SEPTEMBER 6, 1927.
The City Council met in regular session, in the Council Chmaber of the City
Hall, on the above date, with Mayor Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at
7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Peters, Councilmen Barnes, Wentworth, Lyons, Scott.
BRADING OF MINIFFES: The minutes of meetings of the Board of Equalization of Aug.
8, 9, and 10, 1927, were read, and approved as read.
The minutes cf meetings of the City Council, were read, as follows: Regular
meeting of August 2nd, and adjourned regular meetings of August § and 16, 1927,
~hey were approved as read.
SEWER DISTRICT No. 1: G. J. Paulson, representing the Citrus Association, called
attention to the fact that his association is assessed for SS0 feet of sewer frontage
on 2nd Avenue, when they owned only 300 feet on that street, having deeded 30 feet to
the city, for street purposes. He was advised that the deed to this property was made
after the maps for the sewer assessment ware made; but as a matter of equity, it was
decided, upon motion by Cl. Barnes, aedonded by Cl. Scott, to reimburse the association
for 1~ sewer benefits, amounting to $45.65, to be paid out of the general fund. The
motion carried by the following vote, t o-wit: AYES: ~ouncilmen Barnes, Peters, Scott,
Lyons, Wentworth. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
COUNTRY CLUB VILLAS: Mr. C. C. Crouch, attorney, representing this subdivision,
appeared and advised the council that upon his request, the County Supervisors had vacated
the the plan to take over the work of improving this tract, under the Mattoon Act, and
asked that this city take over the matter. Inasmuch as the County has vacated its plan
to perform this work, upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Scott, the action of
this body, in this matter, of January 2§, 1927, was rescinded, and thw work will be taken
over by this city. The motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Wentworth then offered Resolutions Nos. 195. 196 and 197, which are
resolutions in connection with taking over this work. The resolutions were read, and
were passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl.
Scott, Lyons, Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSEA~: None.
Cl. Lyons then offered Resolutions Nos. 198. 199 and 200, which are resolutions
in connection with the above project. The resolutions were read, and were passed, adopted
and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: ~ES: C1.Wentworth, Barnes, Peters,
Scott, Lyons. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
cer Ashcroft stated that he had received complaints about passengers carried by the
nurse, in her official capacity, as not being protected, in case of an accident. He
was advised that the insurance on her automobile carried as liability of ten to twenty
thousmnd dollars, and that settled the matter.
A~1~ANCE SERVICE FOR Ih~IGEh~ SICK: City Health Officer Ashcroft peesented a
bill for amublance service, rendered about a year ago, and stated that much correspondence
had been had upon the subject. It appears that this service was rendered upon the order
of Mayor Peters, in the case of a sick child, who was being sent to the isolation hospi-
tal in San Diego. The account has been referred to this city for payment, but in accord-
ance the law on this subject, it is a matter for the county to care for, as the city is
not permitted to collect taxes for care of the indigent poor, and the county is. Refer-
red to city attorney to adjust with the county authorities.
VACATIONS: St. Supt. Schraeder asked for a vacation of two weeks, ep em er.
Lon Turner, of the street department, asked for one weeks vacation, and ~ ~. ~t~erson,
of the pol~e department, asked for 15 days, from Sept. 22, 1927. All granted upon
motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Wentworth, which carried.
BUILDING TOO CLOSE TO PROF~TY LI~: Mr. R. W. Clark, in a letter, stated that he
had erected a building at let Ave. and D Street, and placed it only 2 feet from the side
or division property line, through an error in the figures. Asked that tt be authorlsed
to remain as located. Referred to the city attorney for an opinion.
DRINKING FOL%~AINS: In the matter of reconnecting the drinking fountains on 3rd
Ave., it was discussed, but no action t~ken at this meeting.
COI~f3NITY NURSE: The contract with the comm~u~uity nurse, was renewed for another
year, without change from last year, effective Aug. 15, 1927. The Mayor was authorized
to sign the renewal, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried
Meeting of September 6, 1927, Continued.
vACATING PART OF FIFTH AVENUE: Cl. Lyons offered Resolution NO. 201, which is a res-
lution of intention to close part of 5th Avenue. It was read, and upon motion by Cl. Went-
worth, seconded by Cl. Scot, it was passed, adopted and approved, as read, t1~ the following
vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Wentworth, Barnes, Peters, Scott, ~yons. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
Cl. Wentworth offere~esolution No. 202, which is, also, a resolution in connection
with the above subject. It was read, and was passed, etc., upon motion by C1.Scqtt, sec-
onded by Cl. Wentworth, which carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Scott, Lyons,
Wentworth, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
Cl. Barnes was excused and left the council chamber, at this time.
BUDGET.: The budget, ss adopted March l, 1927, was readopted, as of this date, for
the coming tax year. It was decided to build the budget each year, at the time of fixing
the tax levy. Motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Scott, which carried.
TAX LEVY: After discussion, the tax levy for the year 1927-1928, was adopted by
Ordinance No. 172, which, upon motion by Cl. Wentworth, seconded by 01. Lyons, was placed
on its first reading. This levy totaled $1.76 on each $100.00 assessed valuation
in the city, as against $1.94, lest year.
STREET SUP2LRINTE~DENTz Str. Supt. F. H. Schraeder, in a letter, asked for an
increase in selary. After discussion, upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Wentworth,
his s~larywas increased $20.00 per month, effective September 6, 1927. Motion carried.
~ILLS PAID: Upon motion by O1.Scott, seconded by Cl. Wentworth, which carried,
the following bills, after having been examined bi~ the Finance Cormnittee, were ordered pal&:
6122 Pay Roll, Sewer Employees, August, 1927, $ 196.00
6124 Burns-McDonnell-Smith Co. Final Payment on Sewer District, 292.40
6125 do. Sewer Y Map, 50.00
6128 Guptfl & Sabin, Insurance on City Residence, 12.00
8127 Warner Edmonds, Premium on Bond of Fire Chief, 5.00
6128 Lan Stamp Co., Rubber St~nrp, .85
6129 Hasty Welding Works, Weldtng Englne Head, 6.00
6130 Marcella R. Darling, Reimbursement, Weed Cleaning, 2.00
8131 Pay Roll, Sewer Geng, August, 1927, 1344.25
61~2 Pay Roll, Street Employees, do. 1210.70
8133 Pay Roll, Misc'l Employees, do. 2797.75
8134 F. B. Andrews, City Attorney, do. 100.00
8135 Prest-O-Lite 0o. Aceytelene Gas, ~.70
8136 Hazard-Gould Co. Motor Repair Parts, 7.03
6137 C. V. Service Station, Auto. Tires, 22.60
6138 Campbell Company, Motor Repair Parts, 4.26
6139 Motor Hdw and Equip. CO. do. 10.45
6140 Walter M. sharp, Cement, 20.80
6141 Homeland Bldg. Co. Blasting Powder, 26.50
6142 Union 0il Co. Gasoline end Bubrfcants, Aug., 1927, 301.18
614S ~estern Metal Sup. Co. Hardware, 14.29
6144 Carlson & Simpson, Motor Repair parts, 7.32
614B C. V. Paint and Hdw. Store Pei~t and Hdw., 30.83
6146 National Iron Works, Motor RepS irs, .85
6147 B. Butterfield, Replacing Curb, 3rd Ave., and E, 40.80
6148 Zellerbach Peper Co. Paper Towels and Toilet Peper, 13.72
6149 Calif. state League of ~km Dues to Jan. 1, 1928, 30.00
6150 Skinner Company, Hardware, 56.81
6151 M. C. Elliott, Hire of Horse, hauling brush, 9.00
61§2 Hughes & Johnson, Repairing plumbing City hall bldg., 2.80
6153 Service pharmacy, Replenishing first aid kit, 3.45
6154 C. V. Cafe, Feeding Prisoners, Aug., 1927, 5.25
61~ Rodney Stokes Co. Blue Printing and instrt~nents, 29.60
6156 E. L. Archambeau~ Repairing plttm~ing, 1.00
6157 Helm Bros. Motor Repair Parts, 2.85
6158 C. V. Motor Sales, do. 7.58
6159 C. V. Lumber ~o. Lumber, 5.94
6160 Melville Realty Co. Insurance City Residence, 18.00
6161 Pac. Teleph. and Telegr. Co. Phones, Aug., 1927, 36.67
6162 C. V. Electric Co. Pilot light, for fire siren, 3.00
6163 S. W. Water Corpn. Water, Aug., 1927, 67.95
6164 Elliott-Horne Co. Sewer Assessments, 1939.56
6165 Holly S~mner, Motor Repair parts, 5.93
6166 Bryant Auto Elec. Co. do. 32.26
Meeting of Sept. 6, 1927, continued.
6167 Denrich Press,
6168 Chas. E. Smith,
6169 S. D. Gas and Elec. Co.
6170 do.
6171 C. V. Star,
6172 Jas. P. Leursen,
Printing, Aug., 1927, 26.~4
Call men, do. 50.00
G~s & Elect. do. 27.47
Street Lights and signs, Aug., 1927, 222.76
Printing and Publishing, 26.95
Tires for Fordson, §5.60
ADJOUR~,~gNT: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, the
council adjourned to 2:30 p. m., Sept. 15, 1927.
City Clerk.