HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/08/03
~e Board met in regular aesaion in the Oounoi1 Chamber of the Oity Hall, on the
above date, with President Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at 7.00 p.m.
Preaent. Trusteea Peters, Scott, Lyona, Wentworth, Barnea.
READING OJ!' MINUTES. The minutes of .the last regular meeting of July 6, 1926, and
adjourned regular meetings of July 13 and 27, 1926. were read, and approed aa read.
PERIODICAL REPORTS. 'lbe monthly report of the City Reoorder for the month of
July, 1926, and the quarterly report of the city marshal for the quarter ending June 30,
1926, together with the annual report of the city librarian, were read, and upon motion
by Mr. Barnea, aeconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried, were ordered recei vad and filed.
!!llim. A letter from R. M. Pray, aaking that the board notify him whan it will
adopt the Planning Oommiaaion's zoning reoOlllDendation on National Avenue, waa read, and
ordered filed.
Vacationa were granted to employeea and officiala of the city, Bs fol-
Roy Hill, NightwatCbman, from August 11th to 25th, inclusive, with full pay, upon
motion by Mr. Lyona, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried.
C. S. Timmona, City Clerk, for two weekS, commencing about Auguat 16, 1926, upon
motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Lyona, which carried.
F. H. Schraeder, Street Superintendent, two weekS, commencing about August 7,1926,
upon motion by Mr. Scott, eeconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried.
. M. E. Kelly, Traffic Officer, from August 25, to September 9, 1926, inclusive, upon
motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried.
ORDINANCE No. 148. Upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried,
Ordinance No. 149 was placed on its second and final reading. The ordinance was read,
and upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, it was passed, adopted and approved
by the following vote, to-wit: AYES. Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters.
NOES: None. ABSBNT. None. This is an ordinance increasing the license fee on certain
class of peddlers.
ATHLETIC FIELD. A. Fredd Pratt, representing the owner of the East Half of Lots
15 and 16, t-Section 150. informed the Board that if the city desired to purchase thia
land, the owner will require a down payment of $500.00, and the balance of the purchase
price, t~ 11 II, to be paid within eighteen months, plus interest and taxes that have
accrued, the intereat to be 7%, after April, next, the time the option now held by the
city, will spire. ~ ~ cll.4.k 1¡:(¡." .3:;-.., ~
BULLETIN BOARD: Trustee Wentworth asked that the Planning Oommieaion be author-
ized to erect a bulletin board in the main halway of the city hall. The request granted
upon motion by Mr. scott, seconded b;y Mr. Barnes, which carried.
CHECK WRITING MACHINE. VPon motion by Mr. Lyona, seconded by Mr. Scott, the board
authorized the purchaae of a Todd Check Wri ting Machine, to be uaed in the issue of all
city warranta, to coat $87.50. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit. AYES.
Truateea Lyona,Harnes, Peters, Scott. NOES. Truatee Wentworth. ABSBN'l'. None.
SEWER SYSTEJla The Hoard adopted a letter to the Trustees of the School Board, asking
that body to donate 30 feet from the south side of Lot 17, it ~eotion 137, for atreet
purpoaea, and for a right cf way for the new sewer mains.
The matter of a right of way through WID. ]losier' s orchard was diaCU8sed, and the
oity attorney reported that he had forwarded two deeds to Mr. MOsier for execution; one
deed granting an easement through the orchard in the center line of what would be Landis
Avenue, the other deed granting the easement nine feet diatant from auch c enter line.
After discusaion, the board decided that vitrified pipe should be used in the con-
struction of the aewer aystem that is now under negotiations for installation. The motion
to use vitrified pipe was made by Mr. lUiàia,ilConded by JIr'. Scott; and carried b;V the
following vote, to-wit. AYES. Truatees Barn.., Patera, Scott, Lyona, Wentworth. lIO1IS.
None. ABSENT. None.
'Phe engineer in charge preaented a map of the city, and the board instructed him
in the final preparation of Distriot No.1 map, showing the territor)' to be comprised in
Bald diatriot. The engineer promiaed to hare the map on diaplay here within a few days.
Keeting of Auguat 3, Continued.
Sewera. COntinued. Reaolution No. 1511: 1Ir. Wentworth offered Resolution No. 15&',
which ia a reaolution directing the city engineer to prepare plans, apacificationa I'
prof'les of the aewer diatrict to be formed, in connection with the general outfall
syatem, The resolution was read, and upon motion by )Ir. Wentworth, aeconded by )fr.
Iqona, it waa pa88ed, adopted and apprOV'ed by the following vote, to-'Wit. AYES
Truatees Wentworth, Barnaa, Peters, Scott, Lyona. NOBS. lI!one. ABSENT. lI!one.
OONTRACT FOR SBWIm SYSTEJl. Mr. Barnea, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, moved aa fol-
lowa. That the President of the Board of ~ruateea of the City ot Chula Vista, Oa1-
ifornia, be authorized aDd instructed to sign and execute for and on behalf of the
Bald city, a contract with the Drainage Construction O~, of Santa Ana, California,
for the conatruction and installation of a public aewer, aaid contract dated 1iiA-q '0. /'1)-'.
the bonda for the conatruction of which said sewer were voted ~ the ilectora o~
aaid city on the 15th day of June, 1926, to total cost of Which aaid contract ia
$34,647.50. The motion carried by the following vote, to-'Wit. AYES. Truateea Parnea,
Petera, Scott, Lyona. Wentworth. NOES. ]!lone. ABSENT. ]!lone.
BOULEV.&1ID STOPS. Marshal Clyne aaked the city to purohaae 16 metal NITERDAY
boulevard stop aigna, wi th aingle red glaas, for installation in the atreeta at all
boulevard atop. now in the city. The purchaae waa authorhed upon motion by Mr. Scott,
seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried.
STATE LEAGUE OF JlDNIOIPALITIES. Upon motion ~ 1Ir. Lyons, seconded by Mr.
Wentworth, whch carried, it waa decided to pay the expanaes of ~, or all of the
membera of the Hoard of Trustees, or the City Attorney, if ~ of theBe partiea
attend the convention of the State League, this year.
BADGES ¡"OR TRAFFIO OFFIOERS. Upon motion by )Ir. Wentworth,aeconded by Mr.
Lyons, whch carried, it waa decided that when an otficer resigna, or is deiahar~d,
the city will purchaae from him his badge and cap ornament. The officer reliev.'ing
such diacharged or reaigned officer, will deposit with the city the coat of said
badge and cap ornament, auch deposit to be held by the city as long as the officer
remains in the service aa
Mr. Wentworth moved that the city adopythe atandard for all traffic officera
of this city, the badge and cap ornment now in use by the traffic offi cars of this ci ty,
such badges and cap ornaments to cost $18.00 per Bet. All traffic officers to be re-
quired to equip themselves with the atandard badge and cap ornament. There being no
aecond to the motion, President Pellera vacated t he ohair, and was replaced b;v Trustee
Scott. Truatee Peters seconded the motion, and upon roll call, the following vote
resulted. AYES. Trustees Wentworth, Peters, Lyons. NOES. Truatees Scott, Bameu
Motion carried.
BILLS PAID. Upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the following billa
aa examined by the finance cOlllDi ttee, were ordered paid:
5548 F. B. Andrews, City Attorney, July, 1926,
5549 Helen M. Scott, Community Nurse, do.
5550 Burns-McDonne ll-Smith , Payment, engineer services, aewers
5551 C. S. Timmons, ~rchase of 3000 stmor:cd envelopes,
5552 Stand. Motor Parts Co. Motor Parts,
5553 Motor Hdw. and Equip. 00. do.
5554 National City Laundry, Laundr;v, cell blankets,
5555 Western Metal Supply 00. Steel,
5556 Payroll, Street Employees, July, 1926,
5557 Payroll, Miscl do.
5558 Rodney Stokes Co. Blue Printing,
5559 Black & Hlack, Bon Ami,
5560 O. V. Star, Printing and publishing, July, 1926,
5561 Murray M. Campbell, Inaurance, Street Maohinery,
5562 C. V. Hardware 00. Hardware,
5563 Chaa. E. Smith, Fireman at Fires, July, 1926,
5564 Holly S\:Dnner, Motor parts,
5ß65 O. V. Lumber Co. Lumber,
5566 E. L. Archambeau, Repairs plumbing in city hall,
5567 V. W. Schraeder, Hire of team to Planning OommiS8ion,
5568 O. V. Garage, Motor repairs,
5569 Armer's Battery Service, Fire Apparatus repairs,
5570 Union Oil Comp~, Gasoline and Lubricants, July, 1926,
5571 Skinner Company, Hardware,
5572 Denrich Press, Printing,
5573 Hughes & Johnaon, Repairs plumbing in city hall,
5574 Super Service Station Tire BepairB,
5575 Homeland Building Co. ])ynamite,
5.36 .
..&DJOURNMENT. Upon motion by Mr. Harnes, aeoonded by ]ho. Wentworth, the Board
adjourned to 7.30 p.m., August 12, 1926.
City Clerk.