HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1929/09/10UINUTES OF AN AI~TOURNED REGULAR ~ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, ~TI~.T,I~ SEPTEMBER 10, 1929 The Council met, pursuant to adjournment, in the Council Chamber of the City Emil, on the above date, with Mayor Peters presiding. ~eting called to order at 7:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Peters, Councilmen Barnes, Hawkins, Lyons Scott. SPECIAL EI2CTION: The Oouncil took up the matter of canvassing the votes of the special election, held September ~, 19~9, which work was continued from the meeting of September 9, 19~9. ~he clerk presented the "Result of Votes Cast" as filed with him by the election boards of Consolidated Precincts A and~. The n~m~ber of votes cast for each proposition su~mitted were inspected and checked. ~o complete the canvass of the votes cast, Oounollman Scott offered Resolution No. 295, which ia a resolution stating the re- sult of the canvass of the election returns, and is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 295. / RESOLUTION 0E T~i~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, STATING THE RESULT OF T~E CANVASS OF THE ELECTION RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL ~I~CTIONS SEP~ ~, WHE~EA~, certain special elections for the purpose of voting upon propositions to issue bonds and for the purpose of voting upon a proposition to convey tide lands were by notices and by ordinance No. 199, duly called to be held in the City of 0hula Vista, on September 3, 19~; and ~m~EAS, the said eleotione were on the maid date held at the polling places des- ignated in the notices calling the said election between the hours of $ o'clock A. and 7 o'oloek P. M., and said elections were duly and regularly held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat canvassed and the returns thereof made at the time and in the manner and form provided by law; and WH~E~S, this Oity Council met on the 9th day of September,1929, at ?:~0 o'clock P. M., in the City M-!i of said city and continued the canvass of said returns to the 10th day of September, 1~, at the hour of 7:~O o'clock P. M., at the City Hall of said city, and said City Coanoil has met at said time and place and canvassed the returns of said election. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of said City, that a special bond aleotion for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said city, the propositions next hereinafter sst forth, has been duly and regularly held, and that the propositions voted upon thereat are as follows: Proposit&on A: Shall the City of Gauls Vista incur a bonded indebtedness of $100,O00.GO to improve the following described tide lands held by said city, to-wit: All that portion of the tide lands, below described, lying west of Quarter See- tions 169, 170 and l?l, of Chula Vista, as said Quarter sections are shown on Map No. 505, recorded in the office of the County ~ecorder of San Diego County, March lS, 1888, lylnt within the following desoribad lines, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the mean high tide line of San Diego Bay, 170 feet South- srlyerlymeasured at right angles from the Northerly line of said Quarter Section l?l; thence Westerly along a line parallel with the Northerly line of said ~uarter Section l?l, to the bulkhead line established by the United States Government; thenoe in a Southerly direction along said bulkhead line and prolongation thereof, a distance of 6170 feet to a point in a line parallel with and ~60 feet Northerly measured at right angles from the center line of said Quarter section 169; thence Easterly along said last men- tioned parallel line to said mean hight tide line of San Diego Bay; thence Northerly along maid line of mean high tide to the point of beginning, EXOEPTING ANDRESERVING to the Oity of Chula Vista therefr(ma, a tight of way over the Southwesterly ZOO feet thereof, by the eonel~ruction of the following improvement, to-wit: ~ha filling of the aforesaid tide lands, including all necessary dredging to pre- pare the said tide lands for an air depot to be granted, am so improved, by the City of Ohula Vista to the United States of Am-fica, to be used by the War Depar1~ment thereof, for its use as an air depot. Proposition B: Shall the City of Chula Vista incur a bonded indebtedness of $45,000.00 for the construction of a certain municipal improvement in the City of Ohula Vista, to-wit: The construction of an addition to and the reconstruction of a portion of the public library building of said City of Chula Vista, including the acquisition and con- struotion of all necesssz-ymatarials and appliances therefor? IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that from the canvass of said returns it appears and this City Oouneil finds that the whole number of votes cast in said city at said election Xs ?14; that the total number of votes east in Consolidated Precinct A, were ~?Z; that the total number cast in Consolidated Precinct B, was 5¢Z; that the number of votes east in said Consolidated Precincts A for Proposition A was ~05, and against propoeition A was ~?; that the n,.abar east for Proposition B was ~ZO, and against Proposition B was let; that the total number of ~otes cast in said Consolidated Precinct B for Proposi- ~ion ~, was ~65, and aginst Proposition A was 68; that the number east fo~- Proposition B was 160 and against Proposition B was 1~?; that the total number of votes cast in ~eting of September 10, 1929, Continued. said city for i~roposition A was 568; that the total number of votes cast againe Prop- osition A was 115; that the total ntnnber of votes east in said city for l~oposition B was 380; that the total number of votes east against Proposition B was 260. IT ~ ~ ~0L~ ~t the votes of m~e t~an ~o-~lrds of ~1 of the voters votl~ at said e~ctlon were in fav~ of the adoption of ~opo~iti~ A. Said proposition is dec.red o~ied. ~t the votes of ~aa ~ ~wo-th~s of the voters at aai~ election were In favor of ~e adoption of ~opoaition B, and ~at said ~op- osition B has not o~rle~. IT ~ ~ ~OL~ ~T at the apeci~ election c~d by notices the fol- lowi~ ~oposition was su~it~ed: ~0POSITION 0. S~ll ~he City of Oh~ Vista ~t to the ~lted States of ~rica, for the use of the W~ ~p~ment thereof, as ~ air depot, ~e followl~ described ti~e l~ds, t~wi t: ~ Shat portion of the tl~e l~ds below des~ibed, ~d lyl~ west of Q~tar Sec- tions 169, 170 ~d 171, of 0h~a Vista, as sai~ Q~t~ Seations ~e ~n on ~p No. 505, recorded in t~ o~lce of the 0o~y Recorder of S~ Diego Co~, ~ch 13, 1~. ~i~ ~thin ~e followi~ described lines: ~gl~i~ at a point ~ the ~ h~h tide line of S~ Diego B~, 170 feet Souther~ ~as~ed at ri~t a~lea ~ the Nor~erly line of said Q~tar Section 171; thence Westerly ~o~ a llnep~lel with the N~th~ line of said Q~ter Section 171 to the b~ead line established by the United Stqtes ~ver~ent; thence in a Southerly ~rection ~o~ said b~lk~ead line ~d prevention thereof, a dist~ee of $170 feet to a point in a line p~lel wi~ ~d 2~0 feet Nor~erly, ~as~ed at rl~t ~ea ~ ~e center line of said Q~ter Section 1~9; thence Eastar~ ~o~ said last mentioned p~allel line to said ~ hight tide line of S~ Diego ~; thence Northerly ~o~ sai~ line of me~ hi~ tide tothe point of begi~i~; ~0~ ~ ~VING to the 01ty of 0h~a Vista ~ere~, a right-of-w~ over the Southwester~ ~00 feet thereof, as ~r~ed by the e~endi~e of the proceeds of a bond issue not to exceed $100,000.00, for t~ fllli~ of said tide l~ds, includi~ all neceas~y ~e~- ing to prepare s~e for ~ air depot, That the polls fc~ said election remained open between the hours required by law and by the notice of said election heretofore given; that the returns of said election were duly canvassed and declared as required by law and that said election was held and conducted as required by 1~ and the returns thereof made as required by law; that at said election the total n~nber of votes cast in said city was 667; that the total n~nber of votes cast in said city for said Proposition C, was 552; that the ~otal ntwaher of votes cast against said Proposition C, was 115; that the n~unber of votes cast in Consolidated Precinct A for said proposition C was ~01 and aginet said P Proposition C was 42; that the number of votes cast in 0onaolidated Precinct B for saidProposition C was 2§1 and agaiuet said Proposition C was 73. IT IS FURTH~ RESOLV~ that the votes of mc~e than a majority of all the voters at said election were cast in favor of the adoption of said Proposition C, and sai~ Proposition C ia hereby declared to be carria~[. AD01~£~, SIGNED AND APPROVED ~t~IS 10th day of SeptemBer, 19~. ATTEST: C. S. TI~01~S, City Clerk. W. H. PET~HS, Mayor of, and President of the City Council of, the City of Chula Vista, California. The foregoing resolution was adopted and approved by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Counoilmen Lyons, Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Scott. NO~: Oouncilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. The city alark then presented a Statement of Clerk, which was read, and is ae follows: STATE~ OF CLERE. I, C. S. TI~NS, Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, Calif~rnia, do hereby cer- tify and declare that two special elections were duly and regularly held in said city on Septe~er 3, 1929, to vote upon the propositions hereinafter stated as Propositions A A.a B, being the propositions voted upon at the bond election; and Proposition C, being the p~oposition voted upon at the other special election; that the propositions set forth in tho notices and ordinances calling the sai~ elections and stated on the ballot used as said elections are as follows: Proposition A: Shall the City of Chula Vista incur a bonded indebtednees of $100,000.00 to i~rove the following described tide lands held by said city, to-wit: Meeting of September 10, 1929, Continued. Ail that p~rtion of the tide lands, b~Low described, lying west of Quarter Sections 169, 170 and 171, of Chula Vista, as said Quarter Sections are shown on Map No. 505, re- corded in the office of the County Rocca-der of San Diego County, March 15, 1~88, lying within the following described lines to-wit: Beginning at a point on the mean high tide line of San Diego Bay, 170 feet Southerly measured at right angles from the Northerly line of said Quarter Section 17~; thenee Westerly along a line parallel with the Northerly line of said ~,m~tar Seoion 171 to the b-l~ead line established by the United States Government; thence in a Ioutherly direc- tion along said billhead line and prolongation thereof a distance of 6170 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 260 feet Northerly measured at right englee f~om the center line of said Quarter Section 1691 thenee Easterly along said last mentioned parallel line to said mean hightide line of San Deigo Bay; thence Northerly along said line of mean high tide to the point of beginning, ~ING ANDRE SErVING to the City of Chula Vista theref~mm, a right of way over the Southwesterly 200 feet thereof, by the construc- tion of the following tmp. rovement, to-lit: The filling of the aforesaid tide lands, including all neceesary dredging to pre- pq~e the said tide lands for an air depot to be granted, aa so improved, by the City of 0hula Vista to the United States of ~nerica, to be used by the War Department thereof, for its use as an air depot. Proposition B: Shall the City c~ Chula Vista incur a bon~ed indebtedness of $45,000.00 for the construction of a certain municipal improvement in the City of0hula Vista, to-wit: The construction of an addition to and the reconstruction of a portion of tho public library Building of said City ~' Chula Vista, including the acquisition and construction of all necessary materials and appliance therefor? Proposition 0: Shall the City of Chula Vista grant to the united States of America for u~e of the War Department thereof, aa an air depot, the following described tide lands, to-wit: Ail that portion of the tide lands below described, and lying West of Quarter Sec- tions 169, 170 and 171, of 0hula Vista, as said Quarter Sections are shown on Map No. 50~, recorded in the office of the 0ounty Recorder of SanDiego County, March 13, lying within the following described lines: Beginning at a point on the mean high tide line of San Diego Bay, 170 feet Southerly measured at right angles from the Northerly line of said Quarter Section 171; thence Westerly along a line parallel with the Northerly line of eaid Quarter Section 17;, to the bulkhead line established by the United States Government; thence in a Southerly direction along said bulkhead line and prolongation thereof, .a distance of 6170 feet to apoint in a line parallel with and 260 feet North- erly, measured at right angles from ~ center line of said Quarter Section 169; thence Easterly along eald last mentioned parallel line to said mean high tide line of Sen Diego B~y; 6h&nce Northerly along said line of mean hight tide to the point of beginning; EXo~ING ~NDRESERVING to the City ~ Chula Vista therefrnm, a right-of-way over the Southwesterly 200 feet thereof, as improved by the expenditure of the proceeds of a bond issue issue not to exceed $100,000.00 for the filling of said tide lands, including all necessary ~Lrsdging to prepare same for an air depot. I further certify that the returns of said elections have been duly and regularly made and have been duly and regularly canvassed by the City Council of the City c~ Ohula Vista at its meeting held September 10, 1929, at 7:~0 o'clock P. M., at the usual meet- lng palco of said Council in the 0ity Hall in said City. F~c~ said returns it appears and said Council has found that the whole number of votes cast in said 01ty of Chula Vista at the bond election was 714; that the total n~m~er of votes cast in Oonsoll~atedPre- cinct A was ~72; that the total n~m~bsr of votes cast in Consolidated Precinct B was 342; that the nomber of votes cast in Consolidated Precinct A for Proposition A was and against Proposition A was 4?; that the number of votes cast in 0onsolidatedpre- cinet A for Proposition B was 220; and agains Proposition B was lpg; that the number of votes cast in Consolidated Precinct B for Proposition A was 263, and against Proposition A was ~8; that the number of votes cast in Consolidated Precinct B for Proposition B was 160, and against Proposition B was 137; that the total number o~ votes cast in said city fc~ Proposition A was 5~8, and the total number of votes cast against Proposition A was 115; that the total number of votes cast in said city for Proposition B was 580, and the total number of votes against Proposition B was 260; that Proposition A carried and that Proposition B did not carry; that the total number of votes cqst in said City on Proposition C was 66?; that the total number of ~otes cast for Proposition C was 5§2, and the total number of votes cast againstproposition C was 11~; that the number of votes cast in Consolidated Precinct A on said Proposition C was 343; that the number of votes east in Consolidated Precinct B on said Proposition C was 324; that the nnmber of votes cast in Consolidated Precinct A for Proposition C was 301, and against Proposition C was 42; that the n,,mber of votes cast in 0onsolidatedPrecinot B for Proposition 0 was 251, and against Proposition C was ?3; that the votes of more than a majority of all the vetoes voting at said election were cast in favor of said Propostion 0 and said Proposi- tion C carried. I do further certify that the foregoing statement is a full, true and correct statement of the facts of said canvass and of the result of said elections and that as Meeting of September 10, 1929, Continued. soon as the result was decl-~ed, said statement of result was duly entered on the minutes of said Council by me, the Clerk of said Council. Entered September 10, 1929. C. S. Tll~Agk~, City Clerk of the City of Chml~ :' i Vista, california. ~UDGET FOR TAX YEAR 192g-19~0: After discussion of the various amounts re- quested by the several departments of the cit~, government, the following budget wae adopted for the taxx year 1929-19~0, viz: General Government: City Clerk and Tax Collector, $3000.00 City Attorney, 1500.00 City Yudge, 1800.00 City Court Olerk 1200.00 City T~eaeurer, 1100.00 Printing ,mt Publishing, 600.00 Compensation Insurance, 1075.00 Gas and Electricity for City Hall Building, ~85.00 Telephone, CitV Clerk's Office, ?0.00 Prami~w,a on CilV Officials' Bonds, 85.00 General Miscellaneous .:~2~50.00 Total Police Department: Chief of Police, 2880.00' Assistant Chief of Police 2700.00. Two Motorcycle Officers, 5~80.00- Day Patrolman, (Emergency Motor Officer) 2040.00, Night Patrolman, (Rides Traffic 2 Hours) 1580.00, Extra Motorcycle 0ffieer, Part T~ma, S00.00 Police Matron, lO00.00 Mileage, Official use of privately owned cars, ~00.00 Meals for Prisoners confined in city Jail, 200.00 Impounding Fees, For strays, 150.00 Telephone Service, including extra installations 400.00 Repairs to Motorcycle and Automobiles, wrecked in aotlie~Ons, in line of du~y, 500.00 Insurance on Police Vehicles, ~?S.00 General Contingency, 200.00 Total 17~08.00 Fire Department: Fire Hydrant Rentals Repairs and General ~-~ntenance, Pneumatic Tires on Fire Truck, Salaries, Fire Chief, (Chief Engineer) Assistant Chief ~agineer, First Engineer~ Call Men Attending Fires and Drille, Fire Hose and Other Equipment, Telephone Service, Elect~rlcity for Siren, Chemical Recharges, Insuramce on Motor Equipment, General Contingency, Total 200.00 5AO.O0 ~SO.O0 1980.00 1920.00 500.00 500.00 50.00 60.00 20.00 11~,.00 50.00 1066S.00 Medical Department: Salary of Ci~, Health 0fficer, Community Nurse, 10MOs. $ $85.00 2 Mos. ~ 170.00 Transportation f~ Nurse, Miscellaneous Medical Supplies, Total 900.00 850.00 340.00 125.00 50.00 2265.00 Meeting of Sept-_mber 10, 1929, Continued. Street Department: Salaries, Street Superintendent, Mechanic, Tractor Drivers, etc. Gasolin- ami Lubricants, 2.859.00 Repairs ~o ~quipment, 1S76.00 Street Lights, 6000.00 Engineer Work, 2~30.00 Telephone Se~vics, 38.00 Street Sprinkling, 400.00 Water, 30.00 Electricity, for Street Signs, and Supt's Residence, 110.00 Insurance on Equipment, 250.00 Officials' Bonds, 5.00 General ~-tntsnmmce of Highways, Miscellaneous, 7?5.00 Total The foregoing budget was adopted upon motion by Cl. Itawkins, seconded by 01. Barnes, w~loh carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: 01. Hawkins, Barnes, Peters, Lyons. NOES: 01. Scott. ABSENT: None. During the process of inves~%gg~ting and discussing th~ different department expenditures of the foregoing budget, OI,~]d~ved thatthe Police p~rso,nel be not increased over t he present forow, unless emargencie~ arise, and that this budget be made accordingl$, The motion was lost for went of a second. ADVERTISING FUND: Upon motion by Cl. Hawkins, seconded by Cl. Scott, which carrie, d, it was decided to expend 3 cents of the authorized advertising and pr~motion fund through the Ohe~ber of Commerce of this city. This expenditure, however, to be made only on bills 0. K'd by the Oh-mbar of ¢~,~rce directors, and presented to the City Clerk to be vouchared. The amount made available under this arrangement is GRDINANOE No. BOO: Upon motion by Cl. Lyons, seconded by Cl. Hawkins, which carried, Ordinance No. ~-00 was placed on its first reading. This is an ordinance fixing the tax rate for the year 1929-19~0. BITSm PAID: Upon motion by Cl. Scott, seconded by 01. Barnes, which carried, the following bills, after examination by the finance cm"mittee, were c~dsred paid: 7SS1 Florence E. Shadingar, Election Officer, $?.50 7332 May T. Lusen do. 7.50 7333 Lovenia Campbell, do. 7.50 73S4 ~thel Likes, do. 7.50 ?S35 0la M. Fuqua, do. 7.50 7335 Mabel Sackson, do. 7.50 7337 Ylorence B. Edwards, do. 7.50 7338 Fern 0. Helm, do. ?.50 733g Guptil & Sabin, ~ae~emee-®a Bond of Street Supt. 10.00 ?340 Orchard Operating Company, Hire of Mules, 27.50 7341 Nelson & Slosh, Purchase of Gravel, .?5 734~ Murray M. Campbell, Insurance on Street Equipment, 15.00 ?343 O. V. Paint and Hdw. Store, Paint and Hardware, 22.3~ ADY0URN~AN~: Upon motion by 01. Barnes, seconded by Cl. Scott, which carried, the Council adjourned to S:C0 $.m., September 18, 1929. Attest: 0ity Clerk..