HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1927/06/07
HBLD JUNE 7, 1927.
!lhe Board met in regular 88uion in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the
above date, with President Peters presiding. Present I Trustees Peters, ~ons, Wentworth,
Barnes. Trustee Scott absent. Meeting oalled to order at 7aOO p.m.
READING OF MlNUTBSa The minutes of the last regular meeting of ~ 3rd, and the
adjourned regular meeting of )fay 16, 1927, were read, and after correcting the item
pertaining to the purchase of a truck in the minutes of Jlay 3, 1927, they were approved
as correoted.
SInR'AT.If!!. lio. 2a The olerk having announced that no proteltl had been filed in
oonneotion with the completion of the sidewalks above mentioned, in relponøe to the legal
notice published, !i!r. ~onl offered Belolution lio. 188, whioh is a resolution diømiss-
'ing appeal, eto., in the o&se. the resolution waa read, and upon motion by 2r. Went-
worth, leconded by Tr. Barnel, it was paned, adopted and approved, as read by the
following vote, to-ita AYES a 'l'rustees Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, Lyons. fOBS a lions.
ABSBNTa 'l'rustee Scott.
MBAT PACKING PLA.N'l'a JiIr. K11liken, President of the Pac1tio -eat Products Com-
~, announoed that formal work on the conltruction of their plant in this city, will
be started Saturday afternoon, and iDYi ted the Board of 'l'rultees to be present at the
opening ceremonies. He asked permission to erect a direction sign at the corner of
National Avenue and E Street, and at Bay Boulevard and B Street, si8e 5 by 8 feet.
Permission granted to ereotand maintain the signs for a period of 100 days, the City
Jlarshal to lee that the signs are in the proper place. The authority was granted by
motion by 'l'r. Lyons, seoonded b;y 'l'r. Wentworth, which carried.
PURCHASE OF 'l'RUCKa '!'he time having arriwed toopen bids for the purohase of a
ligbt truok Ohassil, as advertised, and as only one bid was reoeived, it was opened
and deolared, vi8a The bid of Chula Vista Motor Sales, to furnish a Ford 'l'ruck Chaslis
one ton, wi th Rucutell, delivered, for $1540.00. The bid was acoepted upon motion by
'l'r. Barnes, sedonded by Tr. Wentworth, whioh oarried by the following\Yote, to-ita
. AYES a Trustees Barnes, Peters, Lyons, Wentworth. NOBSI None. ABSENTa Trustee Soott.
INVENTORY OF CITY PROPKRTYa In the inventory of city property in the hands of
various officials, recently ordered, the new inventory of the police department showed
a shortage of 1 !'ape Line, 100-ft; 3 Blankets, Lt. Woo!; 1 par. Handcuffs, Peerle...
The city marshal stated that the loss had acourred through no careleuness on his part,
and as he has no means of keeping these articles under lock and key contlnuousl;y,
he thougb the loss was unavoidable. Upon motion by Tr. Wentworth, seconded by Tr.
Barnes, the marshal was relieved of responaibility for the items shown above as short.
AUDIT OF CITY 1iEC0!IDSI The clerk read the report of the auditor engaged to audit
the financial records Of the city, which shOll'ed the finanoial accounts of the treasurer,
recorder and clerk to be clearand funds received by them having been properly accounted
for. The audit covered the period ending Jlarch 31, 1927. The report made some reoom-
mendations in connection with the city recorder's .eoordl to the effect that all oalel
oited by police officers be entered in the docket, whether or not oonvioted; that each
case cited show in the docket the dilposition of said oase; that a sYltem of accounting
for each case be installed, which will provide for a specially ruled oash book. Upon
motion by JiIr. Wantworth, leoonded by Tr. Lyons, the report of the auditor was accepted,
and the reoommendationl contained therein to be put into effect at the earliest date
possible. The motion oarried by the following vote, to_ita AYES a 1'r. Wentworth,
Barnes, Peters, Lyonø. NOES a None. ABSENT I 'l'r. Scott.
CITY ENGINEERI œit;ylngineer Capwell asked, in a letter, that he put on full
time for the city, at a monthly salary of $250.00 per month. He has been working part
time, furnishing hil own instruments, at a salary. of $8.00 per day. Jlatter held over
until all members of the Board are present.
CITY HR.&.t.TH OFFI~ City Health Officer Ashoroft, in a letter, uked that his
salary be increased from 50.00 to $75.00 per month, on aooount of the increased duties
of his office. Jlatter held oyer until all members of the Board are present.
PBRIODICAL BIPOB'l'Sa The monthly reports of the fire chief and recorder, for the
month of Jray, 1927, nre read, and ordered received and filed.
Keeting Of June 7,1927, Continued.
VACAT IONS I 'ire Chief smith asked for one week, from June 24, to June 30,1927,
inolusive. Granted; motion by Tr. JIyons, seconded by Tr. Barnes, which carried.
Street Superintendent Schraeder asked for two weeks for Ira A. Kestsr, Street
Jilmployee, forom Junel, 1927. Granted; motion by 1'r. Barnes, seconded by Tr. Wentworth,
which carried.
Night Policeman Hill asced for 15 days from June 17, to Jul;y 1, 1927, inclusive.
Granted; motion by Tr. Wentworth. seconded by 'l'r. ~ons, which carried.
POLICE DEPARTJ4ElIITI A letter from H, N. Drake, of San Diego, commending Traffio Of-
tiGer Patterson for his conduct in handling traffic in this city, was reed. The matter
to be reftrred by the clerk to the police department, as has heretofore been done in such
lilIAi' PACKING PLJ.N1.'. Tr. Barn.. was delegated to reprelent the Board of Trusiees
at the opening ceremonies of starting construction of the plant, on next Saturday afternoon,
June 11, 1927, upon motion by Tr. Wentworth, seconded by Tr. ~ons, which carried.
PL&NNING COMMISSIONI The minutes of meetings of the Planning Commission of ~
16, 1927, and June 6, 1927, nre presented and read. The only items requiring any action
by the Board followsl Recommendation that the city purchase the five-aore piece of land
on F Street across from school house, for civic and park purposes, approved; but a
means must be found to accomplish the recommendation. !he request that the city attorne,
draft an ordiœnce to protect trees now planted on the streeh, approved and city attorney
instructed accordingly.
ORDlNANCB No. 1701 Upon motion by Tr. Lyons, seconded by Tr. Wentworth, which
oarried, Ordinance No. 170 _s placed on ita second and final reading. The ordianoe
was read, and upon motion by Tr. Wentworth, seconded by Tr. Barnes, it was passed, adopted
and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-witl AYBSI Tr. Wentworth, Barnes, Peters,
Lyons. lfOBSI None. ABSENTI ~r. Scott.
VACATING STREET I City Attorney presented the proceedings, starting the legal
procedure for deeblJ-1UIII. vacating a part of Country Club Drive. Tr. Barnes offered
Relolution No. 189, which is a resolution declaring that it is the intention of the
Board to vacate a part of the street mentioned. The resolution was reed, and upon motion
by Tr. Barnes, seconded by Tr. Lyons, it was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by
the following vote, to-Witl AYBSI Trustees Barnes, Peters, Lyons, Wentworth. NOES.
None. ABSENT I '1'1'. Scott.
BUILDING INSPECTOKI Another letter from Kr. Charley A. Hass, addressed to Pres.
Peters, wal presented, in which JiIr. Haas again oomplaiœ against the Building lnøpeotor
for his methods of enforcing the Building Ordinance. The Inspec.or was consulted, and
informed the board that the house Kr. Haas bas mentioned as not complying wi th the
Building Ordin.anoe, is a "California" house, and does not require any stuiding; while
the house l!aaa is constructing is a regularly framed building. JiIr. Haas says the inspeo-
tor is requiring him to put studding 16 inches on center, while the house next door has
studding further apart. Clerk instructed to write JI:r. Haas of the above findinga of the
Board, and to again inform him that the Building Inspeotor is only doing his duty when
he il re~iring buildings constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Building
the following bills,
5986 Pay R611,
5987 F. B. Andrews,
5988 Western Metal Supply Co.
5989 U. S. Grant Auto Equip. Co.
5990 Bodney Stokel Co.
5991 Hazard-Gould Co.
5993 Zellerbach Paper Co.
.994 Land stamp Co.
5995 s. W. Grocery Co.
5996 Pç Roll,
5997 Pay Roll,
5998 M. G. White,
5999 Warner JldmOnds,
6000 Kinmore Elec. Co.
6001 Service Pharmaoy,
6002 Pao. !I!eleph. and Telegr.
6003 C. V. Service Station
60~ Geo. G. Johnson,
6005 JiIOtor H&w. Co.
6006 !utocar Sales and Service
6007 Homeland Building Co.
Upon motion by '1'r. Barnes, seconded by Tr. Lyons, which oarried,
after being samined by the finance committee, were ordered paid.
Weed Cleaning Gang, weed ending May 28, $120.00
City Attorney, May, 1927, 100.00
Motor Parts, 16.52
do. 3.43
Blue Printing, 1.60
Kotor Parts, 3.01
Liquid Soap, 1.47
Rubber Stamps, 1.00
Cleaning Materials, 11.88
Misoellaneous Bmployes, Ka;y, 1927, 2455.60
Street BBployes, do. 1134.36
City Attorney's Bond, 5.00
Street Superitendent's bond, 5.00
meotrio Lights, 1.38
Fire Jb:tinguisher Charges, 8.28
Co. Phone Service, May, 1927, 29.30
Auto Headlights, 1.10
Tire Repairs, 3.24
JIotor H&w aDd. B~ip. Co. 3.78
Co. Truok Partl, 29.92
Dynamite, 11.75
Keeting of June 7,1927, Continued.
6008 Lyons Implement Co.
6009 Foster's Auto Service,
6010 »enrioh Press,
6011 C. V. Paint and Hdw. Store,
6012 Helm Brol.
6013 Stanley's Cafe,
6014 11:. C. Blliott,
6011 Skinner Company,
6016 Holly Sumner
6017 S. D. Gas and Eleo. Co.
6018 S. W. Water Co.
6019 C. V. Motor Sales,
6020 Pay Roll,
6021 Bclipse Paint Co.
6022S. D. A, ~. Co.
6023 Union Oil Company,
6024 Chas. E. ami th,
6025 Bryant Auto Blectrio Co.
60260rchard Operating Co.
6027 C. V. Star,
6028 S. D. Gas and Elec. Co.
6029 Percy S. Water,
6030Union Title Company,
Grader Blades,
'l'owing Disabled Auto, Nurse's
Paints and Hardware,
JIotor Parts,
Feeding Prisoners, Jray, 1927,
Hire of Horse,
Tractor Parts,
Street Lights and Electrio Signs,
Water, JIay, 1927,
Purchase of Ford Truck, and Parts,
Weed Cleaning Gang, Week ending June 4,1927,
Traffic Paint,
J'reight Charges on paint,
Gasoline and Lubricants, Key, 1927,
Volunteer Firemen, Key, 1927,
Traotor Parts,
Hire of Teaml,
Printing and Publishing, Key, 1927,
Eleotrioity for Fire Siren,
Auditing Cit1 Records,
Certificate of Title,
ADJOtJRmIKNT! Upon motion b1 Tr. Barnes, seconded by Tr. Lyons, the Board adjourned
to 7130 p.m., June 14, 1927.
City Clerk.