HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1927/02/15
, .C.ALIFOm!'~, HBI¡D FEBRUARY 15, 1927.
111e Board met pursuant to adjourmnent, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall,
with Pr..ident Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at,7.30 p.m. Present I ~rustees
Peters, Scott, Lyons, Barnes. JIr. Wentworth, absent.
FIRE SIRml. ELECTRIC SERVICE FORI The clerk presented a contract with the San
Diego Consolidated Gas and Blectric Company, for electric service for the new fire siren,
recently installed. !he contract is for a period of three years, and providel for a min-
iDn:Im payment of $5,00 per month. Upon motion by Mr, Lyons, seconded by )fr. Barnes, the
Prelident of the. Board wal authoriaed to sign the contrllCt for and on behalf of the city.
1I0tion carried.
POLlCE DEP.t.RTMEN'J!1 Two letters, one each from F. F. Rodrigue. and Bobert S, Porter,
were read, in whioh)fr. Rodrigue. oommendl ~raffic Offioerl Kelly and Patterlon for their
gentlemanly conduct in handling a matter of traffic violation by Mr. Rodrigue.; the
other, from JIr. Porter, commendl the conduct ot Jlarshal Clyne in aslilting the writer
when his lupply of galoline had become depleted. ~ clerk was instructed to turnilh
the police department with oopies of both letters, with instruøtions to have them
exhibited to department, and with the letterl to convey the thanka of the Board to the
officerl mentioned,
BILL BOAlIDS. ~ letter from the Ixeoutive JlaDager of the San Diego Chamber of CCIII-
merce, was read, in which the writer objects to this city having placed a licen.. ot
$360.00 pel' year on bill board advertiling. The letter cited the amount ezpended by the
Folter & Kleiser Company in San Diego, San Diego County, and other places, and ended by
asking that the Board reopen the subject and permit a representative of the Chamber of
COJIIerce to appear. ~ clerk instructed to write the Ixeoutive Jlanager to the ettect
that thts subject haa been under conlideration for more than a year palt. and that rep-
resentatives of the Foster & Kleiser Company have appeared and been heard by the Board
of Trusteel and the Planning Commission; that so far as the Board ot Trustees are con-
cerned, the matter is closed, and it sees no reason to reopen the subject. The letter
above mentioned cited the fact that the writer thereof had not been furnished with the
reasona for the license fee ~\lng placed at its prelent figure. The Board appeared to
be of the opinion that it was..._re that it was incumbent upon that body to furnish ita
reasons to the Ixeouti.e JlaDager of the San Diego Chamber of COIIIIIerce for any ot ita
legislative actions.
COUNTY LEAGUB OF KU!lICIP~LITlES, The clerk instructed to write the ladiel of
the Methodilt Church a letter of thanks tor the splendid dinner furnished the county
League ot MUnicipalities at its meeting held in this city on February 4,1927.
SEWER SYSTmI JlAIN OUTULL. Jlngineer Wyatt .uggested that a support be placed at
the outer and of the main outfall line, to cost approzimately $10.00, and that that the.
main line leading into the treatment tank be reinforced with concrete, on account ot
the line being buried under not over two teet of earth. This to cost approdmately $
$140.00. He wal instructed to have the work performed.
BILLS PAID, Upon motion by 1Ir. Scott, seconded by Mr. Barnes, which carreid,
the following bills, atter having been examined by the finance COIIID.tte, were ordered
5818 Pay Roll. Jlisoellaneous Bmployees, Jan., 1927,
5843 Amer, ~rance Pire BIIg. Co. Fire Apparatus Equipnent
5844 Pac. Teleph and felegr Co, Phone Service, Jan., 1927,
5845 C. V. Kotor Sales, Kotor Parts,
5846 Claifomia stemp Co. Rubber Stemps,
5847 Skinner Company, Hardware,
5848 Homeland Building Co. Dynamite,
5849 C. V. Garage, lIotor Parts,
5850 C. V. Hardware Store, Hardware,
5851 Autocar Bales and Servioe Co. Truck Partl,
5852 Super Service Station, !lirel
5853 S.W,Water Company, Water, Jan., 1927,
58154 Walter II. Sharp, Cement,
5855 C. V. Paint Store, Paint. and lupplies,
5856 S. D, Gas and Elec. Co. Gas and Electricity, Jan., 1927,
5857 do. Street Lights, do.
5858 Jlethodilt Church, Dinner for L. of Man.
5859 averson-Ross Co. Handcuffs for polioe,
5860 Ha.ard-Gould Company, Leather belting,
ADJOUBWlllliJillll, Upon motion by JIr. Scott, seconded by JIr. Barnes,
Board adjourned sine die.
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which carried, the