not contain the required certified cheok; a bond having been attached.
Doran &: Boyd, San Diego, Vitrified Pipe, $40,746.90; Concrete Piep, $38,811.90.
L. E. C. Smith, National City, Vitrified Pipe, $46,688.50; Concrete Pipe, $45,688.10.
At this point, the Board entertained a motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Went-
worth, as follows I That the City of Chula Vista, California. by its Board of Trustees, does
hereby accept the bid of the Drainage Construction Comp~, of Santa Ana. California, for
the Whole work of i'urnishing the material ànd. labor for the construction and installation
of the sanitary sewer improvements for Chula Vista, as per plans and speoifioations thereof,
on file in the office of the'Oity Engineer of said city, and on which bids therefor were re-
ceived on the 27th day of July, 1926, on the following conditional That the said city re-
oei ves the money from the sale of bonds voted by the electors in, said city for above pur-
pose, and reservation by said Board of Trustees to decide which kind of pipe shall be used
for aforesaid work, wi thin ten days from July 27, 1926. The motion carried by the following
vote to-witl AYBSI Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOBS None. ABSJC1ITI
Mr. Lyons moved, seconded by )fr. Wentworth, that all certified checks of all bidders
except the check of the Drainage Conatruction Company, of Santa Ana, for construction and.
installation of sanitary sewer improv8lllent in Chula Vista, received this date, July 27,
1926, be returned to said respective bidders. The motion carried by the following vote,
to-witl AYESr Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, Soott. NOBSI None. ABSJC1ITI None.
ORDINANCE No. 1481 Upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, aeoonded by :Mr. Lyons, which
carried unanimously, Ordinance No. 148 was placed on its second and final reading. The
ordinance was read, and upon motion by :Mr. Wentworth, aeoonded by 1!r. Scott, it was paaaed,
adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-witl AYESI Trustees Wentworth,
Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES I None. ABSENTI None. This is an ordinance providing
for the issuance of bonds in the vable of $43,500.00 for the oonstruotion of a sewer
syst8lll, in this city.
SEWER SYSTEM. Resolution No. 156 was offered by Trustee Scott. This is a resolution
authoris1ng and directing the President of the Board ,of Trustees to submit an application
for a permit to oonstWtlot and maintain a sewer syst8111 in this City, discharging sewage
into San Diego B~, to the California State Board of Health. The resolution was read.
and upon motion by :Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Scott, it was passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-witl AYESI Trustees Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons, Wentworth. NOES I
NOne. ABSEm'1 None.
GASOLINE REFmIDa The clerk presented a claim he had made for a refund of two oents
per gallon on gasoline consumed in tractors owned by the city, and which tractors are
engaged on street work only. The claim had been retUJlned by the State Col1troller, with
the information that if the tractors are used on streets that have never bpon opened to
the public, then the gasolin3 r3fun¿ is payable; if used in street work on streets that
have been opened to travel, then it is not payable. There appearing nothing the board
could do in the matter, as the streets are all opened to travel, the clerk was instruoted
to f11e the ocmmunioatlon.
ZONING THE CITYI A letter from R. M. Pr~, asking that when the various zones
of the city that will be recommended by the ,lennina Commission. are finally adopted by
the Board. that he be notified in sufficient time to have certain property owners present
at such meeting, was read. Clerk instructed to notify :Mr. Pr~. if the inf'ormation is
available a suf'f'icient length of' time before the meeting'in question.
PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JlEETINGSI The minutes of meetings of the Plan-
ning Commission, held June 28,1926, and July 12,1926, were read, and the f'ollowing acticn
taken thereona Meeting of June 28thl No action required, except the last two 1J*ragraphs,
the first cf which recommending the purchase of 50 Hibiscus plants, was approved upon motion
by Mr. Soott,seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried. The last paragraph was ordered
referred to the ,lanning Commission for interpretation, as the subject conveyed therein
did not appear to be understood.
Keeting of July 27, 1926, Continued.
PLAmTING COMMISSION UIWTESI (Continued) Minutes of' July 12thl The matter of' planting
Black ,1cacia treei on I Street, between 3rd and 4th Avenues, and on 2nd ,1venue, between
zB and G Streets, omi tting the _st side of' 2Dd Avenue between F and G, where there are
no sid_alks and curbs. was approved.
In the matter of Boning National Avenue f'rom the north to south city limits, upon motion
by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons. the clerk was instructed to furnish R. M. Pray with
a certif'ied copy of this part of' the Planning Commission minutes. Motion carried. The
recommendation to make all of' BationalAvenue business property to a depth of 125 feet
on both sides, and to extend the f'ire Bone to take in this territory, was held over until
such time as the Planning Commission presents i ts Boning recommendaticn, when action w11l
be taken.
SLOT YA.CHINESI The question of a lioense f'or slot machines was discussed. and the
city attorney advised that the paraaraph of Ordinance No. 110, refe81'ing to "Games" applies
to slot machines, and the clerk was instructed tc advise the city marshal to.entorce the
ordinance on all slot machines in operation in the ci ty. The provision provides for a
license of 16.00 per day.
CHICKENS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. Fred S. Lee advised the board that he had been
directed to stop keeping chickens at his residence on Qarrett Avenue. b¡kthe City Board of
Health. That bOdy having decided that his chickens constituted a nuisanoe in a residential
district, and Mr. Lee not agreeing with him, he appealed to the Board of Trustees. He was
advised to take up the matter with the Board of Health, at its next meeting f'or a recon-
ORDINANCE 1110. 1491 Upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by 1Ir. Lyons, Ordinance was
placed on ita f'irst reading. This is an ordinance amending the present License Ordinance,
raising the license fee for certain peddlers.
BID FOR BOEDS FOR SEIVJIIl SYSTDI Upon motion by Yr. Scott, seconded by :I.!r. Barnes,
the bid of' the R. E. Campbell Compal1y for the purchase of the bonds voted f'or the construction
of' a sewer system. was accepted and the President aDd Clerk, authoriBed and directed to sign
the same. The motion carried by the follôWing vote, to-ita AYES. Trustees Scott, Lyons,
Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOBSI None. ABSENT I None.
BILLS PAIDI Upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Wentworth,
as examined by the finance committee, were ordered paid,
5542 Whittingham &: Tessitore, Concrete work on street,
5543 Evening Tribune, Legal Notice, Sewers
5544 M. G. White, Premium on City Attorney's Bond,
5545 Southwest Builder and Contractor, Legal Notice, Sewers,
5546 Journal of' Commerce, do.
5547 B. R. Martin, Tex Compu.ting Tables,
the following bills,
ADJOURmŒNTI Upon motion by :Mr. Barnes. aeoonded by Mr. Scott. which carried, the
Board adjourned sine die.
. I
Ci ty Clerk.