HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1928/03/06MI~o'£'V.S OF A KEGULAiR ~.~IN~ OF TH2 CI~Y CODYICI~., cf CI~ULR VISTA, ~L~RC~ ~, 1928. MARCH 6, 1928 ~he City Council met in regular session, in the Counsil 0homier of the City Hall, on the ABove date, with Ma~or Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at ?..00 p.m. Present: Ma~or Peters, Councilmen Lyons, ~a~kins, Barnes. ]~AnING OF MINU?ES~ The minutes of the last regular meeting of February 7, 1928, were rea~, and a!op~oved a~ reed. F~IODICAL REP0~TS: The monthly reports of the City Judge and the Fire Chief, for the month of Februar2, 1928, were presented, read, a~d ordered filed. ~ICIPAL ~.~TION: The City Clerk was instructed tO lmblish a notice of election, for the Manieipal Election to be held April 9, 1928, at which election two city cov~cilmen are to Be elected for the full term cf four years; one city treasurer, for the full term of four year,; one city clerk, for the full term Of four years. It was decided that the County Precincts, Ncc 1, 2, Z, 4, 5, and $, of Chnla Vista, will Be consolidated into one precincts, to Be known as Precinct A, for the purpose of this election; that the pollo will be open from 5:00 A.M., to ?:p.m. This action covered By motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried unanimously. Resolution NC. 22.8 was offered By Cl. Bar, es, which is a resolution appointing the following persona ns the election board for Precinct A: C. H. Stewart. Xmal~e~t~$ Dla.~[~.~ ' Fuqua, Judge; Florence B. ~h~ards and Laura D. Crochet, Clerks. The salary of the member~ of the election board is fixed at $6.00. The resolution was road, md was pacse~, adopted a~d approved as read, by the followi~g vote, to-wit: AI~E~ ~ouneilman H~ekins, Barnes, Peters, Lyone. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilmen Scott. D~.~ TO STRr.~S~ ~e clerk prnsente~ deeds to portions of E Street, lying west of National Avenue, executed by Alva L. and Nettie l~a~, and ~ark H. and Ella Berlinger, g~anting to the city certain portions of E Street as above set forth. Cl. Na~kins than offered Resolution No. 229, which iea rssoluti~n a~eepting the land so dee~ed, sx~ after reading the reeolution was passed, ed, prod and approved, aa read by the following vote: ATES: Cl. H~r~rins, Barnes, Pet,re, Lyons. NOES: None~ ABS~T: Cl. Scott. Also, a deed, executed by John F. and Eeelyn M. Covert, granting a portion of land fox. opening 5th Avenue, was presented. ~ Reeolution NO. 230, accepting thaland so deeded, was offers~ by Cl. Lyons, and it was read, passed, adopted and a~preved, as read, by the following vote: HawkinS, Barnes, Peters, Lyons. NOES, None. ABSENT: ~ott. BUILDING3 IN FII~E Z01~ In the matter of a franc tract office, in the fire zone, in D~er Tract, which has Been ordered removed heretofore, the Building Inspector was directed to notify the monet of the building to rez~re it within ten da~s from d~te ef notice, or upon his failure ce to do, the Bul~ling will Be romped by the building inspector. Motion covering by Bar, es, secom~ed by Cl. Lyons, carried. CITY D~MP, The city attorney was instructed to prepare as ordinance providing for reg~latie~ governing the city d~ap, specifying the limits of the dm~ping ground, methods of maintenance an~ dx~rping. UASH RACKS: The l~lioe department was lnstramtad to notify all pere~ who are main- raining wash recks for ant~aohllec, etc.. that eueh wash racks must Be connected with the sewer under legal regulation~. Nc ~ore water to be run in the stroete or alleys. C0MBINATI0~ SI~E~A~ES~ A petition, signed by the p.roperty turners in the locality of E Street and 4th Avenue, was presented, in which the set,ion of the council, at its last meeting authorizing combination otde~al~ on E Street, near 4th Avenue, was desired re- voked. It develope~ that no action authorizing such sidewalks ha~ Been tak~n~ but the city attorney had Been directed to prepare ~ ordinanse authorizing combination side- walks, after approval by the Planning 0ommiesion, smd sotion by the city council, where such sidowalks were thought to ~-~dient. No final action on the petition was tab,n, but the elerk was instructed to write to Uillie E. Folk, that nO authorization was granted him at the last meeting to 1~ combination sidewalls. ~he action taken in his ease was as set forth above. Councilman ~eott appeared at 8:15 p.m., -,~_ took his ,eat at the c~m~il table. r Meeting of March 6, 1928. Continued. ~lqICIPAL BAND: The manager, secretary $,~ treasurer, of the local municipal baud, appeared, and an~d the council to authorize the expe~liture ef ~50.00 per month, te employ a leader a:~ Inetraetor for the band. The~ stated that they now h~e 34 ne'"bore, ~,~ if a leader is employed, they will be able te furnish weekly concerts, as well fm-- nlsh -,u~io fox- local municipal affariz. Cl. Scott moved that the city expend $50.00 per month for the purpose stated; that this be a monthly proposition, with a guarautee that the expauditure will be authorized for a period of three months, effective March 7, 1925. It was secon&ed by 01. Hawkins, ami carried unenimously. P~VIN~I Mt. Too Allen, eng~nueer, presented his application as special ,eputy city engineer, to be mployed in charge of pa~lng certain streets, not now eo paved, His ary to be paid out ef any paving projects that may be ordered, under an assasemaut plan, of the 1911 Street Improvement A~t. After discussion, the application was filed for the In'es ent · Mayor Peters then presented a letter to the council, in which he proposes that a certain part of the funds received under the Motor 7ehicle Act, be eet aside eauh year as a ps, lng fun~. aud that about 20 centz be added to the tax rate each year. the funds from which to be planed in said paving fund. This fund to be used to pay for 40% of the pa~l~g of a~y street selecte~, pro~tde~ the pl~perty owners pay for pavi~g the other 60% of th~ work. After dieou~einn,.no action was take~. LIONIZING C~IEI~ C0~TRACTORSl 7ictor Tessitore AAI~d that all cement contractors in the city be licensed, and be required to deposit a bond for faithful performance of their work. He stated that other cities required such a lie®nsc, and this matter was referred to the city clerk to investigate and report. UI~PAID CLAIM~: The city attorney was lnltructed to communicate with Mr. Arthur L. Glore and attempt to collect the amount duo the city from said ~lore, $20.00, for mov- ing earth fronting Glore'e property. GA8 RATE: A decision of the State Railroad 0o-,,issinn was read, in which the O.D. ~aa an~ Electric Company is directed to l~er the rate on its gas. according to the price of etude oil used in the maaufasture of gas. SIDEWAt~S No. I. PLOWER S~RE~: Councilman I~vone offered Resolution No. 2~1, which is a resolution ordering the work of leying this old,elk and curbs, the clerk having reported that there were no protests filed. The resolution was reed, and w~e passed, adopted and approved as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. Hawkins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Nons. Cl. Lyons then offered Resolution No. 2~2, which is a resolution dlreoting that this work be performed xmder the supervision of the city engineer. It waS read, aud waS passed, adopted and l~pprovsd, as reacl, Ir2 the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons, Hawkins. N(~S~ None. ABSI~T~ None. Cl. Barnes offered Resolution No. 233. which is a resolution directing that the assessments for thw work be m~de u~der the supervision of the ctt~ engineer. It was read, and was passed, adopted a~d approved, as read. by the following vote, to-wit: AT~S~ Cl. Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons, Hawkins. NOES. None. ABSzm'i': The city clerk was then dli;acted to advertise for bids for the work, ~d to post a notice of such advertisement according to law. POitCIiA~E OF ~ ~ROUND: Cl. Barnes, offered Resolution No. i~4, which is a resolu- tion directing the purchase of certain laz~ from the San Diego Chamber of 0_~-w, er~e, to be used aa a cit[ dumping ground, the price for s~e to be $325.00. The resolution was read, a-~ was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit~ AYE~ Cl. Barnes, ~ete~s, Scott, Lyons, Hawkins. NOES: None. AB~E~T: None. ~/ SI~N POSTXN~ BY ADTOMOBILE CII~E: Cl. Scott offered Resolution No. 235, which is a resolution authorizing the Southern California Automobile Club, as the club authorized to poet offinial eig~e in this city, such eigus pertaining the regulation of traffic. It was read, and was passed, a~opted aud approved, as read,by the following vote, to-~ilr. AYESI Cl. Scott, Lyons. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters · N~ES: None. ABS~mT~ None. SI~ ~ACE ~}~nlNA~O~. NO. 179: Upon motion by 01. Lyons. seconded by Cl. Napkins, which carried, 01~inance No. 179 was placed on ire flret reading. This is an ordtns~e providing for a s~t back line in the oc~structicn sf all buildings used for ~wellings. ~ 0HDINANCE. No. 180: Upon motion by 01. Lyons, zecanded by Cl. Scott, which ear, led, Ordinance No, 180 was placed on its first reading. This ia an ordt~,a~_e making an amendment to the present ordinance covering eleaningwee~s, etc., f~m property. Meeting of March 6, 1928, Continued. COMBINATION AND 0URB 0EDINA~CE. No. 181~ U~n notl~ by Cl. Scott, by Ol. N~ ~teh e~rte~, O~-~e NO. lb1 w~ plaee~ on its first ~tn~. is ~ o~in~e praising for e~b~ation c~b ~ si~, in oe~ain plaeac, a~ter a~v~. ~GING Z0~. 0~I~CE Mo, ~: U~n ~tio~ by Cl. Scott, aeco~ed ~ich ~i~, 0~in~ce N~. ~ w~ p~ced on its second and fin~ re~l~. It w~ re~, ~ w~ p~e~, ~epte~ ~ ~ved, ~ re~, by t~ roll,lng vote, to~it: A~S~ Cl. ~ons, H~ki~, B~s, ~te~, S~tt. N0~ No~e. ~S~ None. TWO-HOUR I~REINQ 01~)INANCE No. 1~: Upon motion t~ Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnan, which oarrie~, 0rdtna~ce No. les was placed on its first reading. This is mx ordinance providing for a limit of two hours parking on a~y street in the business district. F2I~ HYDRANT ORDINANCE. No, ~ Upon motin by Cl. Scott, seconded by C1. Barnes, which carried, 0x~inance No. 18~wac placed on its first reading. This is an ox~linanee providing that no person, or corporation, etc., ma~ open, t~aper with or otherwise use a fire hydrant unless given pel~alt so to do by the Fire Calef. S~'~l~ 0~F&T.T.~ ~ho city attorney presented a letter from C~ouch & Crouch, attorneys, in thc matter of settlement with the contractor for oenstraction of the sewer ontfall and treatment plant. Refex-~l to the city attorney to advise Crouch & Crouch that the council will not co~sider a compromise. EXT~DIN(~ G 3T~:_~ TO BAY~ City attOrney reported that he had conferre~ with the owner of the land desired for this purpose, an8 found that the city may purehnse the land desired for the sum of $250.00~ the city replace fences Or other Building, etc., that ma~ be removed in opening the street. Also, that the present owner of the land ia not to be charged for an~ street work in opening the street, as ;proposed. City attorney directed to prepare the necessary papers covering the purchase of the land. PLANNING CON2~?~OE OF CALI~O1RNIA ~.AT. E~TATE DEA~B~ Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which ca, tied, it was decided to authorize the Pla~ing Co~aais- sion te send one, and not to exceed two, of its members to attemi this conference, the expenses of the trip to be paid hy the city. AUTO LICENSE B~¥ICE= The city clerk was directed to purchase for the police de- pax~ment, a eOl~ of the official license registrations of the state, and to anbacribe for renewals to include all new licenses issued, upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Scott, ~hich carried. BILLS PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which earr~ad, the following bills, after e~mnination by the finance committee, were ordered patd~ 6453 F. B. A~rews, City Attorney, Feby, 1928, $100.00 6454 McScmmins Oo~,pany, Blankets for Jail, 18.2.5 6455 Caamber of Commerce, Advertising l~nd, 800.00 6456 Lyons Implement Co. ~reder repairs, 4.00 $4~7 Pacific Cloy Products, Sewer Pipe, 432.26 6458 Rodney Stokes Co. Wall Map, 15.50 64~9 Shephex~l-Orook, Inc. Tractor Parte, $450 P. ~. ~avin Co. Motor repair pa~ts, 6461 Autocar Sales and Set. Co. ?tuck repair parts, 94.?5 6462 Pac Acetylene Co., Acetylene and oxygen, 13.65 $5~S Nat'l City Laundry Lauv, lry, Jail equipnent, 2.25 64~4 Holly Skmmer, Tractor pa~ts, 35.34 6455 Pey Roi1, Street Employes, Feby, 1~25. 1182.20 6466 Pey Roi1, Miecl E~ployes, Feb,-, 1928, 255~.40 6467 pay Roll, Sewer Employes, Feb., lV28, 457.~2 6468 Skinner 0crop,my, Harcheare, do. S0.69 6469 Motor Hd~. m~l Equipl Co. Motor rel~ir parts, 1.62 64?0 A. Carlisle Co. Street Forms, 5.18 6471 Western Metal Supply Ce. Motor repairs, 2.74 6472 ~uptil & Sabin, Insurance, l~uree's car, 27.00 647Z Smith's Drug Store, Nursing Supplies, 2.64 647~ M. C. Elltett, Hire of Horse, hauling brush, 18.00 6475 C. V. Motor Sales, Tractor repair l~rts, 50.44 Meeting off M~-ch 6, 1928, 0ontinuedo 6476 H. C. Oakland, ~477 C. 7. Paint a~d Hd~. Co. 6478 C. V. Trmnafer, 6479 W. S. Darley, 8480 C. 7. L~unber Co. 6481 Bryant Auto ~.lec. Co. 6482 Green & Ta~lor, $483 Otto Stang, $48~ Helm Bros. 658B Lend Stamp 0o. $486-Service PharmaCy, $4.81 Ualter Shax-p, 648B Nelson & 21oan, 6'489 R. E. Earns, $490 U. S. D~rley & Co. $491 Eureka Fire Hose Co. 649~- Union 0il Company, $494 ¢. 7. Star, 6495 Pac. Telep. & Telegr. 6495 $. D. Gas and Elect. Co. $497 do · 6~98 Denrich Press, 6499 State Comp. Insurance Repairing automobile, $ 19.00 Paints ~md Hardware, 14.$1 Freight charges, on ~ruck parts, 2.00 Street ~eeping equipment 51.30 L~mber, 11.42 Motor Repairs and ~erts, Jan. & Feb., 1928, 313.99 Welding rotor parts, 1.50 Repairs. motor parts, 50.90 do. 7.25 Rubber stamp .~0 Drug Supplies, .60 Cememt, 8. O0 Hook and san~ 1.52 Feedi~g Prisoners, Feby., 1928, 10.00 Freight on Street Cleaning Cart 10.25 Fire Hose, 200 ft. 196.00 Gasoline and Lubricants, Feby, 1928, 273.59 Volunteer Fireman, Feby, 1928, Printing and publishing, 294.82 Phone service, Feby, 1928, ~4.75 Street Lights and Signs, Feby, 1928, 227.80 Gas a~d Electy, do. 70.19 Printing, 174.01 COmpensation Insurance, to NOV. 1927, 740.81 ADJOuPd~T: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl, Barnes, which carri, ed, the council adjourned sine ale. Attest: City Clerk.