HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/01/22
HELD JANUARY 22, 1926.
The Board met pursuant to adJourument in the Council Chamber of the City Hall.
on the above date. with President Peters presiding. Keeting called to order at 7,30
p.m. Present, Trustees Peters. Shaw. Lyons. Wentworth. Bent. City Attorney ,bsent.
on account of illness.
Corn..r of :LIadrona and Third AVAl1UAI R. M. Pray asked the Board to considar the
matter of making the northeast corner of J.ladrona and Third Avenue square. instead of
round. as at present. This will enable him to build a busineu building at that poini.
wiihout having the front of S8me rounded off to comply with the property line. Held
over until another meeting when the city attorney will be present.
DAVIDSON STREETI An offer by R. M. Livingston and W' N. Drew to sell ihe city
15 feei off of the southerly part Of their propert~. making Davidson Streei .5 feei
wider than at present. Prices asked, Livingston, '345.00 and Drew, $1325.00. The
offer státed that these figuru would hold until January 26. 1926. No aotion taken.
but clerk directed to write the parties and ask if the offer would be extended. and
how long it will be extended. or to what date it may be extended.
BENCH FOR BUSSES. The clerk was instructed to take up the question of having
a bench placed at the southeast corner of F and 3rd Avenue. by the Suiherland Siage
Company, for ihe use of passengers, waiting at that point for the busses.
ORDTNANC"R Nn. 137, Upon motion by Mr. Shaw. seconded by Mr. Wentworth, Ordin-
ance No. 137 was placed on its first reading. The ordinance was read. and is an ordin-
anoe providing for the removal of trees from the streets of the oity, and for the trim-
ming of same. together with the care of trees. Ii, also, repeals Ordinanoes Nos. 24
and 120.
~I:LJ. 1IOARns TN t1T'!'Y NO'!' T.TI'.1m!'nl!T\1 The :LIarshal reported on a bill board on
NaUonal AYenue, near Orange Avenu., to the effect that it is on private property. but
was infoméd that it does not oarry a 11cens., as required by ordinance. H. advised
that he would check up on all billboards in the city, furnishing the Board wfih a list
of same.
PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, The minutes of the meetings of the Planning
Commission of January 11th and 16th, 1926, were read and action taken as follows,
R. M. Pray' s otter to plant tre.1 on the streets of Shenandoah Traci. the city to
care for same, for a period of two yearl, was accepted, upon motion by Mr. Wentworih,
leoonded by Mr. Shaw, which carried. The trees so planted by Mr. Pray to be suitable
to the Planning oommission. The tree warden to purchase 500 Cooas Plumosas trees
for planting on Third Avenue. at $50.00 per 100 trees, as per an offer received by him
and the oity clerk to issue a requisition for the purohase, was direoted by motion
Mr. Shaw. seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried by the following vote, to-wit,
AYBSI Trustees Shaw, Lyons, Wentworth, Bent. Peters. NOES, None. ABSENT, None.
.mmm., The olerk was instructed to notify the heads of the various depart-
ments to submit an estimate of the expenditures required during the next tax year
at the nBt meeting of the Board. Th1l in order ihat an eatimate of the require-
ments of the city be known to the tax assessor before he assesses bhe taxes this
VRUnVING ~ FROM STREETSI The clerk was instructed to write to J. O.
Jldwards, Lee Forrest, William Peer and A. Y. COOk, who were authorized to remove
the street trees from the east side of National Avenue. from Flower to -, directed
them to remove the stumps of the trees removed from the lireei. They to be adv18ed
ihat the removal of of a ires from ihe streei b¡oluded ihe removal of liump and roois.
ADJ01JIUWlmT, Upon motion by Mr. Weniworth, seconded by Mr. Shaw, the Board
adJourned sine die.
City Clerk.