HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/01/05
.HELD JANUARY 5, 1926,
The Board met in regular eeeeion, in the Council Chamber ot the City Hall, on the
above date, with Preeident Petere preeiding, Meeting \Jalled to order at 7.00 p.m.
Preeentl Trustees Peters, Lyons, Wentworth, Bent. Trustee Shaw Absent.
READING OF MINUTES. The minutee ot the last regular meeting ot December 1, 1925,
and. adjourned regular meetinge ot December 15 and 22, 1925, were read, and approved as
SEWER SYSTEJl. Addi tional proposi tiona from the Waterman Jlngineering Company,
Tom J. .1llen and Charlee L. ,Hoopea, all ot San Di ego, together with a propoei tion trom
C. B. Ireland, ot National City, propoaing varioue ideae methode tor inetalling a e..er
eyetem, in the city, which included the poeition ot city manager, ware read. Upon motion
by Mr, Lyons, aeconded by Mr. Wentworth, the entire matter ot the a..er eyatem was re-
terred to conference at a later date by the Board, MOtion Q81"ried,
PRINTING. Bide tor the printing and publishing tor the city during the current
year were receiyed aDd openly deolared. Two bids ware received, one each trom the Chula
Vieta Star and the Denrich Preea. The publiehingwas awarded to the Chula Vieta Star,
that being the only bid received, at 80 cente per c,ol= inch tor firet ineertion,
and 50 cents per column inch tor eubeequent ineertione, tor legal advertieing; and
75 cente per parcel tor the delinquent tu l1et, All the job printing wae awarded to
the Denrich Preee, uoept item No.5, which _e awarded to the Star, ite bid being the
loweet on that item. Th18 action _e taken upon motion by Mr. Lyone, 88conded by Mr.
Bent, which carried by the tollowing yote, to-wit. AYES. Trueteee LY09, Bent, Petere,
NOBS. Truatee Wentworth. .ABSENT. Truetee Shaw,
BOND ISSUB FOR PARK Am> SEWER BONDS. Mr. J. R, Sutherlin, ot the R. B, Camp-
bell Company, a bond house ot Loe Angelea, ottered a propoeition to purchaee the con-
templated bonde tor the purchaeeot park lend and the inetallation ot a e-er eyetem.
Hie pr\Jposition was to the ettect that his tirm will take charge ot all the legal pro-
ceedinge leading up to the 18eue ot the bonde, paying all expeneee lP,9Pll~Ñ-F.d it the
bonde carry at the election to be called, hie t 1rm parchaeee the bOMB at par '^ wi th
a $200.00 bonue. The ezpeneee to be incurred includee the coat ot eecuring the nec-
eseåry legal opinion on the bonde, and the propoeition provided that it the bonda
tail to carry at the election, the city will owe his tirm nothing. Ae an evidence ot
good faith he depoeited a certitied check tor $1500.00 with his propoeal, to bind hia
tirm to the payment ot all expeneee incurred. In other worda, it the election ehould
tail, the city ie at no expenee what....er tor submitting the propoei tion to the electora
of the qity. After a lengthy d1ecuseion, it wae decided to accept the propoeal ot Mr.
Sutherl,.ndl, and upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, eeconded by Jlr. Bent, the Preeident ot
the Board _e authorized and directed to eign the propoeal preeented, !lotion oarried
by the tollowing vote, to-wit. £YES. Trueteee Wentworth, Bent, Petere, Lyone. NOES.
None. .ABSENT. Trustee Shaw.
SUBDIVISI°f: Mr. John F. Covert presented a propoeed map ot the eubdiYie1on
ot Lote 31 and 32, Section 137, and asked tor a preliminary approval ot the aubdiY18ion
in i te form preeented. Upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, eeconded by Mr. Lyone, the torm
ot the subdivieion ae preeented wae approyed, by the tollowingvote, to-wit. £YBS.
Trueteee Wentworth, Bent, Petere, Lyone. NOBS. None. .ABSENT. Truetee Shaw.
PtTnmlmS' 'RXUITNING BO!RDI The city ordinancee requiring the reappointment
ot the Plumbere8 ]b;amining Board in January each, year, the Preeident nominated the
old board tor reappointment, Vi8. Herbert Shaw, W. K. Hayee, Dr, 1', B. Aahcrott, R. J.
Wharton and Jlark Skinner. Upon motion by Mr. Lyone, eecomed by Mr. Bent, the nomina-
tion ot the preeident _s contirmed.
BLBCTRICUliS' BUJlINING BO!RDI The city ordinancee requring the reappointment
ot the Electriciana' kamining Board, in January, each year, the Preeident nominated
the reappointment ot the preaent board, Vi81 Herbert Shaw, 7>1. C. Black au,d H. L. Jonee.
Upon motion by Mr. Lyone, 88conded by Mr. Wentworth, the nominations by the 1'rèsident
were confirmed.
CITY ATTORIIBY. the city attorney aeked tor in 1I:1cr..ae in ealary to $100.00
per month, citing National City and Coronado, pqing their attorneya $125.00 and .175.00
monthly, reapectiyely. Upon motion by Mr, Lyona, aeoonded by Mr. W8I1tworth, the re-
queat was granted by the tollowing vote, to-1l'ih £YESI !rusteea Lyone, Wentworth,
Bent, Petera. BOIS I None. .ABSEBT. Trustee Shaw.
Jleeting of January 5, 1926, Continued.
CULVERT ACROSS STRBE!h Jlr. Bent suggested that a pipe cul'rert be laid acro88 J'irat
A'renue, between I and J Streeta, to carry Day the flow ot water at that point. Atter dia-
cuee1on, Mr. Bent lDO'red., seconded by Jlr. Wentworth, that the pipe cul'rert be 80 laid. the
proposition reButted in the tollowing 'rote. £YES. Trustee Bent, Wentworth. BOIS. Trn..ee
Petera, Lyona. ABSENT. Trustee S~. Tied 'rote.
SIDEWALK ON r. BBTWDN DEL JWi Am> 4th AVDUB. .I4r. Ben,t reported that the sidØlralk
at the pointnemed.in thie heading, 18 aunkan below grade, and in bad ahape, being over-
grown wi th weeda end grass. Street Sup8L'intendent directed to notify the owner ot the
property on which the sid8lJ81k tronte, to have s8llle repaired within a reasonable time.
The owner tailing in making the repaire, the city to do the work, and charge coat ageinet
the property ettected.
BILLS PAID. Upon motion by Mr. Bent, seconded by Jlr. Lyone, the tollowing billa,
aa ezamined by the tinanoe committee, were ordered paid.
5288 Payroll, Street Employeea, Dec., 1925,
5289 Payroll, JI1sc'l Employees, do.
5290 F. B. Andrews, City,£ttorney, do.
5291 H. D. Smith, Nursing Supplies,
5292 C.V.H8rdware Store, Hardware.
5293 Otto Stang, Repairs Street Machinery,
5294 Western Metal Sup. 00. Iron,
5295 Denrioh Pre.., Printing,
5296 Chas. B. Smith, JU.ecl Supplies Fire Dept.
5297 Skinner Company. Hardware,
5298 Rodney Stokee Co. Subdi'ri8ion Map,
Bryant Auto. Bleotric Co. 5299 Repairs Street Machinery,
5300 Union Oil Company Gaeoline and Lubricante,
5301 C.V.Star, Printing,
5302 1. Carlisle Co. Printing, Bond Register,
5303 Irwin &: Co. J'eed, Grain, Dec., 1925,
5304 C,V.Lumber 00. Lumber,
5305 Holly sumner, Repairs Street Machinery, Dec. 1925,
5306 C, V . Garage , Ilaintenence Nurses 1uto., dol
5307 Lane Stamp Co. Dog !rage,
5308 P.](.Outitott, reeding Pr18o118ra, Dec., 11215,
ADJotmmm1Qlll: Upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the Board
ad~ourned to 7.30 p.m., January 12,1926.
Ci ty Clerk.
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