HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1928/09/18MTNOTm$ OF AN AD~0~NED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIT~ COUNCIL, O~ioLA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, HELD SEPTEMBER 18, 1928. The Couuill mt pursuant to adJo~A'mment, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the above date, with Mayor Peters l~estdin~. ~eting called to c~der at 7:~0 p.m. Present: Councilmen Peters, Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes. S~ALS, 0E~BS AND G~A'A'~S: A petition, signed by m~re than 50% of the property owners on H Stx~eet, Between ~rd and 4th Avenues, was read, in which stdewlke, curbs and gutters are asked on both sides of the street. Cl. Scott offered Resolution No. 254 declaring the intention to c~'der in such work, and after reading, it was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: CI.Lyone, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES: None; ~ENT: None. BUDGET FC~ 19P~-1929: The following was adopted as the budget of expenditures for the year commencing November 1, 19P~, upon motion by 01. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT: None: GENERAL GOV~IET: City Clerk, Salary of Tax and License Collector, Olty Attorney, City ~e, Co~t Clerk, one-h~f t~, City ~eas~er, ~lnting ~d ~bli~l~, C~pensation Ins~oe, Fire ~ee on City ~1, ($ ye~a) ~s ~d ~eotrioity, City ~l Bull~, Telephone, Ci~ Cl~k'a Office, ~i,~a on City 0ffieials' Bonds, ~ne~ ~ecell~eo~, Total $1800, O0 900.00 1800.00 1100.00 600.00 1400. O0 100.00 ?0.00 90,00 ooo.oo POLICE n~ART~E2~T: Chief of Police, Salary of Three ~affic 0ffieers, O $~15.00 per ~., each, Ni~t Police, one at ~5.~ per month, Police ~tron, 0~ioi~ ~le~e, Fee~i~ ~i~ners in Oi~ ~all, ~o~di~ Fees, Telephone Se~lee, Police Clerk, one-h~f t~e, Total 28~0.00 ?",'40. O0 1950.00 800°00 200, O0 200.00 l~JO. O0 200,00 800.00 14690°00 FIRE DEPART~T: Fire I~d~ant Rentals, 69 ~drante, with 5 ~w installations 1728.00 Bose and New Fire ~qullzaent, Repairs and General Maintenance, Chief ~ngineer, Salary of First Engineer, do. Second ~ineer, do. Vol~teer Firth, Telepho~ Service, Elee~ieity f~ Siren, O~io~ Re~s, ~nar~ Oont~enoy, 200.00 2580,00 19BO.O0 1880.00 SO0.O0 50.00 80.00 ~5,00 100.00 Total 89~.00 ~,~.TH D~PART~NT: Health 0ffioer, SelA~y of Onm"~nity Nurse, 10 ~a. 9 ~5.~ 2 ~S. O $170.~ ~sp~tation for ~soell~o~ ~dte~ Se~loe, Total 900 · O0 850°00 ~40.00 1~8, lg 50.00 2276.19 Total, Cax~led Fox. card, $39241.00 Meeting of Sept. 18, 1928, Continued: S~TD~PARTM~T: Street Superintendent, Salary, 0 $170.00 per month, $~40.00 Laborers, Tractor D~ivare, Mechanics, Salaries, 1~78.00 Gasoline and Lubricants, Repairs to Equipment, ~49~.00 Street Lights, 2650.00 · ngineer Wurk, 292§.00 Telephone Service, §1.00 Street Sp~inkling, 100.00 Water, 45.00 Electricity fc~ Signs and Street Superintendent'e Residence 121.00 0ffielals Bonds, §.00 Fire Insurance on Street Buildings, 32.00 Insurance on Equipment, 21§.00 General Maintenence of Highways, Miscellaneous Total Grand Total, $67698.00 RAILROA~C0~m~fSSIONHEARING: The State Railroad Con~nission was given permis- sion to use the City Hall for a hearing, in connection with San Ysidro telephone ser- vice, on September 28, 1928. GASOLINE TAX FOR CITIE$: A letter from the City 01erk, of Chico, asking this city to Join in &movement ct obtain a portion of the state gasoline tax for cities, wac crdered filed without action. WAT~RATE IN~A.~E: In the matter of the application of the S.W.Water Cc~pany for an increase in water rates, the hearing to be held in SanDiego County CourtHouse, 0ct. 4, 1928, the city attar, ney was instructed to confer with Mr. Y. H. McCullooh in ooanection with a compramiee whereby the Water Cmapany will agree to a flat increase of 20~ over the present rates. VACATIONS: Street Superintendent Schraeder, Tractor Driver Perry and Inspec- tor Wharton asked for vacations of two weeks period, the latter fram Oct. 1-13, 1928. The first two, with no specified date~. Granted upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried. FIRE CH~'S C0hvmNTION: Authority for the fire chief to attend the Fire Chief's Oonvention at Sacramento, October 1 to 6, 1928, with expenses paid by the city, was granted upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried. B0~ DAM ASSOGIATION: A request from this association that the city contrib- ute $10.00 per month to support the movement, was read, smd the clekr was ln~trueted to write the association and ascertain the amounts that are being assessed agalns other cities. SWZ~INGP00L: A letter from the Ohmnber of Cmmaeroe was read, in which it is urged that the council appropriate in this year's budget sufficient funds to con- struct a sw~-.-tug pool. Clerk instructed to advise ohember of ca~mne~ce that more def- inite information would be necessary as to cost, etc., and that it will probably require a bond issue for the construction. AD~TISZNG T~ROUGH ~A~ OF 00~RGE: ~on motion by 01. Hawkins, seeo~e~ ioh c~led, it was deeide~ to ~low ~e e~ndit~e of approx~mate~ ~ t~es this ye~, In a~vertial~.. ~is ~t wl~ not be ~b~ of C~ hoover; ~e city willY, hat ~t of appr~e~ bt~s ~ f~ a~vertl~, such ~pro~ to be m~e ~ the B~r~ of Directors ~ ~ O~bar of SEw~ 00NNEOTIONS: 01. Scott offered Resolution No. 255, which is a resolution directing that all building lying in Sewer Die,riot No. 1, that contain plumbing fimtures must be eouneoted with the sewer system on cr before the first day of November, lg28. The resolution was read and was passed, adopted and approved aa read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES: None. ABSEI~T: None. Meeting of September 18, 19P~, Continued. CIT~ ATTORNEY: The city attorney asked for an increase in salary frc~ $100.00 to $126.00 per month. Request granted, the budget to be inereaned accordlngl~v, upon motion by C1 Lyons, seconded by Cl, Barnes, which oarrie~. PAVING ~£~CTI01~: Upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Scott, which oar- riehl, it was decided to pave the intersection of E Street and 5rd Avemue, payment for same to be -~de out of the general fund. TAX LET~F~ TAX YEAI~ 192~-1929: Upon motion by C1. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Scott, which carried, 0rdinanee No. 190 was placed on its first reading. This ie an ordinance fixing the tas rate fc~ this year at $1.60 on each $100.00 assessed valuation. ~VINGRAILROAD ~P. ACT IN S~EET: In the matter of upeaing Canter Street froze Landis to ~nd Avenue, th~ city att~ney was agin instructed to take up the quastionwith the A. D. & A. R. R. Co., with a view to having the switch tract removed, which is now in the proposed street. GASOLINE TANk TRUCES ~OAD~G AT S~VIOE STATIONS: The chief of police was in- structed to tame up the matter of t--~ tx~Aake --loading at service stations, in this city, whereby the said t~ trucks can be directed to ,,-load while parMed parallel to the curb, iuetead of at right angles to the curb. The chief to go direct to the headquarters of each oil company ac nnloading here, BIL~ PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried, the following bills, after examination by the finance ~onmittee, were ordered paid: 6788 S. D. Gas and Electric Co., Gas and Electricity, Aug., do. 6?90Union 0il Company, 6791 C. V. Paint and Hdw. Co. 6792 Shepherd-Crook Co., 679~ Nelson & Sloan, 6794 Orchard Operating Co., 6796 Mux~ay Mo Campbell, 6797 C. V. L~nber 6798 Hersun L~aber 6~ P~Roll, 6756 do. 6~5~ do. Street Lights -~ signs, do. ~asoline an~ Lubricants, do. Paint and ~x~ware, Purchase of new tractor, Purchase c~ rock and gravel, Hire of Mules, August, 1928, Feeding Prisoners, do. Instance, street equipment, Lumber and cement, Lumber and Water, August, Sewer E~ployes, Aug., 1928, MlsolEmployes, do. Street ~nployes, do. $ ~4.81 211.~0 1~o46 2796.00 8.88 57.00 8o~0 100.48 11.2~ 1~6.85 516,42 10~. 10 ADY0~I~T: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried, the council adjourned sine die. City Clark.