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the Board met pursuant to adjournment, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall,
on the above date, with President Peters in the chair. Keeting called to order at
7,30 p.m. Present, Trustees Peters, Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth, Bent.
. SEWER SYSTU, 'DIle Board proceeded to re-uamine the various proposals which
have been submitted b;V engineers for the engineer work that will be connected wUh the
installation of a sewer syst8ll\ in the city. An additional proposition from John F.
COTert, of National City, was included in the examination. Mter a lengtby discussion,
and a check of two propositions submitted by B~onnell-Smith Engineering C~,
of Los Anseles, Kr. Shaw offered the following motionl That the President of the Board
of Trustees and the City Clerk, of the Oity of Cbula Vista, California, be authorised
and instructed to sign and execute for and on behalf of said city, a contract with
Burns-JroDonnell-Smith Engineering Comparq, which said contract 111 dated January 12,
1926, and now signed and eEecuted by said Burns-MoDonnell-Smith Engineerint COmpanf.
'l'he motion was seconded by JIi'. Wentworth, and. carried by the following vote, to....itl
AYES I Trustees Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters. NOESI None. ABmTl None.
'!he contract was duly signed and eEecuted by the the President ot the Board ot
Trustees and the City Clerk, then and there.
PROFILES OF STBEE!SI City Engineer Capwell presented profiles of Vance, Otis,
Roosevelt and Smith Streets, in La Playa Vistal Church Avenue, from E to F. Streets,
and trom Center to Kadrona Streets, and trom J to Kearney Streetsl H Street from
Second Avenue to Walnut Avenue. Upon motion by 1Ir. Lyons, secoDied by 1Ir. Shaw, the
protile. as pre.ented, were accepted and approved, by the tollowingvote, to....itl
AYESI Truste.. Lyons, Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Shaw. NOES I None. ABSENTI None.
TREE PLANTINGI Trustee Wentworth, in connection with the matter of planting
tree. on the street. by the city, advised the board that it has been tound that where
the streets haTe been graded down, the present surface is not suitable .oil for grarr-
ing trees. He sugsested that the street department haul and place tertile top soil
in all of such places found. Further, that the street department furnish the equip-
ment and men necenary for watering young trees, after planting, until they haTe
attained sufficient grarrth to ed.t without watering. Upon motion by 1Ir. Wentworth,
I18conded by 1Ir. Shaw, which carried, it was decided to carry out the .ugsestion ot JI:r.
Wentworth, as above set forth.
TRA!lSFER OF lPtJNDS. Upon motion by 1Ir. Wentworth, seconded by 1Ir. Lyons,
the following transfer of funds from the General Fund, to the funds named below,
wae authorized and directedl
10 Library lund, $5,235.54
street ImproTement Bond lund, Issue of 1913, 2,960.00
City Hall and Fire Dept. Combined Bond lund, 1920, 1,950.00
1923 Jlunicipal Improvement Bond Fund, 1,330.00
1923 National Avenue Bond Fund, 5,980.00
Paving Assessment No.2, Bond lund, 2.331.67
Total to be Transterred, $19,787.21
The motion carried by the following Tote, to....i t I AYES I Trustees Wentworth, Bent,
Peters, Shaw, Lyons. NOES I None. ABSENT. None.
PERIODICAL REPORTSI 'DIle monthly reports of the City Recorder and ColllllUl1ity
Nurse, for the month of Deoember, 19251 the quarterly report of the Jlarshal, tor the
quarter ending December 31, 1925, and the annual report of the Fire Chief tor the ;Veal'
1925, were presented, and upon motion by Kr. Shaw, seconded by Kr. Wentworth, which
carried, they were all ordered receiTed and filed.
PLA:IINING COJIIIISSIONI The term of service of 1Ir. WaI. H. Salllllon, on the Plan-
ning Commission, having ØEpired Deoember 31, 1925, Presiåent Peters nominated him
to sucoeed himself tor another term, proTided he cares to aocept itl if he declines
the appointment, then the President nominates 1Ir. Edgar D. Boal. 'l'he nomination
as made, was confirmed upon motion b;V Kr. Lyons, seoonded b;V 1Ir. Shaw, whioh carried.
FBEI LICENSJh A written request from Leo Lipsie, for a tree peddlers lioense
in the city, on the ground that he is a'dhabled Teteran, was read. Upon stat8ll\ant
from the clerk that 1Ir. Lipsie could not produce oredentials to the etteot that he is
disabled1:a to the extent that he is 1UI&ble to earn a liTelihood by manual labor, as
111 required by I_, the request was denied, upon motion b y 1Ir. Wentworth, seconded
by 1Ir. Lyons, which carried.
Heeting Of January 12, 1926,Contlnued.
BILLS PAIDI Upon motion by Mr. Bent, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which oarried,
the following billa, as examined by the finance committee, were ordered paidl
5309 National City Launtry, Laundering cell blankets $
5310 Towner Jl:tg. Co. Repair parts for scarifier
8111 S.D.Gas and E1ec. Co. Gas and Electricity, Dec. 1925,
5312 do. Street Lignts, Dec., 1925,
5313 C.V.Servioe Station, Gas and Oils, do.
5314 S.D.Union, Advertising in .Annnal 'ldition ot Union,
5315 C. V .Paint Store, Paints,
5316 S.W.Water Company, Water, Dec., 1925,
5317 Pac.Telep. & Telegr.Co. Phone service, Dec., 1925,
ADJOURN'MBNTI Upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried
unanimously, the board adfourned to 7130 p.m., January 22, 1926.
City Cìerk.