HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/06/01 KI!lUTES or A RlGULAR JIEE'l'IB'G 01' THE BOARD or TRUS!DS OF CHULA VISTA. CALIFORll'IJ.. HELD JUNE 1, 1926. !he Board met in regular ....ion in the OOUllC11 Chllllber of the Oit:rHall, on the above date, with Pre8ident Peters pre8iding. )(eeting called to order at '.00 p.m. Present. 'rl'Ulltees Peters, Soott, ~ons, Wentworth, Barnes. RJUDIlI'G or JlIIIU'l'JIS. the minutes of the 1.st regular meeting of Ray 4, 1926, and adJourned regular meetinga of ..,. 6th, 18th aDd 25th, 1926, were reed, aDd approved, atter correcting the minutes of Jrç' 18th aDd 25th. PJlB.IODICAL BKPOR'rS. !he monthly reportB of the City Recorder aDd Co_it)' Nurse, for the month of Jrç', 1926, were reed aDd ordered f11ed. '--, ADDI'rIonr. 'rUFFIC onIrnlRA. JIr. Wentworth introduced the subject of emplo;,ing some additional traffic offioer., due to the provisions of ordinance .0. 141, providing for certain Boul...ard Stopa on some of the streets of the clt;,. After diwcu8810n, It _s decided without motion that the traffl0 officers now employed would take of the additional work of looking atter the boul...ard stops for the present. lID'rIII'G or L'lAGtIB OJ' JIIJ1IICIPALUDIS. '!'he women's Auz11ial'1 of the ~ieoopal Ohurch s1illDitted .two - for the dinner of the League, to be held in thl. cit;, on J'IDle 4th, one for 75 cents per plate, and one fortl.OO per plate. Upon motion b;, JIr. l18...s, .econded by JIr. Soott, the board adopted the 750ent menu. VACA'rIOII'S. 'raffic Offloer Smith applied, In writing, tor a yacation of tittea clay., cOIIIIIenclng J'IDlI 16, 1926. Upon motion bJ JIr. Soott, 1800nded bJ JIr. Wentworth, the yaoatlon -. greated from J'IDle 16.1926, to J'IDle 29, 1926, lnolualye. J. A. Leiter, Laborer, 8IIIPI07ed by the 0 1t;, ,. applied In writing for a yacation of two w..II:I,. ool8lenclng J'IDle 14, 1926, he haYing 1IOrll:8d for the oitJ' continoual;, I1nol 111111. Upon _tion by JIr. ~ona, 88oonded b)' Jlr. Wentworth, the yaoation was gramed. PI.AJlTIII'G KYBISCU8 IIM'DD fmIBI'J.' _A. thl Plamalng Oomi..lon haYing reo-- lD8ZIded the planting of ~bl.oua bltween the palm trel. on Third Ayaue, and the recOlll- III8J14ation having bIen held up peD41ng reaelpt of a 0088llJ11oat1on from the Count;, 1[0rtiO1l1- turl C_laaloal., .. to whether 01' not thi. plant 1. a .eall breeder, the -UI. -. .lttIed bJ the receipt of a lItter from the aboYe O_I..loner, that to hie Iœowledp the ~b1.0U8 1. not a .eall \reeder, which lItter -. reed. Upon IIOtion bJ )fr. Barnl., .lOomed b.V Mr. WatwoI'th, the 1'IO0000000000tion of t1l8 P1amalng OOl81.l1oa, on thl. .u1tJeot, -. approved. Jføtion O81'1'led bJ the tollO11'lng yotl. ADS. !rutee. Banu, Peter.. Soott, L)'oU. WeDtworth. IlOl8. ]lone. JJlS8II'f. ".e. gIn BLBCD.ICID. JI. C. Black. Clt;, :lleotrician, teD4ered hi. re.lsnation, .. "Glllh. to beoOlD8 efteatlye Jul1 1. 1926. Upo:a IIOtion bJ Mr. _aworth, .eoo.ded bJ JIr. Soott, the re.lsnation waa acOlpted, to take effeot at the time Orc11nanol 11'0. 142 \Ioomll efteotlye. 1I0tion oarrled bJ the following yote, to....1t. ADS. '!ruatle. Went- worth, 118"", PIt..., SCott, ~ona. DS. 1I'0nl. ABSJIII'!. II'one. ~ BOUL:8V£1m S'I.'OP SIGD. A lettlr frOlll the Automobile Club of Southern Cal1tonla, repl)'lng to a requa.t f1'Olll thll 0111;" a.klng tbe Club to ereot .top 8igD' at all boull- yard .topa hIre, ... reed. aDd was to the etfeot that the nub will ereot all the lip, including ihe pole.. upo, notifloation of the looation. Where ligna are 41...11'141.. Clerk directed to Inform the C1u\ of the looatlona. and to ihanll: 1t for the offer. SBWJIII SYSDII j] ]) PUI1lfI. !he clerk read a leiteI' from Buru-Jlo])o_ll-SIIIith ~D- erring C~, to the I~flot ihat that firm will haYe a .p8811:lr prl.ent for the pabll0 .elting on thl. .ubJeot. J'ID18 11th. In thl. oo_otion, the olerk we. inltruoted io iDYlte the ...1dent 1I18in..r, Jrr. GoudJ, of the State Beard o~ Health. to atteD4 the ...ting, al.o. bJ IIorrl. Lamb, CITY BLBCftIOID, An appl1oat1oA/for the politlon ot O1t;, electrlolan we. plaoed on f11e, wlihOut action. ORDrw&.- .G. 14.2, UpoD actioa bJ Jlr. SCott. .ecended bJ )fr. Wentworth. Ordl_1 .0. 142 -. placed on it. .eao:ad. and tinal reeding. The or.nanoe ... reed, aDd waa pa88ed. adopted aDd apprOYed, .. re84, bJ the follOll'lng yote. to....it. ADS. 'fru.t... ~ona, Wentworth. Barne., Peter., Soott. dS. loDe. ABSBII'l. lo.e. !!hi. i. an ordia- aDOe proyldlng for the CO8pØlatioD of the 01t7 eleotrlolan. ..J lleeting of Jae 1. 1926, Continued. ORDIIU1IImI! .0. 1421. Upon motioD bJ Jlr. Soott, 88coDded bJ JIr. ~one, Ordinance Bo. 143 wall placlld on Its secoDd aDd final reading. !the Ordina:ace _a. reed. and waa palled adopted aDd apprOYed, a. reed. bJ tbe follcwl:ag yote, to....lt. ADS. fru.tee. Scott, Iqone. Wentworth. Barna., Peter.. 1iO18. lI'one. ABSD'ri BoDe. '!'hI. ie an ordinance pl'Oyldlng for aDd fixing tbe ourb l1ne. on yarloua atreet. of the cU)'. . ORDIIUIm1I: Bo. 144. Upo:a motion bJ Jlr. Scott, I8cODded bJ Jlr. ~on., Ordlnanoe Bo. 144 -. placed on it. .econd aD! final reading. !the ordl:aenoe wa. reM, aDd we. pa"ed, adopted aDd approved, a. reed, b)' the fo11cwlng vote, to....lt. ADS. ~ru.te.. Scott, ~ons, Wentworth, Barnea, Peter.. JIOBS. Bone. ABSIIft. lI'one. 1h1l 1. a:a ordinance providing for certal:a changes l:a the sldenlk ordinalllle, .0 far a. It pertain. to AlYarado Street. ORDI!'aB'OII 1iO. J.4ð, Upon motion bJ JIr. llal'De., .eooDded b)' )(r. ~ona, Ordinance 11'0. . 1415 W81 placed on it. fir.t reading. !hI. 1. an ordinance pertaining to the I'8IOY81 of dead tree. staDdl:ag on the etreet.. D.!D IlUPPLI' mnu.~tll'~~~ Jlr.80o... "'OJ11.e4 117 ... It'ou. lICWed .. tell.... lhat 1r.... t- ..'er npplJ at t- oitJ ot Aula nit. 1. frequnt1J' red1lø8d 117 frequnt 8O014e.". .... otherw1.e. so that the pre..ure b80OIDH a. low 81 flye po1lD4s at the cU)' fire .tatioDI &:ad. ylrtuall1 DOthlng In other plaoe., II:I1d 18 entirel;y laa4- equate for .anltar¡ parpo... and 11 a gr&ye m-oe in ea.e of fire; aDd the health aDd þI1eral welfare of the whole oitJ' 1. ab.olute1)' ell4angered. aDd .ome .uitable lleane for reli...lng .uGh ilanger aDd .it:uatio. ie 1I8Iedla'e1;y .eoe..ar¡. it: Is 8OYed that the -- agel' of the Sweetwater Water Corporation 11 herebJ requ.ted to meet with 'hie Board of !ruIte.. on J'IDle 21. 1926, at 7.150 p. m.. to d1.c1l8. 'UGh .tter aDd to provide a r_ed1 for "Glllh ooDd11lioD. the 1I0tion ea1'1'ied by the following Yoh, to....it. ADS. !ruItee. Soott. ~ou, Wentworth. Barne., Pet era. IIOBS. Þu. AB~. Bo:ae. BILLS PAm. Upoa motto. bJ Jlr. Soott, .eoonded bJ 111'. ~on., biU.. .. __In'" 111 the finance o.-itt.., were ordel'ed;pald, 5450 1'811'011, 1I1.0ellaD80us "loye., 1rII¥, 1926. 5451 Pa)'roll, Str..t "lo)'"s, do. 154152 F. B. Andren. Cit;, Attol'Dq, do. 154515 P'l'Je& Smith. Count)' ])lrectol'1, 5454 Bl.rch COBIpaIl,)', lire Apparatua 5455 Service PhaI'lll8O1, Ch..lea1 reoherge.. 5456 B. XelYl11e 'Ire IJ1Iuranoe. 5467 1Iu1'1'81 .. Campbell, do. C.H. Stuart. do. 54511 Bugbe. 80 JohJ1loa, Pll1D1biDg Repair.. 5460 Smith'. Drug Store, »rug Sapplle.. 5461 Bod:a8J' Stoke. C~, Blua Printing, 5462 lI'ational Clt)' Lau:ad.l'1. Lau:ad.l'1, Cell Blanltetl, 5468 C.V.Star, Printing, . 546& SklÍU1er CCIIIIp&1Q', Hardware, 15466 V. W. Sohraeder, Hire of 'reg, 5467 union 011 00. Ptl'Oleœa Prociuotl. the fo11O11'ing .2125.44 989.10 100.00 10.00 46.50 17.17 38.80 158.80 38.80 3.15 2.90 .70 2.00 lll.40 12.79 18.00 221.44 lDJOtJ1!1l1]Œ]R. Upon motio:a bJ Mr. Barne., .eooDded b)' JIr. Wentworth, the Board adJourneci to 7.30 p.m., Jae 21. 1926. ~ A~~ Clt;, Clerll:.