HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/10/05 /- JlDTUTBS OF .4. BJlGULAR IID'!IWG OF 'l'RB BOJIID OF TRUSTDS, CHUU VISn, CALlFOmIU, BBI.J OCTOBER 5, 1926. The Board met in regular se..ion, in the Council Chamber of the Oity Hall, on the aboye date, with President Peters presiding. Ke.ting called to O!der at '1100 p. m. Present I 'l!1'U8tees Petere, Scott, L1ons, Wentworth. 1'1'U8tee Bernes absent. R1UDUiG OJ!' JlIJiUTES I '1he minutes of the last regu.lar meeting of Septllllber '1, 1926, and ot adJourned regu.lsr meeting ot September 21, 1926, were read, and apprOYed as read. U!rER IW J!'IJ!"lH AVJIlIUB CROSSING 01lC1URDIJIr. CM.l'les Bolts complained tM.t drain water coming up 5th.4.venue, frcm , Street, is nnning across h18 orcM.rd, and causing damage. The Board agreed to take .up the matt.r aDd consider the question of providing SOllIe sort of a drain, and the City Ingineer was instructed to check up and ascertain Just what can be done. JIr' Bolt. asked that the gutter on B Street, we8t of 5th Aven,. be cleaned. 'lrustee Soott agreed to clean the ptter. FT.oIftR Am> C1rnI.R 8-51 Mr. W. S. Broderick, .-Jœd the Board to socept "eds for nower Street and Cedar Str..t, but the Board did notaccept the proposition. It . " wa. decided and ag¡o88d that JIr. Brcderick would deposit hi8 check for $200.00, which will be held by the oity clerk. ... ~ city will complete Cedar Street, at which t1me the check will be cashed aDd piaoed.,.ill. the general tund of the city. leeds will then be aooepted. LlCENS1II ORDIJWrCBI JIr. C. JI. Haberman, who has coDducted a bakery peddling business in the city for some time past, asked it he could continue the business it he installs a branch in Killers vegetable staDd on National .4.venue. Request denied. GLD llBBY DlBECTIOIr SIGWI JIr. Walter Shupr., verbally aDd in a letter, a8ked permiaa1,on to erect a Glen .4.bbey directicn sign in the north end of the pla.a in Third Ùenue. Upon motion by JIr. Scott, aeoonded by JIr. ~ons, the request was granted, JIr. Wentworth noting Ira. Srnwwn.V!III City Jngineer Caprell pre.ented the proposition ot rllllOYing aDd re- placing the curbs on Irational .4.venue and II Street, and. on Irational AveDUe, tronting the Joe JId1ra~a prcper§, which will be required on account of llhlmging the cur} lin.s -on lational' .4.veDU'. '1he engineer hid il11'i tad informsl bids from some cement contract- ors, and were read, a8 followsl R. V. »:Vson, for the Job complete, $14.8.00, B. But- terfield, $'19.00, Whittinghsm aDd 'Jessi tore, $85.00. Upon motion by JIr. ~ons, sec- aDded by JIr. Scott, the bid of B. Butterfield wa8 acoepted, and. the city engineer instruoted to have the work performed. SJrIIIEB. PIIRIrT'l'1 A permit from the Ca11foruia State Bollr'd., authoridng the oi ty to constrœt and maintain a 8_er system, _s read and. ordered tiled. SEWER DISTRICf NO. 11 JIr. B. I. Keana, of Burne-JIc])onnel-Sminth Bngineering COIIIp8DY, engine81's 1n charge of the installation at this sewer d18triot, presented the plans for the district, pages Nos. 1 to e, both inclusive, and specificaticns for the work, which 18 numbered as DOoument No. 38. 1.40"t1- Plans aDd S'D8e1fioations. Be801ution Iro. 1621 JIr. Soott offered Re801u- tion !!lOt 162, which 18 a resolution adopting aDd approving the plans aDd specifications of Sewer Distr10t !!lOt 1. the resolution was read, and. upon motion by JIr. Scott, 88C- oDded by JIr. Wentworth, the resolution was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to.."itl .4.YJlSI '!1'U8tees Scott, L1ons, Wentworth, Peters; 110151 Jlone. J.BSD'r1 'l'1'U8tee Barnes. Intention to 'DArf01'!Jl thA _orb RAlolutton Jlo. 1631 JIr. Lyons offered Resolution !!lOt 163, which 18 a Resolution.ot Intention to perform the work of installation of sewer district lio. 1. '!!he l\Polution was read, and. upon motion by)(r. Wentworth, sec- onded by JIr. Lyons, it was pa88ed, adopted aDd appl'OYed, as read, by the following vote, to.."itl !YBSI 'l'1'U8tees Wentworth, Peters, Scott, Lyons. !lOBS I !!lone. J.BSD'r1 'l'1'U8tee Barnes. Kind of P1'DA to be Us8d. JIr. Wentworth moved thet the actiOD of th1a Board at its meeting of September 21, 1926, which decided that vitrified pip. will be ueed in thi8 work, be resoiDded. The IlÍÒtion was lost for want of a seoond, and the actioD ot the Bawd of Seplallllber 21, 1926, 'will staDi. PBRIODICAL REPOR'l'S1 The monthly report of the oity recorder tor September, and the quarterly report of the oity marshal, were read, and upon motion by JIr. Lyons, se4- onded by JIr. Lyons, were ordered reoeived and filed. Jleeting of October 5, 1926, Continued. VACATIOBB. ~1re Chief Smith asked for a vacation ot Jlorris Lamb, J!'irllll&n, for a period of. one week, Lamb having been cont1DUoua1y employed by the city for oyer one year. Upon motion byJlr. Iqons, seconded by JIr. Wentworth, the vacation was granted. S'l'RDTS. PIJRC1WIB 0'1 Ur. L1ons offered Iesolut1on 10. l64,wb.1ch 18 a resolution outhoriaing the Pre8ident of the Board to malts a bid of .60.00 for the purohase of 30 feet of the southerly edge of Lot 17, Quarter Section 13'1, now owned by the Sohool Distriot, aDd which 18 being advertised for sale. '!'he resolution was read, and. was palled, adopted aDd approved, as read by the following vote, to-1l'1 tl J.YJlSI 'l'1'U8tees Iqons, Wentworth, Peters, Scott. !!IOBSI lone. J.BSBN'l'1 'l'rustee Bern... r !Ç t.:::::'r- 'IOIŒJI'S rn!T.T. I!!I CITY JJ.ILI Upon motion by JIr. Wentworth, secoDded by JIr. Iqons, which oarried, 110 was decided. to alter the rear hall ot the C1 ty Hall building, am make it into a cell for the confinement of wOllen. The work to be done by the hire ot labor and purohase ot material by the city. ORDIJWrCB IrO. 1531 Upon motion by JIr. Wentworth, secoDded by JIr. Scott, which oar- ried, Ordinance !!lOt 153 waa placed on i t8 second aDd final reading. 'lhe ordinaœ e was read, and upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded. by JIr. Scott, it was paued, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to...itl .4.YJIS. Trustees .entworth, Peters, Soott, Iqons. 1I0BlII None. ABSE!lTI 'l'1'U8tee Barnes. DEPUTY JWlSHALI In order that th8 city. olerll: could act as depllty tu collector, he wee appointed a deputy marshal, by the city marshal. '!'he appointment was confirmed. upon motion by JIr. Scott, seconded by JIr. Wentworth, which oarried. OBDIIUIIIC]!I 1110. 154.1 Upon motion by JIr. scott, seooDded by JIr' Lyons, OrdiÐ&nce !!lOt 1M was placed on its first reading. '!'his is an ordinance creating the offille at Deputy ~ aD! Lio8DIe Collector. RItm'l'S OJ' W.&.Y FOR S'IIIrIm 'DTB'l'RTC'I' 1110. II 'Ihe .Bement for a sewer line througtl. '&act D, of Howe's Subdivision, uecuted by Thomas Howe and wife, was acoepted by Resolution ~, which was offered by T1'U8tee Soott. '!'he resolution was read, IUI4 was passed, adopted and. approved a8 read, by the follOlFing vote, to""IJitl AnSI 'l'1'u8- ~ott1.a~::~tWentworth, Peter.. !!IOBSI lfone. ABSD'r1 Trustee Barnes. '!'he for a sewer line througtl. the southerly 30 feet ot Lot 1'1, i-Section 137, executed by the Chula Vista Union School Distriot, was aooepted by Resolution lio. .ill which was offered by JIr. Wentworth, The resolution was read, and. was paned, adopted and approved as read, by the follOlFing vote, to""IJitl AnSI 'l'rustee Wentworth, Peters, Scott, Iqons. JlOJIISI !!lone. J.BSB!!ITI Trustee Barues. BILLS P.4.IDI Upon motion by JIr' scott, secoDded by JIr. Wentworth, which carried, the follow!J1g bUts, .. eumined by the tinanoe cOllllllittee, were ordered paidl 5625 Payroll, Street lbployees, Sept., 1926, .926.93 5626 1'B¥1'oll, Kiscellan8Cus do. 562'1 O. A. 'liard, Bent of Garage, lfurse, do. 3.00 6628 F. B. Andrews, City.4.ttornq, /1.0. 101.00 5629 Smith's Drug Store, Supplies, do. 13,29 5630 C. V. Hardware Store, Supplies, do. 128 5631 Burna-JIoDonnell-Smith, Jng!J1eer'8 I'ees Sewer, do. 24.2.53 5632 Hazard-Gould &: '0. Supplies, 1.80 lIodney Stokes Comp8ZJy, 5633 Hire of InstJ'1 ent, Plane Table, 22.00 56M Skinner Compan;y, Hardware, 10.31 5635 V. W. Sbrea/l.er, Hire of !l'eam, Planning COIIID1asion, 26.00 5636 Drainage Conat. Co. Installment of Sewer Installation, 463'1.81 5637 We8tern Ketal Supply Co. Hardøare Supplies, 1.56 5638 S.W.Water Corpn Water, Sept., 1926, 40.20 5639 Union 011 Company, Gasoline aDd Lub. Sept., 1926, 196.10 5640 j,utooar Sales Co. Truck repair parte, 35.50 564.1 Homeland Building Co. Dynami te, 13.90 5642 Super Sertioe Station, Tire Repairs, 5.03 5643 C.V.Lumber Comp8ZJy, Lumber, 3.15 564.4. Armer8 Battery 5el"lioe, !!Iew Battery for Nurse'. auto 21.24. 5645 K. C. Elliott, Horse aDd Wagon, Hauling Brush, 12.00 5646 Sel"lice Pharmacy, Chllllical Recharging Kateria1, 4..63 564'1 Denrich Press, Printing, 10'1.10 5648 Pacific Desk Co. 'i1ing Cabinets, 31.00 5649 Bryant .4.uto Co" Repair parts for Holt 'l'ractors, 860.66 5650 Holly 51JDner, Repair part8, 12.4.0 5651 N.C.Latmdry, Lau:n4ry Cell Blankets, 1.00 5652 j,. DOne, County 'air IIIthibit, '18.00 5653J1000lllDins C~, do. 28.90 .et1ng of October 5, 1926, OonUnued. 5654 Growers Jlarketing Co. 5655 Lowe &: Kinmore, 5656 Benson Lumber Co. 565'1 Walter Sharp, 5658 R. Javenstein, 5659 S. D. Gas &: B1ec. Co. 5660 . do. 5661 NBt'l Iron Works, 5662 C. V. Star, 5663 H. L. Jones, Stanley'8 Cafe, County Wair BZhibit, do. do. do. do. Gas and IIleotrici ty, Sept., 1926, Street Lights, do. Machinery repairs, Publishing aDd Printing, Bepairing Street Signs, reeding Prisoners, Sept., 1926, . 8.80 22.4.8 1.90 94..4.0 4.'1.05 32.82 214..05 14.18 105.10 10.00 4.'10 ADJOtJ1OOŒ!!ITI Upon motion by Ilr. Soott, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the Board adjourned to 7130 p.m., October 26,1926. ~Atte8tl 11- , City. Clerk.