HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1928/04/03MInuTES OF A ~ ~f~,TINO OF TI~ CITY O0U~OIL, 0HUbA VISTA, 0AtI~0~IA, APRIL 3, 1928. The Council met in regular session, in the Council Ch~-~er of the City Hall, on the above date, with M~or Peter~ in the chair. Meeting called to order at 7100 p,m. PI-scent: MS, or Peters, 0ouncilmas Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes. I~A~ING OF MIEUTESI Tho minutes of the last regular meeting of u~oh 6, 1928, and of Special Meeting of March 1§, 1928, were read, and approved, as read. SIDE,ALE5 ON FLOwER STP. ami.. NO. 3: The time having arrived for opening md declar- i~ bi~s for s~a~ ~ curbs on ~er Street, ~ o~erad ~n Resolution No. 2~, the roll.lng bids we~ o~ned ~d re~, For the wor~ co~lete, including all lair ~d m~eriels, Victor Tmmsitore, $24~5.00~ ~ T. ~1~, $2975.15~ ~o~ S. O~leon, ~952.00. ~e bid of Victor Tassitore being the l~est, ~ it b~ legally sec~ by bond, t~ ~ w~ m~e to h~, a~ Cl. H~ins offer~ Resolution No. ~6, which is a Resolution ~ ~, ~a~i~ the oontr~t to t~ said Victor ~essitore. ~e ~solution ~ a~ved, as re~, ~ t~ roll.lng vote, to.it: Ba~as, Peters. E~S~ None. ~S~: None. FIRE ZONE ON NATIONAL ~UE: A petition, signed By approximately tl~ee-fourths of all the property o~ners along National Avenue, throughout the city, was presented, inwhich the Council was requested to remove the fire zone on said National Avenue, and make that thoroughfare unrestricted. After discussion, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission, as required by ordinance. Motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Scott, which carried. PE~ITION FOR SI]~V~ALES: A petition, signed by a majority of the property owners effected, asking for sidewalks and c~bs on T~in Oaks Avenue, Between F and Davidson Streets, was presented. O~ing to the fact that another petition is now being circulated asking for sidewalks md curbs on another street in the city, the matter is held over pending receipt of the latter mentioned petition. PLANEING COMMISION MINUTES: The minutes of meeting of the Planning Con~ission, held on dates shown, were presented, and action taken ss follows: February 20, 1928: Grading for sidewalks ~md parkways, approved, but to apply to subdivisions that may in future be established; not to apply to streets that no~ exist. March ~, 1928: Ordinance covering size of lots, referred to city attorney to i-,vas- tigato as to whether or not such an ordinance will be constitutional. March 19, 1928~ No action required by Coltncil. PE~IODIOA~ REP01~S: The monthly reports of the City Judge and Fire 0hief, for the month of March, and the quarterly report of the Chief of Police, for the quar- ter ending March ~1, 1928, were presented and ordered received and filed. BROADWAY OF _aI~.RICA: A letter from M~or Clark, of San Diego, to the Ms,or of this city, was read, in which it is urged that a motor vehicle from this city, or some representative of this city, accompany the motorcade from San Diego to Memphis, which is to leave San Diego shortly. Olerk to notify M~or Clark that there is no one from this city who can take the trip. ORDINANCE No. 181: Upon motion by Cl. Hs~kins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, ~ich carried, Ordinance No. 181 was placed on its second and final rseding. It was reed, and was passed, adolmted and approved, aa read, by the following vote, to-wit: Cl. Lyons, ~aw~s, B~rnes, Peters, Scott, NOES: None. ABS]~T: None. 0RDII~C]~ No. 180: Upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded By 01. oarriecl, Ordinance No. 18 was placed on its second and final ~eading. amd wa~ passed, adopted and approved, as reed, by the following vote, Cl. Scott, Lyons, ~ta~ins, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABS~: None. Hawkins, wB~ih It wan reed to-wit: AYES: ORDINAI~CE No, 1CZ: Upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, Which carried, Ordinance No. 18~ was plasecl on its 8econ~ and f~al reading. It was read, and was passed, ~lopted ~ approved, ss reed, by the following vote, to-~it: AYES: CL. Scott, I~vons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters. N(~S: None. ASSERT.. None. ORDINANCE NO. 17~: Upon motion by 01. Lyons, seconded by O1 . Scott, which carried, O~dinanoe No. 17~ was placed on its second and final reading. It was read, and was psssed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Scott, ~yons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters. NOE~: None. ~BS~: None. Mooting'of April 3, 1928, Continued. 0RDINANC~ No. 183= Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cs. Barnes, which carried, 0rdinauee No. 183 was pla~ad on its second acd f~al reading. It was read, a~d was passed, adlpted and approved as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Ha~kins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. N~ES: None. ABSENT: None. 0RD~NANCE NO. 184: Upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seoondad by C1. C1, Hawkins, which carried, 0rdin=-ee No. 184 was plsced on its first reading. This is an ordinance pro- riding regulations for a city dumping gro~d. AUDITII~ CITY RECORDS: Informal bids for mditing the ~cords of the City Court, City Trea~ursr and City Clerk, were read, and the bid of L. S. Everts & Co., offering to perform the stonework, furnishing a letter form of report, for the sum Of $100.00 was accepted, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Hs~kins, which carried. CLOSING PART OF D STREET: Resolution No. 237, which pr~idas for closing part of D Street, was offered by Cl. Barnes. The rasolution was reed, and was passed, adlpted and approved, as reed, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: C1. Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters. NOES.. None. ~BSJs~'J: None. CLOSING PA~T OF E STltmm~: Resolution No, 238 was offered by Cl. Lyons, and is a reso- lution providing for the closing of part of K Street, in connection wih Countr2 Club Villas Subdivision. It was reed, and was passed, ediptad ~nd approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: HUES: Cl. Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters. N0~: None. ABSEI~: None. PAP~ING VEHIOI~S: Resolution No, 239: Offered by Cl. Scott, providing for widening the reserved spa~e of the crosswalk betwee~ Center and F Streets, was rend. It was passed, adlptedand approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AI~$: Cl. Lyons, Howkins, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABS~T: None. E~TEI~DING G STREET TO BAY: The City Attorney presented a letter from the Tr~y Brick ~ ~ Stone C~, lnwhich ~ offer is m~e ~ ~11 t~ city 20 by 652 feet of l~d, for t~ ~ of $250.00. ~e offer confabs ce~ain rastrXotions, ~ con- ~ection with the o~ning off the ~treet, ~d after discussion, t~ city atto~ i~t~cted to p~p~e tBJ ~oess~ papas to ~ce~ the offer ~ m~e. ~iB ~tion upon motion by Cl. B~es, seoo~ by Cl. H~kins, whi~ c~rie~ ~ ~e followi~ vote to~it~ A~S~ ~1. B~es, Peters, Scott, ~ons, H~ns. N~S~ None. ~S~: BILLS PAID: ~ho following bills, after e~smination by the finance committee, were ordered paid, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, ~bich carried: 6500 Pa~ Roll, 65&% do. 6502 do. 6503 A. Carliele& Co. 6504 F. B. ~drews, 6505 ~reas., Mun. Band, 6506 Hazard-Gould Co. 6507Carlson & Simpson, 6508 Motor Hdw. & F~uip Co. 6509 M. C. ~liott, 6510 Holly 6511 Waste~ Met~ Supl 0o. 6512 R~ther Auto. ~ut~ent 6513 Hu~es & Jonson, 6514 S. D. M~hine 6515 Autocar S~es ~ Set. Co. 6516 Motor 7~tcle ~b. House, 6517 ~i~er Oomph, 6519 ~les E. ~lth, 6520 N. C. Na$~eaa& 6521 C. V. Paint & H~. Store 6~22P~. 0o~t ~tlAers 0ffici~s 5523 Wa~er ~onds, 65~ Weste~ ~to Supply Oo. 6525 S. D. FI~ ~uip. 652~ P~. ~etylene 6527 B~t ~to Else. 0o. Sewer Employes, Mch, 1928, Miscel. " do. Street do. Election Supplies, City Attomey, March, 1925, Basd Leader, do. Motor Supplies, El ectrioal Supplies, Motor Supplies, Trees and Hauling Br~h, ~ractor Repair Parts, Motor Hardware, do. Plumbing Repairs, Motor Repairs, Truok Repair Parts, Auto Lists,. Sewer Rods, Vlounteer Fireman, Mch, 192~, Ls~mdry for Jail, Paint and Hardware, Building Code, Renewal of Bond of Chief c~ Police, Battery for Ford Car, Extinguisher recharges, Ace~m~lene and 0x~gen, Motor Repairs, $484°00 2567,45 1214.85 20.46 100,00 40.00 11.75 1.55 2,21 14.00 44.95 5.31 .SO 13.96 45.32 4.51 30.00 22.63 119.95 10.00 2.75 10.42 1.00 25.00 8.50 6.00 19,77 35.48 6§28 S. W. V~ater Company, 6529 Pac. ~eleph. $~d ~elegr. Co. 65~0 Armer's Battery Service, 6531 C. V. Motor Sales 6532 Otto Stang, 65~ Helm Bros. 653~ C. V. b~ar, 65~SJames J'ac~on, 6556 Harry McCleary, ~Yater, Feby, 1928, Phones, Mch., 1928~ Battery for fire engine, Motor Rel~ir Parts, do. Printing and Pabllshing, Jurors, in 0curt, Feeding Prisoners, $44.60 42.40 29.25 22.74 1o20 18.92 99.34 12,00 15.05 ADJ~I~: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried, the Council a~lJourned to 7:30 P.M., April 16, 1928, for the purpose of canvassing the result of the municipal election and for the transaction of az~ other matters of niees that ~ be brought before it. Attest: City Clerk.