HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/10/26
ßBLD.OCTOBER 26,1926.
The Board met pursuant to adJournment, in the Council Ch8IIIber of the tit7 Hall,
on the abOTedate, with Preaident Patera presiding. JleeUng called to order. at 7.30
p.m. Present.. Trustees Petera, Scott, 1.7ons, Wentworth, Barnea.
SBWBB DISTRIICT 110. 1. Upon motion b7 Mr. Scott. seconded b7 JIr. 1.7ons, which
carried unanimous17, the c1erkwaa directed to prepare and file hia certificate that
no protests had been receiYed b7 laid clerk, againat the inata11ation of S..er Diatrict
No.1, the clerk having atated verba1l7 that no protest8 of an7 kind had been received
by him.
Mr. Barnes offered Beso1ution No. 166, which is a ieso1ution Ordering the
Work of installing a S..er Syatam, as defined in aeso1ution of Intention No. 163.
!!!he resolution wea read, and upon motion by Mr~ Barnes, seconded by Mr. Soott, it was
paned, adopted and approved, as read, b7 the following vote, to-wit. A1]1111 Trustees
Barnea, Peters, Scott, Jqona, Wentworth. lfOBS. None. .&.BBDTI !lone.
RAtaIP.&LL Gl.UGBI Mr. G. J. PaulBon, adv18ed the Board that Mr. H. S. Hall, having
severed hiaconnection with the U. S. Government IŒperimenta1 Station. the said atation
haying removed from th1l oity, would be willing to keep record on the rainfall here, pro-
vided the city would purOhaøe a rainfall gauge, to cOlt about $15.00, Upon motion by
JIr. Jqona, aeconded by JIr. Wentworth, the olerk was instructed to purchase the gauge.
rmB ZOO. InIUIIt BUILDI:NG Ili. Mr. J. T. George asked perminion to ereot a
frame building, on '!hiI'd Avenue, in the Dyer Traot, to be uaed as a tract office, for
a period of au montha. Perminicn granted; provided that thh authcri ty 18 revokable
at the option of the Board, upon motion by Mr. Scott, aeconded by Mr. Barnes, which
SEWD SYSTDI The contractor for the main cutfa11 of the s..er syatam, noW un-
dergoing conatrucHon, aaked for an extendon of 90 daya in the time limit of hiB con-
tract. The limit of the time of n:piration of the contract was extended 45 daya, with
the underatanding tha\;:R- contractor will pay the cost of additional engineering
superviBion for the ~ of the extension of time, as provided in the contract, which
18 contract dated Augl1st 10, 1926. The authority was granted by motion b7 JIr. Jqona,
seconded by Mr. Barnes, which carried by the following vote, to-wit. AYES I Trusteea
1.70_, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES. None. ABSENT. None.
mml R. M. Pray asked the Beard, in a1etter, to notify him when the Board
of Trustees will adopt the zoning plan, as proposed by the Planning Commisaion. This
notification to be in .ufficient time that he may notify property owners effected. The
clerk directed to so notify Mr. 1'1"" if the olerk has such notice beforehond.
STIIEB'l'S IN SUBDIVISIONS. Mr. T. G. Skinner, owner of, and subdivider of the
Dyer Traot, asked the Board to accept the .treets in the Dyer Tract, the street super-
intendent having accepted them as sati.factory, and the city to return a depoait of
$340.00, now held a. a guarantee. The street superintendent stated that the atreeta
were aatiafaotory, but that the alley has not been oomp1etad. Upon motion by Mr.
Wentworth,seconded by Mr. Scott, the olarkwas instructed to return .265.00 of the
$340.00, now held, $75.00 to be held until the alley 11 completed. The motion carried
by the following vote, to-wit. AYBSI Trusteea Wentworth, Barnes, Patera, Scctt, Jqons.
NOBSI None. .&.B~. None.
PBRIODICAL REPORTSI '!he quarterly reports of the oity treasurer and city clerk,
for thø quarter ending Septllllber 30. 1926, were read, and upon motion by Mr. Barnee,
seconded b7 Mr. soott, Whioh carried, were ordered received and filed.
TRANSJ'ER or MmDSI The following tranafer of funds from the 1926 Jlanicipa1,S..er
Bond rand, to the General J'and, were ordered, to reimburae the General land for exPend-
i turea made from the General lImd, before the S..er P1mda were ayailab1e. .3099.30.
Transfer made upon motion by Mr. Barnea, aeconded by JIr. Scott, which carried by the
following vote, to-wit. AY1I8. Truatees Barnea, Petera, Scott, 1.7ons, Wentworth. JlOBS.
Jlone. ABSDTI None.
ORDI1UIiTCB No. 1M, Upon motion b7 Scott, seconded b7 Mr. Wentworth, whioh
carried, Ordinance No. 15& waa placed on ita second and final reading. The ordinance
Wla read, and upon motion by JIr. Jqons, Beoonded by Mr. Scott, it wea paned, adopted
and approved by the following vote, to-Witl AYJISI Truateea Jqona, Wentworth, Barnea,
Patera, Scott. JIOJISI None. .&.BSB1I'1'. !lone.
Keetlng ot Ootober 26, 1926, ContiRQId.
Rn.n! OF TBD lII&1m'1m'S .tSSISD1f1'. .e lIuestion of inoreaaing the aa1ary of the
assi.tat to the".tree warden, from $4.00 par dBJ, to $4.50 per dBJ, having been reo-
olllllended by the Planning CoDIIIi.sion, was broaaht up for discu8Bion. It waa ordered re-
terred baok to the Planning COIIIDission, without action.
SImIi1IIAT.Jm. llr. Lyons offered Resolution 110. 167, whioh 18 a reeo1ution order-
ing the city engineer to prepare plans, .peoifioations and drawing. of thW work to
performed as spaoified in Resolution Jlo. 145, oovering the laying of sid_1k8 on
yarioua .treets of the city. !he rtlo1ution was read, and uptn motion by llr. Jqons,
seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the reo1ution was passed, adopted and approved, as read,
by the following vote. AYBS. Tru8tees Jqons, Wentworth, Barne8, Peter., Scott. NOBS.
lone. 1BSEBTI NODe.
QUEST OARne FOR OUT or STJæE IDTORISfS. !!!he question of theae oard!ftDaving been
printed 80metimeago, upon order. of Truate.. Peters, 1.7on8 and Scott, burltaving been
pIlt into u.e by the police depàrtment, was brought up. Mr. Wentworth, chairman of
the pollee départment not having been consulted when the carda were printed, thru hi.
abeenoe from the city. Truate.. 1.7ons, Peter. and Scot1; apo10gi.ed for for having the
work done without conaulting the police departmen1;, stating they had no intention to
carry the matter over KI'. Wentworth's head. Mr. Scott moYed, 18oonded b7 ]fr. Barnea,
that the poliol department be direoted to uSe the.. cards and diltrlbute them, ani
each to every out-of-state motorist entering the oity. f!1e motion carried by the to1-
lowing vote, to-wit. ADIS, Truatee. Scott, Lyon8, Barne., Peter.. NOBSI Trutee8
Wentworth. .&.BSB1I'1'I None.
COIllOlCTIIIG rnm Iml'AR!rJIBlft' WITH JAIL. In order that the fire department may
have &Coe8a to the city jail. the member. being jailer., it wa. deoided to erect a
paaaageway along the rear of the city hall building, and to have a bell extenaion put
on the fire department telephone. The aotion oovered b7 motion by Mr. Soott, ssconded
by JIr. Barne., which carried.
CITY H&LL. LOCXIJlG DOOR TO i'ROJIT OFlICB. Mr. Peter8 introduoed the subject
ot having the offioe occupied by the po1ioe department, the oomanmity nur8e ali the
building inspector, kept locked at night, when not occupied. !he olerk directed to
have .ufficient key. made So that all parti.. effected may carry one.
BILLS PAm. Upon motion by Mr. Scott, aeconded by Mr. Wentworth, the follow-
ing bill., aa examined by the finance colllllittee. were ordered paidl
5665 Lon Turner, Traotor Driver for Sept., 1926, (omitted from payroll)
5668 C. V. Union School District Purchase of real estate,
5669 H. & H. Junk Co. Purchase of tin oans
5670 Jo.eph Lawrence, Laborer, Plan. Com.
5671 C. A. Jliohola, P1a.tering Oi ty Hall,
5672 JlurrBJ M. Campbell, Insuramoe 'lre Apparatus,
5673 Lana stamp Co. Dog Taga, 1927,
5674 I. Jacobson, Painting County rail' Izh.
5675 Laura Soott, ~ga. do.
5676 W. 10 Woottera, Igge, do.
5677 C. V. Hardware Co. Hardware, do.
5678 O. E. Palmer, Table, do.
5679 W. G. OWen., Vegetable, do.
5680 Pao. Te1lp, and Te1egr. Co. Phone aarvice, Sept., 1926,
5681 Chal. P. JIOiea, 'rreasurer, Qr. ending, Sept. 30/26
5682 JlcCaffrey Co. Cable sheaves,
Pacific Desk Co. 5681 Freight on tiling oabinet.,
5684 Peoples Ståte Bank, SUbsoription to Transoript,
5685 C. V. Star, Publi.hing and printing,
5686 B. L. Patter.on, noora, Woman's cell,
ADJOURmllN'l'. upon motion by JIr. Barne., .econded by Mr. Scott, the Board adjourned
sine die.
City Clerk.