HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1929/04/02i.iINIrFgs OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CtK/LA VISTA, HELD APRIL APRIL 2, 1929. The Council met in regular session, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on the above date, with l~ayor Peters presiding. Meeting called to order at ?:30 p.m. Present: If~yor Peters, Cl. Hawkins, Lyons, Barnes. Cl. Scott, absent. P~E.~DING OF ~,~i~JTES: The minutes of the last regular meeting of i~arch 5, 1929, an adjourned meeting of ~,,Mrch 19, 1929, and Special meetings of March 8 and 30, 1929, were read, and approved as read. INDUS~qIAL PLANT: ~. Theo. Back, of the San Diego Tallow Works, urged that he be permitted to establish a rendering plant on the bay front lands. He guaranteed that there would be no odor fr~n such a plant, and emplained why. No action taken pending further investigation. POLICE DEPARTi,,~NT: L~. Robert E. Lee, who conducts a service station at E and 2nd Ave., complained that the Police Department is not doing its duty, and demanded protection. Stated he had been robbed, stabbed and beaten recently, and that the police had failed to apprehend the robbers, after he had sworn out a warrant; also, that some boys had stolen some oil from him, and no arrests made. Chief Clyne replied to the accusation, ~howing that all efforts possible had been made to apprehend the attackers of D~. Lee; that they had been traced to Vista, but there the trail was lost. No action taken. STATE C0~ENSATION INS~RANCE FUND: A representative of this organization pre- sented the matter of the rate charged this city for its sewer e~ployes, making house connections to the sewer system, viz: $5.95 per $100.00, while the charge for police officers is only ~.29. The city clerk had objected to the Fund on account of the charge for sewer employes as against the charge for police. It was learned that no reduction eould be made, as the rate is fixed by the rate c~mmittee, and althoug~ the rate is hight, no action could be taken in the matter. OR~NAMENTAL STREET LIGHTS ON F STREET: ~r. Wm. Masters reported that he had been unable to obtain enough signatures to a petition to get ornamental lights on F Street, and would take no further action at this time. The petition as signed was turned in to the city clerk. TE~EPHONE POLE: Yudge Y. H. NcCulloch complained that the Telephone Company has left an old telephone pole lying along the sidewalk in front of his property on F Street, and asked that it be removed. Clerk instructed to write Telephone Company directing the removal of the pole. ARMTAIR I~EPOT AND LIBRARY ADDITION: Mr. Y. R. Sutherlin, of Russell Sutherlin & Company, of Los Angeles, proposed to purchase the bonds for these two projects, provided such bonds are voted. He agreed to pay all expenses of putting through the issues, furnish the legal proceedings, and offered a contract for execution to this effect. The bonds to bear 5~% interest, and be i to 20 year bonds; proposed that the bonds for both projects, if they carry, be made into one issue. In case the bonds fail to carry, he will payall expenses, including cost of the election. Upon motion by ~. Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Lyons, the contract was accepted, a check for $1500.00 gua~anteeing the provisions being attached. Motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Barnes, Peters, Lyons, Hawkins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Gl. Scott. The motion carried the provision authorizing the proper officials to to sign the contract for and on behalf of the city. PA~ER E~KING CUPS FOR JAIL: The clerk was authorized to purchase 5000 4 oz. water drinking cups for use in the city Jail, upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, sec- onded by Cl. Lyons, which carried. CONTRACTOR'S BONDS: The folltwing contractors bonds, upon recomme~dation of the city attorney, were approved, upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried, viz: Geo. W. Heit~nau, Plasterer; Benton Roof and Paint 0o., Union Roofing Company, and E. J. Dailey, Roofing contractors. PERIODICAL REPORTS: The monthly reports of the City Judte and Fire Chief, and the quarterly report of the Chief of Police, were read and ordered filed. ~eting of April 2, 1929. Councilman Barnes was excused at this point, and left the council chamber. A~ ~EPOT AND LIBRARY ADDITION: The city engineer asked for more t~me to camplete the plans and specifications ~f th&se two projects, which was granted. STREET SIGNS: Cl. Hawkins offered Resolution No. 277, which is a resolution deslg- hating the Auto Club of Southern California, as the official agency for placing street and direction signs, on the streets of this city, the signs to be uniform and of the pattern now used by that club. It was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES; Gl. Lyons, Peters, Hawkins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Cl. Barnes, Scott. ORDINANCE No. 198: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded hy Cl. Lyons, which car- ried, Ordinance No. 198 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance prohib- iting the distribution of ha~d bills, dogers, advertising matter, etc., by throwing or placing the same on the streets, lawns, yards, enclosures, ~n~automoblles or other vehicles, or by passing the s~m~ to persons, It does not prohibit the placing, etc., of newspapers or magazines, with a bona fide subscription list or of general circulation throughout the community, such as defined by the laws of the State of Celiformia. LAND SOLD FOR T~L~ES: The city attorney hawing deed Lot 4, in Block l, of ~arlborongh Heights, to the city, according to law, the taxes on the said lot having not been paid for more than five years, ~he clerk announced that the property had been redeemed by the owner, by the payment of the taxes, costs and penalties, upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, the ~syor and Clerk were authorized to sign a quit claim deed to the property. 4iotion carried. 0BSENE LETT~: ~ letter of an obscene~,~addressed to the city council, was turned over to the city attorney, with instructions to have the letter placed in the hands of the proper postal authorities, upon'motion by 01. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried. PLA~ING C0;,,~ISSION MINUTES: The minutes of a meeting of the Planning Commis- sion, held March 28, 1929, were presented, and action taken by this 0ouncil, as followe: Tree Warden authorized to purchase fertilizer to ~eke a mulch for young street trees, in such quantities as will be required for the purpose. In the matter of a paving program, this council will meet with the Planning Com- mission at its next regular meeting, April 25, 1929. Improvement of baseball grounds; approved for t,~r. Hawkins to expend not to exceed $25.00 for this work. The clerk to write Mr. Walter Sharp in connection with the erection of a building on K Street. BILLS PAID: The following bills, after examination by the finance con~ittee, motion by C1.Lyons, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried, were ordered paid: upon 7070 Pay Roll, 7071 do. 7072 do. 70?3 £. C. ~acaulay, 7074 F. B. ~ndrews, 7075 California Laundries, ?076 Warner Edmonds, 7077 Ruther Auto Equip. Co. ?078 Campbell Chevrolet Co. 7079 Skinner Company, 7080 Motor Hdw. and Equip. Co. 70S1 Holly Sumner, 708E Hazard-Gould & co., 708Z Western ~Jetal Supply Co. 7084 Helm Brothers, ?085 Central Sheet ~etal Works, ?085 H. H. Green, 708? C. V. Paint & Hdw. Stc~e, ?088 C. V. Motor Sales, ?089 Chas. P. ~oies, ?090 ~. C. Elliott, ?091 C. V. Star, ?092 i~. Morgan, Miscellaneous Employes, Mch, 1~29, $3115.65 Sewer Employes, do. 471.50 Street Employes, do. 1160.50 Expenses to Washington P.D., 200.00 City Attorney, i~ch, 1929, 125.00 Laundry, City Jail, do. 3.60 City Officials Bonds, 35.00 ~,~otor Repair Parts, 5.20 do. 5.95 Hardwar~ supplies, . 6.41 do. .88 ~otor Repair Parts, 1.0S do. 4.91 do. 3.09 do. 14.90 Bending pipe, .75 Motor Repairs, 3.00 Hardware Supplies, 44.38 ~otor Repai~ Parts, 52.35 Trsasursr, Qr. ending Mch. 31, 1929, 24~.56 Hire of Horse and wagon, do. 11.00 Printin~ and ~ubtishing, do. 58.57 Fesding Prisoners, do. 17.50 ~y~eeting of April 2, 1929, 7093 Chas. E. Smith, Call ~en, Mch, 1929. $36.00 7094 II. E. Ashcroft, Examination of Alleged Drunks,Mch, 29, 412.00 7095 S. D. Gas and Electric Co. ~Electriclty and gas, ~arch, 1929, 278.26 7096 Denrich Press, Printing, ~ch, 1~929 30.45 7097 Union 0il Company, Gasoline and Lubs, lgch, 1929, 251.27 7098 Pac. Acetylene Ce., Acetylene and Oxygen, do. 10.17 7099 C. V. Lumber Company, Lumber, lime and cement, do. 37.01 7100 C. V. Electric Co. Electric Lamps, 3.00 7101 Homeland Building Company, Dynamite, 12.50 7~02 Service Pharmacy, Flaxseed ~eal, .50 7103 L. Robison, Tire Repairs, .25 ADJOLP.¥1~'JT: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried, the Council adjourned to 7:30 p.m., April 23, 1929. City Clerk.