HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1929/07/11 MINtJTF8 OF AN ADJ"OURN.ED REGULAR MEETmG OF mE CITY COUNCIL OF CHULA. VISTA, c.œn HELD JULY 11, 1929. The Coun()ll IIIIIt, purøuant to postponement and adjourDlllSl t, in the Coun()il Ch8lllber ot the City Hall, on the abovlII date, with Mayor Peterlll preeid1¡¡g. MeetiI ()a11ed to order at 7130 p.lI1. Present: Mayor Peters, Councilmen Barnes ant RawkiI Councilmen I.yone and Scott, absent. In the absence ot City Attorney Anð.rsws, on vacation, Mt'. .Tohnson W. Putert City Attorney of C01'Dnado, acted all City Attorney. IIIINUTES, RJUDmG OF: The minutes ot the last regule.l' meeting or June 4, l\H were read and approved as read. PAVmG ALLEY: Mr. Victor Tusitore prosentlld a petition, l11.gned by all the ¡ ownerø or land abutting on the alley t'wming north and south tram F to Center StJ lying between 31'4 Avenus and Landis Avenue, asking that the alley bs pand with 5-inch ()oncrete. The petition waø returned to Mr. Tessitore tor ()orrection. He stated that he had the con tract to do ths paving, providsd the c1 ty would do ths ing. PIIrmission was grantsd tor paving the alley, the city to do the gradins, thl propsrty owners to have pavins done at private ()ontract, the work to be done aco< ing to oity spsoiti()ations and to the satistaction ot the street Superintendent < . Strestø¡ the oity engineer was instructed to prepars the plans and speciticatiol tor the work; this on motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carr: SIDEW4LK8 No.4: The olerk presentsd aftidavits ot noticBII sent to all p] erty owners atrected, or posting such notice, and ot publication, setting a date . hearing protests on the completion or this work, and the tiling of the IIIIsesamen' tor the cost theretor, all ot which papers were ordered tiled. The clerk then an· .. ... .. . . . ~.- . - -- - ~- . _. . .. . -.. -. II I~eting of July 11, 1929, Continued. VACATIONS: The action of members or the Council in granting &ne week's va()ation to Building Inllpe()tor Wharton, week of .Tune 24, to 30, 1929, whi()h a()tion was taken out- side ot a meeting of the Council, was confirmed upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, whi()h ()arried. Va()ations were granted to employes of tbs street Department, on motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, whi()h carried, to-.it: Street Superintendent S()hraeder, two weeks, commencing on or about July 8, 1929. Ira A. Kester, two wesks, to be taken somsti!l1e during school vacation, this year. King Perry, two weeks, commenoing .Tuly 5, 1929. Charles Brassee, one week, ()ommencing August 1, 1929. .T. A. Lester, two weeks, commencing July 15, 1929. Frank Schmedding, one week, commencing about .Tuly 1, 1929. PERIODICAL REPORTS: The monthly røport of the City .Tudge and Fire Chief, for the . month of June, 1929, were presented and ordered filed. LUBRICANTS FOR STREET MACHINERY: A ()ontra()t, renewing the present contract with the Union 011 Company or California, for lubricants for the year ()ommencing .Tuly 1, 1929, was presented, and was accepted, with authority for ths Mayor to sign same, upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, whioh carried by the following vots, to-wit: Ayes; Cl. Barnes, Peters, Hawkins. NOF.S: None. ABSENT: Cl. Lyone, S()ott. POOL HALL: ~. Arthur Raistri()k prssented an appli()ation to establish a pool hall, with ons pool table, at 288 Third Avenue. Authority granted, provided that this pool hall be condU()ted according to the provisions of the ordinanoe governing pool halls, and that the regulation licenss be taken out, on motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, whioh carried. POP CORN BALL FACTORY: The report of the City Health Ofti()er on the conditions existing in this establishment, at 41 Madison Avsnue, w.s read, and ordersd filed for tuture reference. MAYOR, PRO TEM: The aotion of Cl. Barnes, in acting as Mayor, pro. tem., in the payment of some bills .Tune 13, 1929, was ()onfirmed by motion by Hawkins, seoonded by Cl. Barnes, which carried. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: The minutes ot a meeting of the Planning Commission, ileeting held .Tune 27, 1929, were read, and aotion ordered as follows: Pop Corn Ball Factory, at 41 Madison Avenue: No action taken; report ot Ci ty Health Officer ordsred filed. In ths matter or air maps furnished by Tax Factors, In().: The clerk ordered to wi thhold payment of the bill, now in his possession, untl1 the arrang8lœnt of the Plan- ning Commission have been completed satisfactorily to that body. Removal ot ()ertain street trees, as rscommended by list attachsd to minutes, rererred to the Street Department. Club House for Boy S()outs in Park: No action taken by this coun()il, for the reason that it is not clear what organization, or organizations, desire to oonstruct the building. BILI.S PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which ()arried, the following bills, atter examination by the finance committee, were ordered pail: Union Oil Company, Gasoline and Lubricants, JUa¥, 1929, $276.55 Nelson & Sloan, 7201 Broken Stone, 6.28 7202 S. D. Gas and Ele()tric Co. Electricity for street signs, ~., 1929, 4.70 7204 MUrray M. Campbell, Insurance Ford Truck, 41.40 7208 Orohard Operating Company, Hire or Mules, May, 1929, 34.00 .. 7205 C. V. Lumber Company, Lumber, 38.61 7206 F. B. Andrews, City Attorney, June, 1929, 125.00 7207 W. J. S. Browne, Insuran()e on City Hall, 33.80 7208 Pay Roll, Misoellaneous Employes, .Tune, 1929, 2886.98 7209 Pay Roll, Street Employes, do. 1180.60 7210 Pay Roll, Sewer Employes, do. 197.50 7211 Bungalow Swee. Shop, Feeding Prisoners, do. 14.65 7212 Homeland Building Company, Dynamite, do. 37.50 7213 C. V. Service Station, Motor Supplies, 37.55 7214 Western Union Telegraph, Telegrams, 2.54 7215 Arey-Jones Company, Offioe Supplies, 6.40 7216 C. V. Motor Sales, Motor Supplies, 9.0IJ 7217 Fuson & Kinnings, do. 7.61 7218 Pao. Acetylene Co. Acetylene, 4.06 7219 Denrich Press, Printing, 22.45 7220 Guptil & Sabin, Bond or Street Superintendent, 5.00 II ~weting of July 11, 1929, Continued. 7221 M. C. Elliott, . Hire ot Horse, June, 1929, $ 9.20 7222 ChaR. E. Smith, Volunteer Firemen, and Convention Exp. 105.00 7223 Hughes & Johnson, Plumbing Supplies, 3.90 7224 A. H. Skinner Company, Hardwars, 16.65 7225 F. E. Ashcroft, Medical Examination of Drunks, .Tune, 1929, 284.00 7226 S. D. Gas and Electric Co. Gas and Electricity, .Tune, 1929, 255.14 7227 Denrich Press, Chamber of COlUIIlEIrce, Printing, 15.60 7228 O. A. Tunnel, do. 10.00 7229 American Survey, Maps for Chamber of Commerce, 10.00 7230 The Picture Shop, Photos do. 1.65 7231 Chula Vista Star, Printing, do. 17.25 7232 Auto Gear and Supply Co. Motor Supplies, 8.54 7233 Grain Brothers, Cleaning Auto Radiator, 4.75 7234 Hazard-Gould Co. Hardware, 5.30 - 7235 Channel Chev. Co. Motor Parts, .60 7236 Western Metal Supply Co. Hardwars and jl/Jotor Supplies, 13.23 7237 Auto()ar Sales and Servioe Co. Truck Repair Parts, 46.80 7238 Calif. Laundries, Laundry for ci ty jail, 1.16 7239 ROdney Stokes Co., Blue Printing, 2.20 7240 Reuther Auto Rqu1p. Co. Motor Supplies, 3.16 7241 S. D. Gas and Electric Co. Electy for street signs, June, 1919, 4.70 7242C. V. Paint and Hdw. Store, Paint and Hardware, do. 24.01 7243 Service Pharmacy, First Aid Refills, 2.70 7244 C. V. Star, Printing and Publishing, June, 1929, 37.70 7245 Pac. Teleph and Telegr. Co. Telephone Service, May, 1929, 32.06 7245 Union Oil Co., Gasoline and Lubricants, June, 1929, 221.83 7247 Pay Roll, Weed Cleaning, 362.00 7248 Thompson Photo Servi()e, Chamber of Com. Photos. 9.77 7249 Western Union Tele. Co. do. Telegramø, 13.82 7250 S. D. Direotory Co., Ci ty and County Directory, 12.00 7251 National Iron Works, Repairs mach inery, 15.31 7252 S. IV. Water Corpn. Water, .Tune, 1929, 248.99 7253 Orohard Operating Co., Hire of MUles, June; 1929, 36.00 AD.TOURNißENT: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Barnes, 'lhich carried, the ~ adjourned to 7:30 p.m., July 18, 1929. Attest: ~,~~ City Clerk. -