HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1927/06/28
!!!he Board met pursuant to adjourmnent, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall,
on the above date, with President Peters in the chair. Meeting oalled to order at 7130
p. m. Present I Trustees Peters. Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes.
TREES OBS'l!RUCTING VIEW OF RAILROAD CROSSING: !!!he clerk read a letter from the
State Railroad Collll1ission, in which attention was called to some trees on K Street, that
were obstructing the viIIII' at 3rd Avenue and K Street, a railroad crossing, and asking
that they be trimned. A reply to the above letter was read, wherein it was stated that
the obstructing tree limbs had been trimmed.
BILLS PAIDI Upon motion by Ir. Scott, seconded by Tr. V/entworth, which carried,
the following bills, after having been examined by the Finance Oollll1ittee, were ordered
6036 Pay Roll, Weed Gang for week ending June 18,1927,
6037 do. June 25, 1927,
REMOVING TREESI A letter from IIrs. Blla B. Smitheman, accompanied by a check
for .10.00, was read, in which the writer asked for permi88ion to remove two trees
standing in the street in front of 337 Third Avenue, the trees not to be replaced.
The removal is neceaaary in order that a building on that lot is to be removed there-
from, which oannot be accomplished with the trees standing. Another letter from the
S. D. Gas and Electrio Company, accompanied the first letter, and it is stated that
it is the intention to build a business building on the lot in question, and the
trees would have to be removed at that time anyway. Upon motion by 1Ir. Scott, sec-
onded by Tr. Wentworth, the request was granted to remove the trees, aDd the above men-
tioned check to be returned to the owner. The motion carred unanimously.
SUBDIVISION - IMPERIAL BEACH GARDEN UNIT No. 21 A map 0:1: this subdivision,
which lies within three miles of the city limits of this city. was presented, and as it
had been approved by the Pla~ing Collll1ission, it was approved, and the officials whose
signatures are necessary on the said map, were authorized and instructed to sign same,
upon motion by~. Scott, seconded by Wentworth, which carried by the following vote,
to-1l'it: AYES: Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOESI None. ABSENT I
REMOVING STREET TREE: Tree Warden Elliott presented a verbal request that he
had received to remove a large Black Acacia trees standing in front of a building now
undergoing construction on 2nd Avenue, near D Street, for the reason that the tree is
looated in a space desired for a driveway. Upon motion by Tr. Scott, sedonded by Tr.
Barnes, which carried, the matter was referred to the Planning Comnission, with power
to act.
FERTILIZER: Tree Warden Elliott reported that the last lot of fertilizer pur-
chased from the San Diego Oil Products Company, had been billed to the city without
charge. The clerk instructed to thank the company, but to say that in making this sec-
ond purchase of fertilizer, the city had no intention to impose on the generosity of
the company, as another lot of fertilizer had been donated to the city.
PROFILES OF S~TSI the city engineer presented the following profiles of
street grades for approvall J street, from 5th to 6th Avenues; J Street, from National
Avenue west to the Belt Line railroad; Kearney Street from 3rd to 5th Avenues; Elm
Avenue, from J Street to Kearney Street; Alpine Avenue, from J Street to Kearney Street;
D Street, from National Avenue to Woodlawn Avenúe; Jladison Avenue, from Orange Street
to Flower Street; Woodlawn Avenue, from Orange Street to Flower Street; Chula Vista
Street from National to Woodlawn Avenues; Orange Street, from National to Woodlawn
Avenues; Oaklawn Avenue, from Orange Street to Flower Street; Jefferson ATenue, from
D to Flower Streets; Brightwood Avenue, from Flower to E Streets; 5th Avenue, from D
to E Streets; The profiles, after eaamination, were approved upon motion by Tr. Barnes,
seconded by Tr. Scott, which ca~ried by the following vote, to-witl AYES I Trustees
Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons, Wentworth. NOES I None. ABSENT I None.
RETURN OF CURBI The city engineer was instructed to obtain bids for having the
curb return at the $tV corner of 3rd Ave., and E Street, made to comply with the present
ordinance on curb returns, the nR curb to be faced with iron.
Meeting of June 28,1927, Continueda
SEWER DISTRICT No. la Søer Engineer Ferguson informed the Board that it will
be a week, or more, before the sewer job is completed.
RATS IN CITY DUMPa President Peters announced that he had received complaints
of rats infesting chicken houses in the northwestern part of the city, to the extent
that they are becoming a nuisance. It is thought that these rats are coming from the
city dump. Matter referred to Tr. Scott, who will consult with the city health officer,
and adopt some . remedy to dispose of the rats at the dump.
VACATIONa City Marshal Clyne was granted a vacation, with pay, from July 7,
to July 21,1927, inclusive, on motion by Tr. Scott, seconded by Tr. Wentworth, which
ADJOURNMANTa Upon motion by Tr. Barnes, seconded by Tr. Wentworth, which carried,
the Board adjourned sine die.
, ,
City Clerk.