the above
Council met//'- vi~'-- esbs~ca in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, on
da~e, with Mayor Peters presiding. Meting called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Mayor Peters, Cl. Scott, Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes.
B~A~ING OF MINIFfES: The minutes of the last regula~ meeting of August $, 1929,
and of regular adjourned meetings of August 13 and 16, 1929, were read, and approved,
as read.
The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Equalization, held August 12,
and 13, 1929, were read, and approved, as corrected.
ADVERTISING: Mr. M. C. Blanchard asked the Council, verbally, for as much
of an allotment, under the heading of advertisement and prcmotion, ~s the 0ouncll
can give, for use of the local Chamber of Cow~mrce. No action taken at this meeting.
FLOOD WAT~ AT let AV~E AND IST. tEET: Mr. ~ed W. Stafford uain appeared
before this Council in connection with certain grading, etc., in connection with
the flood water around hie property at the above mentioned location. After discus-
sion, it was agreed that the only and proper solution of the matter, ia to run a
drain ditch through the land frc~ let Avenue, to National Avenue. The property owners
being reported to be willing, the city attorney was instructed to prepare easements
for ten feet of land for the ditch, to be signed by the property owners effected.
It was, also, decided that in the matter of grading let Avenue, Between I and Y
Streets, that a grade would be followed that will provide a high place, or hump,
on let Avenue, Just North of Y Street.
PLANNING C0~IS~ION~TING: The minutes of a meeting of the p]A~-~ng Cc~-
mission held August ~9, 19~, were presented, read, and the following action taken
Sale of T£ees on Third Avenue, Between E A~ Davideon Streets: Upon motion
by Cl. Scott, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carted, the clerk was instructed to
write Ernest F. Von Dreden, of SanDiego, and accept his offer of $5.00 per tree,
for the trees now standing on the East side of Third Avenue, between E and Davideon
street; but this offer is not to be accepted, until all the deeds for ten feet of
land required to widen Third Avenue, have been filed with the city clerk.
Purchase School Play Ground: In connection with the recommendation that
the city purchase the old school play ground, on F Street, referred to the city
ettorhed to look into the matter.
City Attorney's Lack of Diligence in Master Plan Law: The city attorney, in
reply, stated that the new Master Plan Law has not, as yet, been printed; that
he has written the Secretary of State for an advance copy of the law, but has not
received it to date; that when he has anything to report to the Planning Cc~iasion,
he will so report.
Removal of ~ees: The disap~oval of the removal of trees by Mrs. Y. L.
Scott, on the street, at 3rd Ave., and I Street, approved by this council.
BUDGET REQUIREMENTS: To be 0onsidered when city budget is made up.
New Member for Planning C~,~tseion:The Mayor neminated M. C. Blanchord for
the place, and upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Scott, which carried, the
nomination of the Mayor was confirmed.
I~AN~V~ ON~OTORV~I~T~: The insurance policies ~ coveri~ ins~as
of the motor v~icles o~ed by the city, an~ those ~nsd by ~ployees of the city,
on ~i~ bid~ were opened at the mee~i~ of A~. 16, 19~, ~d the awed made to
the 0B-~e~lin Ina~ce Co., of S~ Diego, havi~ been filed wi~ the city clerk,
the ~ertlfied check of the ins~ce e~p~ was ~dered red,ned, on motion by
Cl. ~wkins, seconded by Cl. ~ona, which o~ried.
ELECTION OFFICERS: Upon motion by Cl. S~ott, seconded by Gl. Lyons, which
carried, the pay for election officers who conducted the epecial election, held
September 3, 1925, was fixed at $7.50 each.
SMAI~.W~ PARK SUBDIVISION: The ttma for completion of the streets in this
subdivision having long since expired, the clerk was instructed to write the Smallee
Company, and the bondsmen in this case, to the effect that this council desires these
streets to be cc~npleted at once. Failure to ac complete them as requested, will
necessitate the city taking action under the bond. ~otion on this action by Cl.
Scott, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried.
Meeting of September 5, 1929, Continued.
LIBRARY REP~T: The annual report of the 0ity Library, for the fiscal year
ending June 50, 1929, was received and filed.
N~RSE'S CONTRACT: The contract of the community nurse was renewed for another
year, frCm AUgUet 15, 1929, and the M~or authorized to sign such renewal, upon motion
by 01. Scott, seconded by Cl. Barnes, which carried.
POLIOE 0FFIGER'S MACHINE DAMAGED: A bill frcan Sam McPherson, of San Diego, for the
repair of Officer Patterson's motorcycle, in the amount of $??.44, was referred to Council-
STREET LIGHT: A petition for another street light at the intersection of Church
Avenue and Davidson Street, was denied for the reason that there is a street light at
the intersectio~ of Twin Oaks Ave., and Davidson street.
PERIODIOALREPORTS: The monthly reports of the city Judge and fib chief for the
month of August, 192~, was ordered received and filed.
OOItTRAOTGR'S BONI]~: ~onds of Hcmleland Building Company, ~nd the V. G. Blank Roof-
lng Company, ae roofing contractors, upon the reco~mme_ndation of the cit~ attorney, were
approved, upon motion of Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried.
CEhT~ STREET EXTENSION: In this matter, the city attorney stated that it will
be necessary to go into court to have the title to a portion of this extension quieted,
and 01. Scott offered Resolution No. 294, It was read, and was passed, adopted and
approved, as read, by the following vote, to wit: A~ES: 01. Barnes, Peters, Scott,
Lyons, Hawkins. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
BILL PAID: The following hills, ~fter ex,m!nation by thelfinanco c~lttee,
were, on motion by Gl. Scott, seconded by 01. Borneo, which carried, c~dered paid:
?298 F. B. Andrews, City Attorney, Aug., 1929, $125.00
?299 S. D. Tractor 0o.
?~00 Hazard-Gould & 0o.
7501 0. S. Timmona,
7502 S. D. Office Supply
?505 Carlson ~ Simpson,
7304 E. 0. Upp,
?505 H.G. FentonMaterial 0o.
?~06 Pac. Telep. end Telegr. 0o.
?S07 Meter Hdw. -~ Equip. 0o.
?508 Ch-mberlin Ins. 0o.
?509 Calif. Laundries,
7310 PayRoll,
7Sll Pay Roll,
7512 Street ~nployes, PayRoll,
7513 Bungalow Sweet Shop,
7~14 Denrich Press,
7515 Victor Teesitore,
7516 O~-~les E. Smith,
7517 Hughes & Johnson,
?51SLaM ess Scout,
7519 AutocarSales and Sar. 0o.
7~0 0. V. ~tor Sales
?~21 2~. C. Elliott,
?322 F. E. Ashc~oft,
752S Skinner Oompany,
7324 Otto Stang,
?525 S. W. Water GO.,
7326 Union Oil Company,
?S27 C. V. Star,
?528 Pac. Acetylene 0o.,
?529 S. D. Gas and Electric
?530 Homeland Building Co.,
Tractor Parts, ~.00
Belt Repairs, 1.20
Purchase of Stamped F. uvelopes,
Office Supplies, 7.10
Electric WLving and Supplies,
~wlng Assesmaent, S. W. No. 4,
Pea Gravel,
Phone Se~vioe, August, 19~9, ~5.45
Motor Supplies, 12.4~
Motor Vehicle Insurance, 710.45
Laundry for city Jail, .77
Sewer Employes, Aug., 19~9,
Micl. do. ~078.90
Street do. 11~4.10
Feeding Prisoners, Aug., 19~9, 5.95
Printing, 39.6~
Paving Alley, 70.50
Call Men, Fire Dept., Aug., 1929, 12.00
Drinking Fountain and fittings, ~8.65
Printing bonds, SW. No. 4, ~5.00
Truck RepirParts, 11.69
Motor Repair Parts, 9.13
Hire of Horse, Aug., 1929,
Medical Ex. of alleged drunks, 217.00
~ce Material and supplies, 81.29
Blacksmith Work,
Water, August, 19~, 252.?5
Gasoline -~ 0ils, Aug., 1929, 278.8~
Printing and Publication, 199.75
Acetylene, 9.01
Street Signs, Aug., 1929, 4.70
Dy~s~nite, do. 2~.00
ADJ0~RN~: Upon motion by Cl. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Lyons, which carried,
the Council adjourned to ?:50 p.m., September 9, 1929.
Oity 01erk.