HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/05/25
C.LIFOBJ!lIJ., BBLD MAY 25, 1926,
'lb.e Board met pur.nant to adjOlU'Dlllent, in the Council Chamber of the Ci1'7 Hall,
on the Above date, with President Peters in the chair. .eeting called to order at 7130
p. m. Present I True tees Peters. Scott, Lyona, Wentworth, Barnes.
OBDIHüTCB 110. 140. Upon motion 'b7 .I4r. Barnes, seconded by ]fr. Wentworth,
which carried.unanimously, ordinance 1110. 140 we. placed on its second and final reading.
The ordinance was read, and upon motion by :Mr. Barnes, seconded by .I4r. Wentworth, it
we. paaaed, adopted and approved 'b7 the follOlfing vote, t04itl AYBSI Trustee. Barn..,
Peter., Scott, Lyons, Wentworth. 1!IOBS1 1IIone. ABSUTI 1IIone. Thia 1& an ordinance
calling a special election to vote on bonds for the purchase of land for park purpose.
and for the in.tallation of a 88lfer sy.t8lll.
OBDllUllCB No. 1411 Upon motion by JIr. Lyona, .eooDded by Mr. Soott. which
carried, Ordinanoe No. 141 was plaoed on its .econd and final reading. 'lb.e ordinanoe
was read, and upon motion by JIr. Soott, seconded by JIr. Lyonl. it was passed, adopted
and approved, a. reù, by the follOlfing vote, t04itl .UJœI Trustees Scott, Lyon.,
Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. 1II0Jœl 1IIone. ABSEN'l'1 1IIone. This is an ordinanoe providing
oertain boulevards and stops thereat for vehicle..
ORDI1IIA!ICE 10. 142: Upon motion by Mr. Scott, .econded by Mr. Barnes, which
carried, Ordinance 1110. 142 wes placed on its first reading. '!hi. is an ordinance
amending Ordinance 1110,109, and pertains to the compensation of the City .leotrician.
ORDIN.urCE No. 14Z1 Upon motion by JIr. Scott, seconded b:r ]fr. Lyons, which
carried, Ordinance lIfo. 143 wes placed on ita first r..ding. '!hi. is an ordinance
fixing the curb line on all streets in the city of a width of 60 feet or less.
OBDIN.1NCB No. 144, Upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, whioh
carried, Ordinance No. 144 we. placed on its first reading. '!hi. is an ordinance
pertaining to aid_alkS on oUvaradc Street, between Third and fourth AveDUe..
SDIR SYSTD AND PARKS PUBLIC JŒBTING. The Board decided to hold a public
meeting in the auditorium of the Grammar School, at 7130 p. m., June 11, 1926, for
the purpose of discuesing questions on this subject. Clerk directed to write the
contracting engineers, and request a .peeker for the occasion, and the Ipeeker to
be one who will be able to answer all questiona t hat may arlle.
mU.l1 TRJŒ 111' PROBT or JlBLVILLB'S RBSIDBliICBI '!he clerk reported that the San . .,/ I
Diego Gal and Bleotric C~ deaired to alsi.t in removing a dead tree now standing;/M 7¥fJ~.
in trout of B. ueiville'l relidence on Seccnd Aveuue. ~
VACATIOlr FOR BIPLOYJlI Upon the request of Le. A. Sprague, truck driver,
for a vacation from June 1st tc June 7, 1926, with pIÇ', JIr. Scott moved, secoll4ed by
JIr. Wentworth, that it be granted, and the motion carried.
Iü1I Dn:r.o comT'l'Y PLONI1IG 001ßlI5S1O1I, A ccPT of a letter from the Cormty Leape
of Plauntng Commi..lons, to the County Board of Supervisor., reque.ting that that bodJ
conaider the creation of a ailDUar boç for the county, ...&8 read, aDd upon motion by
JIr. SCott, .ecoDded 'b7 JIr. Wentworth, the project was approved. '!he clerk instructed
to pIa.. the approval of the board on the letter and forward 11; direct to the County
Board of SUperivisors.
OPTION Olr LAND, R. .. H. '!yce su'tlll11oted an option with a Iketch, propoling
the deed to the oit7 40 feet of land, for use in opening up G Street, the city to!ÞU'-
chase and deed to th.. 50 feet of lam louth of their present holdinga. The 01107 to
PIQ' thell 137150.00 to cover cost of relloving buUd1nga aDd machinery. The option 11'&8
not .igned. Upon motion 'b7 ]fr. Scott, .seconded by ]fr. Lyona, the cption.... rejected
b7 the followlng vote, 10041101 .1Y1S, Trultee. Scott, Lyona, Wentworth, Barnes, Peter..
lIO]IS, Irone. ABSBliIT. 1'011e.
.AD.T0tIRlDIIIII'I!1 Upon motion by lfr. Barne., .econded by Mr. Soctt, whioh carried,
the Board adjourned slne die.
Ci1o7 Clerk.