HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1929/01/02 , .". MINUl'ES 01 A:POS~ONED ilEGULAR IIDTING 01 mE CITY COUNCII., CHULA VISTA, CALIFOBNJ HELD JANUARY 2, 1929. The Counoil met, pureuant to pos, tponBIIIØnt 1n the COUllcil Chamber ot the Cj Hall, 011 the above date, with YBfor Peter. 111 the chair. Meeting oelled to order 7:30 p.III. Preøent: _or Pet.re, COUllc1lme11 300tt and Hawk1ns. Counc11D1en 17on. 1Ie.rne., ab.ent. RKADDIG OJ' MIN1J'I.'EB: The m.1nutee or the last regular meetiD8 ot December 11128, were rsad and approved, u read. S'DUŒT \(ÞC~l~Y, J'OBI. FOR: Mr. D. L. Ihr1g, rlpresent1D8 the Un10n Oil CaIÇ~ ot Oel1torn1a, prl..J:lte. a contraot tor guol1J:11 tor the ;year _Doing len. 2, 1929, whh the top price 17; per gallOD, with a reduction in price at ~ time the dealer. pr1ce 11 lowered. The oontract wall accepted upon IIIOtioD by C1. Scott, BBcoJ:lded 117 01. Hawk1DI, which C81'1'ied 117 the tollowiue:: '9'ote to wit: .&:!ES : C1. Scott, Ha_iDa, Peter.. NOIS: None. ABSENT: 01. 17onll, Barus. The 1II01:1on carried dlrect10nll to the _or to .igI1 the contract tor and on behalt ot the Clt~ :æINTING: Thia beiD8 the date and t1JDs ..t tor opening bld. tor the pr1ntj duriD8 the calendar year ot 11'121'1, the tollowing blds wire opened and deolared. all follows: Chula Vieta star: For pUblish1ng legal not108s, 1'10 oeDt. per oolumn inoh to] tir.t 1n.ert10n, and 72 oents plr oolumn inch tor all sublequent 1nsertionl. '1or Delinquent Tu List: 75 cent. ieI' parcel ot land, tor three 1l111ert10ns. IIor priIlt1ng 1000 Letter Raads, $J.2.50 per thousand. For Print1ng 1000 Reoorder. Cca;pla1ntll, tao.OO. lor Pr1ntiD8 1000 Reoorder. Warrant., þo.OO. This being the lowest bid 011 the ab01's ment10ned items. it 1I8.S aocepted. Denr10h PrISI: For Printing 1000 Warrants and Delœnde, t19.75. 11'01' Print1D8 1400 Tax Statalllente. þ7.20. This beint the lowelt bid tor tœ sbon itllllUl, it wall acoepted. All work to be in accordanoe with spec1tloe.'tiOl1s on file in the 01'1 ot the 01 ty olerk. The abOV'e b1de were aooepted on motion b7 01. Hawk11l8, seconded bi 01. 300t1 tIl1ch oarried by the tollowing votl to-wit: AYES: Cl. Hawkina, Peter II , Soott. NOES: None. .A.BSENT: 01. 170ns and Barnes. ST1UŒT LIGHTING: This be iJJg the tillll end date .et tor opening bids tor street lighting, onlY One bid was r.oeived, that ot the San Diego Consolidated Ge.1 and Eleotrio Caapll.DT, which read. as !gllo..: I'or 63 200 c.p. IfllllPe, burning tram dusk to daylight, P.90 per laIa;p per III' lor 2 400 o.p. lamps, do. t3.85 per IBIIIP per m. lor 4 &00 c.p. IfllllPl, do. .4.75 per lfIIIIP per m4 The bid YØJJ not aooepted, pending a rul1qg by thAI elt)' attœne7 as to wheter not it w111 be lagal to enter into a oontraot ter a period ot five years, SJlII tht abOTs b1d prOTidell. - II Meeting ot Jan. 2, 1929. CO!tltJNITY CHRISTMAS 'lREB: A report on the expenditures tor the CODJIIUIlity Ch1'istrnae Tree tram the Chamber ot Cammerse, was read, wherein it wae found that the corumi ttee in charge ot thie project had spent t18.80 more than the tl75.00 whioh was contributed by the city tar th18 purpose. Upon motion by Cl. Soott, seconded by·Cl. Hawkins, which oarr1ed, it was decided to appropriate $lB. 80, to make up the deticit. STATE HIGHWAYS: A letter trom the looal Chamber or Commeroe was read, in whioh the subject ot the State taking O1'er ei thsr 'Jhird Avenue or National Avenue and making them State Highwsye, was brought up. Reterred to the City Attorne,. for a decision. - ClIENT FACTORY: The San Diego Chamber ot Commerce, by letter, ,sked it there will be any objection to the installation ot a large cement tactory on th6ir land on the bay front. After discussion, it was decided there will be no objection to the plant being establishsd, provided it does not became objectionable by the dust or other teatures of the plant beooming objectionable to other property owners in the city. This action teken upon mot10n by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Scott, which carr1ed. STREET LIGHT: A petition signed by the property owners in the locality of D Street and Cedar Annue, aeked for the installation ot a street light at the intersection named. Reterred to the Street COIIIII1ttee, with authority to aot, on motion by Cl. Soott, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried. SmuT REPAIRS: A petition .igned by property owners along H Street, between 3rd Ave., and National Ave., asked to have repairs made to that part ot H Street, by gaveling the surtaoe. Ordered receind and filed, with the information that th18 street will be repaired in its regular turn as the .treet repairs are now scheduled. PERIODICAL REPORTS: The monthlY report ot the City Judge and Fire Ch1et¡ the quarterly report ot the Chiet ot Polioe and the annual report ot the Fire Chiet, were presented, and ordered reoeived and tiled. MARKEIIS ON STATE HIGHWAYS: The Auto Club ot Southern California, by letter, asked that an otticial ot thie city be designated to oooperated with them in plaoing through etate highway markers on through streets ot thie city. The Street Superinten~ dent was deaignated as such off1cial, with the understandiD8 that there will be no ob~ tion to placing the markers on the streets effeoted. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP: The mamhership of W. M. Hawkins in the Dity Planning Cammiseion having expired, he was nominated by the Ma70r to sucoeed himselt for a period ot six years, or tor such length of time as he may remain a member ot the city council. Nomination confirmed by lIIotion ot Cl. Soott, eeconded by Cl. Hawkin., which oarried. PLUMBER'S F.YAMTNING BOARD: The time ot mElllbership of the Plumbers' Examining Board having expired, according to ordinance, the present board, cone1sting ot Messere Hays, Wharton, Skinner, Dr. Aehcrott and C1. Lyons, were nominated by the Ma70r to suc- ceed themselves tor another year. Nomination aoIdirmed upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, eec~ onded by Cl. scott, which oarried. ELECTRICIANS' EJúMINING BOARD: Tbe time of mElllbership of the Electriciens' - Examining Board having expired, acoardiD8 to ordinanoe, the preeent board, oonsistin ot . Mesers. A M. Proctor, H. L. Jonee and Cl. Scott, were nominated to sucoeed themselves tor another year by the May-or. Nomination confirmed upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Hawk1ns, whioh carried. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Cl. Hawkins lIIaYed, and was seconded by Cl. Scott, as tol- lows: That the motion appearing in the minutes of this oounoil ot date or Ootober 14, 1927, ra18ing the pay ot polioe oftioers .5.00 par month, with pay tor machines dam- aged and repair ot clothing damaged by accident, while in ee1"9'ioe, is hereby rescinded in so tar as it relates to damage to olothing so incurred, and the re.t ot said motion is hereby approved, aanctioned and oontinued in torce. Mot ion oarried. COUlloilman Barnes appeared in the Oounoil Chamber at this time. - II Meeting of Jan.. 2, 1929. MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION: The minutes ot the meetings ot the City Plan- ning Ccmm188ioJ:l, held N01'amber 30, 1\128, and December 27, 1928, were presented end aotion taken by thia oOUlloil as tollows: .eti¡¡g ot NO'9'eJllber 30, 11'128: No action required by this oounoil on these min- utee, and none taken. Meeting ot Deo_ber 27, 1928: In the matter ot a Mosaic Ensembll map ot the oity. Held over ILt the request or Cl. Hawkins. ChengiD8 shrubbery in plaza ot 3rd Annue. Suggested by thi. counoil that an experiment be tried by taking out shrubs tor a dlstanoe or about 30 teet baok tram Bach end ot the two seotione of the pla~a, and planting with 10e plant, or other suitable DIOse or gras growth. Purohase ot etakes tor tree warden and purchase of trees by tree warden, approved. - PLASTERERS' BONDS: Bonds ot ShermaJ] Alexander aDd Royal S. Wade, licensed plasterere, were presented, and upon recommendation of the City Attorney, they were apprond, upon motion by Cl. Barnes, Ssconded b,. Cl. Hawkins, tIlich oarried. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, a. L. Williams was added to the po~ice department, as a tratfic oftioer, at a salary ot t2l5.00 per month. This appointment to continue at the pleasure of the oOUllcil. . OPENING CENTER STREET: Cl. Barnes oftered Resolution No, 261, which ls a reeolu- tion authorizing the opening ot Genter street through to 2nd Annue. It was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the toUowing vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Haw- kins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES: None. ABSENT: Cl. Lyons. ¡/ SIDEWALKS No.4: Cl. Soott oftered Resolution No. 258, which ie a resolution adopting plane and specitications for .idewalks, ourb. and guttere on H Street, between 3rd and 4th Avenues. It was read, and was paseed, adopted and approved, ae read, b,. the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: CL. Barnes, Peters, Soott, Hawkins. NOES I NOlle. ABSENT: Cl. 17on.. Cl. Scott oftered Re.olution No. 259, which i. a reso¡ution ot intention on the the above described work. It was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the tollowing vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Scott, Hawkine, BarIl8S, Peters, NOES: None. ABSENT: Cl. Lyons. , . V· C~. Barnes then ottered Resolution No. 260, which ie a re.olution designating the I18W8paper in which the proceedings in this work will be published. It was read, and was paesed, adopted and approved, ae read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Barnes, Peters, Soott, Hawkins. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ORDINANCE No. 195: Upon motion by Cl. Soott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, whioh car- ried, Ordinance No. 195 was placed 011 its tiret reading. Thia is an ordinance to be known as the roofing ordinanoe. , BILLS PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, the followiD8 bills after examination by the tinance committee, 1IIIre ordered paid: 61132 Pac. Telephone and Telegraph Co. Phone Servioe for NovBlllber, 1928, $37.05 6\133 Orchard Operating Co. Hire ot Mules, do. 5.50 61'134 B. I. Means, Services Sewer Outtall contraot, 36.00 61'135 Burns,MoDonnell Smith Co. Ssrvioee do. 32.75 6936 J. H. McCulloch, Servicee, Water Rate Hearing, 100.QO 61'137 National Iron works, Sheet Steel, 3.50 6938 Homeland Building Co., Dynamite, 40.50 6931'1 Chee. E. Kizer, Repa1ring auto top, 5.00 - 6940 G. F. Monfort, Grader Blades, 43.50 6941 Community Christmas Tree Co. Oontribution to 175.00 6942 Spencer & Allen, laU equipment, 75.00 6943 S.W.Water Corporation, Water, 378.20 6944 Pay roll, Street Employes, Dec., 1928, 1086.50 6945 do. MisoeUaneous Employes, do. 3043.85 61'146 do. Sewer Employes, do. 437,50 6947 F. B. Andrews, Dity Attorney, do. 121.00 6948 Oalitornia Laundries, Laundry, Jail Equipment, 1.85 6949 Traoy Brick and Art Stone Co. Refund ot taxes, 1.84 6950 William Porter, do. 11.20 695lB8nk of Italy, do. 26.88 6952 Chas. P. Moies, City Treaeurer, Qr. ending Dec.3l 333.96 61'153 D. A. Kirby, Glass for pressure gauge, 1.00 6954 Autocar Sales and Service Co. Truok repair parts, 25.75 6955Rodney Stokes Co. Blue Printing, .70 - II Meeting ot Jan. 2, 1929, Continued. 6956 National Iron Works, Hoee Connection, $ .90 61'157 Zellerbab Paper Co., Toilet Pap&r, 5.88 61'158 C. V. Electric Co. Electric Supplies, 2.70 6959 Underwood Typewriter Co. Repair T. W. Maohine, 3.50 6960 A. H. Skinner,Co. Hardware, and tire hose, 199.68 6961 M. C. EUiott, Hire of Horee, 11.00 Denrich Press, 61'162 Printing, 71.02 61'163 Chae. E. Smith, Volunteer Firemen, Dec., 1928, 26.00 6964 Arey-J"ones Co. Office Supplies, 3.60 61'1650. V. stù, Printing and Publishing, 49.1'13 6966 C. Paint & Hdw. Co. Paint and Hardware, 145.75 61'167 S. D. Gas and Elect. Co. Eleotricity and gas, Deo. 1928 283.84 - ADJOURmIENT: upon motion by Cl. Soott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, whioh carried, the Counoil adjourned sine die. Attest: ~~ Ci t:¡r Clerk. -