HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1926/12/07 MINUTES OF J. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOJ.RD OF TRUSTEES, CHULJ. VISTJ., CALIFORNIA, HELD DECEMBER 7,1926. The Board met in regular session, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the above date, with President Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at 7100 p.m. Present I Trústees Peters, Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes. READING OF MINUTESI 'J1he minutes of the last regular meeting of November 2, 1926, and of adjourned regular meetings of November 4, 16, and 23, 1926, were read, and approved as read. .(:.c ./- SrDWWAT.KS No. 21 This being the date and hour set for receiving and opening bids for sidewalk work as direced by Besolution No. 175, ordering work, and Resolu- tion of Intention No. 169, the following bids were received, opened and deolaredl Whittingbam & Tessitore, for the work as specified, $1.92 per lineal foot; O. Nelson, for the work as specified, 19 cents per square foot for sidewalk and 55 cents per lineal foot for curbing, which figures makes a price of .1.50 per lineal foot for the work complete. Upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, the bids were referred to the city attorney and city engineer to be checked ~d verified, and to be presented at the next meeting of the board. The motion carried by the following vote, to-witl J.YESI ~ruatees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOES. None. ABSENT I None. . FIRE SIRBNI This being the time and set for receiving and opening bids for the purohase of a fire siren for use of the fire department, 8.8 advertised in the Chula Vista star, bids from several firms were reoeived, but the various kinds of sirens and connections showed bids varying in price, which necessitated all bids being referred to the fire committee to cheok and select the siren desired. This action was taken cn the motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried by the fcl- lowing vote, to-witl J.YES; Trustees Barnes, Peters, Scott, L)ons, Wentworth. NOES I None. ABSENT; Ncne. SEWER DISTRICT Nc. 11 In the matter of house ccnnections to be put in, in oonnec- tion with this sewer district, Mr. H. H. Peterson, general contractcr for the work, asked the Board if there had been any arrangement made with anyone to contract for this part of the work, and if not, he (Peterson) wculd like to take over the wcrk. In the discussion, it appears that a man named Caldwell, has been visiting the prcperty owners throughout the city, and has hbtained the signatures of some 130 owners to contracts for house connectional it also developed that Caldwell has been to Mr. Peterson, and offered to sell the contracts to Peterson. One of the contracts was exhibited and read. The entire matter was referred to the city attorney. A letter from R. M. Pray, owner of the five acres at the southeast corner of 3rd Avenue and G Street, was read, in which 1Ir. Pray asked that the present sewer district be extended to include a line from G Street south through his five acres. Clerk in- struoted tc write 1Ir. Pray that an ordinance is now under preparation, the provisions ot which will take oare ot his property. ,--/~ WEED TAXI Mr. F. C. Von der .A.u, owner ot some lots in Foster's .A.ddition, a8Xed the Board to removs trom his tax statement, the item of cost ot weed cleaning, for the r reason that he had not received a notice ot such cleaning. It appeared that 1Ir. Von der .A.u did not own the property at the time the weeds were cleaned, and the notice was mailed to the former owner. Inasmuch as there appeared to be a misunderstlUlding on the part of Mr. Jon der Au, the board deoided to remove the penalty part of the charge, amounting to .2.44, upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried by the tollow- ing vote, to-W1t1 AYES. Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOBSI None. ABSENT. None.. BUSINBSS BUILDINGS IN RBSIÐENTUL DISTRICTS. Mr. E. Jlelville presented the question ot business buildings being erected in districts that are intended to be purely residential, and asked that the Boning map of the Planning Ccmmissicn be presented at an early date tor contirmation by the Bo~d ot Trustees. A letter trom Mr. Baker, a prop- erty owner at Glover" and B Street, on the same subject was read. It was decided and agre6d that Mr. Melville would take up the question with the Planning Co_ission at its meeting next Monday night. PBRIeDICAL REPORTSI 'I11e monthly report of the city recorder for )¡he month ct November, 1926, was read, and ordered received and filed. DEED FO. STREETS. A deed from the Chula Vista Schocl District for 30 teet of land lying in the southerly edge of Let 17, t-Section 137, was presented. The city attorney having tound the deed to be in proper form, Mr. Wentworth oftered nesolution No. 177, which is a resolution accepting the deed. The resolution was read, and upon motion by lIre Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Scott, it was passed, adcpted and approved, as read, by the following vote. AYES. Trustees Wsntworth, Barnes, Peters, Soott, Lyons. NOES. None. ABSENT; None. ì 1 i J Meeting of December 7,1926, Ocntinued. POLICE DEPJ.RTJlENT. A letter, written by Mr. Charles P. Clark, ot the U. S. Navy. was read. In this letter, Mr. Clark commends Traffic Officer Kelly in the highest terms, as a.result of an accident sustained by Mr. Clark, and the assistance rendered kv Officer Kelly, said accident having occurred as the result of a rear end collision between the. automobile of Mr. Clark and an alleged into~icated driver of another machine. Not only was Officer Kelly's assistance greatly appreciated, but the courteous manner in whioh he hendered it, was the fact that Mr. Clark thought should be brought tc the attention of the board. Upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which car- ried, the clerk was instructed to furnish the city marshal with a ccpy ot Mr. Clark's letter, and to write a letter of appreciation of the board, with instructions tc the marshl to bring the entire matter to the attention of the police department. I_~ PL.A.lnIING COMMISSION MINUTES. Ths minutes of a meeting of the Planning Commission, held November 22, 192Q, were presented and read. The following action was taken. Approved the recommendation to reimburse.. M. Hawkins for a deposit for removal of trees, to the amount ot $10.00. .A.pproved the rscommendation for the tree warden to employ an additional man, at such times as needed, in planting trees. The tentative paving program recommended, was held over to enable the members Of the board to con- sider the 'various poi~t3 involved. REPAIRS STREET S~INTENDENT'S HOUSEl' The building inspector presented an estimate, amounting to lQ8.25, for repairs necessary to the residence, owned by the eity, and occupied by the street auperintendent. Upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the work was ordered, by the following vote, to-wit. AYES. Trustees Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES I None. ABSENT I None. STREET EIoIPLOYEEI Upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried unanimously, it was dsoided to increase the salary ot Ira Kester, an employee in the street department, from $4.00 per day, tc $5.00 per day, effective this date. This increase is given on account of the na.turs of the work psrformed by Mr. Kester. CITY DUMP. The city health officer read a letter trom the manager of the S. D. Oil Products Company, oomplaining about the location and appearance of the city dump. The health officer stated that he had investigated and as a result wculd recommend tc the Board that another site be found for a city dump, 11 praciticable, and tailing in that, the city to lease or purchass the present site, run a road through it, and give the dump some supervision; alsOf that the board pess en ordinance regulating the dumping of trash, et. The city attorney was instructed to take over the matter, and ocnfer with the S. D. Chamber ot Commerce, the owners of the present site, with a view to purchase or lease. The city engineer to furnish the city attorney with a sketch ot the land desired. ORDINA.NCE No. 155. Upon motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which car- ried, Ordinance No. 155, was placed on its first reading. This an ordinance providing for vagrancy. ORDINA.NCE No. 156, Upon motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which car- ried, Ordinance No. 156 was placed on its first reading. This an ordinance regulating begging or soliciting alms. BILLS PAID. The following bills, as examined by the finance committee, were ordered paid, upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, vis. 5736 Payrcll, Street Employees, Nov., 1926, 5737 Payrcll, Jliscellaneous Emp18. :!)g. 5738 F. B. .A.ndrews, City .A.ttorney, do. O. .A.. Wiard, 5739 Rent of Garage, do. 1740 C. V. Hardware Co. Hardware, dc. 5741 C. V. Lumber Company, Lumber,. do. 5742 O. E. Palmer, Matress and Covers, for jail, 5743 Skinner Company, Hardware, 5744 C. V. Garage, Repair parts for Nurse's .A.uto. 5745 Otto Stang, Manufacturing 6 beds for jail, 5746 Carpenters Stores, Stationery, 5747 1. M. Gosney, Fire Apparatus, 5748 S.W.Builder and Cont'r. .A.dvertisement calling for bids, sewer 5749 Smitha Drug Store, Drug Supplies, 5750 Burns-McDonnell-Smith Cc. Fees Sewer Distriot, No.1 5751 do. Fees, Sewer Installaticn, Outlet, etc. 5752 do. Fees, Jaxtension of contract, 5753 Kinmore Electric Co. Ilectric Lamps. for city hall building, 5754 Homeland Building Oc. Blasting Powder, 5755 M. C. Blliott, Horse, hauling brush, 5756Union Oil Company, Gasoline and Lubricants, Nov., 1926, 5757 Hughes & Johnson, Plumbing city hall building, 1111.50 2717.56 100.00 3.00 7.39 48.Q7 45.00 24.44 15.45 91.25 19.98 3.88 7.40 2.55 3508.80 78.17 190.00 3.90 23.50 14.25 268.22 8.41 / I I I I I I I I I ~ 5758 National City Laundry, 5759 Herb Bryant, 5760 Western Metal Supply Co. 5761 Autoèar Sales and Service Co. 5762 James P. Laursen, 5762 American Rubber Co. 5764 Prainage Construction Co. 5765 S. D. Gas and Ilec. Co. 5766 Dr. W. S. McCausland, 5767 Stanley's Cate, 5768 Daltcn Adding Machine Co. 5769 C. V. Paint Store, 5770 E. L. J.rchambeau, 5771 C, V. Star, 5772 S. w. Water Company, 5773 Whittingham & Tsssitore, 5774 S. D. Gas and Blect. Co. 5775 Zellerbach Paper Co. 5776 Chas. E. Smi th, 5777 Pac. l'elep. and Telegr. Co. 5778 Holly Sumner, 5779 V. W. Schraeder, 5780 J. 0, Whitt, Laundering cell equipment, l'ractor parts, Supplies, l'ruck Parts, Truok 1'1re, lire Hose, Pa~ent on Sewer installation, Street Lights, Nov., 1926, Treating prisoners in city jail, j'eedingprisoners, Nov., 1926, Adding Machine Ribbon, Paints, etc. PÌumbing City Hail Building, Publishing and Printing, Nov., 1926, Water, Nov., 1926, Paving National and D Gas and l1ectricity, Nov., 1926, Paper towels, Call Men at Fires, Nov., 1926, 1'elephone tolls, Nov., 1926, Parts for tractors, etc. Hire ot team cf horses, Plan. Com. Plumbing, city hall buildibg 3.50 106.29 33.78 75.70 84.40 150.00 2483.28 214.05 13.50 10.25 1.25 41.89 117.76 120.50 39.80 138.80 54.22 6t37 56.00 26.33 32.58 16.00 3.70 ~J ADJOURm,ŒNT. Upon motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried, the board adjournsd to 7.00 p.m., December 13,1926. Attest. L f. 4. ~ Ci ty Clerk. ~ '¡ I i I I i i I I