HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1928/09/04SEPTEMBER 4, 1928
The City Council met in regular session, in the Council mh.-mher of the City
~ll, on the above date. Meeting walled to order at ?:00 p.m. Present: Council-
Barnes, Scott, Lyons, Hawkins. ~ayor Peters absent.
Th~ clerk took chex-ge of the ~eeting, in the absence of the Ma~or, and upon
motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyon~, Cl. Barnes was elected mayor, pro. tern.
for this meeting. Cl. Barnes then took eha~ge of the meeting.
READIi~ OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meetings of the Boa~ of Equalization,
held August 1~, 14 and 1§, 19~8, were read, and approved as read.
The minutes of the last regular ,~eting of this board, held August 7, 19~8, were
read, an4 approved as read.
PURCHASE OF ~ACTOR: This being the date and hour set for opening bids for the
porchane of a t~aetor, and the only bid received, f~c~ the Shephard-Crook, Inc., wa.
opened, read an~ publicly declared. This bid offered the sell to the city, a genuine
Catarpillor T=ae~or, Model 30, in accordance with the specification filed with the bid,
for the aura of $~790.00. The bid, al~o, offered to accept f=~w the city, a Holt Trac-
tor, allowing $~00.00 for it. Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, the
bid of the Shepherd-Crook, Inc., was accepted, by the following vote, to-wit: A~S:
Cl. Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes. H0wS: None. ABSEI~T: Cl. Peters.
0UTTING CEeB FOR ~/~VIOE STATION: Mr. C. C. DeBoyer, in oo~eotlon ~th ~e eon-
· ~uQtton of hiB now 8e~loe 81a~on, on F S~oot, no~ 5r~ AY~, ao~ that ~o
ne~ ~b, at the ~loy ~ F S~eet a~ ~ Aven~, ~ re~, giw~ h~ t~ w~lo
apace ~ ~ ~t~ce ~o his station, ~t~ a ~thy ~e~aion, no action was tarn,
~e ~tte~ bel~ hel~ ~til the ~ole ~ ia ~eaent.
GA~0LIRE P0~ A~D ~ AT C~RB: Mr. Herbert V. Bryant, by letter and verbally,
asked for per. lesion to install a gasoline e~ ptm~ and $.m.~, in the parking in front
of his garage, 3~ F SHeet. Upon motion by Scott, seconded by Ha~kina, a revokable
permit was authorized. ~tion oax~ied.
A-Y~IODICAL REPOTS: The monthly report of the city Judge and fire chief for the
month of August, 1928, together with the annual repot of the Library Boax~l, for the
past fiscal yea~, were presented, read and ordered received and filed.
WAT~! RATE INCREASE: A notice f~om the State R. R. Conmission, setting the date
of 0ctohe~ 4, 19~8, 10:00 a.m., at the San Diego County Court House, as the t~w~ for
a hearing on the application of the tweetwatar Cc~pany fc~ an increase in water rates,
was read, and o~dered held until a furze meeting.
~BT~I~E T~.EIL~: A letter frc~ Mrs. Violet Fc~'d Hislop, asking that the setter
of a license for fortune telling be lm~ed over, was refez~ed to the clerk to answer,
to the effect that the ordinance on licenses provides a fee of $10.00 per day.
COE/~'/t~Y CLUB VILLAS: In the matter of a certified check, deposited by the A.U.
Miracle Cc~pany, to guarantee the location of sewer Ys and the change in a dip in the
paving of K St=est, was ordered returned to the Miracle Company, upo~ motion by Cl.
Lyons, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried, after the city engineer end sewer in-
specter stated that they were satisfied with the w~rk.
001~IUI~ITY I~Z~SE: The contract with the Ocamunity Nurse, Miss Helen M. Scott,
was presented fc~ renewal fc~ enother year, an~ the Mayor was authorized to sign the
renewal clause, for and on behalf of the city, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by
Cl. Lyons, which carried.
~V~ 1~-~ ~0M S~: A letter frc~ Mr. PI. F. l~iemeyer, who owns the land
at the northwest corner of H and National Avenue, asking per~ission to renove some
eucalyptus trees fr~a the front of his property, n~ in the parking, was p~esanted.
Mr. Wiemeyer deposited with his request, a certificate for 100 shores of stock in the
Chula Vista Citrus Association, aa a guarantee that the trees would be replanted.
Clerk directed to return the certificate for stock, and advise Mr. Wiemeyer that the
law requires a deposit of $5.00, cash, for each tree to be removed, upon motion by Cl.
Scott, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which ~arried.
~eeting of Sept, 4, 19~, Continued.
SXI~EWALES NO. 4, a~d G~i','~= Two petitions wore in'esented, one asking forsido-
walks and curbs on Twin Oaks Ave., between F and Davidaon et~eets, and the other for two
foot gutters on both sides of ~ypreas Street, both of which bore the signatures of more
than f6~y pel'cent of the property ownero effected. Cl. Lyons then offered Resolution
~' which ioa resolution declaring the intention of the city council to order the
w~rk done ae petitioned fc~., but giving all propel'ty owners 60 days in which to have the
work performed by private contract. The resolution was read, and Was passed, adopted and
approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: ATES: Councilmen ]~awkins, Barnes, Scott,
Lyons. NOES None, ABSENT: Cl. Peters.
FII~ BYI~ANT: Cl. ~a~nes introduced the subject of installing a fire hydrant at
the intersection of I[ street and 4th Avenue. Upon ~otion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl.
Bawkine, matter referred to the fire c.-~ttee with authority to have the hydrant installed.
RENA~G P~RT ~F X 8~P~Fs Cl. Barnes introduced the subject of rena~ug part
or all of X Street, inaluoh a~ that thm'oughfare runs into Count Club D~ive, and the
names of the two streets are not sensistent on the one road. Referred to the Planning C~-
misoion fcc' consideration and reoomnendation.
COUI~TR¥ CLUB CADDIES: T~e clerk wes instructed to write the Country Club offinials
in oouneotion with the conduct of the club caddies, especially along I[ Street, and at
the intersection of that street with Forth Avenue. It appears that the caddies congre-
gate at the above mention intersection, and their language is often offensive to passing
motorists, and they have been reported to have done considerable d~m~o to adjacent
or chards ·
PAVING IivA':"A~SECTION: It was decided that the city should pay for any additional
paving that will be plansd in the intersection of K Street an~ Srd Avenue, and the adjoin-
lng property owners will pay for any additional paving fronting their lan~. This upon
motion by Cl, Scott, seconded by Cl. ~awkias, which carried.
VACATION: City Clerk T~one was granted a c~letion of his vacation for the
period ~rc~a Sept, 9, to 15, 1928, ~pon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by C1. Hawkins,
which carried.
0RDII~E 1~o. 1~?: Upon motion by Cl. Ly~e, seconded by Cl. Scott, which oar-
tied, Ordinanns No. 157 was placed on its second and final reading. It was read, and
was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AT,S: Cl.
Scott, Lyons, HaWkins, Barnes. NOES: None· A~: Cl. Peters.
0RDINA~C~ No. 1~: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Scott, ~hieh car-
ried, ~ee No. ~ was p~ee~ on its neoon~ ~d f~ ~ead~g. It Was read, ~
was passed, adopted ~d appr~ed, as read, ~y the fo~l~ vote, to-wit: A~: Cl.
Scott, ~ons, ~ina, ~nea. N~S: No~. ~: Cl. Pet. s.
C~DINANC~ No. 189: ~pon motion by Cl. HaWkins, seconded by Cl. Scott, which oa~-
rltd, Ordinance No. 189 was placed on its second and final reading. It was read, and
was passed, doptod and apl~ovsd, as read, ~y the following vote, to-wit: A~S: Cl.
Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes. NOF~: None. ~: Cl. Peters.
VACATIN~ a?.v.~y: Cl. Hawkins offerred Resolution No. 2§~, which is a resolution
declaring that tho alley in Block 1, of B~ightwood Addition, from the south line of
Flower Street to tho north line of E Street, to be vacated and closed. It was read,
Am~ was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES:
Cl. Hawkino, Barnes, Scott, Lyons. NOES: None. ABS~: Cl. Peters.
BTM PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried,
the following bills, after examination by the finance c~-~.lttee, were ordered paid:
6748 i~. B. Andrews, City Attorney, A~uet, 192S, $100.00
6749 Redney Stokes Co. Blue Printing 1.~6
67~0 Arey-~ones Co, 0ffieo Supplies, 6.~0
6751 Lemuel ~. Sp~ouee, Chicken Thief Reward, 16.67
6752 H. W. Hawley, T~ee Removing Refund, 10.00
67~ Pacific Clay Producto, Sewer Pipe and Fittings, 464.89
67~4 American Lal~anoe Co. Fire Equipment, 7.25
67~8 ~otor Hdw. & ~quip. Co. ~A~tOr Repair Parts, 72.78
6?59 HoLly S,~mor, do.
67~0 California Laundreis, Laund~,Oity ~ail,
6761 Western Metal Supply Co. Motc~ Repair Pe-,'ts,
6?62 Zellerbach Paper Co. Pepsi. ToWels, 6.~?
67~ Skinner Co., W~dware, 5.42
6?64 M. C. Elliott, Hire of horse and wagon, ?.00
Meeting of Sept. 4, 1928, Continued.
6765 Pao. Telephone and Telegr. Co. Phone Servioe, Aug., 19~, $ ~.?0
6766 0. V. ~.leet2'ie Co. B~o~e L~to, 2.32
6767 S. D. Auto ~
6~69 ~ S~loe Station, Tire Re~a, 2.10
6~0 ~as. E. ~th, ~l~teer F~n, A~., ~, ~.~
67~1 Otto ~t~, ~n, .70
67~2 H~es ~ 2~n, Pl~bl~ ~ep~ra, 4,~
677~ ~t Auto ~o.
6~8 ~o. " ~.~
6779 do.
6~ ~o. " ~5.~
678Z do. " ~96.8~
6~82 do. " ~6,~
6?85 6o. ~ ~5.~
6786 do. " ~.~
678~ 40. ~ ~.~
6~ P~ Ro~, Sewe~ ~ployea, A~., 19~
A~ITOIPJ~E~: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, eeeonded by 01. Hawkins, whieh ear~ie~,
the Couneil adJourne~ to ?:30 pom., Sept~-ber,18, 19~8o
City Clerk.