HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/02/02
The Board met in regular senion in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the
above date, with President Peters presiding. Meeting oalled to order at 7.00 p.m.
Present. Trustees Peters, Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth, Bsnt.
READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the ]a st regnlar meeting of January 5, 1926,
and January 12, and 22, 1926, were read, and approved as read.
í ~
:¡n:IU1I1S FROM CITY HALL. i'1re Chief Smith reported that the water draining from the
Ci ty Hall Building, is not being carried off through the alley in the rear. In the
discu88ion it was revealed that the alley is too high to carry off the water, and
Trustee Wentworth proposed cutting down the alley, "and paving it. The clerk was instructed
to take up this question with J. H. JlcCulloch, H. G. ](cCrea, Peoples State BaIlk, owners
of the property abutting on the alley at this point, and ascertain if they will pay
their proportiónate share of the paving, if it ,is ordered in.
TREE IN RETtJIUII OF CURB. James Wright complained to the Board that he had been in-
formed by 'free warden mUott that a tree planted in the return of the curb on the
Northwest corner of 4th Avenue and F Street, had been order" removed by the City
Planning C01llDieaion. JIr. wright wished to enter a protest against the removal. The
clerk was instructed to direct Tree Warden Elliott to report to the Board of Trustees
in this matter, before he takes any action.
CARE OF TREES IN STREETS. R. JI. Pray advised the Board that he has purchased the
5-acre tract lying at the southlst coruer of 3rd Avenue md G Street, and. intende to
subdivide it. ae proposed to plant trees throughout, and &sud if the city would care
for the tre.. 80 plmted, for a period of not to exceed two years, the same as has been
arranged for trees in Shenandoah Tract. Upon motion by JIr, Wentworth, seconded by JIr.
Shew, it _s agreed to care for any trees planted on public streets in the above mentioned
tract, by the city, for a period of not exceeding two years, provided JIr. Pray prooures
am plants said trees. JIotion carried by the following vota, to-wit. ,!YES. Trustees
Wentworth, Bent, Peters, Sbaw, Lyons. NOIS. None. ABSENT. None.
~IODICAL REPORTSI The monthly reports cf the Ci ty Becorder, ColDlllW1i ty Nurse
and Fire ief, for the months of January, 1926, were read, and upon motion by JIr. Shaw,
seconded by JIr. Wentworth, were crdered accepted and filed.
BRUSH PILED IN STREETSI A letter from the SWeetwater Water Company advising
that there is a quantity of brueh piled in the ditch along 4th Avenue, between K and
L Streets, was read. Complaint ~s made that this brush covers a water main, md will
cause difficulty when repairs are necenary to the main. The Street Superintendent _s
instructed to prevent any more brush being dumped there, and to remove the brush now
there as he cm find time to do so.
INJURY TO WATER MAINS. The SWeetwater Water Company, in the letter quoted in
the last paragraph above, stated that it belie'...s that some damage has been done
to their mains by ømployes of the city not closing hydrants properly. Street Superinten-
dent directed to instruct employes in the proper lIIethod of closing hydren ts.
DRINKING FOUWTAINI J. letter from Mark T. Skinner, oomplaining of the _san-
itary conditicn of the gilt tel' in frcnt of the Skinner Company Store, due to the _tel'
from the drinking 1'0tmtain at that point not draining properly. JIr. Skinner asked. that
a drain be installed, or permission given him to Shut of the fo_tain until a drain could
be etabUshed. Decided to have the fountain shut off, for the present, untail drain is
DAVIDSON STREETI J. letter frOIll W. N. Drlilt' and R. 14. Livingston, extending an
option to the city to b~ 15 feet of land frolll the south side of their property, on
Davi~son Street, at a cost of .1670.00, to February 3,1926, was read. Clerk instructed
to write Dr... and Livingston, that owing to lack of finds, the city will be unable to
exercise the option at this time, upon motion by JIr. Lyons, seconded by Wentworth, which
was read,
AT~A STREmft A letter from T. L. Chase, in Philadelphia, Pa.,/offering to
dedicate the north b!llf of Alma Street, through Lots 25 md 26, i-Section 137, to the
oity, and asks that the cost of grading and surfacing this part of the street be
sent him and he will pay it. Clerk instructed to cOllllllUnicate with Mr. Howe, and ascer-
tain if he will not grade the entire street, in one job, taking up with Mr. Chase the III
matter of payment for the work.
Mesting of February 2, 1926, Continued.
ORDINANCE No. 137, Upon motion by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried,
Ordinance,No. 137, -s placed. on its first reading. 'JIhe ordinance was read, and is an
ordinance providing for planting, care of, and tr11llDing street trees on the streets of
the city.
P.A.RKING ON STREETS 1 Trustee Wentworth brought up the subject of autolllobile dealers
using the streets for the purpose of parking second-hand autolllobiles whioh they have for
sale, and thereby azoluding traffio frolll the space on the streets for parking purposes.
After discussicn, the Marshal was directed to oonter with all dealers who are ..ing the
streets for the above purpose, and inform them to procure private land on which to
park their vehicles within the next few days, as it is the intention to pass regulations
prohibiting such parking.
BUDGET 1 The Board spent some tillle figuring the budget for the nst tu year but
did not arrive at any ooncluBive figures.
PLANNING COJo!MÅ’SSIaNL The resignation of H. R. Jaokson, of the Plauning Commission
as a lIIember thereof, was aooepted, upon motion JIr. Shaw, aeconded by Mr. Lyona, which
A letter 1'rom Mr. 1m. H. Sallmon, to the effect that he had accepted his reap-
pointment in the Planning Ccmm188ion, tendered at the last meeting, but that now h.
had deoided to decline the appointment. !he deolination was accepted upon lIIotion
by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried.
The President of the Board nominated Mr. G. J. Paulson to succeed JaCkson, whose
resignation was accepted above. Upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Shaw, the
nolllinat ion was confirmed.
'!he President then nominated Mr. Edgar" Baal to Succeed Mr. Sallmon, who deol1ned
the office, as above, and upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Shaw, the nolllina-
tion was confirmed.
BILLS PAID, Upon motion by Mr. Bent, seconded by Mr. Shaw, the following bills,
as examined by the Finance Commi ttee, were ordered pal d,
5287 M. I4cMorrow, Building body on Chev. Truok
5318 Payroll, Street IbIployes, Jan., 1926,
5319 P&7roll, l4iscellaneoud Impl. do.
5320 F. B. Andrews, City Attorney, do.
5321 C. S. Timmons, 2000 Stamped Envelopes,
5328 C. V. Star, Printing, Jan., 1926,
5323 Western Metal Supply Co. Cable, etc. do.
5324 Hasty's Welding Works, Welding LOader,
5325 C. v. Paint Store, Paints,
5326 Union 011 Company, Gasolines and Lubricants,
5327 C. V. Hardware Store, Hardware,
5328 Skinner Company, Hardware,
5329 Irwin &: Co. reed, Grain,
5330 JlóCaffrey Company, Cable, etc.
5331 Carlisle Company, Printing,
5332 Autocar Sales and Service Co. Repairs to Truck,
5333 C. V. Garage, Maintenanoe Nurse's Auto. &: Fire Dept.
5334 Holly Sumner, Repairs Street Machinery,
6335 National Iron Works, do.
&336 Otto Stang, do.
5337 Super Service Station, Tires for Fire TruCk,
5338 Armer's Battery Servioe, Fire Dept. Supplies,
2339 Chas. P. l4óies. City Treasurer, Quarter ending Dec. 31,1925
$ 38.81
ADJOURNMENT, Upon motion by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which aarriad,
the Board adjourned to 7130 p.m., February 16,1926.
Ci ty Clerk.