HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/11/04 I JlIJlUDS OF .i1!I ADJOtJUm) J.lDTING OF THE BOARD OF 1'RUSTEEB, œuu VISn, KOVBJmJm 4. 1~25. 2h6""!lJard,'Jd:t:'þII1'Iuant to adJourmHInt in the Oouncil Clwllber on the above date. with Pre.ident Petera prl.iding. Melting called to p. m. Prl..nt. !l!rullte.. Petera. Soott, Lyona, Wentworth, Barnla. 1'!IUT'lIJlG OF ¡(IBUD!h '!he minutea of the laat regular meeUng of and adjourned regular melting of October 26. 1926, together with thl m meeting of October 14, 1926. wire read. and approved, after changing t' to read "franchiee". SIDEWAY.1m. Iir. LyoM offered Reaolution No. 158, which ia .. r the plana and specificatiOM for aid_alka and curba on portiona of )!a Church. Del Jar Avenue.. and J Street. !rile reaolution waa read. aDi u Lyons, seconded by Irr. Wentworth, it _. palled. edopted and approved vote, to-wit. AYBS. !l'WItee. !qOIUl, Wentworth. Barnes, Peters. Scott. USD'l'. lied. a..olut1on of 111tent1oD. .0. 169t Mr. Scott offered Beaolut il a reaolution declaring the intention of the board to order laid lid in the laat paragraph above. The reaolution,..aa read, and upon motion aeconded by 14r. wentworth, it was paned. ødopted and appro...ed. aa 1''' vote, to....it. AYIS. Tl'WItela Scott. !qona. Wentworth, Barnea, Petlra, lone. J.JISD'1'. Jone. W"''!'F.TI III FIP'I'H AVEIIIm !]I]) BOJiITa !I'IIRI!IIIII OROSBIJiG nII/'!HAP.D. Oi ty on thia mattlr. in complianoe with inltruotiona heretofore given, and it waa deoided that the etraet department will keep the gutter clemld ..et of rUth A"'lnl1e. whioh Ihould "lien the e1tuation. The liieculI that _tel' from the orchard of O. O. Bolta. brings dOWD the tallinp, I orohard. which atopl the gutter. and oauaea an overflow, throu¡t1 the 0 U1II\u.1'I1m OR ~ I!I.' RO!œ1l.unl' ADDITION. )Ir, Scott breu&b that there arl no landmarka :tram w!1ich atrelt 11ne. 11I&7 be located in .~.- and the city engineer WIUI ordered to resurvey the atreet Une. ud aet Av.nue, fol1011'ing the original _p of RoaeblUlk, aa officially filed an - action waa taken upon motion by 111'. Scott, allCoDded by JIr. wentworth. ' OURII .un GU'.l"ßILON HI/1m·nrn HILL. Irr. Soott adtbld the board Meeting of Jovemb.r 4, 1926, COntinued. an increase in salary frOlll $100 per month, to $150 per month. He stated that the work of h1ø office had increased bo;thè extent that, the present aalary 11 not sufficient, and in order to keep abreast of the work, it is necelBary to work nights. Upon motion by JIr. Iqons, seoonded by JIr. Scott, ths lIequest ..s granted, effeotive Hovember 5, 1926. ~e motion carried by the following vote, to....it. J.YES. Trustees Iqons, Wentworth, Barne., Peters, Soott. IroBS. NOne. J.BSENT. Hone. JUDGB'S 1mI1I111 IN COURT ROOK, Upon motion by Ifto. Soott, seconded by JIr. Went- worth, it was ^ decided to erect a Judge's Bench in the Oourt Boom of the City Hall, at a oost of not to exoeed $80,00. The motion included instruotion. for the city olerk to purcha.e filing devices to fit into the bench, and install a flat filing system, wi th index. The motion carried by the following .ate. to-wit. AYES. ~rusteea 'Scott, Iqons, wèntworth, Barnes, Peters. HOBS. Hone. J.BsJmT, Hone. ~ :FILING CABINET FOR POLICE DEPARTI!Im'l!. The olerk and marshal were instructed i to purchase and install a filing system for the polioe department. in which records of all arrests may be made, as well as a file of all other matters pertaining to the police department, upon motion by Ifto. Scott, seconded by JIr. Barnes, which oarried unanimously. .TaTT... DW BBDS lIlt Upon request of Jlarshal Clyne. it was decided to install two new beds in each of. the oells of the city jail. these bads to be thekind that folds up against the _11; also the city olerk and marshal to confer on the nWDber of blankets that will be necessary, and to puroha.e same for installation in the cells. Th1ø aotion was taken upon motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by ]fr. Scott. which carried. PERIODICAL REPORTS. The monthly report of the oity reo order for the month of October, was read and ordered received and filed. IMPOUNDING ANIMALS. C. B. Offerman, in a letter, complained that the engineers, working for the planning commisalon, had left his gate open and a 0011'. owned by Offerman, had wandered out of the pasture; been picked up by the police, resulting 'n Offerman paying impounding fees of $2.75 for the release of the cow. He asked reimbursement in that amount. Clerk ordered to write J. F. Covert, the engineer mentioned, and ascertain his side of the matter of leaving the gate open. rum DEPJ.R'I'MR~. INSURANCE ON EQUIÞM1m'l', The clerk was ordered to increa.e the liabili ty insurance on the large fire truok, frOlD 10/20 thouaand dollars, to 25/50 thousnd dollars, the cost of whioh is tlO.33 per year, upon motion by Mr. Iqons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which oarried. Fire Siren. New I Mr. LyOnl, in the matter of purohasing a new fire siren for . erection on the oity hall building, reported the following as the oost of fire sirens in neighboring cities; Cornado, $750; Escondido, $260; Bl Cajon. $340; Lamesa, has fire alarm boxes. The purchase of a new double head siren, to cost installed about $500 was then discussed, and ordered purchased upon motion by Mr.Lyons, seoonded by ]fr. Wentworth, which oarried by the following vote, to-wit. AYJlS. ~tees Lyons, Wentworth, Peters. NOBS. Trustees Barne., Scott. J.BSENT. None. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES. The minutes of the planning oommission meetinga of August 23, and September 13, 20 and 27, 1926, were reed, All items therein having been aoted upon, or no action being required, exoept the matter of the purchase of 18 feet of land from W. N. Drew, to widen Davidson Street, the olerk was in.tructed to write Mr. Drew that it is not praoticsble to purchase the land at th1ø time, on account of lack of tunds. ~ BILLS 'PAm. The following bills, as examined by the finanoe committee, were l_ ordered paid upon motion by Mr. Scott, seoonded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried, 5666 Seagrave Corporation, 4th Payment on Fire Engine t~2a.69 5667 Compensation Insurance lund, Oomp. Ins. 1927, 933.63 5687 Payroll, Street Imployees, Oct., 1926, 1172.34 5688 Payroll, Khcellaneous Do. 2564.30 568~ O. A. Wiard. Rent of Garage. do. 3.00 5690 F. B. Andrews, Oity Attorney, do. 100.00 5691 Denrich Press, Print lng, do. 91.50 5692 Dreinage Oonstr11ction Co. Sewer Syst8ll1, do. 1244.06 I 5693 Burns-MCDonnell-Smith, Enginesr Fees, do. 242.53 I 5694 O. V. Garage, Repairs Parts, Nurse's J.uto. 12.00 i 5695 Hugbes & JOhnson, Plumbing repairs, 1.96 56~6 C. V. Lumber Co. Lumber 27.59 5697 Bryant Auto Blectric 001 Repair parts, 30.85 5698 E. L. Archambeau, Plumbing Oi ty hall building, 60.00 5699 Ohas. E. Smith, Oall Men, Fire Dept., Oct., 1926. 34.00 5700 Skinner ComPaDY. Hardware, 13.38 82.25 I 5701 )I. C. Elliott, Hire of Horse and Trsea, I j l________..__ Keeting of November 4, 1926, Continued. 5702 JlurrBy M. Campbell. Insurance Street Machinery, 93.00 5703 Homeland Bldg. Camp~, Blasting Powder. 31.00 S. D. Gas and Elec. Co, 5704 Street Lignts, Oot., 1926, 214.05 5705 do, Gas and Blcty. do. 36.44 5706 Iqons Implement Co. .Grøder Blade, 16.00 5707 Union Oil Comp~, ..t..a.., Gasoline and Oil., Oct., 1926 216.31 5708 Stanley's Cafe, Feeding Prisoners, do. 21.50 5709 Rodney Stoke. Compa~, Blue Printing, 4.99 5710 T. G. Skinner, Refund Street brant" Dyer Tract. 265.00 5711 V. W. Schraeder, Hire of HOl'ses, Plan. Com. 18.00 5712 WhittiD@bam-~e8aitore, Oement wcrk on city hall building, 95.40 5713 C. V. Rardware,co. Hardware, 33.55 5714 A. C. Wroot, Making key. to doors city hall building, 4.25 5715 Jieuner Oorporation, Binder, book, 4.00 ---- 5716 Kodern Machine OClllplUly, I80hine work on street machinery, 32.30 I '- 5717 Carlson & Simpaon, do. 2.40 5718 Oentral Sheet :lletal Works, 5~ligBt in city hall building, 30.85 5719 Sutooar sale and aervioe Co. 'J!r'11ck parte, 6.11 5720 National Iron WorkS, Machine work .85 5721 H. L, Jones, Blectrio work city hall building, 22.00 5722 Western Metal Supply 00. Supplies, 34.17 6723 Jiational City Laundry, Laudering cell equipnent, 3,90 5724 II'otor Hdw. Iquip. Co. Supplies, 10.54 5725 Holly Sumner, Supplies, 9.85 5726 James P. Laursen, 'ires for NUrses Auto. 71.80 ADJOm¡W1IRlII~ . Upon motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Scott, the Board adjourned to 7.30 p. m., November 16, 1~26. Attes~ 6§- City Clerk. I ¡ I ! ~ '- ,. j