FEBRUARY 7, 1928.
The City Council met in regular session, in the Council Chamber of the City
Hail, on the above date, with Mayor Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at
7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Peters, Councilmen Scott, Lyons, H~kins, Barnes.
READING OF MINUTES: The minutes of the last regular meetihg of January 3, 1928,
and a special meeting cf January 18, 1928, were read, and approved as read.
~JEL FOR STREET MACHIN~Y: Mr. D. L. Ihrig, of the Union Oil Compmy of California,
presented a contract for gasoline for the ensuing year, renewing the last contract with
that organization which had expired. The contract provides a price at three cents
below the dealers retail price per gallon, and a guarante~ that the price will never
be over 18 Cents per gallon. The contract was accepted, and the Mapor outhorized and
instructed to sign it, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried
by the following vote to-wit: AYES: ~. Scott, Lyons, H~vkins, Barnes, Peters. NOES:
None. ABSENT: None.
PERIODICAL P~EPORTS: The monthly reports of the Fire Chief and City Judge for
January, 1928, and the ~unual report Of the fire chief for the year 1927, were pre-
sented, remd and ordered filed.
SIDE'.V%~LKS No. S: In the matter of the installation of cement sidewalks and curbs
on Flower Street, between National and First Avenues, the following papers were filed
and made of record:
Resolution No. 223 offered by Cl. Lyons, which directs the city engineer to pre-
pare plans and specifications for the work. It was read, and upon motion by Cl. Lyons,
seconded by C. Bathes, it was passed, adopted and approved, as read by the following
vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES: None. ABS~T:
NOne ·
Plans and specifications for th~ work were then filed by the city engineer,
which were given the Document number of 88.
Resolution No. 22&$ Offered by Cl. Scott, which is a resolution accepting the
plans and specifications as presented by the city engineer. It was read, ~nd upon
motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, it was passed, adopted and approved
by the followtngvote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Scott, Lyons, ~kins, Barnes, Peters.
NOES: None. ABS~T: None.
Hesolution No. 22~: Offere~ by Cl. Lyons, which is a resolution of intention
in connection with this sidewalk work. It was read, and upon motion by Cl. Hawkins,
seconded by Cl. Lyons, it was passed, adopted and ~pproved, ~s read, by the following
vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES: None.
by Cl. Scott, which is a resolution vacating parts of K Street and San Miguel Drive.
It was read, and upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. S~ott, it was ~acsed, adopted
and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-Sit: AYES: Cl. Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes,
Peters, Scott. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
VACATING PART OF D STREt~ A~VO ALLEY: Resolution No. 227: Offered by Cl.
H~wkins. This is a resolution vacating parts of D Street and an alley, both in Rose-
bank addition. It was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, upon motion
by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Scott, which carried by the foll~ming vote, to-wit:
AYES: Cl. Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons, Hawkins. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
SIED~VA~KS ON 0URB: A petition, signed by property owners effected, asked that
when side~alks are laid on E Street, north side, immediately east of ~th ~venue, that
such side~alke be combination curbs and sidewalks, the sidewalk meeting the curb.
After discussion, the city attorney was instructed to prepare an amendment to the pres-
ent sidewalk ordinance, permitting the ls~ing of sidewalks as requested.
S~VER DISTRICT, ~,VATER USED BY CONTP~CTGR: Mr. Rice, of the S.W.Water Corpor-
ation, asked what he could do to collect a water bill for water used by H. H. Peterson
who was the contractor performing the work of installing the sewer. Mr. Rice wms in-
structed to take up the matter with Mr. Peterson's bondsmen.
ORDINANOE FOR FIRE HYDPJNTS: Mr. Rice of the S.W.Water Corporation presented a
draft of an ordinance, md asked that the city pass it, which would provide a penalty
for anyone using, tampering or opening a fire hydrant in this city, without first
having obtained a permit so to do from the Fire Chief. Referred ~o city attorney to
prepare for passage, by modification certain clauses.
Meeting of Feby 7, 1928, Continued.
DEEDS TO PARTS OF STREETS: In the matter of putting through the new Fifth Avenue
into Rcsebank Addition, deeds executed by Ike Baruch, 0la C~mpbell and Rosa Poggi,
granting to this city, certain portions of l~nd, to complete the new street, were pre-
sented. Resolution No. 222: was then offered by Cl. Rowkins, which is a resolution
accepting the land so deeded, ~d after being read, it was passed edopted and approved
by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Lyons, Hs~kins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES:
None. ABSENT: None.
ORDINANCE No. 178: Upon motion by C1. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Scott, ~ich
carried, Ordinance No. 178 was placed on its first reading. This is an c~-dinmce pro-
riding a change in the zoning at E and 3rd Ave., making portions of land th~e into
the business zone.
S~¥ER 0UTF~L: The city attorney presented a letter from the Drainage Con-
struction Company, caliming au amount due from the city in the settlement of its con-
tract for installing the sewer outfall system. Th&s ccrm~mication was accompanied by
a letter from Crouch & Crouch, of Los Angles, attorneys for the contractor. Referred
to the city attorney to ~wer, ~ud who will deny the allegations with reference to
payments due the contractor, upon motion by Cl. Scott, secended b$ Cl. Lyons, which
Wb:~t'~ 0LEAEING ORDINANCE: The city attorney was instructed to prepare for
passage an amendment to the weed cleauing ordinauce, providing the time of cleaning 1~
to one month later than is now provided, and to change the penalty for non-payment from
~ to 10~, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
DEED TO PAR~ OF E STREET: Th~ clerk brought out the fact that the city has
no deed to a part of E Street, west of National Avenue, and the city e~mse~ to at-
tempt to obtain the necessary deed.
POLICE DEPAP~: A letter was read, from B~n Harper of the ~urlitzer Co.,
of Los ~n~eles, in which Mr. Harper commends ~fficer Patterson for gentlemanly conduct
in arresting said Harper. Ordered referred to the Police Dep~rtment, thanking Officer
ADVERTISING: The matter of advertising ~nd promotion for this year was de-
cided by this council to be in the sum of not to exceed ~800.00. This will be spent
through the local Chamber of Commerce, together with its schame for general advertis-
ing the city. Motion covering by C1 Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried by the
following vote, to-wit: ~YES: Cl. I4~ons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES: None.
ABSER~: None.
PLAN~ING C(X~IISSION MIlk'UTES: The minutes of the Planning Con~uission meetings
o~ Dec. 19, 1927, and Jan. 16, and i'eby 6, 1928, were read, and action taken as follows:
Meeting of Dec. 19th: Changing business zone to include portion of corners of
K and 3rd Avenue, city attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Combina-
tion sidewalks and curbs reco?mnended, city attorney directed to amend present ordinance
accordingly. Parehase of a map of National City to Border, authorized.
Meetin~ of Jan. 16th: E. V!. Kinmore appointed a member of the planning conm~ission~
No ~urther action required for these minutes.
Meeting of ~"eby 6th: Outstanding permits for removal of trees, issued prior to the
passage of present tree ordinance, are considered c~ucelled. Purcahse of map o~ned by
city engineer disapproved. Maps of ~ity, up-to-date, scale 100 ft to the inch, are
on the wall of the city clerk's office and may be useA by planning cammission at any
TWO-HOUR PARKING LIMIT: The city attorney was instructed to prepare an ordin-
ance placing a limit of two hours for parking of any vehicle, within the business dis-
trict as defined by official signposts, upon motion by Cl. Hmwkius, seconded by Cl.
Scott, which carried.
SEVER SYST~: ~fter discussion, it was decided that the local gr~nmar school
may enter the sewer system and connect thereto upon payment of the usual connection
EXT~2~SION OF G STREET TO BAY: City attorney reported that he will get a price
shortly from Mr. Crouse for the land necessary to open the street, as heretofore brought
~p at these meetings.
Meeting of Feby 7, 1928, Continued.
OPENING OF CEA~ER STREET: The city m~gineer presented a letter from the S. D. &
A. RY Co., to the e~ect that if Center Street is opened through to 2nd Avenue, it will
entail the changing of th e location of some of the company's Switchee, for ehich work
the railroad company want $435.00. No action taken, except to have the city attorney
confer with the officials of the company.
SE~ER PERMIT: The sewer inspector brought out the fact that Geo. Hill's lot on
Landis Avenue ~s so situated that the only means of entering the sewer is through an-
other lot, owned by 0. A. ~iard. Pemmission to pass the line through ~. ~iard's
lot has been obtained, but ~. Hill believes the city should reimburse him for the
mnotuut he will have to pay in running his line a greater distance than others have to
do. ~ecided that inasmuch as Mr. Hill's lot was assessed only $13.70 on account of its
location from the sewer main, the cost of the extra length of line and the original as-
sessment will ~bout equal other connections.
PEI~ FI~,~N: Cl. Lyons proposed that the salary of Fireman W. B. Jewett
should be increased from $125 to $140 per month, effective this date. The increase was
granted on motion by 01. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried unanimously.
after having been examined by the finance committee, were ordered:paid:
6354 Pay Roll, Sewer Employes, Dec., 1927,
Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, the following bills,
$ 402.13
Gas and Electricity,Dec., 1927, 72.71
Street lights and signs do. 224.65
Extra Police, do. 30.00
Feeding Prisoners part of Do. 10.00
~otor Repairs, do. 19.45
Acetylene, do. 4.06
Lumber, do. 24.02
Dyn~nite, do. 23.50
Motor Repairs, 43.91
O~ygen, 4.95
Dx"ag Supplies, Disinfectant, 4.50
Paint and Hdw., 56.63
Uater, Dec., 1927, 44.95
Gasoline ~nd Lubs., do. 334.87
Attorney's expenses, 14.20
Rock and ~and, 5.14
Phones, do. 35.70
Sewer Employees, Jm~., 1928, 466.00
Miscl. Employees, do. 2602.05
Street Employees, do. 1324.20
Acetylene do. 5.22
Plumbing Repairs, do. 3.00
~mbulance Service, 10.00
Motor Repairs, 10.92
Alley Paving, 39.00
Printing and Publishing, 34.70
City Attorney, Jan., 1928, 100.00
Hardware, 18.36
Metal Supplies, 5.92
Laundry for Jail, 2.7~
Office Supplies, 4.35
Paper Towels, e~c., 9.50
Lumber, 2.80
Truck Repair Parts, 6.40
Blue Printing, 2.21
· utorcycle Repairs, Police, 120.§2
Hire of horse, 9.00
Hardware, etc. 12.38
do. 25.~3
Grader Blades, 27.00
Rubber Stamp, .50
Water, Jan., 1928, 45.20
Motor Repair Parts, 1.00
Tire Repairs, 19.38
Hardware and Paint, 18.19
Motor Parts, 8.06
Gasoline smd Lubs., Jan., 1928, 337.85
6386 S. D. Gas & Elco. Co.
6387 do.
6388 Morris Lamb,
6389 Ray's Cafe,
6390 Helm Bros.
6391 Pas. ACetylene Co.
6392 C. V. Lmnber Co.
6393 Homeland Bldg. Co.
6394 Green & Taylor,
6395 Vegetable Oil 0o.
6396 Service Pharmacy,
6397 C. V. Paint Store,
6398 S. ~. Uater Corpn.,
6399 Union 0il Co.
6400 Wright & McKee,
6401 Nelson & Slosh,
6402 Pac. Telephone Co.
6403 Pay Roll,
6404 Pay Roi1,
6405 Pay Roi1,
6406 Pac. Acetylene Co.
6407 Hughes & Johnson,
6408 Emery Auto Service,
6410 S. D. Machine Co.,
6411 Miracle Const. Co.,
6412 C. V. Star,
6413 F. B. Andrews,
6414 Skinner CO.
641~ Uestern Metal Supply Co.
641~ N~ C. Laundry,
6418 Arey-Jonas,Co.
6419 Zellerbach Paper Co.
6420 Century L~m~ber Mills Co.
6421 Autocar Sales Co.,
6422 Rodney Stokes CO.
6423 Sam McPherson,
6416 M. C. Elliott,
6424 Hazard-Gould Co.
6425 Motor HD~. & Equip Co.
6426 Lyons Implement Co.
6427 Lane Stamp Co.
6428 S.W.Water Corpn.
6429 HeLm Bros.
6430 Geo. G. Johnson,
6432 C.V.Paint and Hdw. Co.
6433 C. V. Motor Sales Co.
6434Union 0il Co.
Meeting of Pebruary 7, 1928, Continued.
6431 F~more Company
6435 S. D. Gas and Elec. Co.
6~36 do.
6437 Bancroft-V,~itney Co.,
6438R. ~ Mai'ns,
6439 Walter ~. Sharp,
6440 C. ¥. Lumber Co.
6441 Nelson & Sloan
6442 C. ¥. Service Station,
6443 Holly S~mner,
64zi4 National Iron
6445 Pac. Telephone Co.,
6446 Service Fh~nacy,
6447 Coast Motor Parts Co.,
64~8 Chas. E. Smith,
6449 Chas. P. Moies,
6450 S. D. League of ~.~un.
6451 Dr. ~. A. Higgs,
Changing Street Signs, ~ 99.15
Gas and Electricity, Jan., 1928, 88.92
Street lights and signs, do. 225.49
Law Amendments, 1927, 10.00
Feeding Prisoners, do. 42.00
Cement, 8.00
L~mber, 8.32
Broken Stone, 2.83
Tire Repairs, 17.31
Tractor Repairs .80
Repairing Concrete l~ixer, 15.00
Phones, Jan., 1928, 35.60
Drug Supplies, .7~
I~otor Repair Parts, 8.40
Volunteer Firemen, J~., 19~8, 4.00
Treas., Or. ending Dec. 31, 1927, 348.?3
7~ues 19~6 and 19~?, ~0.00
Medical treatment to prisoner, 10.00
ADJOU~/,E~ENT: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, the Council adjourned
sine die.
City Clerk.