HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1927/05/03
W.AY;S, 1927.
The Board met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the
above date, with President Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Trustees Peters, Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes.
READING OF MI1~ES: The Minutes of the last regular meeting of April 5, and Special
meeting of April 23, 1927, were read, and approved as read.
SEWER DISTRICT. No. I. A leeter from Mrs. Maud E. Post, complaining about the sewer
contractor having broken some fence posts on the rear of her lot lying north of the city
hall, and requesting that the posts be replaced. Matter referred to the engineer of the
sewer district to have post replaced.
STREET LIGHTS: t~. R. M. Pray, in a letter, stated that he represents the majority
of the property owners on D Street, west of National Avenue, requested the installation
of two street lights on D Street, West of National. Referred to the Street Committee, with
authori ty to act.
WATER FURNISHED DURING FLOOD CONDITIONS: The clerk presented a letter from the
Maydole Smith Fruit and Produce Company, of San Diego, which explained the reasons for
a bill having been sent the city, amounting to $300.00, for water furnished the city, dur-
ing the recent flood condition. It was explained by the clerk that he had received a bill
for the above amount, and had returned the bill to Madole Smith Co. asking that it be item-
ized. Clerk instructed to refer the letter to the Sweetwater Water Corporation, upon
motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, which carried.
Building Conrnittee of the American Legion Post, in National City, asked permission to
lease a Bite for a building on the southerly portcon of the recently acquired Athletic
Park. The building to be available for use of the Ýcterans of all foreign wars, the
Boy Scouts and other similar organizations. The lease to 1't1n for a period of 20 years,
and to be at $1.00 per year. 1~. Scott moved that it is the sentiment of the Board that
the property asked for be disposed to the Þcmerican Legion at a nominal charge. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Lyons, and carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES.
Trustees Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOES. None. ABSENT. None.
VACA7ING STREET: Mr. John F. Covert nresented a map cnd asked that the Board
take the necessary legal steps close a portion of CountrJ Club Drive, lying just north of
the Club House; this to permit of improvements planned at that p&nt. Upon motion by 1~.
Barnes, seconded by Mr. Wentworth, the City Attorney was instructed to start the necessary
legal procedure '° abandon the portion of the street asked to be abandoned. The motion car-
ried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES, Trustees Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons, Wentworth,
NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
ADVERTISING BY RADIO: Nœ. Robert Hicks, of San Diego, representing the radio broad-
casting station on the Balboa Theater, asked the City to broadcast city advertis4ng over
his instruments. The carge to be $50.00 per hour, and he suggested that the'city take one
hour each week. No action. '
BILL BOA.1DS: Representatives of the Foster & Kleiser Company, bill board ãdvertisers,
asked the Board to modify its ordinances governing this class or advertising. Several mem-
bers of the party spoke on the subject, and upon motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by Yœ. Lyons,
the matter was referred to the city attorney.
INDUSTRIAL PLAN'.:' ON BAY FRm/T, Mr. Turrentine and Mr. Thomas addressed the board in
connection with an industrial plant they intend to e stabl1sh in the Tracy Art Brick and
Stone Plant, at the foot of G Street, which they have leased. Their talk was informal,
and was for the purpose of ascertaining the attitude of the Board in the matter. The ques-
tion of leasing tide lands, etc., was gone into, but no definite action was taken.
PAVING: It was decided that the Board would meet with the Planning Commission, at
the next~ng of that body, in a joint session, to formulate a paving program for the city.
fhe meeting will be held ~!Iiy í6, 1927. '
Meeting of May 3, 1927. Continued.
ELIIOtlUO ClàBLE UN]]Œ STREET: Mr. E. W. Kinmore discussed the matter of an electric
cable now laid under the surface of Contry Club Drive, at K Street, and as to the depth
it is under the surface of the street. It developed that no permission had ever been ob-
tained for the laying of this cable across the street, and that it had been torn out
once, when the street was graded. It appearing that tha cable is now not sufficiently
buried under the street, the clerk was instructed to write the owner that no responsibility
for the cable will be assumed by the city.
SEWER OUTFALL CONTRACT: A letter from the contractor for the sewer main outfall
and treatment plant, was read, in which the contractor contends that he is not responsi-
ble for a bill from the S. D. &: A. Ry. Co., amounting to. $ll3.00. As previously stated in
these minutes, in crossing the railway tract with the sewer line, the contractor did not
replace the excavation to a point of safety required by the railway company, and that
company performed work to the amount stated above in replaceing the roadbed in a satisfao-
tory condition. The sewer contractor, in his letter above referred to, says that the
work of the railway company was not necessary. After consideration, and consulting the
specifications covering the work, the clerk was instructed tó write the contractor that
the amount claimed by the railway company would be deducted from his final payment, if he
does not settle with the railway company.
Sidewalks. No.2: The contractor for sidewalks now undergoing construction under
the provision Of Resolution of Intention No. 169, Mr, Chester O. Nelson, asked for an
extention of 60 days for the completion of the contract. The request was granted upon
motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by ~~. Scott, which carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Trustees Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons, Wentworth. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
PERIODICAL REPOTITS: The monthly reports of the city recorder and fire chief, for
April, 1927, were read, and ordered received and filed.
PAVING SECOND AVENUE: A petition, signed by many property owners effected, ask'ng
that Second Avenue be paved-full width from F to J Streets, the city to vote bonds to pay
for 40% P8Z of the cost, was presented. As there are other petitions asking for paving
now being ciruclated, this petition was ordered held, pending receipt of all petitions
now out.
PLAN::ING COt~ISSION MINUTES: The minutes of the meetings of the Plann1ngCommis-
sion held April 11 and ~~y 2,1927, were read. No action was required except on the re-
quest to purchase 5 tons of fertilizer from the Cottonseed Plant, which was authorized;
and the presentation of maps, action on which is shown in the next two succeeding para-
CONTOUR STREET PLAN: A map, showing a contour street plan for the city, lying east
of Second Avenue, was presented by the Planning Commission, with the request that it be
adopted and enforced in any subdivision that may be made in. the sections ashown. The
map was approved and 2 ocepted upon mot ion by t~. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyoaa, -wich car-
STREET PLANS FOR SUBDIVISIONS: The Planning Commission submi tted a map showing
general lay of any new streets that may be added to the city by subdividers. The map was
accepted upon motion by t~. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which carried.
SIDEWALKS. No.2: The peitition for sidewalks and curbs on both sides of 2nd
Avenue, from a point north of D Street, to E Street, having been returned by the Plan-
ning commission, approved, the city engineer was instructed to mail notices to the
property owners effected, advising that said owners may have 60 days in which to construct
the sidewalks and curbs, and if not in by that time, they will be ordered laid by the city.
BUILDING INSPECTOR. A letter from Charlie A. Hass, oomplaining about the methods
used by the building inspector in his work of inspecting building, was presented and read.
Clerk instructed to advise Mr. Hass that it is the duty of the inspector to comply with
the building ordinance and to enforce the porvisions of same. That some of the buildings
mentioned in 1~. Haas' letter as.. not complying with the building ordinance, were con-
structed prior to the passage of the present ordinance.
PURCHASE OF ATHLETIC PARK: This park having been purchased at the last meeting
of the board, and $1200 of the purchase price paid at that time, J-\..Y~§ deci<!sil:_,~9~n;.1.&.d
~ete the purchase by paying cash instead of partial payments, w~~~~~';'1Müïr~fõr'e~--'
,r. Scott offered "\IÍolution No. 185, which was read, and upon motion by fi.. Wentworth,
seconded by~. Lyons, it was passed, adopted and approved as read, by the following vote
to-wit: AYES: Trustees Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES NOne. ABSENT. None.
Meeting of May 3,1927, Continued.
SIDEWALKS No.2. The Assessment Roll for the completion of this work having been
filed with the city clerk, the clerk was instructed to publish a Notice of Hearing and
Filing of Assessment, and the time set for the hearing was placed at ~IOO o'clock p.m.,
June 7,1927, the hearing to be held in the Council Chanber Of the City Hall Of Chula
Vista. This action was taken upon motion by Mr. Wentworth, seconded by Mr. Lyons, which
oarried unanimously.
DEED FOR PART OF STREET. A deed, ~~ecuted by W. Barry Hamilton, granting 40
feet of land along the westerly portion of the Southwest Quarter of -¡"Section ll2, and
the Westerly 40 feet of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of t-Section 112, was
presented. The deed was accepted by Resolution No. 186, which was offered by Mr. Barnes.
The resolution was read, and upon motion by Wœ. Scott, seconded by t~. Barnes, it was passed
~doptlld and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit. AYES: Trustees Scott, Lyons,
Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOES. None. ABSENT: None.
ORDINANCE No. 166. Upon motion by Mr. Lyons, seconded by ¡,lr. Barnes, which car-
ried, Ordinance No. 166 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance changing
the location of curb lines on 4th Avenue.
ORDINANCE NO. 167: Upon motion by ~r. Wentworth, seconded by ~~. Lyons, which car-
ried, Ordinance No. 167 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance changing
the location of the sidewalk line on 5th Avenue.
OT1DIéÁYCE No. 168, Upon motion by 1~. Scott, seconded by 1~. Barnè~,3which car-
ried, Orlcn£nce No. 168 was ]?laceJ. on its first reading. This is an ordinance changing
certain sections of the Building Ordinance.
ORDINANCE No. 169, Upon motion by J.~. Wentworth, seconded by 1~. Barnes, which
carried, Ordinance No. 169 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance changing
the names of certain streets and avenues.
EXTENSION OF CENTER STREET, The City Attorney was instructed to take up wi th the
S. D. & A. By. Co., the question of the extension of Center Street, through the l~~d of
the railway company, upon motion by 1~. Barnes, seconded by 1~. Scott, which carried.
U1VENTORY OF CITY PROPERTY, It was decided that all departments of the oity govern-
ment should make !'Ind surrender an inventory of all city property in the possession of eaoh
department. The clerk to notify all heads of departmenta,
FILING CABINET FOR CITY ~~GII~I The clerk was instructed to purchase a filing
cabinet for the city engineer, according to cataloge presented, to cost not to exceed
$233.50, upon motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by 1~. Wentworth, Which carried.
TRUCK FOR ="DEPA¡~TMENT: The clerk was~ructed to advertise for bids for the
purchase of a light truck chassis for use of the - department, upon motion by Mr. Barnes,
seconded by ]¡~. Scott, which carried.
BILLS PAID. The following bills, after having been examined by the finance com-
mittee, were ordered paid, upon motion by 11r. Scott, seconded by J,~. Wentworth, whcih car-
5940 A. M. Proctor,
5941 C. V. Paint Store,
5942 C. V. Hardware Store,
5943 S.D.Gas and Elec. Co.
5944 do.
5945 Western Union Teleg. Co.
5946 S.W.Union High School,
5947 Motor Hdw. and Equip. Co.
5948 Carlson & Simpson,
5949 Rodney Stokes Co.
5958 Service Pharmacy,
5951 Modern Machine Co.
5952 KilJlllOre Electric Co.
5953 National City Laundry,
5954 Pay Roll,
5955 Pay Roll,
5956 Skinner Co.,
5957 Burns-McDonnell-Smith Co.
5958 Drainage Construction Co.
5959 Burns-McDonnellOSmith Co.
5960 M. C. Elliott,
5961 S. D. Trust and Savings Bank
Expenses at Convention,
Paints and supplies,
Electricity, March,1927,
Street Lights, do.
Broadcasting Hi-School Orchestra,
Motor Supplies,
Desk Supplies,
Motor Repairs,
Electric repairs, and lamps,
Laundrying Cell Equipnent,
Street Employees, Ma..ày-*~a~-- April,
Miscellaneous Employees, do.
Engineering service, Sewer Outfall,
Payment on Contract,
Engineering Services, Sewer District,
Hire Of Horse and Wagon,
Purchase Of Athletio Field,
5962 Lyons Implement Company,
5963 Denrich Press,
5964 Segrave Co.,
5964 Chas. E. Smith,
5966 C.V.Garage,
5967 C. V. Lumber Co.
5968 Bryant Auto. Electric Co
5969 C. V. Motor Sales,
5970 Pac. Tele. and Tlegr. Co.
5971 C. V. Paint and Hdw Store,
5972 H. D. Smith,
5973 C, V. Star, -
5974 Stanley's Caf~,
, 5975 F. 3. Andrews,
Grader Blades,
Repairs Fire Engine,
Voluteer Firemen, April, 1927,
Motor Parts,
Motor Parts,
Phone Service, April, 1927,
Paint and Hardware,
Nursing Supplies,
Feeding Prisoners, April, 1927,
City Attorney, do.
ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Scott, which carried,
the Board adjourned to 7:30 p.m., ~ 15,1927.
City Clerk.