JUNE 4, 1929.
The Council met in regular session, in the Council Chamber of the
on the above date, with Mayor Peters presiding. ~eeting called to order at
Present: Mayor Peters, Councilmen Scott, Lyons, Barnes. Absent Councilman
City Hall,
7:30 p.m.
READING OF MI~u'i'ES: The minutes of the last regular meeting of May 7, 1929, and
of sm adjourned regular meeting of ~ 14, 1929, were read, and approved aa read.
0RNAMENTALS~P~EET LIGHTING: 'A~is being the time set for receiving and opening
bids for the installation of Ornamental Street Lighting on Third Avenue, the following
bids were opened and declared:
Walker & ~tin, for the Job complete,
Pacific Engineering and Construction Co., Job complete
Klnmore Electric Ccmrpany, do.
The UnionMetal Company, do.
Joseph E. Peterson, do.
Walker &Martin, being the lowest bidder,
which is a resolution of award of contract, awarding the contract to the said Walker &
Martin, for the price stated, $14,1§l.00. The resolution was read, and was passed,
adopted and approved, as read, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Scott, Lyons,
Barnes, Peters. NOES: None. ABSENT: Gl. Hawkins.
Cl. Barnes offered Resolution No. 286,
R__E~OVING STREET ~tEES: Mr. H. F. Weimeyer, asked verbally, for permission to remove
some Eucalyptus trees fronting hisproperty at National Avenue and H Street. The pl-n-lng
co~ission having recommended that the trees at this point located in the business zone
be not replaced, this Council authorized the removal of five Eucalyptus trees on H
Street, to be replaced, and the other trees on H Street and National Avenue, to be not
replaced, provided ~hat Mr. Weimeyer deposits the sum of $25.00, as a guarantee that the
five trees will be replaced. This action on motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Gl. Lyons,
which carried.
Industry in Zone B: Mr. 0. D. Sanders, by letter, asked this Council far permis-
sion to lease his property on Madison Avenue, in m,~lborough Heights, to be used for
the extabllshment of a ~,,11 pop corn ball factory. No buildings are to b~reeted for
this purpose. The pl,nning ccmnnission having reported favorably on the subject, upon
motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by 01. Lyons, Which carried, the matter is referred to the
City Health Officer, for report.
PLANNING C01~SSIONMINUTES: The minutes of a meeting of the Planning Commission
held Ma.V 29, 1929, which showed that a quoromof that body was not present, were consid-
ered, and action taken as follows:
Resignation of Mr. Edgar D. Boal, as a member of the Ommm~ssion accepted upon
motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by 01. Barnes, which carried.
In the matter of the establishment of a small popcorn ball factory, on Madison
Avenue, as requested by Mr. 0. D. Sanders, referred to City Health Officer.
Request of Mr. H. F. Weimeyer to remove trees fronting his property at National
Avenue --~ H Street, granted as requested and as recommended by Planning O~mnission.
I1%AINPIPE AGROSS STREET: Mr. W' E. Montgom~ry asked for permission to install a
drain pipe across First Avenue, in front of hie property, to carry off the surplus irriga-
tion water that comes down that way. Granted upon motion by 01. Lyons, seconded by 01.
Scott, which carried.
MUNICIPAL BAND: Mr. Herbert V. Bryant, verbally stated that it is the intention
to organize a municipal band, to be supported by the City of National City, Chula Vista
and the South Bay District. It is proposed to have Mr. James Seebold as instructor, at
a salary of $150.00 per month, and to pay the musicians for rehearsing and playing concerts.
Chula Vista's share of the expense will be $500.00. No action taken, clerk to check up
on amount a~eady allotted for advertising and pramotion.
POOL HALL: Messrs. W. R. and M. W. Freem, n, by written application, asked for per-
mission to establish a pool hall at 293 Third Avenue, with three pool tables, card tables,
and smokers' supplies, ete.m Granted, with the provision that this pool hall be conducted
in a satisfactory manner, upon motion by 01. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
Meeting of June 4, 1929, Continued.
VACATIONS: The Oo~unity Nurse asked for a vacation of five weeks, c~mmencing June
17, 19Z9, the additional week to be for the purpose of attending a convention of State
Nurses. Grauted, upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Scott, which carried.
The Fire Chief asked for vacations for his force as follows: Engineer Lamb from
July 1 to 15, 1929; Asst. Chief Armer from Aug. ~ to 9, 1929. For himself to have
his vacation apply on his trip to The Fire Chiefs' Convention, to be held at Vancouver,
Canada. Granted upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
The city attorney asked fc~ his regular Vacation, to eormaence about July 1, 1929,
and it was granted on motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
CONVENTIONS: Fire Chief Smith asked that the city defray one-half of the expenses
of his attendance at the Fire Chief's Convention, to be held at Vancouver, Canada, July
23rd to 26, 1929. Granted on motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
Cl. Scott voted No.
MAST~ PLUI~BER'S LICEI~SE: A request from A. G. Gueddel, plumber, asking that he
be granted a~aster Plumber's license for a period of three months, was denied upon motion
by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
T~.TRPHONE CABI~ UND~GR01~ID: The Pacific Telephone and Tele~aph O~pa~ filed a
~ltten applicatio~ to 1~ ~ ~r~o~d cable across Roosevelt S~eet, ne~ ~d
Avemue, ~d folad a ~a~ sho~ where It will be located. Grated on motiom by Cl.
Soot~, sounded by Cl. B~nes, ~lch o~ried.
WARRANT LOST: A~r. H. S. Hall reported that he had received a City Warrant, No. 6989,
in the umount of $~1.00, for work performed for the city, and that he had misplaced said
warrant. The City ~reasurer having verified this fact that the warrant had never been pre-
sented for payment, upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, the clerk was instructed
to issue another warrant, for the omount specified, an~ cancel1 the first waxY. cut issued.
PI~ING COMMISSION: The resignation cf ~. Edgar D. Real as a member of that body
was read, and was accepted upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried;
the clerk instructed to write ~. Real the appreciation and thanks of this Council for his
past work on the Pl-~-ing C~mmlssion.
AUDIT OF CITY FINANCIAL RECORDS: The report of the auditor, Mm~. Harold Fr--~,
on his audit of the financial records of the City Treasurer, City Judge and City Clerk, for
the year endingi ~eh 31, 1929, was presented and read, Ail the records were found in
good order and all monies accounted for, with the exception of a discrepancy in the accounts
of the City Judge, to the effect that his accounts are not balanced, by depositing all funds
on h--d at the end of each month. The auditor recommended that the accounts be closed each
month, by depositing all funds on hand, and balancing the records with the cash remaining
on hand, Also, that the funds on hand in this department be deposited in the banks, under
the name of City Recorder, leaving off the name of the recorder or Judge; the City attorney
approved this recommendation on the grounds that any monies deposited in the nam~ of the
city Judge, would not be available to the city, in case of the death of the Judge, until
the estate of the Judge is probated. Cl. Scott moved that the recom~nendations of the
auditor be oompliedwith by the City Judge, and that the accounts be closed and all funds
deposited on the last day of each month. Seconded by Cl. Lyons, and carried by the fol~
lowing vote to-wit: AYES: Cl. Scott, Lyons, Barnes, Peters. N~: None. A~SENT: Cl.
The clerk was instructed to~emp, loy Mr. Fren~ to check the entire cash records of
the city Judge, and bring his accoun~,~e' past year, and turn in a report on the
standing of the records. This action on motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Barnes,
which carried.
PERIODICALREPORTS: The monthly reports of the City Judge and Fix-e Chief, for the
month of May, 1929, were presented and ~dered received and filed.
CHANGE OF G~ADE: In the ~tter of changing~he grade of Fourth Avenue, between I
and Y Streets, Cl. Scott offered Resolution No. 28~, which is a resolution ordering the
change of said grade. It was read, and was passed, adopted and approved, as read, by the
following vote, to-wit: AYES: Cl. Barnes, Peters, Scott, Lyons. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Cl. Hawkins.
LEAVES OF ABS~CE: Leaves of absence were granted to ~ayor Peters and Cl. Scott,
with permission to leave the State, for a period of 30 days, upon motion by Cl. I~ons,
seconded by Cl. Barnes, which ca,tied.
~eetlng of~ June 4, 1929, Continued.
SIDEW2I~ No. 4: ~e City Engineer presented the diagram of the assessment district
of the sidewalks, gutters and curbs, recently laid on H Street, between 3rd and 4th
Avenues. The Superintendent of Streets having filed his statement to the effect that this
work had been completed according to contract, the diagram of the district was accepted
upon motion by Cl. Scott,seeo~led by 01. Lyons, which carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Cl. Scott, Lyons, Barnes, Peterw. NOES: None. ABSENT: 01. Hawkins.
The clerk was instructed to employ ~. E. C. Upp to prepare the asses~nt roll,
have the bonds printed and make the bond record of this work, upon motion by Cl. Barnes,
seconded by Cl. Scott, which carried.
after examination by the finamce c~ittee, were ordered paid:
7150 PayRoll, Miscellaneous Employes, May, 1929,
Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, the following bills,
Street Employes, do.
Sewer Employes, do.
City Attornsy, do.
Motor supplies,
Blue Printing,
Repairing Emde's motorcycle,
Office 0hair, purchase of
Auditing Reeords,
Call men, Fire Dept., Ma~, 1929,
La,mdry for city Jail,
Auto Supplies~
Truck Repir parts,
Motor repair supplies,
Insurauce,Ol~ Hall Building,
Gas ~n~ Electricity, May, 1929,
Cleaning supplies,
Motor RepaL~ parts,
Payment on telegrams, tide laud matter,
Printing amd publishing, May, 1929,
Medical Exemination of D~nks, ~ay, 1929,
Chsmher of Commerce Supplies,
Motor Repir Parts,
Pramiom on bond of City Attorney,
Motor Repairs,
Plumbing Supplies,
Water, May, 1929,
Street machinery repairs,
Feeding Prisoners, May, 1929.
Auto Tiers,
Inc-n~escent lamps,
Office Supplies,
Hire of horse, hauling brush,
7151 do.
7182 do.
7163 F. B. Andrews,
7164 Motor Hdw. & Equip. 0o.
7165 Rodney Stokes 0o.
7166 Indian Motorcycle Co.
7167 Newman's,
71~ Harold Y. Frauk,
7169 Charles E. S~ith,
7170 California Lundries,
7171 Denrich Press,
7172 Western Auto Sup. 0o.
7173 Autocar Sales ,n~ Sar. Co.
7174 West. Metal Supply 0o.
7175 Murray M. Campbell,
7176 S. D. Gas and Elect. 0o.
7177 Hellers Grocery,
7178 C. V. Motor Sales,
7179 S. D. Ohamher of Com.
7180 C. V. Paint and Hdw. Store
7181 Ch. Vista Sta~,
7182 F. E. Ashcroft,
71~ Smith's D~ugStc~e,
7184 Thompson Photo Service,
7185 Redimat Sales Company,
7186 Fuson & Kinnings,
7187 M. G. ~ita,
71~ Skinner Hdw. Co.
7189 Pac. Acetylene Co.
7190 0. V. Brown,
7191 Hughes & Johnson,
7192 S. W. Water Corporation
?193 Homeland Building
7194 Otto Stang,
7195 Bungalow Sweet Shop,
7196 C. V. Service Station,
7197 0. V. Electric 0o.
7198 Arey-Jones Co.
7199 M. C. Elliott,
ADJOURN~ENT: Upon motion o~ 01. Barnes, seconded by 01. Scott, the Council adjourned
sine die.
City Clerk.