HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1929/02/05M~INUTES OF A REGDI.~R MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, HELD FEBRUARY 5, 1929. The Council met in regular session, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the above date, with Mayor Peters in the Chair. Meeting called to order at ?:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Peters, Councilmen Hawkins, Barnes, Lyons, Scott. READING OF N~INUTE~: The minutes of the~last regular meeting of Jan,,-~y 2, 1929, and of special meetings of January S and 14, 1929, were read and approved as read. RAILROAD TRACKS ON THIRD AVENUE: A petition, s~gned by approximate 175 property owners, in the city, was presented, and it asked that the tracks be removed from Third Avenue, or that proper signalling devices be installed at each street intersection along the line of track. The city attorney reported that the railroad tracks are located on Third Avenue under the provisions of a state law of 1872, which authorizes railroads to run on or across streets, roads, etc. That the County Board of Supervisors under date of Yen- usry 12, 1887, granted the railroad the right to operate on the said street, under the provisions of the state law above quoted, and that so far as he k~ew, the railroad tracks are legally entitled to remain on Third Avenue indefinitely. Mayor Peters than granted the petitioners and those against the petition, ten minutes each, to set forth their views on the Subject. A stranger asked Council to protect the citizens of this city. W. A. Collins asked that signalling devices be installed at each street inter- section along the railroad tracks in question. Th~m,s Howe stated that the railroad was a necessity and we must continue it, but that its tracks should be removed from ~hird Avemue to somewhere along the Bay front; that the railroad sometimes blocks the crossing Just south of Madrona Street; that sometimes freight cars are ahead of the engine, whereas the engine should always be ahead of any oars so the engiueer may be able to see the tracks ahead. Walter Sharp: That the railroad was here first and petitioners should consider the cost of removing and replacing tracks; that the benefit to the industries now served by railroad should be considered; that there has been but one death due to this railroad in over 40 years, and that death was the fault of the deceased and not the rail- road. G.Y.Paulson: Remove the railroad and kill the town; if tracks are moved to bay front will cost the Citrus Association $2A0,00G.00 to reconstruct its buildings. Y. H. McOulloch: If railroad can operate any more safely thal~ at present, it should do so; remove the railroad and we kill industry. E. B. Leach: His company ships 150 to 200 cars per year; does not want railroad removed. Attorney Dillworth, of the Railroad Company: Read the operating rules of the com- pany which provide a ten mile speed on Third Avenue and F Street, and a six mile speed while c~ossing the sidewalk near Madrona Street; that there has never been an operating accident on this line. Vincent Howe: Said trains sometime run at a speed of ~5 miles per hour on Third Avenue; asks that the matter be taken up with the State Railroad Commission. Mr. Grace, of the Railroad Company: That an automatic signalling device will cost approximately $2000.00, each; that two slow switching trains per day will not warrant the installation of such devices; that if necessary the company will have a stop order issued for all trains at the crossing of the sidewalk near Madrona Street and at Second Avenue and F Street, with a fl~mm~an to precede the trains when making these crossings. Mayor Peters announced that the Council will take the entire matter under con- sideration, and arrange to have a meeting with a committee representing the railroad company, at which meeting it is thought a satisfactory arr-~ement can be provided. Mr. Hag,m,~ of the railroad company, said the railroad company will be glad to meet with the council and a committee at any time. FLOOD CONTROL AT FIRST AVEI~JE AND I STREET: k~. F. W. Stafford again appeared before the Council on this subject, and offered to put in approxtm-tely 100 feet of curb and gutter, plus the return, along 1st Avenue, if the city will install a concrete dip across 1st Avenue at I Street. The city engineer approved this arrangement, and upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried, it was decided to carry i~ forward to completion. FIRE INSURANCE: Mr. McFarland, of the Pacific Board of Fire Underwriters, advised the Council that he had completed a survey of the city, and left his recommend- ations as the result of such survey with the Council. It was arranged to meet with him at a later date and go into details of his recom~endations. He stated that from his survey, he has not recommended any change in insurance rates from the present rates. l~Ieeting of February 5, 1929, Continued. FIRE HYDRANTS: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Gl. Barnes, which carried, the Fire Connnittee was given power to act in the matter of installing · fire hydrants, one each, at 6th Ave. and G Street, and 2nd Ave. and Mankato Street. REMOVING TREES FROM STREETS: Mr. J. E. Cline was granted permission to remove two eucalyptus trees fram the parking fronting his property at 501 Flower Street, he having deposited the required amount. I~otion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Scott, carried. TAXES ON SCHOOL PROPERTY: The Ch,,l~ Vista Union School District, by letter, asked that it be relieved of the 1928 Ohula Vista Taxes on Lot 9, ~--Section 137, the District having purchased that parcel of land. The clerk announced that the purchase of the land was completed Aug. 4, 1928, and the 1928 taxes were then a lien on the property and so far aa he knew should be paid. Referred to the city attorney. BOULDER DAM ASSOOIATION: This association, by letter, asked the Council to donate $10.00 per month for six months to help maintain the association. Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by 01. Lyons, which carried, it was decided to donate a l~mp sum of $50.00. GASOLINE IN BAP~ETM: A letter from R. E. Lee, complaining against the oil companSes delivering gasoline wholesale to ranchers, was read. Ordered filed. STREET LIGHTING CONTRACT: This contract again not executed, pending further investigation by city attorney. STREET LIGHT: A petition was read, which was signed by the property owners effected, asking f~r a street light at 5th Avenue and Y Street. It was ascertained that it will cost approximately $300.00 to run a street light line in to that point, and the clerk was instructed to inform the petitioners that at any time when the light company has lines near enough, the street light will be installed, without additional expense fc~ the lines. Motion covering by Gl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried. TL~$ LANDS: In the matter of changing the grant for the tide lands to the city, the action of the clerk in fu~nishiag Assemblyman Eddy with the legal description of lands effected, was approved. GATEWAY AT BORDER: Gl. Lyons offered Resolution No. 265. which is a resolution requewting the Secretaries of the Treasury and Labor of the United States to accept a site offered for the new gateway aS the border which is apprortm~tely 1600 feet west of the present gateway. The resolution was read, and was passed, adopted and ap- proved, as ready by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Gl. Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 0RDINAN~E No. 194: Upon motion by Gl. Hawkins, seconded by 01. Lyons, which carried, Ordinance No. 194 was placed on its second and final reading. It was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Gl. Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. BONDS, PL~P~a~RS AND PLAST~2~ERS: ~he Bond of Bert St~atton, Plasterer, and the bonds of Master Plumbers Charles W. Hughes and Curtis L. Grain, were, upon the recom- mendation of the city attorney, accepted, upon motion by 01. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried. ORDINANCE No. 195:Upon motion by Gl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which car- ried, Ordinance No. 195 was placed on its second and final reading. It was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Gl. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES: None. _~BSENT: None. FEHIODICAL'REPORTS: The monthly reports of the City Yudge and Fire 0hief, were presented, read, and ordered filed. ORDINANCE No. 196: Upon motion by 01. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried, Ordinance No. 196 was placed on its first reading. This is an ~rdinauce emending the Building Ordinance. Meeting of Yebruary 5, 1929, Continued. SIDEWAL~S No. 4: 01. Scott offered Resolution No. 266, which is a resolution ordering in the work of sidewalks on H Street, as provided in Resolution No. 2§9. It was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Lumber Yard: It was reported that the Ohula Vista Lm~her Yard is contemplat&~g enlaring their plant in this cit~. Clerk instructed to get in touch with the manager of the yard and arrange a meeting with the owners of the ltmaber yard and the city council. RAILROAD ON THIRD AVENUE: The city attorney was instructed to confer with the officials of the S. D. & A. Ry Co. in connection with the proposal of the R. R. Company to have all their trains stop and have a flagm,n on foot precede their trains when crossing the sidewalk on 3rd Ave., near Madrona, and at 2nd Ave., and F Street; also, to have flares on the ends of their trains, when such ends are cars, and not the engine. Motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Scott, which carried. BIIJM PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, the following bills, after examination by the Finance Oc~amittee, were ordered paid: 6968 S. D. Gas and Elect. 0o. 6969 S. D. Tractor and Equipment Co. 6990 do. 6971 Wright & McKee, 6992 C. V. Cafe, 69?3 S. W. Water Oorpn. 6974 F. E. Ashcroft, 6995 Com. Ohristmas Tree, 6976 Helm Bros. 6977 Union 0il Company, 6978 Pac. Teleph. and Telegr. 0o. 6979 Pay Roll, 6980 do. 6981 do. 6982 F. B. Andrews, 6983 Western ~etal Supply 0o. 6584Motor Hdw. and Equip. Oo. 6985 Holly 6986 M. C. Elliott, 6987 S. D. Tractor and Equip. Co. 6988 Lane Stamp 0o. 6989 H. S. Hall, 6990 Hersum Lmaher Co. 6991Arey-Yones Co. 6992 Hazard-Gould & Co. 6993 S. D. Fire Equip. 6994 Service Pharmacy, 6995 S. D. Gas and Elect. Co. 6996 Motor Vehicle Pub. House. 6997 California Laundries, 5998 Fuson & Kinnings, 6999 C. ~. Motor Sales, 7000 Pac. Acetylene 0o. ?001 Charles E. Smith, 7002 Helm Brothers, 9003 F. E. Ashcroft, 7004 S. D. Machine Company, 7005 DenrichPress, 7006 Skinner Company, 7007 Homeland Building Company, 7008 C. V. Cafe, 9009 L. Robison, 7010 Union 0il Company, 7001 Nelson & Slosh, 7012 S. D. Cas and Elect. Co. 7013 C. V. Star, 7014 Allens Press Clipping Bureau 7015 The Picture Shop, 7016 Denrich Press, 7017 Smith's Drug Store, ?018 Walter M. Sharp, Street Signs, Dec., 1928, $ 4.70 Tractor Rollers, 75.00 Tractor Tracks, 2?5.00 Expenses, Court Procedings, 7.78 Feeding Prisoners, Dec., 1928, 43.05 Water, December, 1928, 219.76 Examining alleged dr,m~e, 389.00 Making up deficit, 18.80 Motor Parts, Dec. 1928, 2.?9 Gasoline and Lubricants, Dec., 1928, 226.80 Phone service, do. 29.40 Miscellaneous Employes, do. 3155.50 Sewer E~ployes, do. 469.25 Street Employes, do. 1169.60 City Attorney, Jan., 1929, 132.50 Hardware materials 28.87 Motor materials, 6.51 Tractor Parts, 10.25 Hire of horse, pnrch, of trees, care of trees 49.50 Tractor repair parts, 4.20 Rubber Stamp, 1.90 Boring drain well, 31.00 Lumber and Cement, ?8.98 Office Supplies, 6.85 Motc~ Supplies, 3.63 Fire equipment, 8.50 0hemical recharges for fire extinguishers, 9.28 Street Lights and other, Jan. 1929, 299.92 1929 Autamobile List, 30.00 Jail Laundry, 2.00 Motor repair parts, 8.10 do. 48.?5 Acetylene and Oxygen, 23.24 Volunteer Firemen, 26.00 Motor Repair Parts, 2.28 Exemaning alleged drunks, Jan., 1929, 391.00 Motor repair parts, 1.50 Printing, 40.48 W,~dware, 6.02 Dynamite, 25.00 Feeding Prisoners, Jan., 1929, 8.05 Tire Repairs, .35 Gasoline and Lube., Jan., 1929, 303.65 Sand, 1.50 Street Signs, 4.?0 Printing and Publishing, 65.85 Chamber of Con~nerce account, 4.00 do. 23.42 do. 18.50 do. 10.15 do. 15.85 ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion of Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried the Council adjourned to 7:30 p.m., February 11, 1929.