MARCH 5, 1929.
The Council met in regular session, in the Couacil Chamber of the City Hall, on
the above date, with ~ayor Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor Peters, Councilmen Barnes, Hawkins, Lyons, Scott.
READING OF MIN~I'~: The minutes of the last regular meeting of February 5,
1929, smd au adjourned regulr meeting of February il, 1929, were read smd approved
as read.
SIL~ALEB No. 4: This being the time advertised and scheduled for opening pro-
posals far sidewalks, curbs aud gutters, on H Street, between 3rd and 4th Avenues,
in this city, the following proposals were publicly opened am1 declared:
James M. Ford, 41~l ~0th Street, San Diego, for ~he Job cemplete, in accordance
with specifications on file, $1516~44.
Victor Tessitore, of Chula Vista, for the Job cc~plete, according to specifica-
tions on file, $1580.00.
The bid of James M. Ford being the lowest, upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded
by Cl. Scott, it was accepted by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Co~ucllmen Hawkins,
Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. N0~S: None. A~ENT: None.
Cl. Scott then offered Resolution No. ~$8, which is a resolution of award of con-
tract to James M. Ford. It was read ami was passed, adopted and approved, as read,
by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons.
NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
The said James M. Ford, not being a licensed concrete worker in this city, he
then and there applied for a license,and it was authorized, provided the license will
not issue until he has deposited the required bond, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded
by Cl. Hawkins, which carried.
~ A~ '~-0T: Messers T. O. Macaulay and T. B. Boner, presented the matter
of the city filling in the tide l~ds along the bay front, to be presented to the
U. S. Government for the establishme~t of au Army Air Depot. They stated that early
action is mecessery if the project is to be placed here. They advised that the cost
for dredging and filling 192 acres of land will be approx~m-tely $100,000.00. Cl.
Barnes then offered Resolution No. E87, which is a resolution declaring it to be
the intention of the City Council to call a special election to vote on bonds for
the expenditure of the $100,000.00, above specified. The resolution was read, and
was passed, adopted and approved, as read by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl.
H~wkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons,.NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
STREET MA~IN~Y, ~'u~ FOR: The union 0il Company of Califoraia presented
a new contract for gasolin$, with a top price of 1~ cents per g-~on, to replace the
contract sign-d Jan. 2, 1929. This contraet to be effective for one year from this
date. It was accepted, and the propor official authorized to sign same, upon motion
by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Cl. Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
G~ADING FOURTH AVENUE BETWEEN I and $. STRUTS: Mr. P. D. Rice, of the Sweet-
water Corporation, asked the council to make the grade on Ath Aveneue, such that it
will not require lowering the water mains, and that if such grade is established, the
water cempamy will pay the cost or replacing any curbs or sidewalks that are now in
place. Also, they will pay the cost of issuing an ordinance cha~ging the present
gradS. It w~s decided to change the grade as requested by E~r. Rice, and the city
~ngineer was instructed to prepare the neoeseary plans aud drawings, upon motion
by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
TE~PORARY CITY DUMP: Mr. Azevedo, owner of the five acres at the southeast
corner of ~rd Avenue and D Street, asked the city to use the easterly portion of
his land for a city dump, until the low place therein is filled. Request denied.
TWO HOL~ P~REING ON CE~T~ STREET: A petition, signed by the property owners
effected, was presented, in which it is requested that the two hour parking of vehi-
cles apply on the south side of Center Street, between ~rd a~enue and alley lying
east of ~rd Avenue. Authorized, with instructions to chief of police to have signs
erected, upon motion by 01. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
I~eeting of ~-~ch 5, 19E9, Continued.
STREET LIGHTS: A petition, signed by the property owners in that locality, asked for
a street light at the intersection of 4th Ave. and H Street. Referred to Street
mittee with power to act, upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which
A letter from the m~nager of ~m~lles Park Subdivision, asked for the installation
of a street light at the intersection of Fig Ave. and E Street. Clerk instructed to
inform petitioner that as soon as the streets in Smaile's Park Subdivision as com-
pleted, qs required, the matter of the street light will be considered.
PERIODICAL REPORTS: The monthly reports of the Oity Judge and Fire Chief for
the month of February, 1929, were presented a~d ordered received and filed.
RAILROAD TRAC~S ON THIRD AVE.: A letter from the S. D. & A. Ry. Company,
was presented, in which the writer states that orders have been issued to the
train crews to the effect that all trains entering the city wlllstop at the inter-
section of F and End Ave., and at the sidewalk crossing on 3rd Ave. near Madrona
street, in both stops the trains will be preceded by a flagman, on foot, before
proceeding. Also, the cars will be protected by red flares when traveling at night.
Ordered filed.
LIBRARY ADDITION: Messrs Warner Edmonds and Edgar D. Boal, of the Library
Board, presented a plan of the proposed addition to the present library building,
and asked the Council ~66~&~6a~65~65&~6 to place a $50,000.00 bond issue before
the electors of the city, at the sm~e election ~o be held for voting bonds for an
Army Air Depot. This amount required to construct an addition to the present
building, improve the grounds, and furnish equipment for the library. The ~equest
was granted and the city attorney instructed to prepare the necessary papers, upon
motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried by the following vote
to-wit: AYES: Gl. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES: None. ABSENT:
PLANNING CO~ff~SSION MINUTES: The minutes of a meeting of the Pl~ing Com-
mission, held Feby ES, 19E9, were read, and no action taken thereon.
AILS.,:,. MAP~ FRON TAX FACTORS: A letter from the Tax Factors, Inc., offering
maps of the city -nd surrounding community, for SE§0.00, with extra prints, to cost
$?0.00, was presented to the Council. Upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl.
Lyons, the clerk was instructed to take over the matter, and include the values
of the property fixed by the Tax Factors, in the purchase.
PLASTJa~tE~'S BOND: The bond ~ Clifford Ellis, as a plasterer, was, upon the
recomEendation of the city attorney, approved, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded
by Cl. Hawkins, which carried.
CEMENT WOREm~H LICENSE: The request of Victor Tessitore for a Cement Workers
license, accampanied by the correct bond, was granted, upon motion by Cl. Scott,
seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried.
~DINANCE No. 196: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by 01. Lyons, which
carried, Ordinance No. 196 was;placed on its second and final reading. It was read,
and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES:
CL. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NGES: None. ABSENT: None.
STREET LIGHTING CON~RACT: The contract with the S. D. Oon. Gas and Electric
Cc~pany was authorized for acceptance and signature by the proper official, by
Resolution No. E69,~*offered by Cl. Scott. The resolution is a resolution of award
of contract, and was passed and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Gl. Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NC~S: None. ABSENT: None.
LAND SOLD FOR TAXES: Cl. Hawkins offered Resolution No. E~, which is a res-
olution instructing the city attorney to deed to the city, Lot ~, Block l, of
Marlborough Heights, the taxes for five years past having not been paid. The res-
olution was passed and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-~it: AYES:
Gl. Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
EkT~ION OF CE~I~mH STREET: Gl. Scott offered Resolution No. EgO, which is
a resolution declaring a railroad crossing on this extension a necessity. It was
passed and approved, aa read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: O1. Lyons, Haw-
kins, Barnes, Peters, Scott, NC~S: None. ABSENT: None.
ideeting of l~aroh 5, 1929, Continued.
REMOVING STREET TREES: It appearing that the street trees fronting property
owned by I. A. Konetzka, on 1st Ave., near F Street, having been once cut down,
upon motion by Cl. Hawkind, seconded by Cl. Barnes, ~. Eonetzka was authorized
to remove the second growth trees that have grown up from the stumps of former
PAID: The following bills, after exemination by the finance committee,
were, upon motion by Gl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, ordered paid:
7025 F. B. ~drew, City Attorney, Feby, 1929,
7026 Pac. Teleph. and Telegr. Co.
7027 Land Stamp Co.
7028 Zellerbach Paper Co.
?029 Kramer &Lefurgy,
7030 PayRoll,
7031 Pay Roi1,
?032 PayRoll,
?033 Western ~etal Sup. Co.
?034 S. D. Gas and Electric Co.
?035 Calf. Laundries,
?036 Reuthar Auto. Equip.
703? Autoear Sales and Sar. 0o.
?0~8 A. Carlisle,
7039 League of 4~uuioipalities, S.D. Co.
70~0 M. C. Elliott,
7041 Fuson & Kinnings,
7042 Helm Bros.,
?043 Pac. Acetylene Co.
?044 Griffith Oumpany,
7045 Service Pha~aacy,
7045 Fosters Auto Service.
?047 Homeland Bldg. Co.
?048 ~grsell Rollins Bank Note 0o.
7049 Skianer Company,
?050 C. V. ~tor Sales,
?051 F. E. Ashcroft,
?052 Charles E. Smith,
?053 Guptil & Sabin,
?05~ C. V. Paint and Hdw. Store,
7055 S. D. Gas and E~eot. Co.
?056 Union 0il Company of California,
705? S. D. Fire Equip. Co.
?058Dearich Press,
?059 National Iron Works,
?060 C. V. Star,
Phone Service, Feb, 1929 g0.80
Rubber Stamp, .50
Paper towels, 6.3?
Refund Trees ~oval, 38.00
Miscellaneous Employes, Feby. 3~09.30
Sewer Employes, " 418.00
Street Employes, 1092.10
Iron Naterials, 13.68
Str. Lights and Electy, Feby, 294.98
Laundry, City Jail, 1.40
Motor Repair parts, 6.44
Truck Repair parts, 1.00
Assessor's Mauual, 1.33
D~es, 1929, 15.00
Hire of horse, Feby, 11.00
Motor Repair parts, 1.50
do. ?.48
Acetylene, 5.52
Paving Patching, 180.00
Nursing Supplies, 5.20
Tire Repairs, 1,50
Dyn~mite, 40.50
Treasurer's forms, 26.85
W-~dware, 32,93
Motor Repair Parts, 2.40
~edioalExam. alleged Dru~, 318o00
Call men, Fire Dept., Feby, 18.00
Insurance Nurse's Auto, 34.00
Paint and Hdw., 10.24
Street Signs, 4.70
Gasoline and Lubricants, Feby 2.57.06
Extinguisher Recharges, 15.00
Printing, ~8.98
Shaft and bushing, 29.40
Printing and Publishing, 272.30
ADJOURI~qENT: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which oar-
tied, the Council adjourned to ?:30 p.m., ~aroh 19, 1929.
City Clerk.