HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1927/04/05 MI'1UTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, CHITLA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, HELD APRIL 5,1927. The Board met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the above date, with President Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Trustees Peters, Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes. READING OF MINUTES: The minutes of the last regular meeting of March I, and adjourned regular meeting of March 8,1927, were read, and approved as read. nERD IIOR PART OF STREET, A deed for part of Lot 8, Tarrytown, signed by Daisy C. and Theodore R. Thurston, dedicating that part of said Lot 8, as part of San Miguel Dri'te. The acceptance of thh deed 18 contained in Resolution No. 184, which was paned, adopted and approved as shown below. e~ AIDEWALKS: A petition for sidewalks and curbs, signed by property owners representing 2202 feet of frontage, between north of D Street and E Street, on 2nd Avenue, was read. Upon motion by t~. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried, the petition was referred to the City Planning Commission and City Engineer, for checking and recommendation. BUILDING TOO CLOSE TO PROPERTY LINE: Mr. Flynn, representing the County Horticulture Commissioner, introduced the matter of abuilding, now undergoing construc- tion by the County, on Lot 3, C. V. Realty Co'seSub., which is too close to the side or division property line. He stated that the building inspector had ordered the work of construction stopped, until the building was moved to at least four feet from the side property line, in accordance with the provisions of the building ordinance. The matter was d18cussed at length, when Mr. Scott moved that the Board of Trustees of the City of Chula Vista, after duly considering the matter of whether the building now undergoing construotion on Lot 3, of Chula Vista Realty Company's Subdivision, which is placed less than four feet from the property line, in said city, is a violation of Ordinance No. 91, of said city, does hereby decide and declare that said building so~ undergoing construction, is a violation of said ordinanoe. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lyons, and carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SEWER OUTFALL TREATMENT PLANT: Mr. B. W. Wyatt, engineer in charge of th', oonstruction of this part of the sewer system, asked what color the treatment plant should be painted. Decided to leave the selection of color to the engineer in charge. PERIODICAL REPORTS: The monthly report of the city reoorder for March, 1927, and the qu~terly report of the oity marshal for the quarter ending March 31,1927, were presented and read. They were ordered received and filed. SEWER Coin[ECTIONSI In the matter of property owners, whose property is located outside of a sewer district, desiring connection to the sewer system. it was decided that where a single residence is desired connected, such owner will pay the asses.ment charge for a lot, 50 x 130 feet. In case his property is later included in a sewer district, the provisions of the sewer ordinance will govern. SEWER DISTRICT: Postmaster Johnson, in a letter, asked. the Board to expedite the completion and opening of the alley in rear of the postoffice, now closed on ac- count of sewer construction. The letter was ordered filed. TELEPHONE LINESI The Paoific 1elephone and Telegraph Company asked, in aletteD, to run aline, under the sidewalk and acrosa the parkway, underground, in front of the Company's building on F. Street. The re'luest was granted on motion by Mr. ~ Barnes, seconded by Mr. Scott, which carried. ¡\1U.NDONMENT OF caMP HEARN: A letter from the Secretary of War, Washington, D. C., in response to a telegram from the Board of Trustees, advised that the matter of abandoning Camp Hearn had been dropped, and that a. troop of oalvary would be kept :llear san Diego. ELECTRIC CABLE CROSSING STREET: The Bity Electrician was instruoted to see tha' an underground electric cable crossing Country Club Drive, at 5th Avenue, is placed the proper depth below the grade of the street. ~ (Meeting of April 5, 1927, Continued) TRAFFIC OFFICER CO:.ßlEN )ED. A letter from S. Cahen, President of the Cahen Stationery Co., of Los Angeles, in a letter, commends Traffic Officer Patterson on his gentlemanly conduct. The clerk directed to handle th18 matter as other letter. of this nature hereto- fore reoeived. AUDITING ACCOUNTS: Upon motion by t~. Scott, seoonded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried, the clerk was instrueted to employ Mr. Perch S. Waters to audit the records of the City Treasurer, City Recorder and City Clerk, to include March 31,1927. /--- ORDINANCE No. 165. Upon motion by Mr. Scott, seoonded by Mr. Wentworth, which car- ried, Ordinance No. 165 was placed on its second and final reading. The ordinance was read, and upon motion by t~. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, it was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES. Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOES. None. ABSENT: None. PAVING STREETS: A petition asking that G Street, from National to 4th Avenue, be paved full width, the city to pay 40~ of the cost, \.8 '!'S'8I'1I, ð.mdu Lhe èaleItee, was present~?;.t The petition, also, asked that John Covert be the engineer in charge of the work~ Ray Harris the attorney; both these parties reside in National City. It appearing that other petitions asking for paving on other streets are now being circulated, and the above mentioned petition was ordered held pending receipt of the other petitions. PURCHASE OF "IIHT.WI'IC A\:tt(: The city attorney presented a contract with the San Diego Trust and savings Bank, for the purchaae of the East Half of Lots 15 and 16, in t-Section 150, at a cost or $3500, with interest, at 6~, from October 29,1925, together with the County and City Taxes for the past year. The contract provide' for the purchase prioe to be made in three payments, yearly, $1200 being the first payment. Upon motion by'fr. Wentworth, seconded by 'fr. Lyons, the contract was accepted and the President and Clerk of the Board were authorized to sign same, on behalf of the city. The motion carried by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: Trustees Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. PLANNING COMMISSION: The President of the Board nominated Mr. W. Llurray Hawkins as a member of the Planning Commission, in place of Mr. Geo. E. Geyer, resigned. The nomination was confirmed upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Barnes, which carried' NAMING STREETS: Resolution No. 184 was offered by Mr. Scott. This is a resolution declaring all land that has been dedicated for street purposes, in the city, to be a part of the street for which the land has been dedicated. It was read, and upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, it was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ,ABSENT: None. The clerk was instructed to have the resolution recorded in the County Recorder's office. ORDINANCE No. 164: Upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Barnes, which car- ried, Ordinance No. 164 was placed on its second and final reading. The ordinance was read, and was paned, adopted and approved as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ORDINANCE No. 166: Upon motion by .~. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Scott, whcih carried, Ordinance No. ~66 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance changing the po- sition of sidewalks on 5th Avenue, between D and E Streets. ~ CITY DUMP: The city attorney reported that he had conferred with the San Diego Chamber of Commerce for the purchase of 4155 acres of land, in t-Section 161, for use as a City Dump, and had been offered the Jand for $70.34 per acre. The city attorney was authorized to accpt the above offer, and to prepare the necessary papers, etc., covering the purchase. Th18 action was taken upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carred by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Petera. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. BROADCASTING OF HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA: Mr. Barnes reported that this city's share of the expense connected with the Radio Broadcasting of the local High School Orchestra, recently, is $40.00. Upon motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by t~. ~ona, the city was authorized to pay not to eEceed $40.00 for the above set forth purpose. The motion car- ried by the following vote to-wit: AYES. Trustees Barnes, Peters, ¡Yons. NOES: Trustee Scott. ABSENT: Trustee Wentworth (Absent during this vote, only) .J! Meeting of April 5, 1927, Continued. TRAFFIC OFFICER. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED: The additional traffic officer, which was authørized employed until the close of the racing season this year, was authorized con- tinued in service until next year's budget becomes effective, which budget provides for the permanent employment of three traffic officers. This additional officer makes the totàLn1Xllber three, now employed. Thia authorization is made wi th the same t ems as are applied in next year's budget, relative to relief officers, etc. The authroity was granted upon motion by Mr. scott, seconded by t~. Barnes, which carried. ,,-- CITY ELECTRICIAN. The city electrician presented a bill for $46.24, constituting his expenses while attending a convention of the Association of Electric Inspectors, at Oakland, recently. The amount was authorhedupon motiun by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by 1~. Lyons, which carried by the following vote, to~it: AYES: Trustees Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, Lyons. NOES: Trustee Scott. ABSENT: None. .~ Bills Paid: The following bils, having been examined. by the finance committee, were ordered paid, upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried: 5899 F. B. Andrews, City Attorney, Mch, 1927, $100.00 5900 S. D. Fire Equip. Co. Fire htinguiaher re charges 7.50 5901 s. D. Trust and Save Bank. Purchase of Athletic Field, 1557.07 5902 Kinmore Electric Co. Repairs Electricity, City Hall Bldg. 4.75 5903 Warner Edmonds, City Officials Bonds, 85 00 5904 Rodney Stokes Co. Blue Printing, 4.28 5905 Zellerbach Paper Co. Paper Towels, etc. 10.64 5906 A. H. Skinner Co. Hardware, 7.16 5907 Carpenter's Stationery Stores Office Supplies, 12.65 5906 Carlson & Simpson, Motor Repair Parts, 4.80 5909 Ingle Mfg. Co. Hardware, 6.00 5910 Calif. Sta.'np Co. Rubber Stamp, .60 5911 N. C. Laundry, Laundry Jail equipment, 2.00 5912 Pay Roll, Street Jimployes, Moh., 1927, 1166.20 5913 Pay Roll, Miacellaneous :Employes, Mch., 1927, 2465.00 5914 Western Metal Co. Hardware Supplies, 47.93 5915 Black & Black, Drinking Water, 1.10 5916 Stanley's Cafe, Feeding Prisoners, Mch., 1927, 2.50 5917 Burns-McDonnell-5mith Co. Engineering Services, 150.00 5918 Drainage Const. Co. Payment on Sewer Outfall 3225.92 5919 Burns-McDonnell-5mith Co. Sewer Engineering, District, 511.70 5920 Holly Sumner, Tractor Repir Parts, 12.60 5921 H. D. Smith, Nursing Supplies, 3.50 5922 C. V. Motor Sales Co. Motor Reptir Parts, 12.77 5923 Otto Stang, Repairing wat!ep-Wal!!&ftT Tractor 15.15 5924 Union Oil Co. Gasoline and Oils, Moh., 1927, 257.30 5925 Motor Hdw & Equip Co. MotorRepair Parts, 11.70 5926 Denrich Presa, Printing, 18.28 5927 C. V. Garage, Motor Repair Parts, 4.80 5928 Hazard-Gould & Co., Motor Repair Parts, 68.60 5929 Homeland Bulding Co. Hardware, 1.07 5930 E, L. Archambeau, Plumbing Repairs, 3.50 5931 National Iron Works, Repairs, Water Tank, 7.15 5932 Bryant Auto Electric Co. Tractor Repair Parts, 286.45 5933 Chas. E. Snith, Volunteer i'ireman, Mch., 1927, 68.00 5934 C. V. Star, Printing and Publishing, 118.40 5935 Whittingham & Tessitore, Septic Tank Well, 37.70 5936 Pac. Telep & Telegr Co. Telephone Tolls, Mch., 1927, 31.35 5937 s. D. Sun, Advertising, 250.00 3938 Lyons I~plement Co. Grader Blades, 25.00 5939 S. W. water Corpn. Water, Mch., 1927, 34.20 ADJOURNMENT . sine die. Upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Barnes, the Board adjourned Attest: há..~ City Clerk.