HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/06/21
c.u.IFOua, BEIJ) JUNE 21, 1926.
~e Board met par.unt to adjourDlllent, öt)¡hi Council Cbamber ot the City Hall,
on the abo",e date, 1I'ith ~e.~ent Peter. prel1ding. J(eeting called to order at 1130
p. m. Pre.entl 'h'uItee. Peter., LyOI1l, Wenworth, B&1'I181. toutee Scctt ab88nt.
nnm FOR ENTIRE COumYI A letter aDd re.o1ution trom the S8.I1 Diego Chapter
ct the jmerioan As.ociation ot Bngineer., 1I'a. read. 2hi. auociaticn urge. that the
citiel ot the county aDd the country .urrounding, combine to obtain ......ter for the en-
tire county, in.tead.ot combatting 88ch other. ~e letter asked that a repre.entati",e
of thi. board be appointed to attend a meeting to be announced later. Decf:ded that
the entire board 1I'ould attend the meeting 1I'hen 8I1I1Ounced.
8rn_AT.1[!! 0111 lU.TIOIIIAL AVEJltDh A petition, I1gned by the property O1I'I1er. ot
1253 front footage on lllational A",enue, allting that I1d...lka aDd cu)\. be laid on that
.treet, bet1l'een D a:ad :B Street., ...... read. 2he petition al1l:ed that th1ø 11'01'11: be included
in Belolution 1110. 146, ordering .id...lk 11'01'11: in ",arioua .treetl of the city. ~e que.tion
ot the curb 11ne. on Jlational A",enue aro.e, al Ordinanoe 1110. 36 provide. that the curb 11ne.
on the 1I'elt lide cf the .treet 18 25 teet from the property 11ne, aDd the curb 11ne
on the ea.t I1de 18 20 teet. ~e petitioner. del1red that the curb 11ne. be made an
equal di.taDOe trom both pl'lpertyline.. Held o",er for further con.ideration.
LIODSB OBDllU.lllc:B1 A petition, .igl1ld by practically all the bul1ue.. men ot the
city, aeking that the 11cen.e fee for peddler. be rai.ed to equal that oharged by Jlational
City, aDd tbat our ordi-e, 1110. 110, be amended accordingly, ""'1 read. Atter d18ou.-
dion, it ....... decided to hold over the matter for further 6ol1lideration.
'PUI1Œ. 'PI'IRcrR1S1t OF LA!ID FORI 'J!he Planning c._il.ion, repre.ented by the Pre81dent
thereot, Mr, ""'.1' Beal, reoOllllle:aded that the city p'IIl'cha.e the ten acre. of land that
1I'al rejected by the voteI'I ot the oity at the election held on the 15th il1ltant, fol" park
purpo.e., to be u.ed a. 8.11 athletic field. In the d18CUll1on, it deYeloped that the cit7
ha.an option on thil laDd running to April 29, 1927, aDd DO acUOn1l'al taken at thi. ...til1ß.
COIITBACT FOR LUBRICAftSI The Union 011 Comp&Dy of California presented, thrcu&h
ita agent, Darrell L. Ihrig, a contract tor ren_al,otpeeifying prices tor lubrioant.
during the year 00lllll8l1cing July 1, 1\26. 'J!hi. contraot provide. a t1I'O cent reduction
in the prioe ot lubricants tor th18 7ear. Upon IIIOtion by JIr. Went1l'Orth, .eooDded by
JIr. Lyonl, the contraot ....... aocepted and the Pre81dent of the Board authorized to 11811
WAnm StJPPLY. SHUT on "1'!'BOUT BOTIC]h AI arranged at the la.t meeting, the
manager ot the Slree,"ter Water CompllnJ appeared betore the board. to al1l1l'er complainta
made that 1I'at8r i. trequently .hut ott, 1I'ithout netioe, a:ad that a great d881 ot the
Ume, the pre..ure i. .0 1011' that it 1I'ould endanger the oity, in ca.e of tire in alG'
of the clo.ely built .eotiol1l. JIr. bcaulay, manager ot tha Water C0mp8IG', etated that
thi. coudi tion had ezi.ted during the month of JIay, to a .ore or le.. degree, aDd 1I'a.
cauaed by untor.een breaka in the main line breaking; that thi. 11ne had blO1l'l1 out
eight difterent time. during that month, aDd in repairing the breau, it ...... neee..ary
to furnilh thil city .....ter through the Jlational City main., 'll'hich are only 12-inch mail1l.
WheneYer the complLlG' had knO1l'l1 that the water was going to be shut oft, notice wa. given
. by pub11cation in the new.paperl, but in untcrleen breaka, no netice could be given.
The cOlllpIlDy have ordered the pipe for n- ..in.11ne through Slreewater valley, 1I'h.re the..
breaD had occurred, aDd it 18 expected to arrive in AUSUlt, nezt. The oompany 18 cont_-
plating an 18" cut off 11ne, from the Bonita Gate, to run aoros. country, 1I'hich will give
better .ervice the the .outhern part of the city.
'rID. LAEDS. LBA.SB OFI Yr. J. C. Blackm8l1, 01l'l1er ot a paroel ot land on the b87 front
ad"'iled the board that he 18 negotiating with .ome partie. tor the Bale ot ten acres of
hi. land, tor the purpose of in.talling an indu.trial plant, which will require water
tral18portation, and considerable dredging of the channel. Thil 1I'ill, also, require
a 1I'harf, and Jlr. BlacJml8l1 asked the att itude of the board if he a.lI:ed for a fitty y88r
lea80 on our tide lands. He was informed that if the i:adu.trial deYelpped, and it ......
IhO1l'l1 that it wa. a boni tide in.Utution, the board 1I'ould be g18d to le..e the tide laDd..
CHllCK WRITING W,CHIlUh A. heM hatt, agent for the 'odd Check Proteotor, ottered
one ot h18 machine I to the city, at a co.t of $87.50. He had preYioualy lett the machine
1I'ith the clerk, aDd the 1I'arrantl pre.ented tor p&y1118I1t at th18 meeting 1I'ere witten on
the machine. After d1øcuasion, JIr. LyOI1l moved that it be purcha.ed, but the motion 11'&8
loat for the nnt of a ..cODd.
Ad 1ourne~ "eti= ot June 21. 1926. Continued.
BILLS PAIDI Upon motion by JIr. Went1l'Orth, seconded by JIr. Barnes, the follO1l'ing billa,
aa eumined by the finance committee, 1I'ere ordered paidl
5468 Pay Boll, Weed Cleaning Gang, Week eDding June 12, 1\215,
5469 Chas. Sohirmer, do.
5470 W. :I. Jones, do.
5471 C. H. stuart, Blection Officer, June 15, 1\26,
5472 014 K. Fuqua, do.
5473 i'1orenoe B. Bd'It'arda, do.
6474 !label Jackeon, do.
6475 norenee B. Shadingar, do.
5476 Laura D, Crookett, do.
6477 llarie B. Be11mlp, do.
6478 lluth J.. nDdberg, do.
6479 Seville 'J!heater, BuDning .lide in MOvie ShO1l',
5480 Pao. Telep. &0 'Je1egr. Co. Phcne Se1'Vioe, -, 1926,
6481 C. V. Gsrd8l18 Jfar..ry, 1'urcha.e of Tree.,
5482 C. V. Paint Store, Painta,
6483 Office Speoialtie. Co. Dating Stamp, All metal,
64084 Chas. B. SIIIi th, Call JIaI1 at lire.,
M815 Jlpieoopal Church, Dinner for Leesue ot J4aI1icipali tie.,
6486 1'. J(. Outatott, Feeding Pr18oners, Jf8¡y, 1926,
5487 S. D. Ga. and Blec. Co. Gas am Blectrici ty, Kay, 1926,
6488 do. Street Light., do.
6489 Ohas, I. 8Irtain, leed, Grain, J6aroh, 1926,
6490 C. V. L1IDber Yard, Lumber,
6491 W. B. A",erett, Jrovie Picture Slide,
6492 W. J, s. BrO1l'l1e, lire Il1Iurance, Oi ty Hall,
5493 JBlDe. Jack8on, Pa;y ot Jurors, Jury '!rial,
6494 Bryant Auto Ilea. Co. Repair. Street Machinery, Key, 1\26,
6495 ZellerbaCh Paper 00. Paper tO1l'els am toilet paper,
6496 Super Service Station, Tire. and Repairs,
5497 Otto Stang, Street Machinery Repaira,
6498 S. Y. Water COIIIpIaIG', Water, JIay, 1\26,
6498 Holly -=mer, JI- Ingine ,aDd Machinery repair., Key, l\26,
5600 C. V. Garage, Ropaire and .otrage, :!far..'s Automobile, Ke;y,
5501 Deuich Pre.., Printing,
5502 Whittingham &0 'es.itore, Beplacing Conorete Curbing,
6503 Pay Roll, Weed Gang, Week eDding June 19, 1926
5504 Warner :ldJaQDds, Premi- os Street Superintendent's bond,
CAlllVASSIIIIG BBSUL'! OJ' SPJICIAL BLBCTIOII thi. being the time .et by 1- to OlDY...
the ",ote. of the .pecial election held. June 115, 1926, the clerk pr..ented th8 1Ieau1t ot
Tot.. Ca.t, a. pr..ented to him, and aigned by the e1eotion boards of the tIIrO election
precinct., 1I'hioh 1I'ere e.tablished tor the purpose of holding .aid epactal election.
JIr. Lyona then pre.ented B..olution 1110. 1151, 'll'hioh 18 a re.olution deeleing that sai4
eleetion1l'as duly held on June 16, 1926, to pre.ent three propo.itio:11.8 to the qualitied voter.
of the city, ",hI 1'rcpoaition )10. 1, tor ie.uing bond. to p'IIl'cha.e oertain pelt 1&J148 to
oost .561°00.00. :trepo.it10n )To. 2, tor 18.uing bonds to purcha.e other oertain park land.,
10 co.t ,7,600.00. 1'rcpoaitionllo. 5, tor i18uing bo:ad8 to i:ll.8tall a ._er ey.t- to oo.t
tlNl,600.00. !the re.olution disclose. that the County aøl State generel election pl'eOiDOt.,
.01. 1 to 6, ineluøin, oOllprieing the entire lity ot Chula Vi.ta, 1I'ere ool1l01Uated intO
two oouolidated preoinoU, a. toll... County and State G8I1erel Bleotion precinot. .0..
1, 2 and 4, oompri.ing COl1lol1dated J'rec1net A, a:ad County &:ad State general e1eotion
pl'eeincta .0.. 3, 15 &:ad 6, oOlllpriaing COI1Iolidated trecinot B. the re.olution .JIøn that
.the election""". duly held acoording to law, that eleotion ottioere nre provided for each
.. col1lol14ated preoinotr eleotion n:pplie. 1I'ere furni.hed to each co:ll.8olidated precinct;
as that in all re.pect. .aid election 11'18 held and oomuoted, and the "'otes out thereat
1I'1..e received aDd C8J1Y...ed, &:ad the retU1'l1l thereot made aDd 4101&1'14 in time, form aDd
aianner a. required by the Gel1l1'll r.ø. ot the State SC!f_ing eleotiol1l in ciUe. ot the
rifth aDd Sixth Clu.. that the entire _bel' of vote. oa.t at the .aid two oOl1lol1dated
precinet. ...... 4113, viII At Col1lolidated J'reoinot A, 210 vote.; at Col1lolidated l"reCinot B,
213 votee; that the prcpo81tiOI1l voted upon, the _berot "'ota. gi",en in each precin01l,
and in the 'll'hole 011l;y, for aDd agail1lt the .BlDe, are.. foll... ¡n Conso11dated ~.
J'or i..uing bomB to purcha.e oertain park lands fOr park parpo.e., to co.t 6,000.00,
for thh propoaition, 65 votes. Apil1lt this propoa1tion, 114 votee.
JPOr 1.auing bonda to paroha.e oertain pelt land., to oo.t .7,600, tor park parpo.e.,
tor thi. propo.ition, 118 vote.. Apil18t thi. propo.ition, 72 vote..
lor ie.uing boD4a for the il1ltallation ot a ._er 'yltem, to co.t $43,1500.00,
tor thi. proposition, 163 vote.. Again.t thi. propo.ition, 42 ",ote..
.AdJourned Be8l11ar Jfeeting, Held June 21, 1926, Continued.
Col1lolidatad Precinct B.
lor inuing bonds to pgrcha.e oertain lam. for park purpo.e., to oo.t 136,000.00,
tor thi. propo.ition, 60 yote.. Asa~.t thi. propo.ition, 137 vote..
lor i88Uing bcmd. to pgrchaae certain land. tor park pupor..., to co.t .7,500.00,
tor thi. propo.ition, 86 vote.. Asail18t thi. proposition, 110 votes.
lor is.uing bond. for the il1ltallation of a ...er .yetem, to oo.t $43,500.00,
for this propo.ition, 134 ÿote.. Asain.t thi. propo.ition, 74 votes.
It 11'8. theretore reeolved that.s a re.ult ot .aid Speoial .leotion, for voting upon
said bond., the tollowing propo8ition .as adoptedl
That the City of Chula Vi.ta, California, incur a bonded indebtednes. ot
$43,500.00 for the purpo.e otn in.talling a s..er sy.tam in said city, for the oollection
and carrying oft ot ....ge in aaid city, and that the Tote for ahd apin.t thi. propoø1tion
ca.t in all the precincts, compria1ng the entire city, _s as tollOlf.1 For the boDds,
297 vote. oBet; asain.t the bondi, 116 votes out.
"J!hereupon JIr. Barne. moved 1¡hat the resolution, as read, be paned, adopted aDd
appr.oyed, The IIIOtion 1I&S eeooDded by Jrr. LyOI1l, aDd oarried by the tollO1l'ing vote, to-witl
.&;yes I 'Jrnstee. Barnes, Peters, Lyons, Wentorrth. JlOII' lIIone. Ab.entl Imstee Scott.
TRAFFIC Oi'i'ICBIlI The re8ignation ot Ivan J. SlDi th, as tratfic otficer of this city,
etfectiYe July 1, 1926, .....s pre.ented, a:a4 upon IIIOtion by JIr. ~ons, .econded by JIr.
~es,the resignation1l'8s accepted.
JlIGHTWAromUJh The marshal 11'88 il1ltructed to obtain a man tor the rel1et of the
nightwatohman, one night each 1I'lIk, thus rel1eYing a member of the tire departmant trom
furnishing this reliet, upon motion by JIr. Wentworth, seconded by JIr. Lyons, which carried.
ADJnTTR1IIVII!N'I'1 The buøinlls betore the board not having been caapleted, the Board
adjourned to 7100 p.m., June 22, 1926, upon motion byy JIr. Barne., seconded by JIr. ~CI1l.
IIotion carried.
Ci ty Clerk.