HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1928/12/05MI~u'J.'''~ OF A REGULAR ~.TING OF TH~ CITY COU~CIL, ~}-IuLA l~CF.~ 5, 1928.
DECEMBER 5, 1928
The City Council met on the above date, in ~he Council Chamber of the City
Hall, with Mayor Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at ?:~0 p.m. Present:
Mayor Peters, Clunailmen Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnas.
READING OF MIN~,.~: The minutes of the last regular ~eeting of November 5,
19~8, and the postponed regular meeting of November 13, 1928, were read, and approved
as read.
RE~VING S~REET ~: T~es l~erden Elliott recommended the re, oval of thuds
street t~ees in front of the ~eden property on ~nd Avenue, not to be replaced. Re
stated that there were five trees in a space of 2.5 feet, and three of the~ should come
out.. Authorized upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
0~ ~1~ S~ ~ ~d A~: ~$ Daniels, TA'easurer, and ~. Dillworth,
Attorney, for the S, D. & A. 1~. CO., appeared before the Council, in connection with
opening Center Street through to *-nd Avenue. They said the R. R. Co., is willing to
donate the 3R-~ necessary to open the street, but two switches would have to be moved,
~aich will co~t approxt~tely $A~5~00; also, the State R. R. Cc~alecion will require
a NO. 2 ~roasing installed. This will scat appro~m-tely $450.00. After discussion
Mesas Dilworth and Daniels, offered to donate the 1.-d necessary, a~d move the
switches, at the expense of the R. R. Co,, if the citer will put in .the No. 2 Crossing.
Matter held until R, R. Omapeng~A~ain if their proposition __tt~t-' t~
will be accepted by the company, and furnish the city exact cost of crossing.
FLOOD DAMA~: ~. F. W. Stafford again apeared before the Council in the
the matter of flood control at the intersection ~f I Street and l~t Avenue. City
E~gineer presented a l~ofile of the streets in question, s~d after discussion, the
matter is left in the bads of the City Engineer and Street S~perintendent for
C0~UNITY 0~IST~-~ ~EE: A c~ttee, consisting of M~e. Sellers, a~ Messrs.
Done and ~eretm, appeered ~d ~ed the Co, ail for fi~ol~ assist~e in erectl~
~d putti~ ~e~ a e~lty ~ls~s ~ee. ~on ~tion by Cl. Scott, seconded
by Cl. ~one, ~e city ~ees to p~ $175.~ ~ the e~ennes of ~e ~ee project, to
be approp~lato~ out of ~he advertisi~ f~. ~lon e~ried by the fo~
t~witt: A~: Cl. Scott, ~o~, ~nes, Peters. N~S: None. ~: Cl. ~wkina,
P~0D~CAL REPC~TS: The monthly reports of the City ~dge an~ Fire Chief fox,
the month of November, 1928, w~e presented, read and ordered reneived and filed.
S~EET L~(~TS: The p~esent ~ontraot for street l~hting havizg expired, the
city clef was ordered to publish a notice inviting proposals for another con, act,
to be opened ~an. 2, 1929, upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Scott, whldh
PL~BII~ C01]E: The clerk presented q copy fo a Plumbing Code, from the
State League of Manicipalities, and it was rolex-red to the City Plashing Inspector
to cheek over and report on later,
CONV~TION: The clerk and Cl. Scott authorized to attend a ConTention of
Clerks, Asleneore and Auditors, at E1 Centre, Dec. 15 and 18, 192S, their expenses
to be paid by city, upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried.
0RDINA!~E No. 194: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which c
carried, 0rdinanee No. 194 was placed on its first reading. This is an c~dinanas
providing for licensing concrete workers.
SID~W~T.mq NO. 4: Cl. Scott offered Resolution No. 25?, which is a resolution
directJ~g the airy engineer to prepare plans and specifications fc~ this project. The
resolution was read, and was passed, adopted ~-~ approved, as read, by the following
vote, to-wit: A~gS: Cl. Lyons, Hawki~, Barnes, Peters, Scott, NOES: None. ABSENT:
BUILDING REM0,,~.,.~n: The city attorney presented an executed instrument whereby
the Security Trust and Savings Ba~k ag~ass that in the remodeling of the building
at the southeast corner of 3rd Ave., and F Street, that they do not obtain any right
or easeaent to the street, should any part of the remodeled building extend over c~
into the e~eets. (~dsred filed ~lpon motion byC1. Hawk!~% seconded by Cl. Sex-nee,
which carried.
UNIF(~ ~IO (~DINANCE: Ordin-~e NO. 19S, known am a Uniform T~a£fie
shoe, and which ha~ had its f~a-st rsadin~, was refs~red to the city attornoy to cheek
over and correct, if found neeeana~y, ~before its final reading and passage.
JAIL EQuivaleNT: Upon motion by 01. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, the city pur-
chasing agent was instructed to parohase 6 mattresses, 6 mattress ps. ere, iS cotton
Blankets, and have a small wooden locker ~onstructed for retention of bedding, all
for the city Jail.
B~.T-q pA~ Upon motion by 01. Scott, seconded by Cl. L~ons, which anrried,
the following bills, after being e~e~ined and audited by the finance c.-,--~ttee, were
ordered paid:
6~85 S. 0. Foster & Son,
6886 I~. F. E. A~hcroft,
~? 0. V. ~y ~o~s C~,
~ C. V. Paint ~d Hdw. Store,
~9 C. V. L~ber Co.
~90~ ~,
~9S ~ieh
~94 Paoifie Cl~ ~o~cte,
~95 ~ey Jones ~o.
~96 F. B. ~ews,
~99 Natio~ ~on Wor~,
6900 ~:ba~ Pa~: ~o.,
6901 P~
690~ do
~90S ~o,
6904 ~tor ~w. & Equ$. ~o.
6905 ~l~'s ~
6906 H. H. Green,
69070. V. ~tor Sa~s,
69~ ~. V. L,~her Co.
6909 G. F. ~ntfort,
6910 Western ~t~ Supply Co.
6911 Pac. Acetylene
6912 S.D.~s ~S ~eo. ~o.
691S Skl~: O~p~,
6914 Holly
6916 ~d-~d & ~o.
6917 W~ter ~ Sh~p,
6919 S. D. ~ohl~ Co.
6920 O. V. Service S,etlon,
6921 M. O.
6922 ~ ~rli~er,
692S~1on 0il C~,
69S He~ ~os.
6925 C. V. St~,
692? ~ ~sa Scout,
69~ ~e~ ~ese Clippl~ B~eau,
6929 F. E. A.hor~t,
69~ Autoe~ Sa~s ~ Service,
69S1 ~t Auto ~ot.
Repair of Oh.of Police Machine, $122.60
~xamination of drunks, October, lg~-s,
County Fair w-hibit, 10.~
do. 4.95
do. 1.00
do. 64.00
do. 9.~0
do. 4.15
do and other l~'lnting, 278.15
Sewer Pipe and Fittings, 448.68
Office Stationex~y,
City Arty, N~v~ber, 1928,
Asst. City Attys., Nov., 1928,
Bonds for Sidewalk No. 5, 50.00
To. late for Fire Dept., 2.50
Paper Towels,
Sawer ~loyes, Nov., 1928, 529.89
Street do. 1114.
m scell~eo~s do. 299S.40
Motor repair materials, 12.95
l~ng S~pplies~ .45
Repairi~g Motor, 16o70
Motc~ Repair Pa~ts, 19.52
Lumber, 19.00
Grqder Blades, 64,13
Repair Matorial, 1.29
Acetylene 9.59
Street Lights, and other 261.26
Hardwax-e, 14.29
Tractor Parts, 46.52
Volunteer Fix-omen, 42.8?
Hardware Supplies, 2.21
Lime, .~0
Printing, ?9.06
Mash ine work, S.00
Tire Repairs,
Hire of Horse and wagon, 10.00
Repair of auto top, 1.25
~soline and Lubricants, Nov., 19P~,
Motor Supplies, 2.45
I~lnting and Publlshizg, 209.20
Street Signs, 4.?0
Printing Bonds, 56.~0
Press 011ppings, Oh. of Oma. 5.36
Exemining dx',,-~s, ~47.00
Truck parts, 6.15
Motor parts, 10.SS
AI1T01~J~T: Upon motion by 01. Scott, seconded by 01. Barnes, which carried,
the Council adjourned sine die.
01ty Clerk.