HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1927/01/25
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~e Board met pursuant to adjournment, in the Council Chamber ot the City Hall,
on the above date, with President Peters presiding. Keeting called to o'rder at 7130
p. m. Present I ~rustees Peters, Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes.
BILL BOA.RDSI À letter trom the Foster Kleiser Compa~, was read, in which that
tirm asks the Beard to reco-ider its action in passiDg Ordinance No. 159, which puts
a license tee ot .360.00 per year tCr bill board advertising; they, also, ask that a
joint meeting ot the Board ot ~rusteel and Planning eommission be called to consider
their matter. Clerk instructed to write the tirm to the ettect that the Board sees no
reason tor calling a jointmee'ing, al the Folter Kleiler Company have been heard b¡
both the Board aDd the Planning CClllllllis81on, am that the action ot the Board in raising
the license tee tor bill board advertising was taken on the recommendation ot the Plan-
ning Colllllission. The clerk to inform Foster KleiBer COIllp&~ that the PlalDling CommiBsion
meets on the evenings ot January 31, and February Ifth, 1927.
PERK1NXNT FIFWM.W, JlDrris Lamb, Fireman, submitted hil resignation as such,
to take etteet at 9100 p.m., JaDDA17 25, 1927, and it was accepted upon motion by Mr.
Lyons, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried.
ORDIJUliCE No. 161, Upon motion by Jlr. Wentworth, seccnded by Mr. Scott, which
carried, Ordinance lio. 161 was placed on its second and tina1 reading. ~he crdinance
was read, and upon motion by Jlr. Lyons, seconded b¡ Mr. Wentworth, it was paned, adopted
and approved, as read by the tollowing vote, to-Witl ÀYBSI '!rustees Lyons, Wentworth,
Peters, Scott. lIOBSI None. .ABSENT I 'I'rustee Barnes. 7his is an ordinance reducing
the tee ~r peddleI'I license, when the peddler makes not to exceed two trips throughout
the city per mcnth.
PLANNING COYKISSION KINUTESI The minutes ot a meeting ot the Planning Commission
ot J&ID1&17 17, 1927, were read, aDd as no action thereon was neee..ary, they were ordered
, I
1.QIm1 ~e time having arrived tor the public hearing called at the lalt meet-
ing on the tinal report ot the Planning Commission, 8180 o'clock p.m., the President
announced that au;vone present would be heard on this subject. The President further
announced that the Board WCuld not attempt to carJ1' on a~ arguments with speakers, but
eveJ1'one who desired to IlEpress his opinicn cn the propeled map ot the Boning diltriotl
would be heaze, and the entire matter would be later ccnsidered and settled. !he tol-
lowing persons obtained the tloor and talked on the subjectl
Jlr. Wa1 tel' Wood asll:ed 1I'h7 the yellow lone oovering the terri to17 welt ot lIational
Àvenue, extending to the industrial diltriot, should not be IlEteDded south trom F Street
to the southern city limits.
KJ's. J. J. Lee wanted to know why lt was necenar¡ to lone the property along
National Àvenue.
KJ's. Brachmann asll:ed it busine.. would be allowed on JIadrona Street east ot
7hlrd Àveuue.
JIr. R. JI. Pray asked that the yellow lone, described above by JIr. Wood, be
IlEtended south to the southern city limits. Also, asked that a change be made in
Section 5, ot the proposed Boning ordinance relative to building on parcels at land
le88 than 40 teet in width. rlnally, that all he aaked at the Board was that that
bod¡ help develop the olty.
JIr. À. P. Sprague could not see au;v reason for placing the terri tOJ1' west at
National Avenue in the Zone À. JIr. '1'. C. Jlacaulay 1lEp1ained that that terrltc17 had
been considered more or len al 1mloDed, panding whatever may develop in that section;
that when the occasion demaDds the section may be Boned to tit the requirements.
Jlr. J. W. HlcD asll:ed the requirements at a tire lone, aDd talked at length
against IlEtendlng the flre lone along lIaUoD&l Avenue. He was informed that the
matter now before the Board did not contemplate a tire lone, but did consider lonlng.
Mr. À.Y. Puller asked it b1mgalow courts could be constructed in Zone À. He
was intoæ:"'lII~Dv~~lf1fr.:'~!J that I Street, both aldel,lrO8 3rd to National Àveuuea,
be put In "hi bUt!e¡¡¡ dllmct.
SUBDIVISI01lS, COUli'l'RY CLUB VIT,U!!, 1Ir. C. C. Crouch, attorney, presented a re-
quest trolll the County Board ot SUpervisors requesting permisslon of the this Bcard
to take over the attar ot grading, pavlng aDd otherwise improving the streets ln thil
aubdivislon, under the provisions at th!l Àcqulaltion and Improvement Àct ot 1925. 7he
law was IlEplained by JIr. Crouch in which it is provided that the streeta ln a lubdiv1aion
may be improved by the County authorities aDd the cost thereot allessed agaiDat the
property direotly ettected. It was shown that it is more teasible tor the county to
do this work thU. it would be tor the city to do it, for the reason that the county
assesles both clty and count11and tor tazel, while the cit1 asseslel ~cltYland,~,
which would make it dlftlcult for the city to asless and collect the amountl due
tram property owners in the CO1mty.
'1'herefore, Jlr. Barnes presented Resolution No. 183, whiøh 18 a resolution grant-
ing prel1minaJ1' consent of this Board to the County Supervisors to proceed with the
matter ot III8klng the mapl, aa88881119ntl, etc. The relolution was read, am upon motion
by Mr. Scott, seooDded b¡ Mr. Lyons, it was passed, adopted aDd approved by the tollOW'-
ing vote, to-witl AYESI '!'rustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peter.. Noæ, None.
J.BSEli'1'1 None. JIr. Crouch explained that this resolution authorhes the county to pro-
ceed wi th the work ot preparation ot maps, etc., aDd the city will be then called on
to give a tiDal consent tor the work, it the maps, etc., ..t are eatisfaotory.
REGIONAL PLANNING COmnSSION, The clerk was instructed to write the County
Board ot Superivsors relatlveto the tunctions ot the Regional Planning Comœissicn
appointed by the Supervisors, and as to whether or not this body is active.
COUNTY LBAGUE 01' KUNICIPALI'I'IESI It being this city's turn to entertain the
County League ot Jlaniclpaliti.. at ita neEt regular monthlYllleeting, the clerk was
directed to obtain two lIIenus ot the dinner to be served, and present them to the
Board at ita next lIIeeting. '!'he lIIeeting will be held J'ebrua17 4, 1927.
aurIC PJ.RKINGI Jlarabal Clyne a.ked that some lIIeasure. 1Ie taken to prevent
autolllobiles tram parking along the curb btween the Howe Building and the point where
the railroad tracks enter ~ird Av8IIue. Referred to the Street Committee, with auth-
ority to act.
:&Q.UIPIIB~ FOR POLICE, Jlarshal Clyne requested the city to furnilh two ,.lrs
ot llandcutta aud two rubber police clubs, tor use of his department. This equipnent
will completely equip the police torce, including the nightwatchman. Authoriled
upon motion by Kr'. Lyons, secoDded by J4r. Wentworth, which carried.
J.DJ0tJI!l0IImT1 Upon motion by JIr. Scott, secoDded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried,
the board adjourned sine die.
City Clerk.